15 research outputs found

    Byrsonima Crassa Niedenzu (ik): Antimicrobial Activity And Chemical Study

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    The methanolic extract of leaves from Byrsonima crassa, a Brazilian medicinal plant, was analyzed by CC and HPLC. Four constituents were isolated and identified as quercetin, methyl gallate, (-)-epigallocatechin gallate and quercetin-3-O-(2″-galloyl)-α-L-arabinopyranoside. The methanolic and hydromethanolic extract, as well as fractions, were evaluated regarding their possible antimicrobial activity using in vitro methods. Results showed that both extracts and fractions exhibited significant antimicrobial activity against all tested strains.2617175Agrawal, P.K., (1989) Carbon 13NMR of Flavonoids, , Amsterdam:ElsevierAlzoreky, N.S., Nakahara, K., Antibacterial activity of extracts from some edible plants commonly consumed in Asia (2003) Int J Food Microbiol, 80, pp. 223-230Amarqiuise, A., Che, C.T., Bejar, E., Malone, M.H., Fong, H.H.S., A New Glycolipid from Byrsonima crassifolia (1994) Planta Med, 60, pp. 85-86Basile, A., Sorbo, S., Giordano, S., Ricciardi, L., Ferrara, S., Montesano, D., Cobianchi, R.C., Ferrara, L., Antibacterial and allelopathic activity of extract from Castanea sativa leaves (2000) Fitoterapia, 71, pp. S110-S116Bauer, A.W., Kirby, M.D.K., Sherries, J.C., Truck, M., Antibiotic susceptibilities testing by standard single disc diffusion method (1966) Am J Clin Pathol, 45, pp. 493-496Bejar, E., Amarquaye, A., Che, C.T., Malone, M.H., Fong, H.H.S., Constituents of Byrsonima crassifolia and their spasmogenic activity (1995) Int J Pharmacog, 33, pp. 25-32Binutu, O.A., Cordell, G.A., Gallic acid derivatives from Mezoneuron benthamianum leaves (2000) Pharm Biol, 38, pp. 284-286Djipa, C.D., Delmee, M., Quetin-Leclercq, J., Antimicrobial activity of bark extracts of Syzygium jambos (L.) Alston (Myrtaceae) (2000) J Ethnopharmacol, 71, pp. 307-313Geiss, F., Heinrich, M., Hunkler, D., Rimpler, H., Heinrich, M., Proanthocyanidins with (+)-epicatechin units from Byrsonima crassifolia bark (1995) Phytochemistry, 39, pp. 635-643Gottlieb, O.R., Henriques Mendes, P., Taveira Magalhães, M., Triterpenoids from Byrsonima verbascifolia (1975) Phytochemistry, 14, pp. 1456-1456Harborne, J.B., (1996) The Flavonoids: Advances in Research since 1986, , New York:Chapman & HallLopez, A., Hudson, J.B., Towers, G.H.N., Antiviral and antimicrobial activities of Colombian medicinal plants (2001) J Ethnopharmacol, 77, pp. 189-196Martínez-Vasquéz, M., González-Esquinca, A.R., Cazares Luna, L., Moreno Gutiérrez, M.N., García-Argáez, A.N., Antimicrobial activity of Byrsonima crassifolia (L.) H.B.K (1999) J Ethnopharmacol, 66, pp. 79-82Mendes, C.C., Cruz, F.G., David, J.M., Nascimento, I.P., David, J.P., Triterpenes esterified with fatty acid and triterpene acids isolated from Byrsonima microphylla (1999) Quím Nova, 22, pp. 185-188Nascimento, G.G.F., Locatelli, J., Freitas, P.C., Silva, G.L., Antibacterial activity of plants extracts and phytochemicals on antibiotic-resistant bacteria (2000) Braz J Microbiol, 31, pp. 247-256(2003) Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Disc Susceptibility Tests, , Approved Standard M2-A7, Pennsylvania:WaynePenna, C., Marino, S., Vivot, E., Cruanes, M.C., Munoz, J.D., Cruanes, J., Ferraro, G., Martino, V., Antimicrobial activity of Argentine plants used in the treatment of infectious diseases. Isolation of active compounds from Sebastiania brasiliensis (2001) J Ethnopharmacol, 77, pp. 37-40Pretorius, J.C., Magama, S., Zietsman, P.C., Purification and identification of antibacterial compounds from Euclea crispa subsp crispa (Ebenaceae) leaves (2003) S Afr J Bot, 69, pp. 579-586Rastrelli, L., De Tommasi, N., Berger, I., Caceres, A., Saravia, A., De Simone, F., Glycolipids from Byrsonima crassifolia (1997) Phytochemistry, 45, pp. 647-650Sannomiya, M., Rodrigues, C.M., Coelho, R.G., Santos, L.C., Hiruma-Lima, C.A., Souza Brito, A.R.M., Vilegas, W., Application of preparative high-speed counter-current chromatography for the separation of flavonoids from the leaves of Byrsonima crassa Niedenzu (IK) (2004) J Chromatogr A, 1035, pp. 47-51Sannomiya, M., Fonseca, V.B., Da Silva, M.A., Rocha, L.R.M., Dos Santos, L.C., Souza, H.C.A., Brito, A.R.M., Vilegas, W., Flavonoids and antiulcerogenic activity from Byrsonima crassa leaves extracts (2005) J Ethnopharmacol, 97, pp. 1-6Silva, S.R., Silva, A.P., Munhoz, C.B., Silva Jr., M.C., Medeiros, M.B., (2001) Guia de Plantas Do Cerrado Utilizadas Na Chapada Dos Veadeiros, , Brasília:WWF58pSrinivasan, D., Nathan, S., Suresh, T., Perumalsamy, P.L., Antimicrobial activity of certain Indian medicinal plants used in folkloric medicine (2001) J Ethnopharmacol, 74, pp. 217-220Wagner, H., Bladt, H., Zgainski, E.M., (1984) Plant Drug Analysis, , Berlin:Springer320

