1,646 research outputs found

    Testing for a Debt-Threshold Effect on Output Growth

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    © 2017 The Authors. Fiscal Studies published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. on behalf of Institute for Fiscal Studies Using the Reinhart–Rogoff dataset, we find a debt threshold not around 90 per cent but around 30 per cent, above which the median real gross domestic product (GDP) growth falls abruptly. Our work is the first to formally test for threshold effects in the relationship between public debt and median real GDP growth. The null hypothesis of no threshold effect is rejected at the 5 per cent significance level for most cases. While we find no evidence of a threshold around 90 per cent, our findings from the post-war sample suggest that the debt threshold for economic growth may exist around a relatively small debt-to-GDP ratio of 30 per cent. Furthermore, countries with debt-to-GDP ratios above 30 per cent have GDP growth that is 1 percentage point lower at the median

    Oracle Estimation of a Change Point in High-Dimensional Quantile Regression

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    © 2018, © 2018 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis. © 2018, © Sokbae Lee, Yuan Liao, Myung Hwan Seo and Youngki Shin. In this article, we consider a high-dimensional quantile regression model where the sparsity structure may differ between two sub-populations. We develop ℓ1-penalized estimators of both regression coefficients and the threshold parameter. Our penalized estimators not only select covariates but also discriminate between a model with homogenous sparsity and a model with a change point. As a result, it is not necessary to know or pretest whether the change point is present, or where it occurs. Our estimator of the change point achieves an oracle property in the sense that its asymptotic distribution is the same as if the unknown active sets of regression coefficients were known. Importantly, we establish this oracle property without a perfect covariate selection, thereby avoiding the need for the minimum level condition on the signals of active covariates. Dealing with high-dimensional quantile regression with an unknown change point calls for a new proof technique since the quantile loss function is nonsmooth and furthermore the corresponding objective function is nonconvex with respect to the change point. The technique developed in this article is applicable to a general M-estimation framework with a change point, which may be of independent interest. The proposed methods are then illustrated via Monte Carlo experiments and an application to tipping in the dynamics of racial segregation. Supplementary materials for this article are available online

    Thermoelectric properties of Al-doped mesoporous ZnO thin films

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    Al-doped mesoporous ZnO thin films were synthesized by a sol-gel process and an evaporation-induced self-assembly process. In this work, the effects of Al doping concentration on the electrical conductivity and characterization of mesoporous ZnO thin films were investigated. By changing the Al doping concentration, ZnO grain growth is inhibited, and the mesoporous structure of ZnO is maintained during a relatively high temperature annealing process. The porosity of Al-doped mesoporous ZnO thin films increased slightly with increasing Al doping concentration. Finally, as electrical conductivity was increased as electrons were freed and pore structure was maintained by inhibiting grain growth, the thermoelectric property was enhanced with increasing Al concentration. © 2013 Min-Hee Hong et al

    Effect of surfactant concentration variation on the thermoelectric properties of mesoporous ZnO

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    The electrical and thermal conductivities and the Seebeck coefficient of mesoporous ZnO thin films were investigated to determine the change of their thermoelectric properties by controlling surfactant concentration in the mesoporous ZnO films, because the thermoelectric properties of mesoporous ZnO films can be influenced by the porosity of the mesoporous structures, which is primarily determined by surfactant concentration in the films. Mesoporous ZnO thin films were successfully synthesized by using sol-gel and evaporation-induced self-assembly processes. Zinc acetate dihydrate and Brij-76 were used as the starting material and pore structure-forming template, respectively. The porosity of mesoporous ZnO thin films increased from 29% to 40% with increasing surfactant molar ratio. Porosity can be easily altered by controlling the molar ratio of surfactant/precursor. The electrical and thermal conductivity and Seebeck coefficients showed a close correlation with the porosity of the films, indicating that the thermoelectric properties of thin films can be changed by altering their porosity. Mesoporous ZnO thin films with the highest porosity had the best thermoelectric properties (the lowest thermal conductivity and the highest Seebeck coefficient) of the films examined. © 2013 Min-Hee Hong et al

