111 research outputs found

    Sinusite invasiva por Aspergillus flavus: relato de um caso associado a leucemia aguda bifenotípica

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    Here we report a case of invasive pansinusitis with proptosis of the right eye caused by Aspergillus flavus in an immunocompromised patient with acute biphenotypic leukemia without aggressive therapy response.Descreve-se um caso de pansinusite invasiva com proptose do globo ocular direito causado por Aspergillus flavus em um paciente imunossuprimido com leucemia aguda bifenotípica sem resposta a terapia agressiva

    Paracoccidioidomycosis in southern Rio Grande do Sul: a retrospective study of histopathologically diagnosed cases

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    Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a systemic mycosis caused by the fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and is endemic to Brazil. The aim of this study was to perform a retrospective analysis of the PCM cases in the countryside south of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The files from four histopathology laboratories located in the city of Pelotas were obtained, and all of the epidemiological and clinical data from the PCM diagnosed cases were collected for analysis. A total of 123 PCM cases diagnosed between 1966 and 2009 were selected. Of these patients, 104 (84.5%) were male, and 17 were female. The patients ranged from 02 to 92 years of age. Fifty-two cases (41.9%) were obtained from the oral pathology laboratory, and the remaining 71 cases (58.1%) were obtained from the three general pathology laboratories. Of all of the patients studied, 65.2% lived in rural zones and worked in agriculture or other related fields. Data on the evolution of this disease was available for 43 cases, and the time frame ranged from 20 to 2920 days (mean = 572.3 days). An accurate diagnosis performed in less than 30 days only occurred in 21% of the cases. PCM is endemic to the countryside of Rio Grande do Sul. Therefore, it is recommended that PCM be included as a differential diagnosis, mainly for individuals between 30 and 60 years of age, living in rural zones and who have respiratory signs and associated-oropharyngeal lesions

    Bola fúngica em pacientes HIV-infectados

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    Aspergillus is a phagocyte opportunistic fungus that causes aspergillosis, an unusual disease in patients with AIDS. Six cases of fungal ball in patients with AIDS are reported here. In this group, all patients had hemoptysis and tuberculosis as the underlying lung disease. The diagnosis of pulmonary fungus ball was based on the clinical and radiographic feature, combined with serological and mycological evidence of Aspergillus fumigatus.Os fungos filamentosos são oportunistas de fagócitos, motivo pelo qual aspergilose é incomum em pacientes com Aids. A apresentação clínica depende do estado imune, tamanho do inóculo fúngico e doença de base. São relatados neste trabalho seis casos de bola fúngica em pacientes com Aids. Neste grupo, todos tiveram tuberculose como doença de base e hemoptise foi o principal sintoma. O diagnóstico da bola fúngica foi através da apresentação clínica, achados radiológicos combinados com imunodifusão radial dupla, exame micológico direto e cultivo do material do trato respiratório, sendo A. fumigatus o agente isolad

    Aspergillosis, avian species and the one health perspective : the possible importance of birds in azole resistance

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    © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).The One Health context considers health based on three pillars: humans, animals, and environment. This approach is a strong ally in the surveillance of infectious diseases and in the development of prevention strategies. Aspergillus spp. are fungi that fit substantially in this context, in view of their ubiquity, as well as their importance as plant pathogens, and potentially fatal pathogens for, particularly, humans and avian species. In addition, the emergence of azole resistance, mainly in Aspergillus fumigatus sensu stricto, and the proven role of fungicides widely used on crops, reinforces the need for a multidisciplinary approach to this problem. Avian species are involved in short and long distance travel between different types of landscapes, such as agricultural fields, natural environments and urban environments. Thus, birds can play an important role in the dispersion of Aspergillus, and of special concern, azole-resistant strains. In addition, some bird species are particularly susceptible to aspergillosis. Therefore, avian aspergillosis could be considered as an environmental health indicator. In this review, aspergillosis in humans and birds will be discussed, with focus on the presence of Aspergillus in the environment. We will relate these issues with the emergence of azole resistance on Aspergillus. These topics will be therefore considered and reviewed from the “One Health” perspective.This study was supported by the International Cooperation Program financed by Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education within the Ministry of Education of Brazil (CAPES), under the Capes-Print Program and PDSE Program—Finance Code 001info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Variability in Galactomannan detection by platelia Aspergillus EIA™ according to the Aspergillus species

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    Here we investigate the extent to which different Aspergillus species release galactomannan (GM) in vitro. Marked variability was observed in GM reactivity between and within Aspergillus species, with A. terreus strains showing the highest GM indexes. The in vivo significance of these findings remains to be determined.O estudo objetivou investigar a liberação in vitro de galactomanana (GM) em distintas espécies patogênicas de fungos do gênero Aspergillus. Grande variabilidade foi detectada tanto intra quanto inter espécies, sendo as cepas da espécie A. terreus relacionadas aos maiores índices de GM detectados. O significado in vivo destes achados permanece em aberto, porém merece investigação


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    O aumento de casos de esporotricose zoonótica tornou-se um problema de saúde pública em áreas hiperendêmicas para a doença em felinos. O envolvimento dos gatos domésticos nesta transmissão e o contato contínuo destes animais com o solo sugerem que o ambiente possa ser uma importante fonte e/ou reservatório de fungos Sporothrix spp. Assim, este estudo objetivou avaliar a presença de fungos do complexo Sporothrix em amostras de solo provenientes de locais de acesso de felinos infectados no sul do Brasil. Foram coletadas amostras de solo de residências com felinos com esporotricose, de locais próximos a estas residências e também de locais públicos, totalizando 101 amostras. Estas foram processadas pela técnica de plaqueamento direto e incubadas a 25°C por até 15 dias. Dezessete amostras foram paralelamente submetidas a extração de DNA (kitNORGEN BIOTEK CORP(r)) e técnica de PCR espécie-específico e Nested-PCR. Embora em nenhuma amostra avaliada tenha sido detectada a presença de Sporothrix spp., seja por cultivo ou por biologia molecular, este estudo não descarta o papel do ambiente na tríade do processo infeccioso (solo - animal - humano), sendo necessários outros estudos ampliando área de abrangência, volume, tipo e método de coleta das amostras, bem como técnicas de detecção.Palavras-chave: Ambiente; geofílico; S. brasiliensis; S. schenckii

    Initial Results of the International Efforts in Screening New Agents against Candida auris

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Biology, Immunology, Epidemiology, and Therapy of Fungal Infections: A Themed Issue Dedicated to Professor David A. Stevens.Background: Candida auris is an emergent fungal pathogen and a global concern, mostly due to its resistance to many currently available antifungal drugs. Objective: Thus, in response to this challenge, we evaluated the in vitro activity of potential new drugs, diphenyl diselenide (PhSe)2 and nikkomycin Z (nikZ), alone and in association with currently available antifungals (azoles, echinocandins, and polyenes) against Candida auris. Methods: Clinical isolates of C. auris were tested in vitro. (PhSe)2 and nikZ activities were tested alone and in combination with amphotericin B, fluconazole, or the echinocandins, micafungin and caspofungin. Results: (PhSe)2 alone was unable to inhibit C. auris, and antagonism or indifferent effects were observed in the combination of this compound with the antifungals tested. NikZ appeared not active alone either, but frequently acted cooperatively with conventional antifungals. Conclusion: Our data show that (PhSe)2 appears to not have a good potential to be a candidate in the development of new drugs to treat C. auris, but that nikZ is worthy of further study.his work was accomplished with support from the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), Brazil, within the scope of the Capes-PrInt Program—Financing Code 001info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio