840 research outputs found

    The role of evolutive elastic properties in the performance of a sheet formed spring applied in multimedia car industry

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    The manufacturing process and the behavior of a sheet formed spring manufactured from an aluminum sheet is described and investigated in this work considering the specifications for the in-service conditions. The sheet formed spring is intended to be applied in car multimedia industry to replace bolted connections. Among others, are investigated the roles of the constitutive parameters and the hypothesis of evolutive elastic properties with the plastic work in the multi-step forming process and in working conditions.This research was sponsored by:a) Portugal Incentive System for Research and Technological Development. Project in co-promotion no 36265/2013 (Project HMIExcel - 2013-2015), andb) FCT with the reference project UID/EEA/04436/2013, by FEDER funds through the COMPETE 2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalizacao (POCI) with the reference project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006941.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Formation of unique nanocrystalline Cu-In-Se bulk pn homojunctions for opto-electronic devices

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    Semiconductor pn junctions, integrated in optoelectronic devices require high quality crystals, made by expensive, technically difficult processes. Bulk heterojunction (BHJ) structures offer practical alternatives to circumvent the cost, flexibility and scale-up challenges of crystalline planar pn junctions. Fabrication methods for the current organic or inorganic BHJ structures invariably create interface mismatch and low doping issues. To overcome such issues, we devised an innovative approach, founded on novel inorganic material system that ensued from single-step electrodeposited copper-indium-selenide compounds. Surface analytical microscopies and spectroscopies reveal unusual phenomena, electro-optical properties and quantum effects. They support the formation of highly-ordered, sharp, abrupt 3-dimensional nanoscale pn BHJs that facilitate efficient charge carrier separation and transport, and essentially perform the same functions as crystalline planar pn junctions. This approach offers a low-cost processing platform to create nanocrystalline films, with the attributes necessary for efficient BHJ operation. It allows roll-to-roll processing of flexible devices in simple thin-film form factor.Partial funding for this work is provided by customers of Xcel Energy through a grant from the Renewable Development Fund. The authors gratefully acknowledge sample preparation, analytical contributions and useful discussions with Sharmila Menezes and Yan Li (InterPhases Solar); Senli Guo (Brucker Nano); Terrence McGuckin (Ephemeron Labs); and Nassim Rahimi (HORIBA Scientific). A. Samantilleke acknowledges Prof. L. M. Peter (Bath University, UK) for introducing EER technique

    Lower prevalence of congenital cytomegalovirus infection in Portugal: possible impact of COVID-19 lockdown?

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    Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is the most frequent cause of congenital infection all over the world. Its prevalence ranges from 0.2 to 2.2%. Transmission from children to their pregnant mothers is a well-known risk factor, particularly if they attend a childcare centre. This study aims to compare the prevalence of CMV congenital infection (CMV_CI) in Portugal (Lisbon) between two studies, performed respectively in 2019 and 2020. In the 2019 study, performed in two hospitals, we found a 0.67% CMV_CI prevalence, using a pool strategy previously tested with saliva samples. In the 2020 study, using the same pool approach in four hospitals (the previous and two additional), and based on 1277 samples, the prevalence was 0.078%.Conclusion: The close temporal coincidence with COVID-19 lockdown suggests that these measures may have had a significant impact on this reduction, although other explanations cannot be ruled-out. What is Known: • Cytomegalovirus is the leading cause of congenital infection. • Behavioural measures decrease cytomegalovirus seroconversion in pregnant women. What is New: • From 2019 to 2020 there was a significant reduction in the prevalence of congenital CMV infection.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Numerical and experimental analysis of wrinkling during the cup drawing of an AA5042 aluminium alloy

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    The recent trend to reduce the thickness of metallic sheets used in forming processes strongly increases the likelihood of the occurrence of wrinkling. Thus, in order to obtain defect-free components, the prediction of this kind of defect becomes extremely important in the tool design and selection of process parameters. In this study, the sheet metal forming process proposed as a benchmark in the Numisheet 2014 conference is selected to analyse the influence of the tool geometry on wrinkling behaviour, as well as the reliability of the developed numerical model. The side-wall wrinkling during the deep drawing process of a cylindrical cup in AA5042 aluminium alloy is investigated through finite element simulation and experimental measurements. The material plastic anisotropy is modelled with an advanced yield criterion beyond the isotropic (von Mises) material behaviour. The results show that the shape of the wrinkles predicted by the numerical model is strongly affected by the finite element mesh used in the blank discretization. The accurate modelling of the plastic anisotropy of the aluminium alloy yields numerical results that are in good agreement with the experiments, particularly the shape and location of the wrinkles. The predicted punch force evolution is strongly influenced by the friction coefficient used in the model. Moreover, the two punch geometries provide drawn cups with different wrinkle waves, mainly differing in amplitude.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under project PTDC/EMS-TEC/1805/2012. The first author is also grateful to the FCT for the Postdoctoral grant SFRH/BPD/101334/2014 and P.D. Barros is grateful to the FCT for the PhD Grant SFRH/BD/98545/2013info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Study of intrinsic risk factors for falls in institutionalized elderly people

