1,642 research outputs found

    Analytical prediction of reverse buckling pressure for thin shells

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    Analytical technique is developed for prediction of reverse buckling in thin curved shells. Test data indicate technique predicts actual reverse buckling pressure within 10 percent, and should be useful for analytical prediction of reversed condition failure for problems such as explosive decomposition through vacuum failure

    Heat transfer investigation of Langley Research Center transition models at a Mach number of 8, volume 2

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    The results are presented of a wind tunnel test program to determine aerodynamic heat transfer distributions on delta body and straight body transition models of the space shuttle. Heat transfer rates were determined by the phase-change paint technique on Stycast and RTV models using Tempilag as the surface temperature indicator. The nominal test conditions were: Mach 8, length Reynolds numbers of 5 million and 7.4 million, and angles of attack of 20, 40, and 60 deg. Model details, test conditions, and reduced heat transfer data are included. Data reduction of the phase-change paint photographs was performed by utilizing a new technique

    Magnetic field independence of the spin gap in YBa_2Cu_3O_{7-delta}

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    We report, for magnetic fields of 0, 8.8, and 14.8 Tesla, measurements of the temperature dependent ^{63}Cu NMR spin lattice relaxation rate for near optimally doped YBa_2Cu_3O_{7-delta}, near and above T_c. In sharp contrast with previous work we find no magnetic field dependence. We discuss experimental issues arising in measurements of this required precision, and implications of the experiment regarding issues including the spin or pseudo gap.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, as accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    The illusion of competency versus the desirability of expertise: Seeking a common standard for support professions in sport

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    In this paper we examine and challenge the competency-based models which currently dominate accreditation and development systems in sport support disciplines, largely the sciences and coaching. Through consideration of exemplar shortcomings, the limitations of competency-based systems are presented as failing to cater for the complexity of decision making and the need for proactive experimentation essential to effective practice. To provide a better fit with the challenges of the various disciplines in their work with performers, an alternative approach is presented which focuses on the promotion, evaluation and elaboration of expertise. Such an approach resonates with important characteristics of professions, whilst also providing for the essential ‘shades of grey’ inherent in work with human participants. Key differences between the approaches are considered through exemplars of evaluation processes. The expertise-focused method, although inherently more complex, is seen as offering a less ambiguous and more positive route, both through more accurate representation of essential professional competence and through facilitation of future growth in proficiency and evolution of expertise in practice. Examples from the literature are also presented, offering further support for the practicalities of this approach

    Molecular orientational dynamics of the endohedral fullerene Sc3_{3}N@C80_{80} as probed by 13^{13}C and 45^{45}Sc NMR

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    We measure 13C and 45Sc NMR lineshapes and spin-lattice relaxation times (T1) to probe the orientational dynamics of the endohedral metallofullerene Sc3N@C80. The measurements show an activated behavior for molecular reorientations over the full temperature range with a similar behavior for the temperature dependence of the 13C and 45Sc data. Combined with spectral data from Magic Angle Spinning (MAS) NMR, the measurements can be interpreted to mean the motion of the encapsulated Sc3N molecule is independent of that of the C80 cage, although this requires the similar temperature dependence of the 13C and 45Sc spin-lattice relaxation times to be coincidental. For the Sc3N to be fixed to the C80 cage, one must overcome the symmetry breaking effect this has on the Sc3N@C80 system since this would result in more than the observed two 13C lines.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Choice of computational method for swimming and pumping with nonslender helical filaments at low Reynolds number

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    The flows induced by biological and artificial helical filaments are important to many possible applications including microscale swimming and pumping. Microscale helices can span a wide range of geometries, from thin bacterial flagella to thick helical bacterial cell bodies. While the proper choice of numerical method is critical for obtaining accurate results, there is little guidance about which method is optimal for a specified filament geometry. Here, using two physical scenarios-a swimmer with a head and a pump-we establish guidelines for the choice of numerical method based on helical radius, pitch, and filament thickness. For a range of helical geometries that encompass most natural and artificial helices, we create benchmark results using a surface distribution of regularized Stokeslets and then evaluate the accuracy of resistive force theory, slender body theory, and a centerline distribution of regularized Stokeslets. For the centerline distribution of regularized Stokeslets or slender body theory, we tabulate appropriate blob size and Stokeslet spacing or segment length, respectively, for each geometry studied. Finally, taking the computational cost of each method into account, we present the optimal choice of numerical method for each filament geometry as a guideline for future investigations involving filament-induced flows. (C) 2016 AIP Publishing LLC

    Blaming Bill Gates AGAIN! Misuse, overuse and misunderstanding of performance data in sport

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    Recently in Sport, Education and Society, Williams and Manley (2014) argued against the heavy reliance on technology in professional Rugby Union and elite sport in general. In summary, technology is presented as an elitist, ‘gold standard’ villain that management and coaches use to exert control and by which players lose autonomy, identity, motivation, social interactions and expertise. In this article we suggest that the sociological interpretations and implications offered by Williams and Manley may be somewhat limited when viewed in isolation. In doing so, we identify some core methodological issues in Williams and Manley’s study and critically consider important arguments for utilising technology; notably, to inform coach decision making and generate player empowerment. Secondly, we present a different, yet perhaps equally concerning, practice-oriented interpretation of the same results but from alternative coaching and expertise literature. Accordingly, we suggest that Williams and Manley have perhaps raised their alarm prematurely, inappropriately and on somewhat shaky foundations. We also hope to stimulate others to consider contrary positions, or at least to think about this topic in greater detail. More specifically, we encourage coaches and academics to think carefully about what technology is employed, how and why, and then the means by which these decisions are discussed with and, preferably, sold to players. Certainly, technology can significantly enhance coach decision making and practice, while also helping players to optimise their focus, empowerment and independence in knowing how to achieve their personal and collective goals

    Capabilities of a lobster eye telescope in the outer solar system

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    Current lobster eye telescopes demonstrate that it’s possible to produce light-weight, large field of view instruments for observing X-rays for both planetary science and astronomy. Jupiter is the most powerful particle accelerator in the solar system and the other outer planets have intricate and complicated magnetospheres which their moons often orbit within. Particle bombardment of the surfaces of their moons induces the emission of characteristic X-rays which enables their composition to be studied. An orbiting X-ray instrument would transform our understanding of the moons’ composition, as well as the aurorae, atmosphere, plasma tori of outer planet systems and could also enable direct imaging of the entire radiation belt. Lobster eye telescopes are perfect for this application due to their light weight and wide field of view. This paper begins to identify a lobster eye telescope design to fulfil these science goals

    Large perturbation flow field analysis and simulation for supersonic inlets

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    An analysis technique for simulation of supersonic mixed compression inlets with large flow field perturbations is presented. The approach is based upon a quasi-one-dimensional inviscid unsteady formulation which includes engineering models of unstart/restart, bleed, bypass, and geometry effects. Numerical solution of the governing time dependent equations of motion is accomplished through a shock capturing finite difference algorithm, of which five separate approaches are evaluated. Comparison with experimental supersonic wind tunnel data is presented to verify the present approach for a wide range of transient inlet flow conditions