408 research outputs found

    Resonant conditions for Love wave guiding layer thickness

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    In this work we report a systematic investigation of polymer overlayer thickness in a Love wave device working at a fundamental frequency of 110MHz and at the 330MHz harmonic. At both frequencies we observe the initial reduction in insertion loss associated with a Love wave device. Significantly, we also observe a series of resonant conditions as the layer thickness is further increased. The separation of these resonances is attributed to an increase in thickness of half of the acoustic wavelength in the polymer

    Pulse mode operation of Love wave devices for biosensing applications

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    In this work we present a novel pulse mode Love wave biosensor that monitors both changes in amplitude and phase. A series of concentrations of 3350 molecular weight poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) solutions are used as a calibration sequence for the pulse mode system using a network analyzer and high frequency oscilloscope. The operation of the pulse mode system is then compared to the continuous wave network analyzer by showing a sequence of deposition and removal of a model mass layer of palmitoyl-oleoyl-sn-glycerophosphocholine (POPC) vesicles. This experimental apparatus has the potential for making many hundreds of measurements a minute and so allowing the dynamics of fast interactions to be observed

    SU-8 Guiding Layer for Love Wave Devices

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    SU-8 is a technologically important photoresist used extensively for the fabrication of microfluidics and MEMS, allowing high aspect ratio structures to be produced. In this work we report the use of SU-8 as a Love wave sensor guiding layer which allows the possibility of integrating a guiding layer with flow cell during fabrication. Devices were fabricated on ST-cut quartz substrates with a single-single finger design such that a surface skimming bulk wave (SSBW) at 97.4 MHz was excited. SU-8 polymer layers were successively built up by spin coating and spectra recorded at each stage; showing a frequency decrease with increasing guiding layer thickness. The insertion loss and frequency dependence as a function of guiding layer thickness was investigated over the first Love wave mode. Mass loading sensitivity of the resultant Love wave devices was investigated by deposition of multiple gold layers. Liquid sensing using these devices was also demonstrated; water-glycerol mixtures were used to demonstrate sensing of density-viscosity and the physical adsorption and removal of protein was also assessed using albumin and fibrinogen as model proteins

    Trilobites of the Upper Cambrian (Marjuman) Pika formation of the Southern Canadian Rocky Mountains

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    The Upper Cambrian Pika Formation in the southern Canadian Rocky Mountains forms a complete lithologic Grand Cycle. The overall pattern of deposition is one of shallowing upwards from a subtidal, muddy, storm-influenced basin to a shallow carbonate bank. The Pika passes gradationally into the overlying inter- to supratidal siliciclastics of the Arctomys Formation. This transition probably reflects a fall in relative sea level. 2 Twenty seven collections from three sections yielded trilobites. The faunas are assigned to two low-diversity biofacies: the Marjumia - Spencella Biofacies and the GZyphaspis - menomoniid Biofacies. In contrast to biofacies of deeper, open-shelf environments, such as the Wheeler and Marjum formations of Utah, the Pika biofacies lack agnostid trilobites. Consequently, agnostid-based zonations defined elsewhere in North America cannot be applied to the Pika and a new sequence of three zones and one informal fauna is proposed for use in inner shelf facies. Eleven species belonging to six genera are described and illustrated. The species Marjumia bagginsi is new. Other genera present are: Bolaspidella, Knechtelia, GZyphaspis and Spencella, in addition to a number of indeterminate form

    Harmonic Love wave devices for biosensing applications

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    Simultaneous operation of a Love wave biosensor at the fundamental frequency and third harmonic, including the optimisation of IDT metallisation thickness, has been investigated. Data is presented showing a sequence of deposition and removal of a model mass layer of palmitoyl-oleoyl-sn-glycerophosphocholine (POPC) vesicles while frequency hopping between 110 and 330 MH

    Weak solutions to the continuous coagulation equation with multiple fragmentation

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    The existence of weak solutions to the continuous coagulation equation with multiple fragmentation is shown for a class of unbounded coagulation and fragmentation kernels, the fragmentation kernel having possibly a singularity at the origin. This result extends previous ones where either boundedness of the coagulation kernel or no singularity at the origin for the fragmentation kernel were assumed

    Simulação empregando análise estatística de energia (SEA) e verificação experimental de perda de transmissão sonora de um painel sanduíche

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica.O presente trabalho avaliou numérica e experimentalmente a perda de transmissão sonora de painéis sanduíches com núcleo tipo colmeia utilizados internamente em aeronaves. Para tal, modelos numéricos foram desenvolvidos utilizando a metodologia de Análise Estatística de Energia (SEA) através do software SEAM3D e os resultados numéricos foram correlacionados com os resultados obtidos experimentalmente através do auxílio de duas câmaras reverberantes adjacentes. Para correlacionar o modelo, foi obtido experimentalmente às constantes elásticas de cada uma das camadas do painel sanduíche. Realizou-se um ensaio de análise modal experimental em uma placa plana e em uma viga, sendo esta última de acordo com a norma ASTM E 1876 - 01. Neste ensaio apurou-se que a norma ASTM E 1876 - 01 é ineficaz para a caracterização de painéis sanduíches com núcleo tipo colmeia. Foi construído um modelo de elementos finitos da amostra tipo placa utilizando os softwares PATRAN-NASTRAN e as propriedades mecânicas foram ajustadas através das formas e frequências modais obtidas numérica e experimentalmente. Também, fora alimentado o modelo de elementos finitos com as constantes elásticas fornecidas pelo fabricante do painel sanduíche, as quais proporcionaram erros de até 25% entre as frequências modais. Os fundamentos teóricos de materiais compostos, perda de transmissão sonora e análise estatística de energia são também apresentadosThis study evaluated numerically and experimentally the sound transmission loss of honeycomb panels used to cover aircrafts internally. For this, numerical models were developed using Statistical Energy Analysis Methodology (SEA) through of SEAM3D software and the numerical results were correlated with those obtained experimentally using as facility, two couple reverberation rooms. For match the model, the elastic constants for each layer of the honeycomb panel were obtained experimentally. Tests of experimental modal analysis were conducted on a flat plate and beam, for the beam, the tests were made in accordance with ASTM 1876 - 01 Standard. In this way it was found that this Standard is ineffective for characterization of honeycomb panels. A finite element model (FEM) of a plate was built using PATRAN-NASTRAN softwares and the mechanical properties were matched through of the modal shapes and frequencies obtained numerically and experimentally. The elastic constants provides by manufacturer of a honeycomb panel were assessed in this thesis using the same FEM, which have shown errors around of 25% between the modal frequencies. The theoretical foundations of composite materials, sound transmission loss and statistical energy analysis are also presente