711 research outputs found

    Molecular and physical characteristics of aerosol at a remote free troposphere site: implications for atmospheric aging

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    Aerosol properties are transformed by atmospheric processes during long-range transport and play a key role in the Earth's radiative balance. To understand the molecular and physical characteristics of free tropospheric aerosol, we studied samples collected at the Pico Mountain Observatory in the North Atlantic. The observatory is located in the marine free troposphere at 2225&thinsp;m above sea level, on Pico Island in the Azores archipelago. The site is ideal for the study of long-range-transported free tropospheric aerosol with minimal local influence. Three aerosol samples with elevated organic carbon concentrations were selected for detailed analysis. FLEXPART retroplumes indicated that two of the samples were influenced by North American wildfire emissions transported in the free troposphere and one by North American outflow mainly transported within the marine boundary layer. Ultrahigh-resolution Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry was used to determine the detailed molecular composition of the samples. Thousands of molecular formulas were assigned to each of the individual samples. On average  ∼ 60&thinsp;% of the molecular formulas contained only carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms (CHO),  ∼ 30&thinsp;% contained nitrogen (CHNO), and  ∼ 10&thinsp;% contained sulfur (CHOS). The molecular formula compositions of the two wildfire-influenced aerosol samples transported mainly in the free troposphere had relatively low average O∕C ratios (0.48±0.13 and 0.45±0.11) despite the 7–10 days of transport time according to FLEXPART. In contrast, the molecular composition of the North American outflow transported mainly in the boundary layer had a higher average O∕C ratio (0.57±0.17) with 3 days of transport time. To better understand the difference between free tropospheric transport and boundary layer transport, the meteorological conditions along the FLEXPART simulated transport pathways were extracted from the Global Forecast System analysis for the model grids. We used the extracted meteorological conditions and the observed molecular chemistry to predict the relative-humidity-dependent glass transition temperatures (Tg) of the aerosol components. Comparisons of the Tg to the ambient temperature indicated that a majority of the organic aerosol components transported in the free troposphere were more viscous and therefore less susceptible to oxidation than the organic aerosol components transported in the boundary layer. Although the number of observations is limited, the results suggest that biomass burning organic aerosol injected into the free troposphere is more persistent than organic aerosol in the boundary layer having broader implications for aerosol aging.</p


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    O presente trabalho descreve aspectos da biologia das espécies capturadas com espinhel pelágico na região oceânica frente ao Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, cobrindo a área entre 30ºS e 35ºS. Os resultados indicam o uso da área como possível sítio de alimentação para grandes predadores pelágicos como tubarões, espadartes e atuns. Os dados indicam ainda a área como um local utilizado por fêmeas de tubarão-azul Prionace glauca para o parto.The present work describes biological aspects of species caught with pelagic longline off Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, between 30ºS to 35ºS. Results point this area as a possible feeding ground of pelagic predators like sharks, swordfish and tunas. Data revealed this area as a parturition location for females blue sharks Prionace glauca

    Ten Years of Black Carbon Measurements in the North Atlantic at the Pico Mountain Observatory, Azores (2225m asl).

