1,109 research outputs found

    Cholecystokinin in the central nervous system of the sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus: precursor identification and neuroanatomical relationships with other neuronal signalling systems

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    Cholecystokinin (CCK) is a neuropeptide that modulates processes such as digestion, satiety, and anxiety. CCK-type peptides have been characterized in jawed vertebrates and invertebrates, but little is known about CCK-type signalling in the most ancient group of vertebrates, the agnathans. Here, we have cloned and sequenced a cDNA encoding a sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus L.) CCK-type precursor (PmCCK), which contains a CCK-type octapeptide sequence (PmCCK-8) that is highly similar to gnathostome CCKs. Using mRNA in situ hybridization, the distribution of PmCCK-expressing neurons was mapped in the CNS of P. marinus. This revealed PmCCK-expressing neurons in the hypothalamus, posterior tubercle, prethalamus, nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus, midbrain tegmentum, isthmus, rhombencephalic reticular formation, and the putative nucleus of the solitary tract. Some PmCCK-expressing neuronal populations were only observed in adults, revealing important differences with larvae. We generated an antiserum to PmCCK-8 to enable immunohistochemical analysis of CCK expression, which revealed that GABA or glutamate, but not serotonin, tyrosine hydroxylase or neuropeptide Y, is co-expressed in some PmCCK-8-immunoreactive (ir) neurons. Importantly, this is the first demonstration of co-localization of GABA and CCK in neurons of a non-mammalian vertebrate. We also characterized extensive cholecystokinergic fibre systems of the CNS, including innervation of habenular subnuclei. A conspicuous PmCCK-8-ir tract ascending in the lateral rhombencephalon selectively innervates a glutamatergic population in the dorsal isthmic grey. Interestingly, this tract is reminiscent of the secondary gustatory/visceral tract of teleosts. In conclusion, this study provides important new information on the evolution of the cholecystokinergic system in vertebrates.</p

    Holocentric Chromosomes of Luzula elegans Are Characterized by a Longitudinal Centromere Groove, Chromosome Bending, and a Terminal Nucleolus Organizer Region

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    The structure of holocentric chromosomes was analyzed in mitotic cells of Luzula elegans. Light and scanning electron microscopy observations provided evidence for the existence of a longitudinal groove along each sister chromatid. The centromere-specific histone H3 variant, CENH3, colocalized with this groove and with microtubule attachment sites. The terminal chromosomal regions were CENH3-negative. During metaphase to anaphase transition, L. elegans chromosomes typically curved to a sickle-like shape, a process that is likely to be influenced by the pulling forces of microtubules along the holocentric axis towards the corresponding microtubule organizing regions. A single pair of 45S rDNA sites, situated distal to Arabidopsis-telomere repeats, was observed at the terminal region of one chromosome pair. We suggest that the 45S rDNA position in distal centromere-free regions could be required to ensure chromosome stability. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Base

    Plasticity and dystonia: a hypothesis shrouded in variability.

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    Studying plasticity mechanisms with Professor John Rothwell was a shared highlight of our careers. In this article, we discuss non-invasive brain stimulation techniques which aim to induce and quantify plasticity, the mechanisms and nature of their inherent variability and use such observations to review the idea that excessive and abnormal plasticity is a pathophysiological substrate of dystonia. We have tried to define the tone of our review by a couple of Professor John Rothwell's many inspiring characteristics; his endless curiosity to refine knowledge and disease models by scientific exploration and his wise yet humble readiness to revise scientific doctrines when the evidence is supportive. We conclude that high variability of response to non-invasive brain stimulation plasticity protocols significantly clouds the interpretation of historical findings in dystonia research. There is an opportunity to wipe the slate clean of assumptions and armed with an informative literature in health, re-evaluate whether excessive plasticity has a causal role in the pathophysiology of dystonia

    Lulo cell line derived from Lutzomyia longipalpis (Diptera: Psychodidae) : A novel model to assay Leishmania spp. and vector interaction

