879 research outputs found
Movimentação Vertical Do íon Potássio Em Neossolos Quartzarênicos Sob Cultivo Com Cana-de-açúcar
The objective of this work was to determine the vertical movement of the potassium ion in the profile of Quartzipsamment Entisols cultivated with sugarcane. Two experiments were conducted in field conditions. The first one consisted of an assessment of ion movement in the soil profile, down to 1.80-m depth, for two years, in an area cultivated with sugarcane and in another one under cerrado. The second one consisted of the evaluation of ion movement to a depth of 1.00 m, under two water regimes: Natural and controlled. In the experiment under controlled conditions, evaluations were done with 0.5-m2 plots, delimited by galvanized sheets, receiving 80 kg ha-1 K2O followed by the addition of 1,200 mm of water. The area cropped with sugarcane showed greater soil organic matter content, greater pH, and, consequently, greater retention capacity of K+ in the superficial layers of the soil profile than the cerrado area. Moreover, in the area with sugarcane crop, the evaluation of K+ availability in the profile of the Quartzipsamment Entisol profile was affected by the adopted water regime (natural or controlled rainfall). Regardless of soil use, K+ moves rapidly through the soil profile.5191548155
Schistosomiasis Mansoni In Urban Northeast Brazil: Influence Of Rainfall Regime On The Population Dynamics Of Biomphalaria Sp
Introduction: Our objective was to evaluate the infl uence of rainfall regime on the population dynamics of Biomphalaria in a potential urban focus of schistosomiasis in Aracaju, Brazil, during 2009-2010. Methods: Snails were collected monthly and were counted, measured and identifi ed; the level of infection and fecal contamination at the sampling sites was determined; rainfall data were obtained. Results: High levels of fecal contamination were observed, and the abundance of Biomphalaria glabrata increased during the rainy and post-rainy seasons. The snails' size was variable, and infected snails were identifi ed independently of rainfall. Conclusions: These results provide evidence of anthropogenic and climate interference in an urban focus of schistosomiasis in the Aracaju metropolitan area.465654657Pordeus, L.C., Aguiar, L.R., Quinino, L.R.M., Barbosa, C.S.A., Ocorrência das formas aguda e crônica da esquistossomose mansônica no Brasil no período de 1997 a 2006: Uma revisão de literatura (2008) Epidemiol Serv Saude, 17, pp. 163-175Souza, M.A.A., Barbosa, V.S., Wanderlei, T.N.G., Barbosa, C.S., Criadouros de Biomphalaria, temporários e permanentes, em Jaboatão dos Guararapes, PE (2008) Rev Soc Bras Med Trop, 41, pp. 252-256Araújo, K.C.G.M., Resendes, A.P.C., Souza-Santos, R., Silveira Jr., J.C., Barbosa, C.S., Análise espacial dos focos de Biomphalaria glabrata (Say, 1818) e de casos humanos de esquistossomose mansônica em Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco, Brasil, no ano 2000 (2007) Cad Saude Publica, 23, pp. 409-417Lima, L.C., Família Planorbidae (1995) Tópicos em Malacologia Médica., pp. 90-112. , In: Barbosa FS, editor. Rio de Janeiro: Fundação Oswaldo Cruz(2005) Resolução CONAMA no 357, , http://www.cetesb.sp.gov.br/Agua/praias/res_conama_357_05.pdf, Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente (CONAMA). de 17 de março de. [Cited 2011 February 23]. Available fromSouza, M.A.A., Barbosa, V.S., Albuquerque, J.O., Bocanegra, S., Souza-Santos, R., Paredes, H., Aspectos ecológicos e levantamento malacológico para identificação de áreas de risco para transmissão da esquistossomose mansoni no litoral norte de Pernambuco, Brasil (2010) Iheringia Serie Zoológica, 100, pp. 19-24Barbosa, F.S., Barbosa, C.S., The bioecology of snails vectors for schistosomiasis in Brazil (1994) Cad Saude Publica, 10, pp. 200-209Fernandez, M.A., Thiengo, S.C., Susceptibility of Biomphalaria straminea from Peixe Angical dam, Tocantins, Brazil to infection with three strains of Schistosoma mansoni (2010) Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, 105, pp. 488-491Barbosa, C.S., Domingues, A.L.C., Abath, F., Montenegro, S.M.L., Guida, U., Carneiro, J., Epidemia de esquistossomose aguda na praia de Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco, Brasil (2001) Cad Saude Publica, 17, pp. 725-728Rollemberg, C.V.V., Santos, C.M.B., Silva, M.M.B.L., Souza, A.M.B., Silva, A.M., Almeida, J.A.P., Aspectos epidemiológicos e distribuição geográfica da esquistossomose e geo-helmintos, no Estado de Sergipe, de acordo com os dados do Programa de Controle da Esquistossomose (2011) Rev Soc Bras Med Trop, 44, pp. 91-96Barbosa, C.S., Montenegro, S.M.L., Abath, F.G., Domingues, A.L.C., Eventos epidemiológicos relacionados à transmissão da esquistossomose em áreas rurais e urbanas de Pernambuco (2002) Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, 96, pp. 169-172Departamento de Vigilância Epidemiológica (2008) Vigilância e controle de moluscos de importância epidemiológica: Diretrizes técnicas., , Ministério da Saúde. Programa de Vigilância e Controle da Esquistossomose (PCE). 2nded. Brasília: Ministério da Saúd
Morbidity study of the orthopedic unit
Modelo de estudo: Estudo retrospectivo e descritivo. Objetivo: Descrever a clientela hospitalizada na Unidade de Internação de Ortopedia do HCRP, segundo as variáveis do diagnóstico principal, idade e sexo. Metodologia: Foram analisadas as saídas hospitalares codificadas pela Classificação Internacional de Doenças, 9ª revisão, 1975, ocorridas no período de 1992 a 1996. Os dados foram obtidos através do Serviço de Arquivo Médico (SAME) da instituição, a partir de programa de registro de altas da Companhia de Processamento de Dados do Estado de São Paulo- PRODESP e decodificados a partir da elaboração especial de um programa de computador desenvolvido em linguagem C++. Resultados: Encontram-se 5819 saídas hospitalares, sendo o Capítulo XVII – Lesões e Envenenamentos – responsável pelo maior número,correspondendo a 2.345 saídas (40,30%). Em seguida, o Capítulo XIII – Doenças do Sistema Osteomuscular e do Tecido Conjuntivo - foi o responsável por 1.904 saídas (32,72%). O Capítulo VI – Doenças do Sistema Nervoso e dos Órgãos dos Sentidos - foi responsável por 433 saídas (7,44%). Especificamente, o diagnóstico de Síndrome do Túnel do Carpo representou 310 casos. O Capítulo II – Neoplasma - foi o responsável por 479 saídas (8,23). O Capítulo XIV – Anomalias Congênitas foi o responsável por 333 saídas (5,72%). Os demais capítulos apresentaram freqüência menor de saídas. Em todos os capítulos notou-se distribuição nas diversas faixas etárias, predominando a de 20 a 49 anos de idade (48,44%). Considerações: Acredita-se que o conhecimento da morbidade hospitalar, pelos enfermeiros, possa orientar o uso de recursos dos serviços de saúde, de modo a garantir a qualidade da assistência prestada.Study Design: Retrospective and descriptive research. Objective: the purpose of this study is to describe the clientele hospitalized at the Orthopedic Unit of the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto Faculty of Medicine Hospital, according to variables such as the main diagnosis, age and sex. Method: Authors analyzed hospital discharge codified by the International Classification of Diseases, 9th review, 1975, occurred from 1992 to 1996. Data were collected through the Service of Medical Files of the Institution, through a program of registries of discharges from Data Process Company of São Paulo (PRODESP) and coded from a special software developed ein C++. Results: The authors found 5819 hospital discharge and the Chapter XVII - Lesions and poisoning was the responsible for the highest number of hospital discharge, corresponding to 2.345 (40.30%). Following, the Chapter XIII - Diseases of the osteomuscular and conjunctive tissue was responsible for 1.904 hospital discharge (32.72%). The Chapter VI - Diseases of the nervous system was the responsible for 433 hospital discharge (7.44%). In specific, the diagnostic of Carpal tunnel syndrome represented 310 cases. The Chapter II - Neoplasm was responsible for 479 hospital discharge (8.23). Chapter XIV - Congenital anomalies was responsible for 333 hospital discharge (5.72%). The other chapters presented a lower frequency. In all chapters, authors found a distribution of several age groups, mainly from 20 to 49 years of age (48.44%). Final Considerations: They believe that knowledge on hospital morbidity will orient the use of health services resources, in order to garantee the quality of care
Estudo filogenético do parvovírus canino tipo 2c no Centro-Oeste do Brasil
Since the late 1970s, canine parvovirus type 2 (CPV-2) has emerged as a causative agent of fatal severe acute hemorrhagic enteritis in dogs. To date, three antigenic types of CPV-2 were described worldwide (CPV-2a/b/c). This study was conducted to determine the variants of CPV-2 circulating in dogs from the Cuiabá Municipality in Midwestern Brazil. Out of 50 fecal samples, collected between 2009 and 2011, 27 tested positive for CPV-2. A 583 bp fragment of the VP2 gene was amplified by PCR, 13 representative samples were analyzed further by DNA sequencing. All strains were characterized as CPV-2c, displayed a low genetic variability although observed several amino acid substitution. These findings indicated that CPV-2c has been circulating in dogs from the Cuiabá Municipality in Midwestern Brazil
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