    The Ship Management Firm Selection: The Case of South Korea

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    Although extant literature has stressed importance of the use of ship management and identified the selection factors, relative evaluation of comprehensive selection factors is found to be lacking. This study aims to evaluate the overall performance and rank of the ship management firms by adopting an integrated model of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Fuzzy Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (FTOPSIS) in order to support the critical decision making on SMF selection based on multiple criteria. This study contributes to enhancing the selection criteria of ship management firms by the ship-owners, and at the same time identifies the areas that the ship management firms require to improve their service standards. The result indicates that competency is the most important criterion, followed by cost, courtesy, organisation characteristics and image

    Active Immunization with Extracellular Vesicles Derived from Staphylococcus aureus Effectively Protects against Staphylococcal Lung Infections, Mainly via Th1 Cell-Mediated Immunity

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    Staphylococcus aureus is an important pathogenic bacterium that causes various infectious diseases. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) released from S. aureus contain bacterial proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids. These EVs can induce immune responses leading to similar symptoms as during staphylococcal infection condition and have the potential as vaccination agent. Here, we show that active immunization (vaccination) with S. aureus-derived EVs induce adaptive immunity of antibody and T cell responses. In addition, these EVs have the vaccine adjuvant ability to induce protective immunity such as the up-regulation of co-stimulatory molecules and the expression of T cell polarizing cytokines in antigen-presenting cells. Moreover, vaccination with S. aureus EVs conferred protection against lethality induced by airway challenge with lethal dose of S. aureus and also pneumonia induced by the administration of sub-lethal dose of S. aureus. These protective effects were also found in mice that were adoptively transferred with splenic T cells isolated from S. aureus EV-immunized mice, but not in serum transferred mice. Furthermore, this protective effect of S. aureus EVs was significantly reduced by the absence of interferon-gamma, but not by the absence of interleukin-17. Together, the study herein suggests that S. aureus EVs are a novel vaccine candidate against S. aureus infections, mainly via Th1 cellular response.111814Ysciescopu

    Ultrasonographic Contrast and Therapeutic Effects of Hydrogen Peroxide-Responsive Nanoparticles in a Rat Model with Sciatic Neuritis

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    Da-Sol Kim,1,2,* Nam-Gyu Jo,3,* Dong-Won Lee,4,5 Myoung-Hwan Ko,1,2 Jeong-Hwan Seo,1,2 Gi-Wook Kim1,2,4 1Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Jeonbuk National University Medical School, Jeonju, Republic of Korea; 2Research Institute of Clinical Medicine of Jeonbuk National University-Biomedical Research Institute of Jeonbuk National University Hospital, Jeonju, Republic of Korea; 3Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Hansol Convalescence Rehabilitation Hospital, Jeonju, Republic of Korea; 4Department of Bionanotechnology and Bioconvergence Engineering, Jeonbuk National University, Jeonju, Republic of Korea; 5Department of Polymer Nano Science and Technology, Jeonbuk National University, Jeonju, Republic of Korea*These authors contributed equally to this workCorrespondence: Gi-Wook Kim, Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Jeonbuk National University Medical School, Geonjiro 20, Deokjin-gu, Jeonju, Jeonbuk, 54907, Republic of Korea, Tel +82-63-259-3144, Fax +82-10-254-4145, Email [email protected]: Peripheral nerve damage lacks an appropriate diagnosis consistent with the patient’s symptoms, despite expensive magnetic resonance imaging or electrodiagnostic assessments, which cause discomfort. Ultrasonography is valuable for diagnosing and treating nerve lesions; however, it is unsuitable for detecting small lesions. Poly(vanillin-oxalate) (PVO) nanoparticles are prepared from vanillin, a phytochemical with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Previously, PVO nanoparticles were cleaved by H2O2 to release vanillin, exert therapeutic efficacy, and generate CO2 to increase ultrasound contrast. However, the role of PVO nanoparticles in peripheral nerve lesion models is still unknown. Herein, we aimed to determine whether PVO nanoparticles can function as contrast and therapeutic agents for nerve lesions.Methods: To induce sciatic neuritis, rats were administered a perineural injection of carrageenan using a nerve stimulator under ultrasonographic guidance, and PVO nanoparticles were injected perineurally to evaluate ultrasonographic contrast and therapeutic effects. Reverse transcription-quantitative PCR was performed to detect mRNA levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, ie, tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-6, and cyclooxygenase-2.Results: In the rat model of sciatic neuritis, PVO nanoparticles generated CO2 bubbles to increase ultrasonographic contrast, and a single perineural injection of PVO nanoparticles suppressed the expression of tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-6, and cyclooxygenase-2, reduced the expression of F4/80, and increased the expression of GAP43.Conclusion: The results of the current study suggest that PVO nanoparticles could be developed as ultrasonographic contrast agents and therapeutic agents for nerve lesions.Keywords: neuroinflammation, ultrasonography, contrast media, polymer nanoparticles, hydrogen peroxid

    Oral immunization of haemaggulutinin H5 expressed in plant endoplasmic reticulum with adjuvant saponin protects mice against highly pathogenic avian influenza A virus infection

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    Pandemics in poultry caused by the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) A virus occur too frequently globally, and there is growing concern about the HPAI A virus due to the possibility of a pandemic among humans. Thus, it is important to develop a vaccine against HPAI suitable for both humans and animals. Various approaches are underway to develop such vaccines. In particular, an edible vaccine would be a convenient way to vaccinate poultry because of the behaviour of the animals. However, an edible vaccine is still not available. In this study, we developed a strategy of effective vaccination of mice by the oral administration of transgenic Arabidopsis plants (HA-TG) expressing haemagglutinin (HA) in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Expression of HA in the ER resulted in its high-level accumulation, N-glycosylation, protection from proteolytic degradation and long-term stability. Oral administration of HA-TG with saponin elicited high levels of HA-specific systemic IgG and mucosal IgA responses in mice, which resulted in protection against a lethal influenza virus infection with attenuated inflammatory symptoms. Based on these results, we propose that oral administration of freeze-dried leaf powders from transgenic plants expressing HA in the ER together with saponin is an attractive strategy for vaccination against influenza A virus.X111411Ysciescopu


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    To ensure the safety of research reactors, the water level must be maintained above the required height. When a pipe ruptures, the siphon phenomenon causes continuous loss of coolant until the hydraulic head is removed. To protect the reactor core from this kind of accident, a siphon breaker has been suggested as a passive safety device. This study mainly focused on two variables: the size of the pipe rupture and the timing of air entrainment. In this study, the size of the pipe rupture was increased to the guillotine break case. There was a region in which a larger pipe rupture did not need a larger siphon breaker, and the water flow rate was related to the size of the pipe rupture and affected the residual water quantity. The timing of air entrainment was predicted to influence residual water level. However, the residual water level was not affected by the timing of air entrainment. The experimental cases, which showed the characteristic of partical sweep-out mode in the separation of siphon breaking phenomenon [2], showed almost same trend of physical properties.ungraded1111Ysciescopu

    Inhibiting ERK Activation with CI-1040 Leads to Compensatory Upregulation of Alternate MAPKs and Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 following Subtotal Nephrectomy with No Impact on Kidney Fibrosis

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    Extracellular-signal regulated kinase (ERK) activation by MEK plays a key role in many of the cellular processes that underlie progressive kidney fibrosis including cell proliferation, apoptosis and transforming growth factor β1-mediated epithelial to mesenchymal transition. We therefore assessed the therapeutic impact of ERK1/2 inhibition using a MEK inhibitor in the rat 5/6 subtotal nephrectomy (SNx) model of kidney fibrosis. There was a twentyfold upregulation in phospho-ERK1/2 expression in the kidney after SNx in Male Wistar rats. Rats undergoing SNx became hypertensive, proteinuric and developed progressive kidney failure with reduced creatinine clearance. Treatment with the MEK inhibitor, CI-1040 abolished phospho- ERK1/2 expression in kidney tissue and prevented phospho-ERK1/2 expression in peripheral lymphocytes during the entire course of therapy. CI-1040 had no impact on creatinine clearance, proteinuria, glomerular and tubular fibrosis, and α-smooth muscle actin expression. However, inhibition of ERK1/2 activation led to significant compensatory upregulation of the MAP kinases, p38 and JNK in kidney tissue. CI-1040 also increased the expression of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), a key inhibitor of plasmin-dependent matrix metalloproteinases. Thus inhibition of ERK1/2 activation has no therapeutic effect on kidney fibrosis in SNx possibly due to increased compensatory activation of the p38 and JNK signalling pathways with subsequent upregulation of PAI-1