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    45th annual Fall Meeting, AGU. San Francisco, California, 3-7 December.The Pico Mountain Observatory is located in the summit caldera of the Pico mountain, an inactive volcano on the Pico Island in the Azores, Portugal (38.47°N, 28.40°W, Altitude 2225m asl). The Azores are often impacted by polluted outflows from the North American continent and local sources have been shown to have a negligible influence at the observatory. The value of the station stems from the fact that this is the only permanent mountaintop monitoring station in the North Atlantic that is typically located above the marine boundary layer (average MBL heights are below 1200 m and rarely exceed 1300 m) and often receives air characteristic of the lower free troposphere. Measurements of black carbon (BC) mass have been carried out at the station since 2001, mostly in the summer seasons. Here we discuss the BC decadal dataset (2001-2011) collected at the site by using a seven-wavelength AE31 Magee Aethalometer. Measured BC mass and computed Angstrom exponent (AE) values were analysed to study seasonal and diurnal variations. There was a large day-to-day variability in the BC values due to varied meteorological conditions that resulted in different diurnal patterns for different months. The daily mean BC at this location ranged between 0 and ~430 ngm-3, with the most frequently occurring value in the range 0-100 ngm-3. The overall mean for the 10 year period is ~24 ngm-3, with a coefficient of variation of 150%. The BC values exhibited a consistent annual trend being low in winter months and high in summer months, barring year to year variations. To differentiate between BC and other absorbing particles, we analyzed the wavelength dependence of aerosol absorption coefficient and determined a best-fit exponent i.e., the Ångström exponent, for the whole dataset. Visible Ångström exponent (AE: 470-520-590-660 nm) values ranged between 0 and 3.5, with most frequently occurring values in the range 0.85 to 1.25. By making use of the aethalometer light attenuation measurements at different wavelengths and Hysplit back trajectories, we divided the data into two categories. One for periods characterized by AE values close to 1; these periods are typically correlated with back trajectories originating from Canada, North America or northern Europe, indicating the dominance of BC on the light attenuation. Another characterized by AE values substantially different from 1; these periods correlated with back trajectories originating from dust-prone regions (e.g., the Sahara desert).The above measurements, with the aid of ancillary satellite and ground-based measurements will be employed in estimating the radiaitve effects of BC in the North Atlantic

    Effects of Mechanical Winter Pruning on Vine Performances and Management Costs in a Trebbiano Romagnolo Vineyard: A Five-Year Study

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    Vineyard mechanical winter pruning has been spreading worldwide, and the physiological basis ascribable to it has been consolidated throughout the years. Despite labor savings and reduction of costs having been proven, the demonstration of its economic viability might be challenging. In this context, this work aims to evaluate the vine performances and the costs of different degrees of the mechanization of winter pruning over a five-year trial (2011-2015). In a vineyard of cv. Trebbiano Romagnolo (Vitis vinifera L.) located in northern Italy, three pruning treatments were laid out as follows: (a) manual pruning (MAN); (b) mechanical pre-pruning and simultaneous manual follow-up (MP + F); (c) mechanical pruning without a manual follow-up (MP). The results showed a strong increase in the node number of MP. Nevertheless, the yield compensation factors (i.e., the shoot fruitfulness and cluster weight) limited the increase in productivity. Soluble solids did not differ between the pruning treatments, while titratable acidity resulted slightly higher only on the MP berries. The MP treatment was the most economically convenient, with a vineyard surface of 1.5 hectares, while mechanical pruning with manual finishing resulted more advantageous, compared to manual pruning when the vineyard surface was greater than 2.9 hectares. The agronomic and economic results obtained in this five-year trial suggest that mechanical pruning may be profitably applied also on grapevine varieties characterized by low basal bud fruitfulness, such as Trebbiano Romagnolo

    Measurement of Free Tropospheric Aerosols in the North Atlantic at the Pico Mountain Observatory.

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    AAAR 31st Annual Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota, October 8-12, 2012.The Pico Mountain Observatory is located at 2225 m amsl on an inactive volcano at Pico Island in the Azores archipelago in the North Atlantic ~3900 km east and downwind of North America (38º28'15''N; 28º24’'14''W). The unique location of the Observatory enables sampling of free tropospheric air transported over long, intercontinental distances and is rarely affected by local emissions. The Observatory is affected mainly by North American outflow after its trans-Atlantic transport. Therefore, its location is ideal for observations of long-range transported pollutants emitted from anthropogenic and biogenic continental sources. The composition of continental pollution outflow is altered during transport by mixing, chemical reactions, phase changes, and removal processes. Thus, the properties of aerosol and trace gases in downwind regions are impacted by the outflow of pollutants, their chemical transformation, and sinks. In previous work, the sampled air-mass measurements (including CO, O3, NOx, NOy, NMHC, black carbon and aerosol optical size) and the simulations of their dispersion indicated outflow of North American tropospheric ozone and its precursors. Although the measurements have been crucial in explaining the evolution of North American gaseous pollution, little is known regarding the nature of the aged aerosol. New work is currently underway at the Observatory to provide chemical characterization of the intercepted free tropospheric aerosols. Here, we show the preliminary results of the free tropospheric aerosol composition and its physical properties. Samples were collected using high-volume filter samplers with quartz filters and analyzed for organic and elemental carbon (OC and EC, respectively). We compare the observed OC and EC values to the collocated measurements of gas- and particle-phase species, meteorological parameters and to the values found in current literature. We highlight the future work in which we will select filter samples based on the arrival of highly polluted air masses from anthropological or biomass burning emissions for further detailed analysis

