121 research outputs found

    Constraints on secret neutrino interactions after Planck

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    (Abridged) Neutrino interactions beyond the standard model may affect the cosmological evolution and can be constrained through observations. We consider the possibility that neutrinos possess secret scalar or pseudoscalar interactions mediated by the Nambu-Goldstone boson of a still unknown spontaneously broken global U(1)U(1) symmetry, as in, e.g. , Majoron models. In such scenarios, neutrinos still decouple at T1T\simeq 1 MeV, but become tightly coupled again ('recouple') at later stages of the cosmological evolution. We use available observations of CMB anisotropies, including Planck 2013 and the joint BICEP2/Planck 2015 data, to derive constraints on the quantity γνν4\gamma_{\nu \nu}^4, parameterizing the neutrino collision rate due to (pseudo)scalar interactions. We consider both a minimal extension of the standard Λ\LambdaCDM model, and scenarios with extra relativistic species or non-vanishing tensors. We find a typical constraint γνν4<0.9×1027\gamma_{\nu \nu}^4 < 0.9\times 10^{-27} (95% C.L.), implying an upper limit on the redshift zrecz_{rec} of neutrino recoupling <8500< 8500. In the framework of Majoron models, the upper limit on γνν\gamma_{\nu \nu} roughly translates on a constraint g<8.2×107g < 8.2\times 10^{-7} on the Majoron-neutrino coupling constant gg. In general, the data show a weak (1σ\sim 1\sigma) but intriguing preference for non-zero values of γνν4\gamma_{\nu \nu}^4, with best fits in the range γνν4=(0.150.35)×1027\gamma_{\nu \nu}^4 = (0.15 - 0.35)\times 10^{-27}, depending on the particular dataset. This is more evident when either observations from ACT and SPT are included, or the possibility of non-vanishing tensor modes is considered. In particular, for the minimal model Λ\LambdaCDM +γνν\gamma_{\nu \nu} and including the Planck 2013, ACT and SPT data, we report γνν4=(0.450.38+0.15)×1027\gamma_{\nu \nu}^4=( 0.45^{+0.15}_{-0.38} )\times10^{-27} (200<zrec<5700200 < z_{rec} < 5700) at 68% confidence level.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables. Replaced to match version accepted for pubblication in JCA

    The ν\nu generation: present and future constraints on neutrino masses from cosmology and laboratory experiments

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    We perform a joint analysis of current data from cosmology and laboratory experiments to constrain the neutrino mass parameters in the framework of bayesian statistics, also accounting for uncertainties in nuclear modeling, relevant for neutrinoless double β\beta decay (0ν2β0\nu2\beta) searches. We find that a combination of current oscillation, cosmological and 0ν2β0\nu2\beta data constrains mββ < 0.045eVm_{\beta\beta}~<~0.045\,\mathrm{eV} (0.014eV<mββ<0.066eV0.014 \, \mathrm{eV} < m_{\beta\beta} < 0.066 \,\mathrm{eV}) at 95\% C.L. for normal (inverted) hierarchy. This result is in practice dominated by the cosmological and oscillation data, so it is not affected by uncertainties related to the interpretation of 0ν2β0\nu2\beta data, like nuclear modeling, or the exact particle physics mechanism underlying the process. We then perform forecasts for forthcoming and next-generation experiments, and find that in the case of normal hierarchy, given a total mass of 0.10.1\, eV, and assuming a factor-of-two uncertainty in the modeling of the relevant nuclear matrix elements, it will be possible to measure the total mass itself, the effective Majorana mass and the effective electron mass with an accuracy (at 95\% C.L.) of 0.050.05, 0.0150.015, 0.02eV0.02\,\mathrm{eV} respectively, as well as to be sensitive to one of the Majorana phases. This assumes that neutrinos are Majorana particles and that the mass mechanism gives the dominant contribution to 0ν2β0\nu2\beta decay. We argue that more precise nuclear modeling will be crucial to improve these sensitivities.Comment: v2: 6 pages, 3 figures, 1 table; added definition of parameter minimal value from oscillation measurements; corrected confidence interval, that in v1 were reported at 90% C.L. and misidentified as 95% C.L.; accepted for publicatio

    Signatures of the neutrino thermal history in the spectrum of primordial gravitational waves

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    In this paper we study the effect of the anisotropic stress generated by neutrinos on the propagation of primordial cosmological gravitational waves. The presence of anisotropic stress, like the one generated by free-streaming neutrinos, partially absorbs the gravitational waves (GWs) propagating across the Universe. We find that in the standard case of three neutrino families, 22% of the intensity of the wave is absorbed, in fair agreement with previous studies. We have also calculated the maximum possible amount of damping, corresponding to the case of a flat Universe completely dominated by ultrarelativistic collisionless particles. In this case 43% of the intensity of the wave is absorbed. Finally, we have taken into account the effect of collisions, using a simple form for the collision term parameterized by the mean time between interactions, that allows to go smoothly from the case of a tigthly-coupled fluid to that of a collisionless gas. The dependence of the absorption on the neutrino energy density and on the effectiveness of the interactions opens the interesting possibility of observing spectral features related to particular events in the thermal history of the Universe, like neutrino decoupling and electron-positron annihilation, both occurring at T~1 MeV. GWs entering the horizon at that time will have today a frequency \nu\sim 10^{-9} \Hz, a region that is going to be probed by Pulsar Timing Arrays.Comment: V1: 14 pages, 2 figures. To appear in Gen. Rel. Grav. V2: References Adde

    Connecting neutrino physics with dark matter

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    The origin of neutrino masses and the nature of dark matter are two of the most pressing open questions of the modern astro-particle physics. We consider here the possibility that these two problems are related, and review some theoretical scenarios which offer common solutions. A simple possibility is that the dark matter particle emerges in minimal realizations of the see-saw mechanism, like in the majoron and sterile neutrino scenarios. We present the theoretical motivation for both models and discuss their phenomenology, confronting the predictions of these scenarios with cosmological and astrophysical observations. Finally, we discuss the possibility that the stability of dark matter originates from a flavour symmetry of the leptonic sector. We review a proposal based on an A_4 flavour symmetry.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures. Review prepared for the focus issue on "Neutrino Physics". Matches published versio

    Decaying Majoron Dark Matter and Neutrino Masses

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    We review the recent proposal by Lattanzi & Valle of the majoron as a suitable warm dark matter candidate. The majoron is the Goldstone boson associated to the spontaneous breaking of ungauged lepton number, one of the mechanisms proposed to give rise to neutrino masses. The majoron can acquire a mass through quantum gravity effects, and can possibly account for the observed dark matter component of the Universe. We present constraints on the majoron lifetime, mass and abundance obtained by the analysis of the cosmic microwave background data. We find that, in the case of thermal production, the limits for the majoron mass read 0.12 keV<m_J<0.17 keV, and discuss how these limits are modified in the non-thermal case. The majoron lifetime is constrained to be larger than 250 Gyrs. We also apply this results to a given seesaw model for the generation of neutrino masses, and find that this constraints the energy scale for the lepton number breaking phase transition to be above 10^6 GeV. We thus find that the majoron decaying dark matter (DDM) scenario fits nicely in models where neutrino masses arise "a la seesaw" and may lead to other possible cosmological implications.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures. Contribution to proceedings of the 4th Sino-Italian Workshop on Relativistic Astrophysics, Pescara, 20-30 July 200

    Features in the primordial spectrum: new constraints from WMAP7+ACT data and prospects for Planck

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    We update the constraints on possible features in the primordial inflationary density perturbation spectrum by using the latest data from the WMAP7 and ACT Cosmic Microwave Background experiments. The inclusion of new data significantly improves the constraints with respect to older work, especially to smaller angular scales. While we found no clear statistical evidence in the data for extensions to the simplest, featureless, inflationary model, models with a step provide a significantly better fit than standard featureless power-law spectra. We show that the possibility of a step in the inflationary potential like the one preferred by current data will soon be tested by the forthcoming temperature and polarization data from the Planck satellite mission.Comment: V2: 8 pages, 8 figures. Minor changes. Two figures and references added. Matches version published in Phys. Rev.

    Model independent constraints on mass-varying neutrino scenarios

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    Models of dark energy in which neutrinos interact with the scalar field supposed to be responsible for the acceleration of the universe usually imply a variation of the neutrino masses on cosmological time scales. In this work we propose a parameterization for the neutrino mass variation that captures the essentials of those scenarios and allows to constrain them in a model independent way, that is, without resorting to any particular scalar field model. Using WMAP 5yr data combined with the matter power spectrum of SDSS and 2dFGRS, the limit on the present value of the neutrino mass is m0mν(z=0)<0.43(0.28)m_0 \equiv m_{\nu}(z=0) < 0.43 (0.28) eV at 95% C.L. for the case in which the neutrino mass was lighter (heavier) in the past, a result competitive with the ones imposed for standard (i.e., constant mass) neutrinos. Moreover, for the ratio of the mass variation of the neutrino mass Δmν\Delta m_{\nu} over the current mass m0m_0 we found that log[Δmν/m0]<1.3(2.7)\log[|\Delta m_{\nu}|/m_0] < -1.3 (-2.7) at 95% C.L. for Δmν0)\Delta m_{\nu} 0), totally consistent with no mass variation. These stringent bounds on the mass variation are not related to the neutrino free-streaming history which may affect the matter power spectrum on small scales. On the contrary, they are imposed by the fact that any significant transfer of energy between the neutrino and dark energy components would lead to an instability contradicting CMB and large scale structure data on the largest observable scales.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables. Some few comments and references added. To be published in PR

    Can the WIMP annihilation boost factor be boosted by the Sommerfeld enhancement?

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    We demonstrate that the Sommerfeld correction to CDM annihilations can be appreciable if even a small component of the dark matter is extremely cold. Subhalo substructure provides such a possibility given that the smallest clumps are relatively cold and contain even colder substructure due to incomplete phase space mixing. Leptonic channels can be enhanced for plausible models and the solar neighbourhood boost required to account for PAMELA/ATIC data is plausibly obtained, especially in the case of a few TeV mass neutralino for which the Sommerfeld-corrected boost is found to be 104105.\sim10^4-10^5. Saturation of the Sommerfeld effect is shown to occur below β104,\beta\sim 10^{-4}, thereby constraining the range of contributing substructures to be above 105M.\sim 10^5\rm M_\odot. We find that the associated diffuse gamma ray signal from annihilations would exceed EGRET constraints unless the channels annihilating to heavy quarks or to gauge bosons are suppressed. The lepton channel gamma rays are potentially detectable by the FERMI satellite, not from the inner galaxy where substructures are tidally disrupted, but rather as a quasi-isotropic background from the outer halo, unless the outer substructures are much less concentrated than the inner substructures and/or the CDM density profile out to the virial radius steepens significantly.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures. References added. Replaced to match published versio

    Breaking Be: a sterile neutrino solution to the cosmological lithium problem

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    The possibility that the so-called "lithium problem", i.e. the disagreement between the theoretical abundance predicted for primordial 7^7Li assuming standard nucleosynthesis and the value inferred from astrophysical measurements, can be solved through a non-thermal BBN mechanism has been investigated by several authors. In particular, it has been shown that the decay of a MeV-mass particle, like, e.g., a sterile neutrino, decaying after BBN not only solves the lithium problem, but also satisfies cosmological and laboratory bounds, making such a scenario worth to be investigated in further detail. In this paper, we constrain the parameters of the model with the combination of current data, including Planck 2015 measurements of temperature and polarization anisotropies of the CMB, FIRAS limits on spectral distortions, astrophysical measurements of primordial abundances and laboratory constraints. We find that a sterile neutrino with mass MS=4.350.17+0.13MeVM_S=4.35_{-0.17}^{+0.13}\,MeV (at 95%95\% c.l.), a decay time τS=1.81.3+2.5105s\tau_S=1.8_{-1.3}^{+2.5}\cdot 10^5\,s (at 95%95\% c.l.) and an initial density nˉS/nˉcmb=1.70.6+3.5104\bar{n}_S/\bar{n}_{cmb}=1.7_{-0.6}^{+3.5}\cdot 10^{-4} (at 95%95\% c.l.) in units of the number density of CMB photons, perfectly accounts for the difference between predicted and observed 7^7Li primordial abundance. This model also predicts an increase of the effective number of relativistic degrees of freedom at the time of CMB decoupling ΔNeffcmbNeffcmb3.046=0.340.14+0.16\Delta N_{eff}^{cmb}\equiv N_{eff}^{cmb}-3.046=0.34_{-0.14}^{+0.16} at 95%95\% c.l.. The required abundance of sterile neutrinos is incompatible with the standard thermal history of the Universe, but could be realized in a low reheating temperature scenario. We provide forecasts for future experiments finding that the combination of measurements from the COrE+ and PIXIE missions will allow to significantly reduce the permitted region for the sterile lifetime and density.Comment: 28 pages, 13 figures, 4 tables, matching the published versio

    Relic Neutrinos, thermal axions and cosmology in early 2014

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    We present up to date cosmological bounds on the sum of active neutrino masses as well as on extended cosmological scenarios with additional thermal relics, as thermal axions or sterile neutrino species. Our analyses consider all the current available cosmological data in the beginning of year 2014, including the very recent and most precise Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) measurements from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey. In the minimal three active neutrino scenario, we find Sum m_nu < 0.22 eV at 95% CL from the combination of CMB, BAO and Hubble Space Telescope measurements of the Hubble constant. A non zero value for the sum of the three active neutrino masses of about 0.3 eV is significantly favoured at more than 3 standard deviations when adding the constraints on sigma_8 and Omega_m from the Planck Cluster catalog on galaxy number counts. This preference for non zero thermal relic masses disappears almost completely in both the thermal axion and massive sterile neutrino schemes. Extra light species contribute to the effective number of relativistic degrees of freedom, parameterised via Neff. We found that when the recent detection of B mode polarization from the BICEP2 experiment is considered, an analysis of the combined CMB data in the framework of LCDM+r models gives Neff=4.00pm0.41, suggesting the presence of an extra relativistic relic at more than 95 % c.l. from CMB-only data.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figure