5 research outputs found

    Impressões foliares pleistocenas de Malvaceae na área de abrangência do Aproveitamento Hidroelétrico Jirau, Rondônia, Brasil

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    This paper aims to describe the morphology and taxonomic identification of ten angiosperm leaf impressions collected in Rio Madeira Formation outcrop in the area from Jirau Hydroeletric Dam, found by the team of Paleontological Research, Monitoring and Rescue Program. Due to the preservation and based on morphology, the specimens were identified at the genus level. All specimens belong to the family Malvaceae, and nine specimens were identified as Luehea and one specimen belongs to the genus Theobroma. Two samples were taken from the layer below to the fossiliferous bed, in order to carry dating by method “Accelerator Mass Spectrometry” (AMS C14). The dating pointed ages between 15.910 and 14.850 years calibrated BP. The genus reported here are common in current forest cover in the region of AHE Jirau, and their presences are also confirmed by palynological data obtained for the upper part of the Rio Madeira Formation.Este trabalho tem como objetivo descrever a morfologia foliar e realizar o reconhecimento taxonô- mico de dez impressões foliares de angiospermas coletadas em afloramento da Formação Rio Madeira na área de abrangência do Aproveitamento Hidrelétrico (AHE) Jirau, resgatadas pela equipe do Programa de Investiga- ção, Salvamento e Monitoramento Paleontológico. Devido à preservação e com base na descrição morfológica, os espécimes foram identificados até o nível de gênero. Todos os espécimes mostram caracteres que indicam sua relação com a família Malvaceae, nove deles com o gênero Luehea e um exemplar ao gênero Theobroma. Duas amostras foram retiradas da camada inferior àquela que concentra os fósseis, com o objetivo de realizar datação através do método “Accelerator Mass Spectrometry” (AMS C14). A datação apontou idades entre 15.910 e 14.850 anos calibrados AP. Os dois gêneros registrados são comuns na cobertura florestal atual na região do AHE Jirau, e a sua presença é também confirmada pelos dados palinológicos obtidos para a parte superior da Formação Rio Madeira

    Paleontologia e concepções espontâneas dos alunos

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    Distribution and additive partitioning of diversity in freshwater mollusk communities in Southern Brazilian streams

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    La partición aditiva de la diversidad de especies es un enfoque prometedor para el análisis de los patrones de diversidad en las comunidades de moluscos, especialmente su distribución espacial. Nuestros objetivos fueron evaluar la distribución de las comunidades de moluscos en los arroyos en el Sur de Brasil, y evaluar la partición de diversidad de la comunidad en diferentes escalas espaciales. El muestreo se llevó a cabo en cuatro cuencas del curso inferior del río Toropi, Brasil. Todas las especies encontradas, y también la comunidad en su conjunto mostraron una distribución agregada. La partición aditiva de la riqueza de especies mostró que la riqueza observada en menor escala (α=dentro de los arroyos) representó el 20.7%, y entre los arroyos (β1) representó el 10.5% de la riqueza total. La riqueza y diversidad de Shannon observadas en escala alfa (α=dentro de los arroyos) fueron mayores que las observadas en el primer nivel de escala de la diversidad beta (β1=entre los arroyos). La mayor variación en las grandes escalas de análisis, con la participación de los componentes entre-órdenes y entre-microcuencas (β2 y β3, respectivamente) fue la esperada, ya que el aumento de la distancia conduce a mayores diferencias de riqueza (mayor diversidad beta). En conclusión, nuestros resultados muestran que la dispersión agregada tuvo influencia en la partición de la diversidad de las comunidades de moluscos en los arroyos estudiados. Los métodos de dispersión y tolerancia a las variaciones de los factores abióticos también juegan un papel importante para determinar la diversidad alfa. Así, la conservación de los arroyos a nivel local contribuirá a la conservación de la cuenca y al mantenimiento de la diversidad regional (gamma).Additive partitioning of species diversity is a promising approach for analyzing patterns of diversity in mollusk communities, especially their spatial distribution. Our aims were to assess the distribution of mollusk communities in Southern Brazilian streams, and to evaluate the partitioning of community diversity at different spatial scales. The study was carried out in the lower course of the Toropi River, one of the main tributaries of the Ibicuí River Basin, in Southern Brazil. Four microbasins were considered: Sertão da Mata, Ribeirão, Tororaipi and Chiniquá, and sampling were undertaken in autumn, April and May 2009. Six sites were sampled in each stream: two in 1st-order segments, two in 2nd-order segments, and two in 3rd-order segments. All species found and the community as a whole, exhibited a clumped distribution. However, the variance-to-mean ratios for the Drepanotrema kermatoides and Heleobia bertoniana were higher than those of other species, suggesting a higher degree of aggregation. The additive partitioning of the species richness showed that the observed richness at smallest scale (α=within streams) represented 20.7%, and among-streams (β1) represented 10.5% of the total richness. The richness and Shannon diversity index observed at the alpha scale, were higher than those observed at the first level of beta diversity scale (β1=among-streams). The interaction between passive dispersal, tolerance to changes in some environmental variables, abiotic factors, and clumped distribution might have determined the spatial distribution of the communities studied. The greatest variation at the larger scales of analysis, involving among-orders and among-microbasins (β2 and β3, respectively) components, was expected, considering that the increase in distance leads to greater differences in richness (higher beta diversity). In conclusion, our results showed that the clumped distribution influenced the partition of the diversity of the mollusk communities in the streams studied. Dispersal methods and tolerance to variations in abiotic factors also have important roles in determining high alpha diversity. The partitioning of diversity showed that to preserve limnetic mollusks, it is important to preserve local areas, i.e., streams. Accordingly, conservation of streams on a local scale will contribute to conservation of the entire basin and maintenance of regional diversity (gamma)

