242 research outputs found

    Bayesian statistical analysis of ground-clutter for the relative calibration of dual polarization weather radars

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    A new data processing methodology, based on the statistical analysis of ground-clutter echoes and aimed at investigating the stability of the weather radar relative calibration, is presented. A Bayesian classification scheme has been used to identify meteorological and/or ground-clutter echoes. The outcome is evaluated on a training dataset using statistical score indexes through the comparison with a deterministic clutter map. After discriminating the ground clutter areas, we have focused on the spatial analysis of robust and stable returns by using an automated region-merging algorithm. The temporal series of the ground-clutter statistical parameters, extracted from the spatial analysis and expressed in terms of percentile and mean values, have been used to estimate the relative clutter calibration and its uncertainty for both co-polar and differential reflectivity. The proposed methodology has been applied to a dataset collected by a C-band weather radar in southern Italy

    Forward scatter radar for air surveillance: Characterizing the target-receiver transition from far-field to near-field regions

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    A generalized electromagnetic model is presented in order to predict the response of forward scatter radar (FSR) systems for air-target surveillance applications in both far-field and near-field conditions. The relevant scattering problem is tackled by developing the Helmholtz-Kirchhoff formula and Babinet's principle to express the scattered and the total fields in typical FSR configurations. To fix the distinctive features of this class of problems, our approach is applied here to metallic targets with canonical rectangular shapes illuminated by a plane wave, but the model can straightforwardly be used to account for more general scenarios. By exploiting suitable approximations, a simple analytical formulation is derived allowing us to efficiently describe the characteristics of the FSR response for a target transitioning with respect to the receiver from far-field to near-field regions. The effects of different target electrical sizes and detection distances on the received signal, as well as the impact of the trajectory of the moving object, are evaluated and discussed. All of the results are shown in terms of quantities normalized to the wavelength and can be generalized to different configurations once the carrier frequency of the FSR system is set. The range of validity of the proposed closed-form approach has been checked by means of numerical analyses, involving comparisons also with a customized implementation of a full-wave commercial CAD tool. The outcomes of this study can pave the way for significant extensions on the applicability of the FSR technique

    Realizzazione di una stazione terrena ricevente satellitare per studi di propagazione elettromagnetica in atmosfera

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    Il satellite per telecomunicazioni Alphasat, il più grande realizzato in Europa e collocato in orbita geostazionaria nel luglio del 2013, ospita a bordo una piattaforma scientifica (TDP-5 “Aldo Paraboni”) destinata allo studio della ropagazione elettromagnetica in atmosfera in alcune bande di frequenze a microonde tra cui la banda Ka (20 GHz) e la banda Q (40 GHz). Alle sperimentazioni partecipano numerose Università ed Enti di ricerca di tutta Europa, in Italia su iniziativa dell'ASI (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana) sono coinvolti, tra gli altri, il Politecnico di Milano e le Università di Roma Tor Vergata e Sapienza. Presso l'ISCTI (Istituto Superiore delle Comunicazioni e delle Tecnologie dell'Informazione) è stata realizzata una stazione ricevente con minima spesa, grazie all'utilizzo di componenti appartenenti a ricevitori non più operativi, e dotata di piattaforme open-source per l’implementazione di funzioni aggiuntiv

    Impact of multiple radar reflectivity data assimilation on the numerical simulation of a flash flood event during the HyMeX campaign

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    An analysis to evaluate the impact of multiple radar reflectivity data with a three-dimensional variational (3-D-Var) assimilation system on a heavy precipitation event is presented. The main goal is to build a regionally tuned numerical prediction model and a decision-support system for environmental civil protection services and demonstrate it in the central Italian regions, distinguishing which type of observations, conventional and not (or a combination of them), is more effective in improving the accuracy of the forecasted rainfall. In that respect, during the first special observation period (SOP1) of HyMeX (Hydrological cycle in the Mediterranean Experiment) campaign several intensive observing periods (IOPs) were launched and nine of which occurred in Italy. Among them, IOP4 is chosen for this study because of its low predictability regarding the exact location and amount of precipitation. This event hit central Italy on 14 September 2012 producing heavy precipitation and causing several cases of damage to buildings, infrastructure, and roads. Reflectivity data taken from three C-band Doppler radars running operationally during the event are assimilated using the 3-D-Var technique to improve high-resolution initial conditions. In order to evaluate the impact of the assimilation procedure at different horizontal resolutions and to assess the impact of assimilating reflectivity data from multiple radars, several experiments using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model are performed. Finally, traditional verification scores such as accuracy, equitable threat score, false alarm ratio, and frequency bias - interpreted by analysing their uncertainty through bootstrap confidence intervals (CIs) - are used to objectively compare the experiments, using rain gauge data as a benchmark

    Coupling radio propagation and weather forecast models to maximize Ka-band channel transmission rate for interplanetary missions

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    Deep space (DS) missions for interplanetary explorations are aimed at acquiring information about the solar system and its composition. To achieve this result a radio link is established between the space satellite and receiving stations on the Earth. Significant channel capacity must be guaranteed to such spacecraft-to-Earth link considering their large separation distance as well. Terrestrial atmospheric impairments on the space-to-Earth propagating signals are the major responsible for the signal degradation thus reducing the link’s channel temporal availability. Considering the saturation and the limited bandwidth of the conventional systems used working at X-band (around 8.4 GHz), frequencies above Ku-band (12-18 GHz) are being used and currently explored for next future DS missions. For example, the ESA mission EUCLID, planned to be launched in 2020 to reach Sun-Earth Lagrange point L2, will use the K-band (at 25.5-27 GHz). The BepiColombo (BC) ESA mission to Mercury, planned to be launched in 2016, will use Ka-band (at 32-34 GHz) with some modules operating at X-band too. The W-band is also being investigated for space communications (Lucente et al., IEEE Systems J., 2008) as well as near-infrared band for DS links (Luini at al., 3rd IWOW, 2014; Cesarone et al., ICSOS, 2011). If compared with X-band channels, K-band and Ka-band can provide an appealing data rate and signal-to-noise ratio in free space due to the squared-frequency law increase of antenna directivity within the downlink budget (for the same physical antenna size). However, atmospheric path attenuation can be significant for higher frequencies since the major source of transmission outage is not only caused by convective rainfall, as it happens for lower frequencies too, but even non-precipitating clouds and moderate precipitation produced by stratiform rain events are detrimental. This means that accurate channel models are necessary for DS mission data link design at K and Ka band. A physical approach can offer advanced radiopropagation models to take into account the effects due to atmospheric gases, clouds and precipitation. The objective of this work is to couple a weather forecast numerical model with a microphysically- oriented radiopropagation model, providing a description of the atmospheric state and of its effects on a DS downlink. This work is developed in the framework of the RadioMeteorological Operations Planner (RMOP) program, aimed at performing a feasibility study for the BC mission (Biscarini et al., EuCAP 2014). The RMOP chain for the link budget computation is composed by three modules: weather forecast (WFM), radio propagation (RPM) and downlink budget (DBM). WFM is aimed at providing an atmospheric state vector. Among the available weather forecast models, for RMOP purposes we have used the Mesoscale Model 5. The output of the WFM is the input of the RPM for the computation of the atmospheric attenuation and sky-noise temperature at the receiving ground station antenna. RPM makes use of radiative transfer solver based on the Eddington approximations well as accurate scattering models. Time series of attenuation and sky-noise temperature coming from the RPM are converted into probability density functions and then ingested by the DBM to compute the received data volume (DV). Using the BC mission as a reference test case for the Ka-band ground station at Cebreros (Spain), this work will show the advantages of using a coupled WFM-RPM approach with respect to climatological statistics in a link budget optimization procedure. The signal degradation due to atmospheric effects in DS links in terms of received DV will be also investigated not only at Ka band, but also at X, K and W for intercomparison. The quality of the DS downlink will be given in terms of received DV and the results at different frequencies compared showing the respective advantages and drawbacks

    A multi-sensor approach for volcanic ash cloud retrieval and eruption characterization: the 23 November 2013 Etna lava fountain

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    Volcanic activity is observed worldwide with a variety of ground and space-based remote sensing instruments, each with advantages and drawbacks. No single system can give a comprehensive description of eruptive activity, and so, a multi-sensor approach is required. This work integrates infrared and microwave volcanic ash retrievals obtained from the geostationary Meteosat Second Generation (MSG)-Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI), the polar-orbiting Aqua-MODIS and ground-based weather radar. The expected outcomes are improvements in satellite volcanic ash cloud retrieval (altitude, mass, aerosol optical depth and effective radius), the generation of new satellite products (ash concentration and particle number density in the thermal infrared) and better characterization of volcanic eruptions (plume altitude, total ash mass erupted and particle number density from thermal infrared to microwave). This approach is the core of the multi-platform volcanic ash cloud estimation procedure being developed within the European FP7-APhoRISM project. The Mt. Etna (Sicily, Italy) volcano lava fountaining event of 23 November 2013 was considered as a test case. The results of the integration show the presence of two volcanic cloud layers at different altitudes. The improvement of the volcanic ash cloud altitude leads to a mean difference between the SEVIRI ash mass estimations, before and after the integration, of about the 30%. Moreover, the percentage of the airborne “fine” ash retrieved from the satellite is estimated to be about 1%–2% of the total ash emitted during the eruption. Finally, all of the estimated parameters (volcanic ash cloud altitude, thickness and total mass) were also validated with ground-based visible camera measurements, HYSPLIT forward trajectories, Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) satellite data and tephra deposits

    Mesoscale high-resolution meteorological and radiative transfer models for satellite downlink budget design at millimeter-wave frequencies

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    Deep space (DS) missions for interplanetary explorations are aimed at acquiring information about the solar system and its composition. To achieve this result a radio link is established between the space satellite and receiving stations on the Earth. Significant channel capacity must be guaranteed to such spacecraft-to-Earth link considering their large separation distance as well. Terrestrial atmospheric impairments on the space-to-Earth propagating signals are the major responsible for the signal degradation thus reducing the link’s channel temporal availability. Considering the saturation and the limited bandwidth of the conventional systems used working at X-band (around 8.4 GHz), frequencies above Ku-band (12-18 GHz) are being used and currently explored for next future DS missions. For example, the ESA mission EUCLID, planned to be launched in 2020 to reach Sun-Earth Lagrange point L2, will use the K-band (at 25.5-27 GHz). The BepiColombo (BC) ESA mission to Mercury, planned to be launched in 2016, will use Ka-band (at 32-34 GHz) with some modules operating at X-band too. The W-band is also being investigated for space communications (Lucente et al., IEEE Systems J., 2008) as well as near-infrared band for DS links (Luini at al., 3rd IWOW, 2014; Cesarone et al., ICSOS, 2011). If compared with X-band channels, higher frequency bands can provide an appealing data rate and signal-to-noise ratio in free space due to the squared-frequency law increase of antenna directivity within the downlink budget (for the same physical antenna size). In particular, W-band (75–110 GHz) can be one valid alternative to K- and Ka-bands; theoretically, W-band should provide high channel capacities due to the large bandwidth availability and a more robust immunity to signal interference. However, atmospheric path attenuation can be significant for higher frequencies since the major source of transmission outage is not only caused by convective rainfall, as it happens for lower frequencies too, but even non-precipitating clouds and moderate precipitation produced by stratiform rain events are detrimental. This means that accurate channel models are necessary for DS mission data link design. A physical approach can offer advanced radiopropagation models to take into account the effects due to atmospheric gases, clouds and precipitation. The objective of this work is to couple a weather forecast numerical model with a microphysically-oriented radiopropagation model, providing a description of the atmospheric state and of its effects on a DS downlink. This work is the continuation of a study developed in the framework of the RadioMeteorological Operations Planner (RMOP) program, aimed at performing a feasibility study for the BC mission (Biscarini et al., EuCAP 2014). The RMOP chain for the link budget computation is composed by three modules: weather forecast (WFM), radio propagation (RPM) and downlink budget (DBM). WFM is aimed at providing an atmospheric state vector. Among the available weather forecast models, for RMOP purposes we have used the Mesoscale Model 5. The output of the WFM is the input of the RPM for the computation of the atmospheric attenuation and sky-noise temperature at the receiving ground station antenna. RPM makes use of radiative transfer solver, based on the Eddington approximations well as accurate scattering models. Time series of attenuation and sky-noise temperature coming from the RPM are converted into probability density functions and then ingested by the DBM to compute the received data volume (DV). RMOP project was originally aimed at investigating the Ka-band for DS mission focusing the attention on the advantages of using a coupled WFM- RPM approach with respect to climatological statistics in a link budget optimization procedure. In this work we extended the study to the W- and K- band. The signal degradation, due to atmospheric effects in DS links in terms of received DV, is investigated and a comparison among K-, Ka-, W- and the more commonly used X-band is carried out. The quality of the DS downlink will be given in terms of received DV and the results at different frequencies compared showing the respective advantages and drawbacks

    Investigating Ka-band science data transfer for BepiColombo mission by using radiometeorological numerical models

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    Deep space (DS) exploration is aimed at acquiring information about the solar system and its composition, a purpose that can be achieved only if a significant communication capacity can be provided to spacecrafts at very large distances [1]. The Ka-band (at 32-34 GHz) and higher frequency band channels can provide this capacity if compared to the current X-band (around 8.4 GHz) [2]-[4]. Ka-band can offer a striking performance advantage over X-band because of the square-frequency law increase of directivity of the downlink beam for the same physical antenna size. This opens up a possible and useful trade space for Ka-band missions with the same antenna size (and spacecraft constraints) and radio frequency power, since a Ka-band mission can return four times more data than a comparable X–band mission. For the European Space Agency (ESA), the next step in this direction will be the utilisation of Ka-band downlinks both to generate radiometric observables (in combination with X-band uplink) as well as to increase science data transfer [5]. The first satellite mission adopting such frequency operationally will be BepiColombo (BC), the ESA cornerstone mission to Mercury (expected launch in 2015) including the Mercury Orbiter Radio Experiment (MORE) at X-Ka band [6]. The optimal allocation of channel resources above Ku band is limited by the significant impact of radio- meteorological factors which can irremediably degrade the quality of service for fairly high percentage of time [7]. At Ka band, for instance, attenuation due to cloudy and rainy troposphere can be even one order of magnitude larger than at X-band. The major cause of outages at Ka band and above is due to rainfall, as well as non-precipitating clouds. For small carrier-to-noise ratio (CNR), the impact of atmospheric noise temperature can become non-negligible [4]. In order to achieve the optimum data return at Ka-band, a different approach with respect to the link budget computation at lower frequencies (e.g., S or X band) is necessary [2]. Such link analysis is based on the maximization of the expected data return in a probabilistic framework rather than on a specified link statistical availability. Recent methods uses monthly statistics collected at the receiving site with the aim of defining average values of expected received data volume [5] and the exploitation of numerical weather forecasting is also foreseen [3]. This paper introduces the preliminary concept of the RadioMetOP (RadioMeteorological Operations Planner) technique and describes its main modelling components and objectives, limiting the analysis to rainfall effects. Numerical results in terms of received frame data for unconstrained and constrained system scenarios are also described together with a discussion about the possible impact of RadioMetOP methods on BC operations

    Introducing the Bulletin of Atmospheric Science and Technology

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    The rapid technological development of the past few decades has allowed for an unprecedented wealth of data about ourselves and our planet. The cost reduction of space platforms, the microelectronic revolution and the nearly exponential increase in computer power have been generating novel opportunities to explore and understand the world around us. Tools and theoretical approaches, capable of putting together all the insights we may possibly gain from all these new streams of data in a multidisciplinary framework, are still being developed. We are hence faced with both a unique challenge and an opportunity to make a significant progress in many scientific fields, first and foremost in the atmospheric and climate sciences. We are pleased to announce here the launch of the Bulletin of Atmospheric Science and Technology (BAST), a new peer-reviewed journal which is meant to bridge this gap in the broad area of the atmospheric sciences. The journal encourages a cross-disciplinary approach with an emphasis on new sensor technologies and systems, combined observational and modeling techniques, innovative numerical methods, data analysis, and retrieval techniques. BAST offers a platform to share new ideas and fresh developments to stimulate research activities focusing on urban, coastal, marine, rural, and mountain environments. Particular attention will be given to cross-disciplinary studies, especially those involving citizens for the collection of crowd-sourced data and those devoted to the characterization of uncertainties and homogenization of methods. BAST aims at connecting weather and climate communities using both observational and modeling approaches, creating a forum hosting discussion and brainstorming activities. The journal also hopes to attract contributions reporting approaches or techniques from other scientific fields that can be applicable to atmospheric sciences, as well as contributions where technological developments are discussed alongside with their scientific and societal impacts. In this sense BAST will provide a new platform to support the technological revolution towards a climate-smart society through the collection and exploitation of big data. The journal will give visibility to international experiments and projects in atmospheric science and technology, illustrating preliminary or consolidated results from these initiatives. Additional fields of interest are : environmental protection; observation, understanding, and modeling of hazardous and extreme events and mitigation of their impacts; development of new sensing tools integrating satellite information with surface or airborne measurements; operation of unmanned and remotely piloted air vehicles equipped with sensors of small size and weight, especially remote sensors, pushing electro-optical-mechanical components towards a continuously increasing miniaturization. Research articles, Review articles, Technical reports, Brief reports, Letters and News are welcome. While keeping the focus of the journal on scientific research, the “Bulletin” format provides appropriate visibility to contributions from the operational side, i.e., meteorological services and private companies developing sensors and products of interest to the atmospheric science and technology community. Below we provide a more detailed description of the topics that will be emphasized and fostered in BAST
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