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    Background: Leishmania (Vianna) braziliensis, Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis and Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi are important parasites in the scenario of leishmaniasis in Brazil. During the life cycle of these parasites, the promastigote forms adhere to the midgut epithelial microvillii of phlebotomine insects to avoid being secreted along with digestive products. Lulo cells are a potential model that will help to understand the features of this adhesion phenomenon. Here, we analyze the interaction between Leishmania spp. promastigotes and Lulo cells in vitro, specifically focusing on adhesion events occurring between three Leishmania species and this cell line. Methods. Confluent monolayers of Lulo cells were incubated with promastigotes and adhesion was assessed using both light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Findings. The results indicate that species from the subgenera Leishmania and Viannia have great potential to adhere to Lulo cells. The highest adherence rate was observed for L. (L.) chagasi after 24 h of incubation with Lulo cells (27.3 1.8% of cells with adhered promastigotes), followed by L. (L.) amazonensis (16.0 0.7%) and L. (V.) braziliensis (3.0 0.7%), both after 48 h. In the ultrastructural analysis, promastigote adherence was also assessed by scanning electron microscopy, showing that, for parasites from both subgenera, adhesion occurs by both the body and the flagellum. The interaction of Lulo cells with Leishmania (L.) chagasi showed the participation of cytoplasmic projections from the former closely associating the parasites with the cells. Conclusions: We present evidence that Lulo cells can be useful in studies of insect-parasite interactions for Leishmania species. © 2011 Côrtes et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Climacostol reduces tumour progression in a mouse model of melanoma via the p53-dependent intrinsic apoptotic programme

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    Climacostol, a compound produced by the ciliated protozoan Climacostomum virens, displayed cytotoxic properties in vitro. This study demonstrates that it has anti-tumour potential. Climacostol caused a reduction of viability/proliferation of B16-F10 mouse melanoma cells, a rapidly occurring DNA damage, and induced the intrinsic apoptotic pathway characterised by the dissipation of the mitochondrial membrane potential, the translocation of Bax to the mitochondria, the release of Cytochrome c from the mitochondria, and the activation of Caspase 9-dependent cleavage of Caspase 3. The apoptotic mechanism of climacostol was found to rely on the up-regulation of p53 and its targets Noxa and Puma. In vivo analysis of B16-F10 allografts revealed a persistent inhibition of tumour growth rate when melanomas were treated with intra-tumoural injections of climacostol. In addition, it significantly improved the survival of transplanted mice, decreased tumour weight, induced a remarkable reduction of viable cells inside the tumour, activated apoptosis and up-regulated the p53 signalling network. Importantly, climacostol toxicity was more selective against tumour than non-tumour cells. The anti-tumour properties of climacostol and the molecular events associated with its action indicate that it is a powerful agent that may be considered for the design of pro-apoptotic drugs for melanoma therapy

    Mammographic over-screening: Evaluation based on probabilistic linkage of records databases from the breast cancer information system (SISMAMA)

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    The Brazilian Ministry of Health recommends biennial mammographic screening for women aged between 50 and 69 years. Since screening is opportunistic in the country, the actual periodicity varies. This study sought to test a methodology for estimating over-screening due to excessive periodicity, defined as a smaller than recommended interval between exams, and its association with socio-demographic characteristics. A cohort of women who underwent mammography in 2010, and whose result was normal, was assembled through probabilistic linkage SISMAMA records based on a set of personal identifiers. We used data from women living in the micro health region of Juiz de Fora/Lima Duarte/Bom Jardim, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, who were followed in the System until the end of 2012. The rate of over-screening was 150/1,000 women/year (95%CI: 144.9-155.9), affecting 21% of women. Over-screening increased by 24% during Pink October campaigns (adjusted HR = 1.24; 95%CI: 1.15-1.35). The shorter the time passed since the last mammogram, the greater the odds of over-screening. Compared with women who had never had a mammogram prior to 2010, women who had had one in the previous 2 years were two times more likely to be over-screened (adjusted HR = 2.01; 95%CI: 1.74-2.31) whilst those who had had a mammogram ≤ 1 year previously were three times more likely to be over-screened (adjusted HR = 3.27; 95%CI: 2.87-3.73). Over-screening was substantial in this population, excessively exposing women to the risks of screening with no additional benefits and overestimating mammogram coverage. The methodology proved to be successful and should be applied to representative populations in order to guide breast cancer control policies
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