355 research outputs found

    Selective use of wine yeast strains having different volatile phenols production

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    Among Saccharomyces cerevisiae wine yeasts, we found a high frequency of strains having the ability to decarboxylate 4-hydroxycinnamic acid and 3-methoxy-4-hydroxy-cinnamic acid. From Gewurztraminer juices fermented by S. cerevisiae wine strains with and without such character, we obtained wines with considerably different levels of volatile phenols and some interesting evidences of the likely precursors of 4-vinylguaiacol and 4-vinylphenol. The identification of yeast strains by electrophoretic karyotyping gave us the possibility of evaluating the effective contribution of the yeast in the organoleptic characteristic of Traminer wines associated with the concentration of such volatile phenols

    Methyl salicylate glycosides in some Italian varietal wines

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    Glycosides are ubiquitous plant secondary metabolites consisting of a non-sugar component called an aglycone, attached to one or more sugars. One of the most interesting aglycones in grapes and wine is methyl salicylate (MeSA), an organic ester naturally produced by many plants, particularly wintergreens. To date, nine different MeSA glycosides from plants have been reported, mainly spread over the genera Gaultheria, Camellia, Polygala, Filipendula, and Passiflora. From a sensorial point of view, MeSA has a balsamic-sweet odor, known as Wintergreen. MeSA was found in Vitis riparia grapes, in Vitis vinifera sp. and in the Frontenac interspecific hybrid. We found that the MeSA glycosides content in Verdicchio wines and in some genetically related varieties (Trebbiano di Soave and Trebbiano di Lugana) was very high. In order to understand which glycosides were present in wine, the methanolic extract of Verdicchio wine was injected into a UPLC-Q-TOF-HDMS and compared to the extracts of different plants rich in such glycosides. Using pure standards, we confirmed the existence of two glycosides in wine: MeSA 2-O-β-d-glucoside and MeSA 2-O-β-d-xylopyranosyl (1-6) β-d-glucopyranoside (gaultherin). For the first time, we also tentatively identified other diglycosides in wine: MeSA 2-O-α-l-arabinopyranosyl (1-6)-β-d-glucopyranoside (violutoside) and MeSA 2-O-β-d-apiofuranosyl (1-6)-β-d-glucopyranoside (canthoside A), MeSA 2-O-β-d-glucopyranosyl (1-6)-O-β-d-glucopyranoside (gentiobioside) and MeSA 2-O-α-l-rhamnopyranosyl (1-6)-β-d-glucopyranoside (rutinoside). Some of these glycosides have been isolated from Gaultheria procumbens leaves by preparative liquid chromatography and structurally annotated by 1H- and 13C-NMR analysis. Two of the peaks isolated from Gaultheria procumbens leaves, namely MeSA sambubioside and MeSA sophoroside, were herein observed for the first time. Six MeSA glycosides were quantified in 64 Italian white wines, highlighting the peculiar content and pattern in Verdicchio wines and related cultivars. The total concentration in bound and free MeSA in Verdicchio wines varied in the range of 456–9796 μg/L and 5.5–143 μg/L, respectively, while in the other wines the bound and free MeSA was below 363 μg/L and 12 μg/L, respectively. As this compound’s olfactory threshold is between 50 and 100 μg/L, our data support the hypothesis that methyl salicylate can contribute to the balsamic scent, especially in old Verdicchio wine

    A new 1,1,6-trimethyl-1,2-dihydronaphthalene (TDN) precursor isolated from Riesling grape products: Partial structure elucidation and possible reaction mechanism

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    A heteroside, which produces 1,1,6-trimethyl-1,2-dihydronaphthalene (TDN) by acid hydrolysis, was isolated from Riesling grapes by retention on Amberlite XAD-2 resin, followed by preparative TLC and HPLC techniques. It was partially identified by NMR spectroscopic procedures. The presence of a megastigm-4-en-9-one structure with an enol-ether function in the C4 position and a OH/OR function in the C6 position was ascertained. The sugar part should be constituted of two or three glucose moieties with the same NMR characteristics. The linkage of these moieties to the megastigmane structure in the C4 position and possibly also in the C6 position remains to be determined. The isolated conjugated form produced only a TDN-d4 isomer when reacted at 50 degrees C in D2O at different acid pH values. A possible reaction mechanism was proposed, considering the kinetics of TDN-d(4) formation during the hydrolysis of the raw glycosidic fraction from two differently aged Riesling wines at pH 2, and comparing it with the kinetics of TDN formation as well. The latter may correspond to the mechanism proposed by WINTERHALTER (1991). Thus, the presence of at least two different TDN precursors in grape products at different concentrations was proved

    Economics of One Health: Costs and benefits of integrated West Nile virus surveillance in Emilia-Romagna

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    Since 2013 in Emilia-Romagna, Italy, surveillance information generated in the public health and in the animal health sectors has been shared and used to guide public health interventions to mitigate the risk of West Nile virus (WNV) transmission via blood transfusion. The objective of the current study was to identify and estimate the costs and benefits associated with this One Health surveillance approach, and to compare it to an approach that does not integrate animal health information in blood donations safety policy (uni-sectoral scenario). Costs of human, animal, and entomological surveillance, sharing of information, and triggered interventions were estimated. Benefits were quantified as the averted costs of potential human cases of WNV neuroinvasive disease associated to infected blood transfusion. In the 2009–2015 period, the One Health approach was estimated to represent a cost saving of €160,921 compared to the uni-sectoral scenario. Blood donation screening was the main cost for both scenarios. The One Health approach further allowed savings of €1.21 million in terms of avoided tests on blood units. Benefits of the One Health approach due to short-term costs of hospitalization and compensation for transfusion-associated disease potentially avoided, were estimated to range from €0 to €2.98 million according to the probability of developing WNV neuroinvasive disease after receiving an infected blood transfusion

    Vitis vinifera - a chemotaxonomic approach: Anthocyanins in the skin

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    The gaining of new knowledge about varietal differences in grapevines can be useful for the designing of genetic improvement programs. More and more, chemical methods complement ampelographic ones in the study of variability in grapevines. This work is aimed at the anthocyanin profiling of red-coloured grapes, of which ca. 120 cultivars were sampled; among these there were a high number of old Italian vines and 30 Vitis vinifera ssp. silvestris originating from different areas of Italy. Anthocyanins were HPLC separated and quantified with the aid of an inverse phase microbore column and a photodiode detector. Grapevines were numerically separated in groups using as indexes the percentage of the 5 monoglucosides present, the summations of: acetic esters; malvidin-3-monoglucoside-caffeoate plus all 5 p-coumaric esters; as well as a series of relations correlated to certain enzymatic activities necessary for the esterification of glucosides, hydroxylation and methylation in the biosynthesis of several anthocyanins. Data derived from the study of indexes of varietal enzymatic activity enable us to qualify differences between grapevines linked to the synthesis of anthocyanins. The stability of anthocyanic profiles within the same grape variety enables the use of this technique for taxonomic purposes. This research study discusses the use of this technique for classification and analysis of grape phylogenesis. An in-depth look into the relations between cultivated and wild varieties is given

    Terpenoids and norisoprenoids in Italian red wines

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    AIM Terpene compounds are associated with fl oral notes and are characteristic of aromatic grape varieties such as Muscat (Jackson,2008). They are generally considered to potentially contribute to the aroma of white wines. However, there is a growing interesttowards the potential contribution of terpene compounds to the aroma of red wines. The aim of this work was to investigate theoccurrence of diff erent terpenes in red wines from Italian varieties. METHODS For this study wines from 11 mono-varietal Italian redwines from 12 regions were used (19 Sangiovese, 11 Nebbiolo, 10 Aglianico, 11 Primitivo, 10 Raboso del Piave, 9 Cannonau, 11 Teroldego,3 Nerello, 9 Montepulciano, 7 Corvina). All samples were from vintage 2016 and none of them had been in contact with wood. A totalof 19 terpenes and 7 norisoprenoids were analysed by mean of SPME-GC-MS analysis using a DVB-CAR-PDMS fi ber. The wines werecollected in the framework of the activities of the D-Wines (Diversity of Italian wines) project. RESULTS Signifi cant diff erences amongvarieties were observed for basically all the compounds analyzed with the exception of limonene. Overall, the concentrations of thevarious terpenes remained in the same order of magnitude. However, some diff erences are noticeable between varieties. Corvina wascharacterized by higher level of linalool, followed by Aglianico, Nebbiolo, Primitivo and Sangiovese. Cyclic terpenoids appeared asgood varietal markers, for instances Montepulciano was characterized by 1,4-cineole and 1,8-cineole, whereas Sangiovese showedhigher levels of p-cymene, \u3b1-terpinene and 1,4-cineole. Higher terpinene-1-ol content was characteristic of Montepulciano and Rabosowines. Relatively high levels of the norisoprenoid \u3b2-damascenone were found in Cannonau up to 3.68 \u3bcg/L. CONCLUSIONS This studyprovide the fi rst survey of a large number of terpenoids and norisoprenoids in diff erent mono-varietal Italian red wines. The resultsshowed that a large number of terpenoids were present in Italian red wines with specifi c profi les related to the varieties
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