10 research outputs found

    Adultos com fraturas: das implicações funcionais e cirúrgicas à educação em saúde Adultos con fracturas: de las implicaciones funcionales y quirurgicas hasta la educación para la salud Fractures in adults: from functional and surgical implications to health education

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    Este estudo objetivou identificar as implicações funcionais e cirúrgicas relativas a pacientes adultos com fraturas, caracterizar o perfil sociodemográfico da amostra do estudo, avaliar a independência funcional das vítimas de fraturas e discutir as implicações relacionadas aos procedimentos cirúrgicos envolvidos no tratamento a esses pacientes. A pesquisa foi realizada entre novembro de 2006 e abril de 2007 com 74 pacientes internados em um hospital de São Paulo. Foram predominantes indivíduos do sexo masculino (91,9%), média de idade de 31,8 anos, brancos (51,3%), vítimas de acidentes de trabalho (51,4%). As fraturas de membros inferiores representaram 73,0% dos casos e membros superiores 13,5%. Os acidentes automobilísticos foram responsáveis por 58,1% das internações. Quanto à Medida de Independência Funcional (MIF), houve aumento nas médias dos valores no decorrer da avaliação. Por outro lado, há diminuição desses valores em casos de acidentes automobilísticos e atropelamentos e naqueles em que os membros inferiores são atingidos.<br>Este estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar las implicaciones funcionales y quirúrgicas de adultos con fracturas, caracterizar el perfil demográfico de la muestra del estudio, evaluar la independencia funcional de las víctimas de fracturas y discutir las implicaciones relativas a los procedimientos quirúrgicos implicados en el tratamiento de estos pacientes. La encuesta fue realizada entre noviembre de 2006 y abril de 2007 con 74 pacientes ingresados en un hospital de Sao Paulo. Varones fueron predominantes (91,9%), edad promedio 31,8 años, blancos (51,3%), víctimas de accidentes (51,4%). Las fracturas de extremidades inferiores representaron el 73,0% de los casos y de extremidades superiores 13,5%. Los accidentes fueron responsables por 58,1% de los ingresos. Cuanto a la Medida de Independencia Funcional (MIF), hubo un aumento en los valores medios durante la evaluación. Por otra parte, hay una disminución de estos valores en casos de accidentes, atropellamientos y en aquellos cuyos miembros inferiores son lesionados.<br>This study aimed to identify the functional and surgical implications for adult patients with fractures, characterizing the demographic profile of the study sample, to assess the functional independence of victims of fractures and discuss the implications related to surgical procedures involved in treating these patients. The survey was conducted between November 2006 and April 2007 with 74 patients admitted to a hospital in Sao Paulo. Male subjects were predominant (91.9%), mean age 31.8 years, whites (51.3%), victims of accidents (51.4%). Fractures of lower limbs accounted for 73.0% of cases and upper limbs 13.5%. The accidents were responsible for 58.1% of admissions. Regarding Functional Independence Measure (FIM), there was an increase in mean values of FIM during the evaluation. Moreover, there is a decrease of these values in cases of accidents and pedestrian accidents and in those whose limbs are affected

    Clinical Trial of an Experimental Cleaning Solution: Antibiofilm Effect and Integrity of a Silicone-based Denture Liner

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    Clinical presentation, aetiology and outcome of infective endocarditis. Results of the ESC-EORP EURO-ENDO (European infective endocarditis) registry: a prospective cohort study

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    The EURO-ENDO registry aimed to study the management and outcomes of patients with infective endocarditis (IE). AIMS: The EURO-ENDO registry aimed to study the management and outcomes of patients with infective endocarditis (IE). METHODS AND RESULTS: Prospective cohort of 3116 adult patients (2470 from Europe, 646 from non-ESC countries), admitted to 156 hospitals in 40 countries between January 2016 and March 2018 with a diagnosis of IE based on ESC 2015 diagnostic criteria. Clinical, biological, microbiological, and imaging [echocardiography, computed tomography (CT) scan, 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (18F-FDG PET/CT)] data were collected. Infective endocarditis was native (NVE) in 1764 (56.6%) patients, prosthetic (PVIE) in 939 (30.1%), and device-related (CDRIE) in 308 (9.9%). Infective endocarditis was community-acquired in 2046 (65.66%) patients. Microorganisms involved were staphylococci in 1085 (44.1%) patients, oral streptococci in 304 (12.3%), enterococci in 390 (15.8%), and Streptococcus gallolyticus in 162 (6.6%). 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography was performed in 518 (16.6%) patients and presented with cardiac uptake (major criterion) in 222 (42.9%) patients, with a better sensitivity in PVIE (66.8%) than in NVE (28.0%) and CDRIE (16.3%). Embolic events occurred in 20.6% of patients, and were significantly associated with tricuspid or pulmonary IE, presence of a vegetation and Staphylococcus aureus IE. According to ESC guidelines, cardiac surgery was indicated in 2160 (69.3%) patients, but finally performed in only 1596 (73.9%) of them. In-hospital death occurred in 532 (17.1%) patients and was more frequent in PVIE. Independent predictors of mortality were Charlson index, creatinine &gt; 2\u2009mg/dL, congestive heart failure, vegetation length &gt; 10 mm, cerebral complications, abscess, and failure to undertake surgery when indicated. CONCLUSION: Infective endocarditis is still a life-threatening disease with frequent lethal outcome despite profound changes in its clinical, microbiological, imaging, and therapeutic profiles