    Evaluation of organic markers for chemical mass balance source apportionment at the Fresno Supersite

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    International audienceSources of PM2.5 at the Fresno Supersite during high PM2.5 episodes occurring from 15 December 2000?3 February 2001 were estimated with the Chemical Mass Balance (CMB) receptor model. The ability of source profiles with organic markers to distinguish motor vehicle, residential wood combustion (RWC), and cooking emissions was evaluated with simulated data. Organics improved the distinction between gasoline and diesel vehicle emissions and allowed a more precise estimate of the cooking source contribution. Sensitivity tests using average ambient concentrations showed that the gasoline vehicle contribution was not resolved without organics. Organics were not required to estimate hardwood contributions. The most important RWC marker was the water-soluble potassium ion. The estimated cooking contribution did not depend on cholesterol because its concentrations were below the detection limit in most samples. Winter time source contributions were estimated by applying the CMB model to individual and average sample concentrations. RWC was the largest source, contributing 29?31% of measured PM2.5. Hardwood and softwood combustion accounted for 16?17% and 12?15%, respectively. Secondary ammonium nitrate and motor vehicle emissions accounted for 31?33% and 9?15%, respectively. The gasoline vehicle contribution (3?10%) was comparable to the diesel vehicle contribution (5?6%). The cooking contribution was 5?19% of PM2.5. Fresno source apportionment results were consistent with those estimated in previous studies

    Green Tattoo Pre-Operative Renal Embolization for Robotic-Assisted and Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy: A Practical Proof of a New Technique

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    Background: Our aim is to describe a new mixed indocyanine-non-adhesive liquid embolic agent (Onyx-18) pre-operative renal embolization technique for assisted-robotic and laparoscopic partial nephrectomy with near-infra-red fluorescence imaging. (2) Methods: Thirteen patients with biopsy-proven renal tumors underwent pre-operative mixed indocyanine–ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH) embolization (Green-embo) between June 2021 and August 2022. All pre-operative embolizations were performed with a super selective stop-flow technique using a balloon microcatheter to deliver an indocyanine-EVOH mixture into tertiary order arterial branch feeders and the intra-lesional vascular supply. Efficacy (evaluated as complete embolization, correct tumor mapping on infra-red fluorescence imaging and clamp-off surgery) and safety (evaluated as complication rate and functional outcomes) were primary goals. Clinical and pathological data were also collected. (3) Results: Two male and eleven female patients (mean age 72 years) received pre-operative Green-embo. The median tumor size was 29 mm (range 15–50 mm). Histopathology identified renal cell carcinoma (RCC) in 9 of the 13 (69%) patients, oncocytoma in 3 of the 13 (23%) patients and sarcomatoid RCC in 1 of the 13 (8%) patients. Lesions were equally distributed between polar, meso-renal, endo- and exophytic locations. Complete embolization was achieved in all the procedures. A correct green mapping was identified during all infra-red fluorescence imaging. All patients were discharged on the second day after the surgery. The median blood loss was 145 cc (10–300 cc). No significant differences were observed in serum creatinine levels before and after the embolization procedures. (4) Conclusions: The Green-tattoo technique based on a mixed indocyanine-non-adhesive liquid embolic agent (Onyx-18) is a safe and effective pre-operative embolization technique. The main advantages are the excellent lesion mapping for fluorescence imaging, reduction in surgical time, and definitive, complete and immediate tumor devascularization based on the deep Onyx-18 penetration, leading to a very low intra-operative blood loss

    Measurement of Aerosols and Trace Gases in the Free Troposphere at the Pico Mountain Observatory in the Azores.

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    European Geosciences Union (EGU), General Assembly. Viena, Austria, 07 - 12 April 2013.Here, we present an overview of gas and aerosol data measured at the Pico Mountain Station. The primary objective of these measurements are to enhance our knowledge of anthropogenic and biomass burning emissions from North America and their relative impact on atmospheric composition and radiative forcing in the free troposphere of the North Atlantic
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