15 research outputs found

    Sobre a questĂŁo da Aufhebung: Baudelaire, Bataille e Sartre

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    O estudo debruça-se sobre o cáustico ensaio de Sartre sobre Bataille publicado em 1943 e intitulado “Un nouveau mystique”, bem como sobre a discussão subsequente travada entre os dois autores a propósito de Baudelaire. Sartre acusa Bataille de, na obra A experiência interior, introduzir “o transcendente no imanente”; de exteriorizar o eu de maneira a eliminar a responsabilidade humana; de, por força do fascínio com o ritual, o sacrifício e a comunidade, conduzir ao totalitarismo; e de engolir a história. Sartre coloca no centro da sua crítica o conceito de Aufhebung, proposto na Fenomenologia de Hegel: segundo Sartre, Bataille elimina a síntese da trindade hegeliana – tese/antítese/síntese (Aufhebung) –, colocando a tragédia no lugar da dialéctica. Esta discussão acerca do papel da Aufhebung e da dialéctica suscita, assim, todas as questões fundamentais para aquilo a que viria a chamar-se pós-modernismo: o papel e a soberania da subjectividade, a possibilidade do sagrado, o uso da linguagem, a liberdade humana, o papel da história na produção textual, o indivíduo em oposição à comunidade, e as razões para se rejeitar a possibilidade de um transcendente.This essay looks at Sartre’s rather nasty 1943 essay on Bataille, “Un nouveau mystique” and the further argument between the two writers on Baudelaire. Sartre accuses Bataille, in the latter’s Inner Experience, of introducing the “transcendent into the immanent;” of externalizing the ego such that human responsibility is elided; of leading, with its fascination with ritual, sacrifice and community, to totalitarianism; of swallowing up history.  Sartre uses Hegel’s concept of Aufhebung from the Phenomenology as the focus of his critique: Bataille, Sartre argues, removes synthesis from Hegel’s trinity of thesis/antithesis/synthesis (Aufhebung) and puts tragedy in the place of the dialectic. This argument about the role of Aufhebung and the dialectic thus raises all the issues fundamental to what was to be called postmodernism: the role and sovereignty of subjectivity, the possibility of the sacred, the use of language, human freedom, the role of history in textual production, the individual as against the community, and the reasons for rejecting the possibility of a transcendental.Cette étude se penche sur l’essai irritant de Sartre sur Bataille, publié en 1943 et intitulé «Un nouveau mystique»; elle examine également la discussion à laquelle il a donné lieu entre les deux auteurs à propos de Baudelaire. Sartre accuse Bataille d’introduire dans l’Expérience intérieure, «le transcendant dans l’immanent», d’extérioriser le Moi de manière à évacuer la responsabilité humaine, d’aboutir au totalitarisme par la force de la fascination devant le rituel, le sacrifice et la communauté, et de faire disparaître l’histoire. Sartre place au centre de sa critique le concept d’Aufhebung, proposé dans la Phénoménologie de Hegel: selon Sartre, Bataille élimine la synthèse de la trinité hégélienne – thèse / antithèse / synthèse (Aufhebung) –, substituant la dialectique par la tragédie. Cette discussion autour du rôle de l’Aufhebung et de la dialectique suscite, ainsi, toutes les questions fondamentales au sujet de ce qui sera appelé le post-modernisme: le rôle et la souveraineté de la subjectivité, la liberté humaine, le rôle de l’histoire dans la production textuelle, l’individu en opposition à la communauté et les raisons favorables au rejet d’un transcendant

    On the Question of Aufhebung: Baudelaire, Bataille and Sartre

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    This essay looks at Sartre’s rather nasty 1943 essay on Bataille, “Un nouveau mystique,” and the further argument between the two writers on Baudelaire. Sartre accuses Bataille, in the latter’s Inner Experience, of introducing the “transcendent into the immanent”; of externalizing the ego, such that human responsibility is elided; of leading, with its fascination with ritual, sacrifice and community, to totalitarianism; of swallowing up history. Sartre uses Hegel’s concept of Aufhebung from the Phenomenology as the focus of his critique: Bataille, Sartre argues, removes synthesis from Hegel’s trinity of thesis/antithesis/synthesis (Aufhebung) and puts tragedy in the place of the dialectic. This argument about the role of Aufhebung and the dialectic thus raises all the issues fundamental to what was to be called postmodernism: the role and sovereignty of subjectivity, the possibility of the sacred, the use of language, human freedom, the role of history in textual production, the individual as against the community, and the reasons for rejecting the possibility of a transcendental

    Sobre a questĂŁo da Aufhebung: Baudelaire, Bataille e Sartre

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    This essay looks at Sartre’s rather nasty 1943 essay on Bataille, “Un nouveau mystique” and the further argument between the two writers on Baudelaire. Sartre accuses Bataille, in the latter’s Inner Experience, of introducing the “transcendent into the immanent;” of externalizing the ego such that human responsibility is elided; of leading, with its fascination with ritual, sacrifice and community, to totalitarianism; of swallowing up history.  Sartre uses Hegel’s concept of Aufhebung from the Phenomenology as the focus of his critique: Bataille, Sartre argues, removes synthesis from Hegel’s trinity of thesis/antithesis/synthesis (Aufhebung) and puts tragedy in the place of the dialectic. This argument about the role of Aufhebung and the dialectic thus raises all the issues fundamental to what was to be called postmodernism: the role and sovereignty of subjectivity, the possibility of the sacred, the use of language, human freedom, the role of history in textual production, the individual as against the community, and the reasons for rejecting the possibility of a transcendental

    Saints : faith without borders /

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    Includes bibliographical references and index.Introduction / by Françoise Meltzer and Jaś Elsner -- From Cuba with saints / by Marc Blanchard -- St. Elvis / by Lawrence Jasud -- Reviving the fairy tree: tales of European sanctity / by Françoise Meltzer -- Transgressing the self: making charismatic saints / by Simon Coleman -- On naming saints / by David Tracy -- Patron saint of the incongruous: rabbi Me'ir, the Talmud, and Menippean -- Satire / by Daniel Boyarin -- Thinking with saints: sanctity and society in the early modern world / by Simon Ditchfield -- St. Dymphna and the lunatics: the advent of moral community psychiatry / by Bernard Rubin -- On the politics of sainthood: resistance and mimicry in postcolonial Morocco / by Malika Zeghal -- The enchantment of Judaism: Israeli anxieties and puzzles / by Aviad Kleinberg -- Persuading the absent saint: image and performance in Marian devotion / by Roberto Maniura -- Miracles of bodily transformation, or how St. Francis received the stigmata / by Arnold I. Davidson -- Re-presenting a contemporary saint: padre Pio of Pietrelcina / by Michael A. di Giovine -- Saint Teresa of Avila / by Julia Kristeva ; translated by Anne Marsella -- "Lycidas": a wolf in saint's clothing / by Neil Forsyth -- The invisibility of the saint / by Jean-Luc Marion -- Beyond compare: pagan saint and Christian god in late antiquity / by Jaś Elsner -- Apophthegmata / by Aviad Kleinberg