751 research outputs found

    "Ad eruendam veritatem. Attualità e tensioni del diritto di difendersi tacendo".

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    La tesi ripercorre brevemente la storia delle istituzioni processuali che hanno segnato la lenta affermazione del principio nemo tenetur se detegere, negli ordinamenti italiani pre e post unitari, fino al codice procedurale del 1930. Si coglie poi la dimensione costituzionale del principio ed i suoi modi di affermazione dopo l'avvento del codice di procedura penale del 1989, ispirato al metodo accusatorio. Negli anni più recenti si colgono le tensioni del principio con un riemergente bisogno di ricerca di una verità che si considera preesistente al processo e come tale non frutto di una sua legittima esplicazione e ci si confronta con alcune norme, inserite nella legislazione penale complementare, implicitamente in contrasto con la garanzia

    Il principio di precauzione come strumento di attuazione degli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile dell’Agenda ONU 2030

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    Muovendo dall’analisi degli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile dell’Agenda ONU 2030, l’A. analizza il ruolo che il principio di precauzione svolge quale elemento capace di implementare la sinergia tra strumenti di public enforcement e di private enforcement funzionali ad attuare un modello di sviluppo improntato al canone della sostenibilità. In questa prospettiva l’attenzione si concentra sulla lettura delle tradizionali norme in materia di responsabilità civile alla luce delle discipline pubblicistiche attuative del principio di precauzione e delle finalità espresse negli obiettivi dell’Agenda ONU 2030

    I riflessi civilistici della delibazione di sentenze ecclesiastiche di nullità del matrimonio

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    Il problema di garantire un’adeguata protezione alla parte economicamente debole che subisca l’annullamento del matrimonio concordatario – tradizionalmente avvertito in uno scenario caratterizzato da un orientamento favorevole alla delibazione di pronunce ecclesiastiche di invalidità senza particolari limitazioni temporali – appare ridimensionato nel contesto attuale in cui l’introduzione del c.d. divorzio breve e l’affermarsi di orientamenti giurisprudenziali funzionali a valorizzare l’affidamento riposto sul prolungato svolgersi del rapporto matrimoniale hanno concorso a colmare le lacune di tutela del coniuge che abbia dedicato un significativo lasso di tempo all’assolvimento di un prevalente ruolo endofamiliare.The problem of guaranteeing adequate protection to the weaker spouse in case of annulment of the Catholic marriage celebrated under the Concordat rules – traditionally emerged in a scenario favorable to enforce ecclesiastical rulings of invalidity without regard to the long length of the marriage – appears to be reduced in the current context in which the introduction of the so-called fast divorce and the leading decision of the Supreme Court aimed to foster the position of the spouse which trusted the prolonged unfolding of the marriage relationship have contributed to filling the gaps in the protection of the spouse devoted for a significant amount of time to the fulfillment of childcare and housekeeper role

    Public Administration Liability and Prevention between Health Protection and Market Efficiency