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    Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar a presença de fatores intrínsecos que predispõem a quedas em idosos moradores em instituições de longa permanência na cidade de Goiânia (GO). Trata-se de estudo descritivo transversal realizado em seis instituições de longa permanência para idosos existentes na cidade de Goiânia. A amostra da investigação constou de 95 idosos que atenderam aos critérios de inclusão e exclusão. Utilizou-se um questionário contendo dados clínicos relacionados às condições de saúde-doença; dados cognitivos; avaliação da capacidade para as atividades básicas de vida diária e avaliação do equilíbrio e marcha. Os idosos avaliados, no geral, apresentam vários fatores de risco, apontados pela literatura, para quedas, tais como: relato de dificuldade motora em membros inferiores (90%), déficit visual (81,1%), uso de três ou mais medicamentos (59,7%), suspeita de depressão (37,9%), falta de equilíbrio em apoio unipodal (37,9%) e altura do passo anormalmente diminuída (32,6%). As informações obtidas nos permitem apontar condições determinantes que aumentam a possibilidade dos eventos queda acontecerem na amostra estudada, sinalizando à necessidade de que estratégias de promoção de saúde, prevenção de agravos e reabilitação devam ser tomadas. _________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe objective of this research was to identify intrinsic risk factors that predispose elderly people living in long-term institutions in the city of Goiânia (GO) to falls. The present descriptive transversal study was carried out in six long-term institutions for seniors in the city of Goiânia. The investigated sample consisted of 95 elderly that fitted the inclusion and exclusion criteria. A questionnaire was used for collecting clinical data related to health-disease conditions; cognitive data; capacity to develop basic daily life activities and equilibrium and gait. In general terms, as pointed out the literature, the examined elderly presented different fall risk factors such as: motor difficulty in lower limbs (90%), visual deficit (81,1%), use of 3 or more kinds of medicines (59,7%), suspected depression (37,9%), lack of equilibrium/unstable unipodal support (37,9%) abnormally decreased height in step (32,6%). The obtained data allow us to set indicators for the increase in falls among the studied sample, demonstrating the need for creating strategies for health promotion, prevention of injuries and rehabilitation

    Dysthanasia: nursing professionals' perception

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    Dysthanasia means slow and painful death without quality of life. This study aimed to know whether nurses identify dysthanasia as part of the final process of the lives of terminal patients hospitalized at an adult ICU. This is an exploratory-qualitative study. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with ten nurses with at least one year of experience in an ICU, and interpreted through content analysis. Results indicate that nurses understand and identify dysthanasia, do not agree with it and recognize elements of orthonasia as the adequate procedure for terminal patients. We conclude that nurses interpret dysthanasia as extending life with pain and suffering, while terminal patients are submitted to futile treatments that do not benefit them. They also identify dysthanasia using elements of orthonasia to explain it.Distanasia significa muerte lenta, con sufrimiento y sin calidad de vida. En esta investigación se buscó conocer si los enfermeros identifican la distanasia como parte del proceso final de la vida de personas en estado terminal, internadas en una UTI para adultos. El estudio es de naturaleza exploratoria, con abordaje cualitativo. Los datos fueron recolectados por medio de entrevista semiestructurada con 10 enfermeros con un mínimo de un año de experiencia en UTI; los datos fueron interpretados por el análisis de contenido. Se obtuvo como resultado que los enfermeros comprenden e identifican la distanasia y se oponen a la misma, presentando elementos de ortotanasia como procedimiento adecuado para pacientes en estado terminal. Se concluye que los enfermeros interpretan la distanasia como el prolongamiento de la vida con dolor y sufrimiento, en el cual los pacientes terminales son sometidos a tratamientos fútiles que no traen beneficios. También identifican la distanasia, usando elementos de la ortotanasia para hacerla explicita.Distanásia significa morte lenta, sofrida e sem qualidade de vida. Nesta pesquisa buscou-se conhecer se os enfermeiros identificam a distanásia como parte do processo final da vida de pessoas em terminalidade, internadas em UTI adulto. O estudo é de natureza exploratória, com abordagem qualitativa. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista semiestruturada com 10 enfermeiros com, no mínimo, um ano de experiência em UTI, e interpretados pela análise de conteúdo. Teve-se como resultado que os enfermeiros compreendem e identificam a distanásia e se opõem à mesma, trazendo elementos da ortotanásia como procedimento adequado para pacientes em terminalidade. Conclui-se que os enfermeiros interpretam a distanásia como o prolongamento de vida com dor e sofrimento, onde os pacientes terminais são submetidos a tratamentos fúteis que não trazem benefícios. E também identificam a distanásia, usando elementos da ortotanásia para explicitá-la

    Life history and chemical ecology of the Warrior wasp Synoeca septentrionalis (Hymenoptera : Vespidae, Epiponini)

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    Swarm-founding ‘Warrior wasps’ (Synoeca spp.) are found throughout the tropical regions of South America, are much feared due to their aggressive nest defence and painful sting. There are only five species of Synoeca, all construct distinctive nests that consist of a single sessile comb built onto the surface of a tree or rock face, which is covered by a ribbed envelope. Although locally common, research into this group is just starting. We studied eight colonies of Synoeca septentrionalis, a species recently been described from Brazil. A new colony is established by a swarm of 52 to 140 adults that constructs a colony containing around 200 brood cells. The largest colony collected containing 865 adults and over 1400 cells. The number of queen’s present among the eight colonies varied between 3 and 58 and no clear association between colony development and queen number was detected. Workers and queens were morphologically indistinguishable, but differences in their cuticular hydrocarbons were detected, particularly in their (Z)-9-alkenes. The simple cuticular profile, multiple queens, large size and small number of species makes the ‘Warrior wasps’ an excellent model group for further chemical ecology studies of swarm-founding wasps
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