    The long-time dynamics of two hydrodynamically-coupled swimming cells

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    Swimming micro-organisms such as bacteria or spermatozoa are typically found in dense suspensions, and exhibit collective modes of locomotion qualitatively different from that displayed by isolated cells. In the dilute limit where fluid-mediated interactions can be treated rigorously, the long-time hydrodynamics of a collection of cells result from interactions with many other cells, and as such typically eludes an analytical approach. Here we consider the only case where such problem can be treated rigorously analytically, namely when the cells have spatially confined trajectories, such as the spermatozoa of some marine invertebrates. We consider two spherical cells swimming, when isolated, with arbitrary circular trajectories, and derive the long-time kinematics of their relative locomotion. We show that in the dilute limit where the cells are much further away than their size, and the size of their circular motion, a separation of time scale occurs between a fast (intrinsic) swimming time, and a slow time where hydrodynamic interactions lead to change in the relative position and orientation of the swimmers. We perform a multiple-scale analysis and derive the effective dynamical system - of dimension two - describing the long-time behavior of the pair of cells. We show that the system displays one type of equilibrium, and two types of rotational equilibrium, all of which are found to be unstable. A detailed mathematical analysis of the dynamical systems further allows us to show that only two cell-cell behaviors are possible in the limit of tt\to\infty, either the cells are attracted to each other (possibly monotonically), or they are repelled (possibly monotonically as well), which we confirm with numerical computations

    Toxicology and safety of the tincture of Operculina alata in patients with functional constipation

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    The tincture of Operculina alata, popularly known as "tincture of jalapa", is used in Northeast Brazil to treat constipation and encephalic vascular accident, but it has not yet been adequately tested for safety and efficacy. The aim of this study was to evaluate the toxicology and safety of the tincture of O. alata in patients with functional constipation. This was a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial. The study consisted of three phases: pre-treatment, treatment and post-treatment, each phase with duration of seven days. Arterial pressure, heart rate, body weight, adverse events, hematological, metabolic, liver and kidney functions were monitored. Forty patients were randomized to receive tincture of O. alata and 43 patients to receive placebo. There were statistical differences in the clinical aspects between groups, but these changes were not considered clinically significant. Adverse events were considered not serious and of mild intensity, especially dizziness, headache, abdominal pain and nausea. This clinical trial confirmed the safety of the tincture of O. alata in the pharmaceutical form and dosage tested, allowing the product to be safely used in a larger population for the assessment of its clinical efficacy.A tintura de Operculina alata, popularmente conhecida como "tintura de jalapa", é usada no Nordeste do Brasil para tratar constipação intestinal e acidente vascular encefálico, mas sua eficácia e segurança ainda não foram confirmadas. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a toxicologia e segurança da tintura de O. alata em pacientes com constipação intestinal funcional. Este foi um ensaio clínico duplo-cego, randomizado e controlado por placebo. O estudo consistiu de três fases: pré-tratamento, tratamento e pós-tratamento, cada fase com duração de sete dias. Foram monitorizados a pressão arterial, frequência cardíaca, peso corporal, eventos adversos e funções hematológica, metabólica, hepática e renal. Quarenta pacientes foram randomizados para receber tintura de O. alata e 43 pacientes para receber placebo. Houve diferenças estatísticas nos aspectos clínicos entre os grupos, contudo, estas mudanças não foram consideradas clinicamente significativas. Eventos adversos foram considerados não sérios e de leve intensidade, especialmente, cefaléia, tontura, dor abdominal e náusea. Este ensaio clínico confirmou a segurança da tintura de O. alata na forma farmacêutica e dosagem testada, permitindo que o produto seja testado em população maior para determinar sua eficácia clínica

    Antimicrobial activity of Davilla elliptica St. Hill (Dilleniaceae)

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    Davilla elliptica St. Hill ("lixinha"), family Dilleniaceae, is commonly used in the Brazilian folk medicine as purgative and stimulant. This work evaluated the antimicrobial activity of the methanol and chloroform extracts of the leaves and barks of D. elliptica using the disc-diffusion method. The results obtained showed that the methanolic extracts of the leaves and barks presented antimicrobial activity against the tested microorganisms