280 research outputs found

    Combining multi-typologies landslide susceptibility maps: a case study for the Visso area (central Italy)

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    The research proposes a simple but geomorphologically adequate method to produce a combined landslide susceptibility map. In fact, in a logic of real use, offering type-specific landslide susceptibility maps to land use planners and administration could be not a successful solution. On the other hand, the simple grouping of more types of landslides could be misleading for model calibration considering that the relationships between slope failures and geo-environmental predictors should be conveyed by the abundance of each type of landslide resulting not specific and diagnostic for each typology. In this test, after having produced independent models for flow, slide and complex landslide by exploiting MARS (Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines) and a set of type-specific geo-environmental variables, a combined landslide susceptibility map was obtained by combining the scores of the three source maps. The combined map was finally validated with a new unknown archive, showing very good performances

    Rockfall hazards of Mount Pellegrino area (Sicily, Southern Italy)

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    A map derived by rockfall analysis at Mount Pellegrino is presented herein. The study area is affected by several phenomena of rockfall which caused numerous damage and a strong social and economic impact. Official reports and maps that give a general assessment of rockfall hazard are available in this respect, however, it would be advisable to provide a more specific cartographic support useful for land management and planning. The drafting of new maps showing the rockfall runout areas is an additional tool that may be used in conjunction with the existing maps as a means of risk mitigation and reduction. On the basis of geological, geomorphological, and geomechanical analysis and exploiting the information relating to a landslides inventory obtained by using both analytical and empirical methods, two different rockfall propagation areas were reconstructed. The final thematic map permit to appreciate the differences and similarities between the obtained runout areas

    Analysis of the Rockfall Phenomena Contributing to the Evolution of a Pocket Beach Area Using Traditional and Remotely Acquired Data (Lo Zingaro Nature Reserve, Southern Italy)

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    The coastal domain of central western Sicily is characterized by the presence of rocky coasts, which mainly consist of pocket beaches situated between bedrock headlands that constitute ecological niches of great touristic and economic value. In this peculiar morphodynamic system, the sedimentary contributions are mainly derived from the rockfall that affects the back of nearby cliffs or the sediment supply of small streams that flow into it. In this study, we investigated the geomorphological processes and related landforms that contribute to the evolution of a pocket beach area located in a coastal sector of NW Sicily Island. The cliffs in this are affected by several rockfalls, and deposits from these rockfalls also add to the rate of sedimentary contribution. The analysis was conducted through the application of traditional approaches and contemporary methods that have previously been used to forecast the collection of input data in the field, often under difficult conditions due to the accessibility of the sites, and which have been supported by UAV surveys. Through the analysis of the digital models of terrain and orthophotos, geometrical and multitemporal analyses of landforms were carried out. A dedicated software was utilized for the detection of rockfall runout zones and block trajectories and for defining the automatic extraction of rock mass discontinuities. The data were compared with those derived from traditional geomechanical surveys. The availability of the existing and acquired remote sensing data proved essential for this study for both defining the reference geological model and for performing the site-specific analysis of rockfall

    Predicting Earthquake-Induced Landslides by Using a Stochastic Modeling Approach: A Case Study of the 2001 El Salvador Coseismic Landslides

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    In January and February 2001, El Salvador was hit by two strong earthquakes that triggered thousands of landslides, causing 1259 fatalities and extensive damage. The analysis of aerial and SPOT-4 satellite images allowed us to map 6491 coseismic landslides, mainly debris slides and flows that occurred in volcanic epiclastites and pyroclastites. Four different multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) models were produced using different predictors and landslide inventories which contain slope failures triggered by an extreme rainfall event in 2009 and those induced by the earthquakes of 2001. In a predictive analysis, three validation scenarios were employed: the first and the second included 25% and 95% of the landslides, respectively, while the third was based on a k-fold spatial cross-validation. The results of our analysis revealed that: (i) the MARS algorithm provides reliable predictions of coseismic landslides; (ii) a better ability to predict coseismic slope failures was observed when including susceptibility to rainfall-triggered landslides as an independent variable; (iii) the best accuracy is achieved by models trained with both preparatory and trigger variables; (iv) an incomplete inventory of coseismic slope failures built just after the earthquake event can be used to identify potential locations of yet unreported landslides

    Partition and propagate: an error derivation algorithm for the design of approximate circuits

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    Inexact hardware design techniques have become popular in error-tolerant systems, where energy efficiency is a primary concern. Several techniques aim to identify circuit portions that can be discarded under an error constraint, but research on systematic methods to determine such error is still at an early stage. We herein illustrate a generic, scalable algorithm that determines the influence of each circuit gate on the final output. The algorithm first partitions the graph representing the circuit, then determines the error propagation model of the resulting subgraphs. When applied to existing approximate design frameworks, our solution improves their efficiency and result quality

    The subthreshold-active KV7 current regulates neurotransmission by limiting spike-induced Ca2+ influx in hippocampal mossy fiber synaptic terminals

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    Little is known about the properties and function of ion channels that affect synaptic terminal-resting properties. One particular subthreshold-active ion channel, the Kv7 potassium channel, is highly localized to axons, but its role in regulating synaptic terminal intrinsic excitability and release is largely unexplored. Using electrophysiological recordings together with computational modeling, we found that the KV7 current was active at rest in adult hippocampal mossy fiber synaptic terminals and enhanced their membrane conductance. The current also restrained action potential-induced Ca2+ influx via N- and P/Q-type Ca2+ channels in boutons. This was associated with a substantial reduction in the spike half-width and afterdepolarization following presynaptic spikes. Further, by constraining spike-induced Ca2+ influx, the presynaptic KV7 current decreased neurotransmission onto CA3 pyramidal neurons and short-term synaptic plasticity at the mossy fiber–CA3 synapse. This is a distinctive mechanism by which KV7 channels influence hippocampal neuronal excitability and synaptic plasticity

