486 research outputs found

    Effective potential for Lifshitz type z=3 gauge theories

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    We consider the one-loop effective potential at zero temperature in field theories with anisotropic space-time scaling, with critical exponent z=3z=3, including scalar, fermion and gauge fields. The fermion determinant generates a symmetry breaking term at one loop in the effective potential and a local minimum appears, for non zero scalar field, for every value of the Yukawa coupling. Depending on the relative strength of the coupling constants for the scalar and the gauge field, we find a second symmetry breaking local minimum in the effective potential for a bigger value of the scalar field.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures. Minor corrections in the text, results unchange

    Non-topological solitons as nucleation sites for cosmological phase transitions

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    I consider quantum field theories that admit charged non-topological solitons of the Q-ball type, and use the fact that in a first-order cosmological phase transition, below the critical temperature, there is a value of the soliton charge above which the soliton becomes unstable and expands, converting space to the true vacuum, much like a critical bubble in the case of ordinary tunneling. Using a simple model for the production rate of Q-balls through charge accretion during a random walk out of equilibrium, I calculate the probability for the formation of critical charge solitons and estimate the amount of supercooling needed for the phase transition to be completed.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figures, some comments and references adde

    Operationalizing ecological connectivity in spatial conservation planning with Marxan Connect

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    1. Globally, protected areas are being established to protect biodiversity and to promote ecosystem resilience. The typical spatial conservation planning process leading to the creation of these protected areas focuses on representation and replication of ecological features, often using decision support tools such as Marxan. Yet, despite the important role ecological connectivity has in metapopulation persistence and resilience, Marxan currently requires manual input or specialized scripts to explicitly consider connectivity. 2. ‘Marxan Connect’ is a new open source, open access Graphical User Interface (GUI) tool designed to assist conservation planners with the appropriate use of data on ecological connectivity in protected area network planning. 3. Marxan Connect can facilitate the use of estimates of demographic connectivity (e.g. derived from animal tracking data, dispersal models, or genetic tools) or structural landscape connectivity (e.g. isolation by resistance). This is accomplished by calculating metapopulation‐relevant connectivity metrics (e.g. eigenvector centrality) and treating those as conservation features or by including the connectivity data as a spatial dependency amongst sites in the prioritization process. 4. Marxan Connect allows a wide group of users to incorporate directional ecological connectivity into conservation planning with Marxan. The solutions provided by Marxan Connect, combined with ecologically relevant post‐hoc testing, are more likely to support persistent and resilient metapopulations (e.g. fish stocks) and provide better protection for biodiversity

    Fast strain wave induced magnetization changes in long cobalt bars: Domain motion versus coherent rotation

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    A high frequency (88 MHz) traveling strain wave on a piezoelectric substrate is shown to change the magnetization direction in 40 lm wide Co bars with an aspect ratio of 103. The rapidly alternating strain wave rotates the magnetization away from the long axis into the short axis direction, via magnetoelastic coupling. Strain-induced magnetization changes have previously been demonstrated in ferroelectric/ferromagnetic heterostructures, with excellent fidelity between the ferromagnet and the ferroelectric domains, but these experiments were limited to essentially dc frequencies. Both magneto-optical Kerr effect and polarized neutron reflectivity confirm that the traveling strain wave does rotate the magnetization away from the long axis direction and both yield quantitatively similar values for the rotated magnetization. An investigation of the behavior of short axis magnetization with increasing strain wave amplitude on a series of samples with variable edge roughness suggests that the magnetization reorientation that is seen proceeds solely via coherent rotation. Polarized neutron reflectivity data provide direct experimental evidence for this model. This is consistent with expectations that domain wall motion cannot track the rapidly varying strain

    Long-lived oscillons from asymmetric bubbles

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    The possibility that extremely long-lived, time-dependent, and localized field configurations (``oscillons'') arise during the collapse of asymmetrical bubbles in 2+1 dimensional phi^4 models is investigated. It is found that oscillons can develop from a large spectrum of elliptically deformed bubbles. Moreover, we provide numerical evidence that such oscillons are: a) circularly symmetric; and b) linearly stable against small arbitrary radial and angular perturbations. The latter is based on a dynamical approach designed to investigate the stability of nonintegrable time-dependent configurations that is capable of probing slowly-growing instabilities not seen through the usual ``spectral'' method.Comment: RevTeX 4, 9 pages, 11 figures. Revised version with a new approach to stability. Accepted to Phys. Rev.

