3,268 research outputs found
De Chapaev ao vazio: a Revolução Russa e seus efeitos na literatura pós-soviética * From Chapaev to voyd: the Russian Revolution and its effects on post-soviet literature
Neste artigo, a pretensão é discutir a presença da figura da Revolução Russa em uma obra do perÃodo pós-soviético: A metralhadora de argila, de Victor Pelevin. Entender essa presença é também reconhecer que o passado soviético não foi simplesmente esquecido, mas que ainda influencia a criação artÃstica do final do século XX, mesmo após a queda da URSS. A partir disso, discutiremos a figura do protagonista do romance de Pelevin que, enquanto paciente de uma instituição psiquiátrica, serve como base para a construção de uma crÃtica do autor à quilo que seu paÃs se tornou depois da transição de 1991
Solvability of Vekua-type periodic operators and applications to classical equations
In this note, we investigate Vekua-type periodic operators of the form
, where is a constant coefficient partial differential
operator. We provide a complete characterization of the necessary and
sufficient conditions for the solvability and global hypoellipticity of . As
an application, we provide a comprehensive characterization of Vekua-type
operators associated with classical wave, heat, and Laplace equations.Comment: 10 page
Development of an instrument to evaluate the knowledge that the patient with hepatic cirhosis has about his disease and treatment
Introduction: hepatic cirrhosis (HC) is a disease with high morbidity and mortality in Brazil. Its treatment is complex and requires from lifestyle changes to large surgeries such as liver transplantation. To reach the best treatment results, it is necessary to guarantee a good patient’s adherence to the treatment. Studies indicate that the patient’s self-knowledge about his or her clinical condition is a determining factor in its adherence.Objectives: to assist in the design of an instrument that evaluates knowledge about the disease and treatment of HC. To improve the student knowledge on liver cirrhosis. Development of skills related to physical examination of the patient with HC.Methodology: The development process of the instrument will be divided into 3 stages: construction of the instrument (1st stage), evaluation of content validity and clarity of the instrument (2nd stage) and assessment of the reliability of the instrument (3 rd stage).Results: an instrument to evaluate the cirrhotic patient knowledge about the disease was made, analyzed by specialists and approved in the criteria proposed.Conclusions:1) The development of the instrument followed the steps described in literature.2) The suggestion of the evaluators allowed to restructure the questions making them clearer and more relevant to the proposal of the instrument.3) it was possible to achieve satisfactorily the proposal of the construction of the instrument.Key words: Liver cirrhosis; Self concept; Surveys and questionnaires; Health education
Phase Sensitivity of a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer
The best performance of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer is achieved with the
input state |N_T/2 + 1>|N_T/2-1 > + |N_T/2 - 1>|N_T/2+1>, being N_T the total
number of atoms/photons. This gives: i) a phase-shift error confidence
C_{68%}=2.67/N_T with ii) a single interferometric measurement. Different input
quantum states can achieve the Heisenberg scaling ~ 1/N_T but with higher
prefactors and at the price of a statistical analysis of two or more
independent measurements.Comment: 4 figure
Estudo das condições de saúde das crianças do MunicÃpio de São Paulo, SP (Brasil), 1984-1985: VIII - Cobertura e impacto da suplementação alimentar
A random sample of under-fives living in the City of S. Paulo was studied with the aim of establishing the coverage and impact of supplementary feeding programs. The coverage for the whole sample was 11.4%. In all the cases supplementation was provided by health centers as part of a broad group of preventive and curative health activities. The supplement was always whole powder milk and for 94% of the sample the amount distributed was 2 kg per month per child. Supplementation was restricted almost entirely to children under two years of age and the highest coverage was reached in the 6-to 12-months age bracket. The highest coverage was observed among poor families and among children with weight deficits. The impact of the supplementation was evaluated through the comparison of the last 24 hours' milk intake of supplemented and non-suplemented children, controlled for age and socioeconomic strata. Milk intake was around 25w higher among supplemented children, both in the first and in the second year of life. For all the socioeconomic strata, milk intake was superior among supplemented children and for the lowest strata the difference in consumption reached 33%. An important finding revealed by the study was the very good correspondence between milk intake of supplemented children and the amount of milk usually delivered by the program. This fact eliminates the possibility that a large proportion of the supplement given to the child night be being shared with other members of the family. Considering the findings of this study and other data provided by the project "A study of children's health in S. Paulo City (Brazil)" some recommendations for the improvement of the supplementary feedings programs in S. Paulo City are made. Among these the most important seems to be the need for an expansion of the program in the second year of life and for correcting the insufficient amount of iron provided by the supplementation.Através de estudo domiciliar de amostra probabilÃstica de crianças menores de cinco anos (n = 1.016) foram analisadas caracterÃsticas dos programas infantis de suplementação alimentar desenvolvidos no MunicÃpio de S. Paulo, SP (Brasil). A