    Artisanal ceramic factories using wood combustion: A nanoparticles and human health study

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    The ceramics industry, resulting from developments of modern compounds, is a segment of great influence in worldwide sustainability. Artisanal ceramic factories based on wood combustion have significant risks for the creation and discharge of atmosphere nanoparticles (NPs) and ultra-fine particles (UFPs). At present, there is insufficient recognition on the influence of engineered-NPs on the atmosphere and health. Real improvements are indispensable to diminish contact with NPs. The present study demonstrates the main NPs and UFPS present in an area of intense artisanal wood-combustion ceramic manufacturing. Particulate matter was sampled for morphological, chemical, and geochemical studies by sophisticated electron microbeam microscopy, X-Ray Diffraction, and Raman spectroscopy. From NPs configuration (10 nm) were produced around the studied artisanal ceramic factories. This study presents an indication of the recent information on population and work-related contact to NPs in the artisanal ceramic factories and their influence on health


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    Abstract:  Introduction: Diffuse Cutaneous Large B- cell lymphoma is an aggressive type of non-Hodgkin B lymphoma, affecting the skin of the legs and less frequently other skin areas. It occurs in elderly patients, frequently in women, as single or multiple plaques, papules and nodules, red or bluish in color, on one or both legs. It consists of a proliferation of large B-cells (centroblasts and immunoblasts), arranged diffusely or confluently nodular, occupying the reticular dermis and infiltrating the underlying adipose tissue. Furthermore, these cells are frequently found in and around dilated dermal and subcutaneous vessels. Its immunophenotype is: CD20+, CD79+, Bcl2+, MUM-1+, CD10-, Bcl6-. The prognosis is poor and the treatment consists of local radiotherapy and polychemotherapy in patients with systemic extension. The objective is to report an infrequent case of lymphoma, the diagnostic approach and proposal of differential diagnosis. Case presentation: 80 year old female who consults for skin lesions of leg with a 20 days evolution. Biopsy was indicated: skin lozenge 12mm the widest part and 4 mm thick. The epidermis was smooth, brownish in color, dome-shaped and soft in consistency. The sample was processed with the usual technique for stainning with hematoxylin/eosin. Histologically, a neoplasic proliferation of large cell lymphoid lineage was observed. The majority corresponded to centrocytes, centroblasts and immunoblasts, mitosis was frequent. Neoplasic cells were distributed in a diffuse growth pattern along the dermis surrounding the annexes and blood vessels. The study was complemented with immunohistochemistry: AE1AE3-, CD20+, MUM-1+, Ki67>90%. Conclusion: these diffuse cutaneous lymphomas are infrequent and it is necessary to differentiate them from other cutaneous lymphomas, such as, follicular center B, of different prognosis. They appear with typical clinical symptoms that should not go unnoticed since, with the histological and immunohistochemical study, a quick diagnosis is reached as the proper treatment must be started inmediatly to improve survival of patients.Resumen:  Introducción: El Linfoma Cutáneo Difuso de células grandes B es un tipo de Linfoma No Hodgkin B agresivo, que afecta típicamente la piel de las piernas y con menos frecuencia otros sitios cutáneos. Se presenta en pacientes ancianos, más frecuentemente en mujeres, a modo de placas, pápulas y nódulos únicos o múltiples, de color rojo o azulado, en una o ambas piernas. Se compone de una proliferación de células B grandes (centroblastos e inmunoblastos), dispuestas de manera difusa o nodular confluente, que ocupan la dermis reticular e infiltran el tejido adiposo subyacente. Además estas células se encuentran frecuentemente dentro y alrededor de vasos dérmicos y subcutáneos dilatados. Su inmunofenotipo es: CD20 +, CD79 +, Bcl2 +, MUM-1 +, CD10 -, Bcl6 -. El pronóstico es malo y el tratamiento consiste en radioterapia local y poliquimioterapia en pacientes con extensión sistémica. El objetivo es comunicar un caso infrecuente de linfoma, el abordaje diagnóstico y el planteo de diagnósticos diferenciales. Presentación del caso: mujer de 80 años que concurrió a la consulta por lesiones en la piel de la pierna de 20 días de evolución. Se decidió toma biopsia: losange de piel de 12 mm en su mayor dimensión y 4 mm de espesor. La epidermis era lisa, de colorido pardusco, aspecto cupuliforme y de consistencia blanda. El material se procesó con la técnica habitual para coloración con hematoxilina/eosina. Histológicamente se observó una proliferación neoplásica de estirpe linfoide de células grandes. La mayoría correspondió a centrocitos, centroblastos e Inmunoblastos; las mitosis fueron frecuentes. Las células neoplásicas se distribuyeron en un patrón de crecimiento difuso en la dermis rodeando los anexos y vasos sanguíneos. El estudio se complementó con inmunohistoquímica: AE1AE3- CD20+, MUM-1+, Ki67 > 90%. Conclusión: Estos linfomas difusos cutáneos son infrecuentes y es necesario diferenciarlos de otros linfomas cutáneos, como el centrofolicular B, de diferente pronóstico. Se presentan con una clínica típica que no debe pasar inadvertida y, con el estudio histológico e inmunohistoquímico, se arriba rápidamente al diagnóstico, ya que debe iniciarse un tratamiento oportuno, que mejore la sobrevida de los pacientes.