    Beating the news using social media: the case study of American Idol

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    We present a contribution to the debate on the predictability of social events using big data analytics. We focus on the elimination of contestants in the American Idol TV shows as an example of a well defined electoral phenomenon that each week draws millions of votes in the USA. This event can be considered as basic test in a simplified environment to assess the predictive power of Twitter signals. We provide evidence that Twitter activity during the time span defined by the TV show airing and the voting period following it correlates with the contestants ranking and allows the anticipation of the voting outcome. Twitter data from the show and the voting period of the season finale have been analyzed to attempt the winner prediction ahead of the airing of the official result. We also show that the fraction of tweets that contain geolocation information allows us to map the fanbase of each contestant, both within the US and abroad, showing that strong regional polarizations occur. The geolocalized data are crucial for the correct prediction of the final outcome of the show, pointing out the importance of considering information beyond the aggregated Twitter signal. Although American Idol voting is just a minimal and simplified version of complex societal phenomena such as political elections, this work shows that the volume of information available in online systems permits the real time gathering of quantitative indicators that may be able to anticipate the future unfolding of opinion formation events

    A meta-analysis of state-of-the-art electoral prediction from Twitter data

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    Electoral prediction from Twitter data is an appealing research topic. It seems relatively straightforward and the prevailing view is overly optimistic. This is problematic because while simple approaches are assumed to be good enough, core problems are not addressed. Thus, this paper aims to (1) provide a balanced and critical review of the state of the art; (2) cast light on the presume predictive power of Twitter data; and (3) depict a roadmap to push forward the field. Hence, a scheme to characterize Twitter prediction methods is proposed. It covers every aspect from data collection to performance evaluation, through data processing and vote inference. Using that scheme, prior research is analyzed and organized to explain the main approaches taken up to date but also their weaknesses. This is the first meta-analysis of the whole body of research regarding electoral prediction from Twitter data. It reveals that its presumed predictive power regarding electoral prediction has been rather exaggerated: although social media may provide a glimpse on electoral outcomes current research does not provide strong evidence to support it can replace traditional polls. Finally, future lines of research along with a set of requirements they must fulfill are provided.Comment: 19 pages, 3 table

    Gauge Invariant Higgs mass bounds from the Physical Effective Potential

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    We study a simplified version of the Standard Electroweak Model and introduce the concept of the physical gauge invariant effective potential in terms of matrix elements of the Hamiltonian in physical states. This procedure allows an unambiguous identification of the symmetry breaking order parameter and the resulting effective potential as the energy in a constrained state. We explicitly compute the physical effective potential at one loop order and improve it using the RG. This construction allows us to extract a reliable, gauge invariant bound on the Higgs mass by unambiguously obtaining the scale at which new physics should emerge to preclude vacuum instability. Comparison is made with popular gauge fixing procedures and an ``error'' estimate is provided between the Landau gauge fixed and the gauge invariant results.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figures, REVTE

    Aging dynamics of non-linear elastic interfaces: the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation

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    In this work, the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation in (1+1) dimensions is studied by means of numerical simulations, focussing on the two-times evolution of an interface in the absence of any disordered environment. This work shows that even in this simple case, a rich aging behavior develops. A multiplicative aging scenario for the two-times roughness of the system is observed, characterized by the same growth exponent as in the stationary regime. The analysis permits the identification of the relevant growing correlation length, accounting for the important scaling variables in the system. The distribution function of the two-times roughness is also computed and described in terms of a generalized scaling relation. These results give good insight into the glassy dynamics of the important case of a non-linear elastic line in a disordered medium.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure
