242 research outputs found

    Late pregnancy vitamin D deficiency is associated with doubled odds of birth asphyxia and emergency caesarean section: A prospective cohort study

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    Objectives: The aim of this prospective cohort study was to investigate the associations between maternal vitamin D status in late pregnancy and emergency caesarean section (EMCS) and birth asphyxia, in a population based sample of women in Sweden. Methods: Pregnant women were recruited at the antenatal care in Sweden and 1832 women were included after exclusion of miscarriages, terminated pregnancies and missing data on vitamin D status. Mode of delivery was retrieved from medical records. EMCS was defined as caesarean section after onset of labour. Birth asphyxia was defined as either 5 min Apgar score < 7 or arterial umbilical cord pH < 7.1. Serum was sampled in the third trimester of pregnancy (T3) and 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) was analysed by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Vitamin D deficiency was defined as 25OHD < 30 nmol/L, and associations were studied using logistic regression analysis and expressed as adjusted odds ratios (AOR). Results: In total, 141 (7.7%) women had an EMCS and 58 (3.2%) children were born with birth asphyxia. Vitamin D deficiency was only associated with higher odds of EMCS in women without epidural anaesthesia (AOR = 2.01, p = 0.044). Vitamin D deficiency was also associated with higher odds of birth asphyxia (AOR = 2.22, p = 0.044). Conclusions for Practice: In this Swedish prospective population-based cohort study, vitamin D deficiency in late pregnancy was associated with doubled odds of birth asphyxia and with EMCS in deliveries not aided by epidural anaesthesia. Prevention of vitamin D deficiency among pregnant women may reduce the incidence of EMCS and birth asphyxia. The mechanism behind the findings require further investigation

    Sex and age-specific interactions of coronary atherosclerotic plaque onset and prognosis from coronary computed tomography

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    AIMS: The totality of atherosclerotic plaque derived from coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) emerges as a comprehensive measure to assess the intensity of medical treatment that patients need. This study examines the differences in age onset and prognostic significance of atherosclerotic plaque burden between sexes. METHODS AND RESULTS: From a large multi-center CCTA registry the Leiden CCTA score was calculated in 24 950 individuals. A total of 11 678 women (58.5 ± 12.4 years) and 13 272 men (55.6 ± 12.5 years) were followed for 3.7 years for major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) (death or myocardial infarction). The age where the median risk score was above zero was 12 years higher in women vs. men (64-68 years vs. 52-56 years, respectively, P 20: HR 6.71 (4.36-10.32) in women, and score 6-20: HR 1.64 (1.29-2.08); score > 20: HR 2.38 (1.73-3.29) in men. The risk was significantly higher for women within the highest score group (adjusted P-interaction = 0.003). In pre-menopausal women, the risk score was equally predictive and comparable with men. In post-menopausal women, the prognostic value was higher for women [score 6-20: HR 2.21 (1.57-3.11); score > 20: HR 6.11 (3.84-9.70) in women; score 6-20: HR 1.57 (1.19-2.09); score > 20: HR 2.25 (1.58-3.22) in men], with a significant interaction for the highest risk group (adjusted P-interaction = 0.004). CONCLUSION: Women developed coronary atherosclerosis approximately 12 years later than men. Post-menopausal women within the highest atherosclerotic burden group were at significantly higher risk for MACE than their male counterparts, which may have implications for the medical treatment intensity.publishersversionpublishe

    Expression of the Lantibiotic Mersacidin in Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB42

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    Lantibiotics are small peptide antibiotics that contain the characteristic thioether amino acids lanthionine and methyllanthionine. As ribosomally synthesized peptides, lantibiotics possess biosynthetic gene clusters which contain the structural gene (lanA) as well as the other genes which are involved in lantibiotic modification (lanM, lanB, lanC, lanP), regulation (lanR, lanK), export (lanT(P)) and immunity (lanEFG). The lantibiotic mersacidin is produced by Bacillus sp. HIL Y-85,54728, which is not naturally competent

    Dietary glycaemic index, glycaemic load and breast cancer risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    This systematic review aimed to examine if an association exists between dietary glycaemic index (GI) and glycaemic load (GL) intake and breast cancer risk. A systematic search was conducted in Medline and Embase and identified 14 relevant studies up to May 2008. Adjusted relative risk estimates comparing breast cancer risk for the highest versus the lowest category of GI/GL intake were extracted from relevant studies and combined in meta-analyses using a random-effects model. Combined estimates from six cohort studies show non-significant increased breast cancer risks for premenopausal women (relative risk (RR) 1.14, 95% CI 0.95–1.38) and postmenopausal women (RR 1.11, 95% CI 0.99–1.25) consuming the highest versus the lowest category of GI intake. Evidence of heterogeneity hindered analyses of GL and premenopausal risk, although most studies did not observe any significant association. Pooled cohort study results indicated no association between postmenopausal risk and GL intake (RR 1.03, 95% CI 0.94–1.12). Our findings do not provide strong support of an association between dietary GI and GL and breast cancer risk

    Challenges of molecular nutrition research 6: the nutritional phenotype database to store, share and evaluate nutritional systems biology studies

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    The challenge of modern nutrition and health research is to identify food-based strategies promoting life-long optimal health and well-being. This research is complex because it exploits a multitude of bioactive compounds acting on an extensive network of interacting processes. Whereas nutrition research can profit enormously from the revolution in ‘omics’ technologies, it has discipline-specific requirements for analytical and bioinformatic procedures. In addition to measurements of the parameters of interest (measures of health), extensive description of the subjects of study and foods or diets consumed is central for describing the nutritional phenotype. We propose and pursue an infrastructural activity of constructing the “Nutritional Phenotype database” (dbNP). When fully developed, dbNP will be a research and collaboration tool and a publicly available data and knowledge repository. Creation and implementation of the dbNP will maximize benefits to the research community by enabling integration and interrogation of data from multiple studies, from different research groups, different countries and different—omics levels. The dbNP is designed to facilitate storage of biologically relevant, pre-processed—omics data, as well as study descriptive and study participant phenotype data. It is also important to enable the combination of this information at different levels (e.g. to facilitate linkage of data describing participant phenotype, genotype and food intake with information on study design and—omics measurements, and to combine all of this with existing knowledge). The biological information stored in the database (i.e. genetics, transcriptomics, proteomics, biomarkers, metabolomics, functional assays, food intake and food composition) is tailored to nutrition research and embedded in an environment of standard procedures and protocols, annotations, modular data-basing, networking and integrated bioinformatics. The dbNP is an evolving enterprise, which is only sustainable if it is accepted and adopted by the wider nutrition and health research community as an open source, pre-competitive and publicly available resource where many partners both can contribute and profit from its developments. We introduce the Nutrigenomics Organisation (NuGO, http://www.nugo.org) as a membership association responsible for establishing and curating the dbNP. Within NuGO, all efforts related to dbNP (i.e. usage, coordination, integration, facilitation and maintenance) will be directed towards a sustainable and federated infrastructure

    Does diet affect breast cancer risk?

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    The role of specific dietary factors in breast cancer causation is not completely resolved. Results from prospective studies do not support the concept that fat intake in middle life has a major relation to breast cancer risk. However, weight gain in middle life contributes substantially to breast cancer risk. Alcohol is the best established dietary risk factor, probably by increasing endogenous estrogen levels. Hypotheses relating diet during youth to risk decades later will be difficult to test. Nevertheless, available evidence is strong that breast cancer risk can be reduced by avoiding weight gain during adult years, and by limiting alcohol consumption

    Nutrition and cancer: A review of the evidence for an anti-cancer diet

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    It has been estimated that 30–40 percent of all cancers can be prevented by lifestyle and dietary measures alone. Obesity, nutrient sparse foods such as concentrated sugars and refined flour products that contribute to impaired glucose metabolism (which leads to diabetes), low fiber intake, consumption of red meat, and imbalance of omega 3 and omega 6 fats all contribute to excess cancer risk. Intake of flax seed, especially its lignan fraction, and abundant portions of fruits and vegetables will lower cancer risk. Allium and cruciferous vegetables are especially beneficial, with broccoli sprouts being the densest source of sulforophane. Protective elements in a cancer prevention diet include selenium, folic acid, vitamin B-12, vitamin D, chlorophyll, and antioxidants such as the carotenoids (α-carotene, β-carotene, lycopene, lutein, cryptoxanthin). Ascorbic acid has limited benefits orally, but could be very beneficial intravenously. Supplementary use of oral digestive enzymes and probiotics also has merit as anticancer dietary measures. When a diet is compiled according to the guidelines here it is likely that there would be at least a 60–70 percent decrease in breast, colorectal, and prostate cancers, and even a 40–50 percent decrease in lung cancer, along with similar reductions in cancers at other sites. Such a diet would be conducive to preventing cancer and would favor recovery from cancer as well

    The study of atmospheric ice-nucleating particles via microfluidically generated droplets

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    Ice-nucleating particles (INPs) play a significant role in the climate and hydrological cycle by triggering ice formation in supercooled clouds, thereby causing precipitation and affecting cloud lifetimes and their radiative properties. However, despite their importance, INP often comprise only 1 in 10³–10⁶ ambient particles, making it difficult to ascertain and predict their type, source, and concentration. The typical techniques for quantifying INP concentrations tend to be highly labour-intensive, suffer from poor time resolution, or are limited in sensitivity to low concentrations. Here, we present the application of microfluidic devices to the study of atmospheric INPs via the simple and rapid production of monodisperse droplets and their subsequent freezing on a cold stage. This device offers the potential for the testing of INP concentrations in aqueous samples with high sensitivity and high counting statistics. Various INPs were tested for validation of the platform, including mineral dust and biological species, with results compared to literature values. We also describe a methodology for sampling atmospheric aerosol in a manner that minimises sampling biases and which is compatible with the microfluidic device. We present results for INP concentrations in air sampled during two field campaigns: (1) from a rural location in the UK and (2) during the UK’s annual Bonfire Night festival. These initial results will provide a route for deployment of the microfluidic platform for the study and quantification of INPs in upcoming field campaigns around the globe, while providing a benchmark for future lab-on-a-chip-based INP studies

    Telomeric Trans-Silencing in Drosophila melanogaster: Tissue Specificity, Development and Functional Interactions between Non-Homologous Telomeres

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    BACKGROUND: The study of P element repression in Drosophila melanogaster led to the discovery of the telomeric Trans-Silencing Effect (TSE), a homology-dependent repression mechanism by which a P-transgene inserted in subtelomeric heterochromatin (Telomeric Associated Sequences, "TAS") has the capacity to repress in trans, in the female germline, a homologous P-lacZ transgene located in euchromatin. TSE can show variegation in ovaries, displays a maternal effect as well as an epigenetic transmission through meiosis and involves heterochromatin and RNA silencing pathways. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here, we analyze phenotypic and genetic properties of TSE. We report that TSE does not occur in the soma at the adult stage, but appears restricted to the female germline. It is detectable during development at the third instar larvae where it presents the same tissue specificity and maternal effect as in adults. Transgenes located in TAS at the telomeres of the main chromosomes can be silencers which in each case show the maternal effect. Silencers located at non-homologous telomeres functionally interact since they stimulate each other via the maternally-transmitted component. All germinally-expressed euchromatic transgenes tested, located on all major chromosomes, were found to be repressed by a telomeric silencer: thus we detected no TSE escaper. The presence of the euchromatic target transgene is not necessary to establish the maternal inheritance of TSE, responsible for its epigenetic behavior. A single telomeric silencer locus can simultaneously repress two P-lacZ targets located on different chromosomal arms. CONCLUSIONS AND SIGNIFICANCE: Therefore TSE appears to be a widespread phenomenon which can involve different telomeres and work across the genome. It can explain the P cytotype establishment by telomeric P elements in natural Drosophila populations