cobertura da suplementação no conjunto da amostra foi de 11,4%. Em todos os casos a suplementação foi fornecida por Centros de Saúde como parte de um conjunto de ações de saúde. O alimento doado à s crianças foi sempre leite integral em pó e em 94% das vezes a quantidade entregue foi de 2 quilos por criança por mês. A suplementação se restringiu praticamente apenas a crianças menores de dois anos, ocorrendo a maior cobertura na faixa de seis a doze meses (61,5%). A estratificação social da amostra revelou acentuado direcionamento socioeconômico da suplementação, privilegiando as crianças mais expostas à desnutrição. Observou-se também que as crianças com déficits ponderais apresentavam maior freqüência de suplementação. O impacto resultante da suplementação foi analisado comparando-se o consumo de leite nas últimas 24 h. de crianças beneficiárias e não beneficiárias do programa, controlando-se na comparação faixa etária e nÃvel socioeconômico. Tanto no primeiro quanto no segundo ano de vida o consumo das crianças suplementadas foi cerca de 25% superior ao das demais crianças. Em todos os estratos socioeconômicos, o consumo de crianças suplementadas foi superior, sendo de 33% a vantagem conferida à s crianças de pior nÃvel. Um importante achado do estudo foi a constatação de que o volume médio de leite consumido pelas crianças suplementadas se aproximou da quantidade fornecida pelo programa, fato que descarta a possibilidade de haver diluição intra-familiar expressiva do alimento doado. Considerando os achados deste estudo e o conjunto de informações reveladas pela pesquisa "Estudo das condições de saúde das crianças do MunicÃpio de S. Paulo", foram feitas recomendações para o aperfeiçoamento dos programas infantis de suplementação, destacando-se entre elas a ampliação da cobertura no segundo ano de vida e a necessidade de correção do exÃguo aporte de ferro proporcionado pela suplementação
Development of an instrument to evaluate the knowledge that the patient with hepatic cirrhosis has about his disease and treatment
Introdução: cirrose hepática (CH) é uma doença com alta morbidade e mortalidade no Brasil. Seu tratamento é complexo e requer desde mudanças no estilo de vida até se submeter a grandes cirurgias, como o transplante hepático. Para alcançar os melhores resultados é necessário que o paciente tenha uma boa aderência ao tratamento. Estudos indicam que o conhecimento do paciente sobre sua condição clÃnica é um fator determinante na aderência. Objetivos: criar um instrumento que meça o conhecimento que um paciente com CH tem sobre sua doença e seu tratamento. Methodologia: o processo de desenvolvimento do instrument foi dividido em 3 estágios: construção do instrument (1º estágio), avaliação do conteúdo e claridade do instrument (2º estágio) e avaliação da confiabilidade do instrument (3º estágio). Results: um instrument para avaliar o conhecimento do paciente cirrótico sobre sua doença foi feito, analisado por especialistas e aprovado pelos critérios propostos. Conclusions: 1) O desenvolvimento do instrumento seguiu os passos descritos na literatura. 2) As sugestões dos avaliadores foram seguidas na reestruturação das questões, tornando-as mais claras e relevantes para a proposta do instrumento. 3) Foi possÃvel alcançar de forma satisfatória a proposta de construção do instrumento.Introduction: hepatic cirrhosis (HC) is a disease with high morbidity and mortality in Brazil. Its treatment is complex and requires from lifestyle changes to large surgeries such as liver transplantation. To reach the best treatment results, it is necessary to guarantee a good patient’s adherence to the treatment. Studies indicate that the patient’s self-knowledge about his or her clinical condition is a determining factor in its adherence. Objectives: to assist in the design of an instrument that evaluates knowledge about the disease and treatment of HC. Methodology: The development process of the instrument will be divided into 3 stages: construction of the instrument (1st stage), evaluation of content validity and clarity of the instrument (2nd stage) and assessment of the reliability of the instrument (3 rd stage). Results: an instrument to evaluate the cirrhotic patient knowledge about the disease was made, analyzed by specialists and approved in the criteria proposed. Conclusions: 1) The development of the instrument followed the steps described in literature. 2) The suggestion of the evaluators allowed to restructure the questions making them clearer and more relevant to the proposal of the instrument. 3) it was possible to achieve satisfactorily the proposal of the construction of the instrument
The Costly Dilemma: Generalization, Evaluation and Cost-Optimal Deployment of Large Language Models
When deploying machine learning models in production for any
product/application, there are three properties that are commonly desired.
First, the models should be generalizable, in that we can extend it to further
use cases as our knowledge of the domain area develops. Second they should be
evaluable, so that there are clear metrics for performance and the calculation
of those metrics in production settings are feasible. Finally, the deployment
should be cost-optimal as far as possible. In this paper we propose that these
three objectives (i.e. generalization, evaluation and cost-optimality) can
often be relatively orthogonal and that for large language models, despite
their performance over conventional NLP models, enterprises need to carefully
assess all the three factors before making substantial investments in this
technology. We propose a framework for generalization, evaluation and
cost-modeling specifically tailored to large language models, offering insights
into the intricacies of development, deployment and management for these large
language models.Comment: 11 page
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