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    Nell’ambito di un processo di espansione della responsabilità civile della Pubblica Amministrazione emerge con intensità crescente il problema più specifico dell’applicabilità dei rimedi risarcitori a fronte dei danni derivanti dall’omessa o inadeguata attuazione di provvedimenti funzionali ad assicurare un ragionevole bilanciamento tra le istanze di tutela del fondamentale diritto alla salute e quelle di garantire l’iniziativa economica privata. L’analisi delle molteplici fattispecie nelle quali si pone il problema appena indicato fa emergere una preponderante prevalenza di discipline di derivazione comunitaria ispirate al principio di precauzione ed impone all’interprete anzitutto il compito di ricostruire gli orientamenti che ne delineano la fisionomia osservando un contesto più ampio di quello nazionale nel quale la lettura della giurisprudenza interna si integra con quella della Corte di giustizia; quindi ad interrogarsi circa la portata generale di un principio che, pur avendo fatto ingresso nell’ordinamento italiano attraverso Regolamenti e Direttive dell’Unione Europea, appare ormai fondamentale in tutte le materie nelle quali emergono problemi di tutela della salute della persona. Adottando questa prospettiva di indagine la ricerca si focalizza su fattispecie rappresentative quali, ad esempio, quelle in cui la Pubblica Amministrazione è chiamata a garantire la conservazione di un ambiente salubre, la sicurezza delle acque destinate ad uso umano, dei farmaci e degli alimenti al fine di individuare regole la cui valenza generale consenta di risolvere le delicate questioni indicate anche in ipotesi diverse da quelle considerate e nelle quali non sia presente una specifica legislazione di settore che imponga alla Pubblica Amministrazione dettagliati obblighi di protezione.The increasing expansion of the liability of the Public Administration imposes to consider the more specific question of the applicability of liability rules in order to compensate injuries caused by inadequate implementation of safety measures aimed to reach a reasonable balance between the protection of the human health and the market efficiency. The analysis of cases in which the just indicated problem arises reveals a predominant prevalence of European Union’s Directive and Regulations inspired by the precautionary principle. In this prospective it is firstly necessary to investigate the interplay between the domestic case law and the Court of Justice’s case law in order to define the boundary in which the precautionary principle play a fundamental role in the Italian tort law system and in particular where human health protection is involved. Adopting this method the research focuses on representative cases (such as, for example, those in which the Public Administration has the duty to ensure the preservation of an healthy environment, the safety of the water intended for human consumption, the safety of drugs and foods) in order to identify general rules useful to solve the indicated issues even in cases other than those considered and in which there is no a specific legislation which imposes to the Public Administration detailed protection duties

    Lactate dehydrogenase-A inhibition induces human glioblastoma multiforme stem cell differentiation and death

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    Therapies that target the signal transduction and metabolic pathways of cancer stem cells (CSCs) are innovative strategies to effectively reduce the recurrence and significantly improve the outcome of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). CSCs exhibit an increased rate of glycolysis, thus rendering them intrinsically more sensitive to prospective therapeutic strategies based on the inhibition of the glycolytic pathway. The enzyme lactate dehydrogenase-A (LDH-A), which catalyses the interconversion of pyruvate and lactate, is up-regulated in human cancers, including GBM. Although several papers have explored the benefits of targeting cancer metabolism in GBM, the effects of direct LDH-A inhibition in glial tumours have not yet been investigated, particularly in the stem cell subpopulation. Here, two representative LDH-A inhibitors (NHI-1 and NHI-2) were studied in GBM-derived CSCs and compared to differentiated tumour cells. LDH-A inhibition was particularly effective in CSCs isolated from different GBM cell lines, where the two compounds blocked CSC formation and elicited long-lasting effects by triggering both apoptosis and cellular differentiation. These data demonstrate that GBM, particularly the stem cell subpopulation, is sensitive to glycolytic inhibition and shed light on the therapeutic potential of LDH-A inhibitors in this tumour type

    Influence of Storage Temperature on Radiochemical Purity of 99mTc-Radiopharmaceuticals

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    The influence of effective room temperature on the radiochemical purity of 99mTc-radiopharmaceuticals was reported. This study was born from the observation that in the isolators used for the preparation of the 99mTc-radiopharmaceuticals the temperatures can be higher than those reported in the commercial illustrative leaflets of the kits. This is due, in particular, to the small size of the work area, the presence of instruments for heating, the continuous activation of air filtration, in addition to the fact that the environment of the isolator used for the 99mTc-radiopharmaceuticals preparation and storage is completely isolated and not conditioned. A total of 244 99mTc-radiopharmaceutical preparations (seven different types) have been tested and the radiochemical purity was checked at the end of preparation and until the expiry time. Moreover, we found that the mean temperature into the isolator was significantly higher than 25 C, the temperature, in general, required for the preparation and storage of 99mTc-radiopharmaceuticals. Results confirmed the radiochemical stability of radiopharmaceutical products. However, as required in the field of quality assurance, the impact that different conditions than those required by the manufacturer on the radiopharmaceuticals quality have to be verified before human administration

    Hydroxylapatite-collagen hybrid scaffold induces human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells to osteogenic differentiation in vitro and bone regrowth in patients

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    Tissue engineering-based bone graft is an emerging viable treatment modality to repair and regenerate tissues damaged as a result of diseases or injuries. The structure and composition of scaffolds should modulate the classical osteogenic pathways in human stem cells. The osteoinductivity properties of the hydroxylapatite-collagen hybrid scaffold named Coll/Pro Osteon 200 were investigated in an in vitro model of human adipose mesenchymal stem cells (hASCs), whereas the clinical evaluation was carried out in maxillofacial patients. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) induced by the scaffold were analyzed using the Osteogenesis RT2 PCR Array. The osteoinductivity potential of the scaffold was also investigated by studying the alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, matrix mineralization, osteocalcin (OCN), and CLEC3B expression protein. Fifty patients who underwent zygomatic augmentation and bimaxillary osteotomy were evaluated clinically, radiologically, and histologically during a 3-year follow-up. Among DEGs, osteogenesis-related genes, including BMP1/2, ALP, BGLAP, SP7, RUNX2, SPP1, and EGFR, which play important roles in osteogenesis, were found to be upregulated. The genes to cartilage condensation SOX9, BMPR1B, and osteoclast cells TNFSF11 were detected upregulated at every time point of the investigation. This scaffold has a high osteoinductivity revealed by the matrix mineralization, ALP activity, OCN, and CLEC3B expression proteins. Clinical evaluation evidences that the biomaterial promotes bone regrowth. Histological results of biopsy specimens from patients showed prominent ossification. Experimental data using the Coll/Pro Osteon 200 indicate that clinical evaluation of bone regrowth in patients, after scaffold implantation, was supported by DEGs implicated in skeletal development as shown in "in vitro" experiments with hASCs

    Hydroxylapatite-collagen hybrid scaffold induces human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells to osteogenic differentiation in vitro and bone regrowth in patients

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    Tissue engineering-based bone graft is an emerging viable treatment modality to repair and regenerate tissues damaged as a result of diseases or injuries. The structure and composition of scaffolds should modulate the classical osteogenic pathways in human stem cells. The osteoinductivity properties of the hydroxylapatite-collagen hybrid scaffold named Coll/Pro Osteon 200 were investigated in an in vitro model of human adipose mesenchymal stem cells (hASCs), whereas the clinical evaluation was carried out in maxillofacial patients. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) induced by the scaffold were analyzed using the Osteogenesis RT2 PCR Array. The osteoinductivity potential of the scaffold was also investigated by studying the alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, matrix mineralization, osteocalcin (OCN), and CLEC3B expression protein. Fifty patients who underwent zygomatic augmentation and bimaxillary osteotomy were evaluated clinically, radiologically, and histologically during a 3-year follow-up. Among DEGs, osteogenesis-related genes, including BMP1/2, ALP, BGLAP, SP7, RUNX2, SPP1, and EGFR, which play important roles in osteogenesis, were found to be upregulated. The genes to cartilage condensation SOX9, BMPR1B, and osteoclast cells TNFSF11 were detected upregulated at every time point of the investigation. This scaffold has a high osteoinductivity revealed by the matrix mineralization, ALP activity, OCN, and CLEC3B expression proteins. Clinical evaluation evidences that the biomaterial promotes bone regrowth. Histological results of biopsy specimens from patients showed prominent ossification. Experimental data using the Coll/Pro Osteon 200 indicate that clinical evaluation of bone regrowth in patients, after scaffold implantation, was supported by DEGs implicated in skeletal development as shown in "in vitro" experiments with hASCs
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