    Quantitative fidelity of recent freshwater mollusk assemblages from the Touro Passo River, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Fidelidade quantitativa de associações de moluscos límnicos recentes na bacia do rio Touro Passo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

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    This study represents one of the first contributions to the knowledge on the quantitative fidelity of the recent freshwater molluscan assemblages in subtropical rivers. Thanatocoenoses and biocoenoses were studied in straight and meandering to braided sectors, in the middle course of the Touro Passo River, a fourth-order tributary of the Uruguay River, located in the westernmost part of the State of Rio Grande do Sul. Samplings were carried out through quadrats of 5 m², five in each sector. A total area of 50 m² was sampled. Samplings were also made in a lentic environment (abandoned meander), with intermittent communication with the Touro Passo River, aiming to record out-of-habitat shell transportation from the lentic communities to the main river channel. The results show that, despite the frequent oscillation of the water level, the biocoenosis of the Touro Passo River shows high ecological fidelity and undergoes little influence from the lentic vicinal environments. The taxonomic composition and some features of the structure of communities, especially the dominant species, also reflect some ecological differences between the two main sectors sampled, such as the complexity of habitats in the meandering-sector. Regarding the quantitative fidelity, 60% of the species found alive were also found dead and 47.3% of the species found dead were also found alive, at river-scale. However, 72% of the dead individuals belong to species also found alive. This value might be related with the good rank order correlation obtained for live/dead assemblages. Consequently, the dominant species of the thanatocoenoses could be used to infer the ecological attributes of the biocoenoses. The values of all the indexes analyzed were very variable in small-scale samplings (quadrat), but were more similar to others registered in previous studies, when they were analyzed in a station and river scale.<br>O presente estudo teve como objetivo apresentar uma das primeiras contribuições ao conhecimento sobre a fidelidade quantitativa de associações de moluscos recentes em rios subtropicais. Tanatocenoses e biocenoses foram estudadas em seções retilínea e meandrante tendendo a anastomosada, no curso médio do rio Touro Passo, um tributário de 4ª ordem do rio Uruguai, localizado no extremo oeste do Rio Grande do Sul. As amostragens foram realizadas por meio de quadrats de 5 m², cinco em cada seção, amostrando-se um total de 50 m². Também foram feitas amostragens em um ambiente lêntico, com comunicação intermitente com o Touro Passo, objetivando detectar a existência de transporte de comunidades lênticas para o interior do rio. Os resultados obtidos mostram que, apesar da freqüente oscilação do nível da água, a biocenose do Touro Passo apresenta uma alta fidelidade ecológica e sofre pouca influência de espécies de ambientes lênticos. A composição taxonômica e características de estrutura de comunidades, especialmente as espécies dominantes, refletem, ainda, diferenças ecológicas relacionadas às duas seções amostradas, como a maior complexidade de habitats da estação meandrante. Quanto à fidelidade quantitativa, 60% das espécies encontradas vivas também foram encontradas mortas e 47,3% das espécies encontradas mortas também foram encontras vivas em escala de rio. Porém, 72% dos exemplares coletados mortos são representantes de espécies encontradas vivas. Essa percentagem alta pode estar relacionada à boa correlação entre o ranking de dominância das associações vivas e mortas e, conseqüentemente, as espécies dominantes das tanatocenoses podem ser utilizadas para inferir características ecológicas das biocenoses. Todos os índices analisados variaram muito em escala local (quadrat) e seus valores são mais aproximados aos de outros, registrados em estudos prévios, apenas quando analisados em escala mais ampla (seção, área total)