67 research outputs found
Keterampilan Membaca Kritis dengan Metode SQ3R Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia melalui E-Learning
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan membaca kritis genre teks faktual melalui E-Learning mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia FKIP Universitas Bung Hatta angkatan 2022/2023. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Subjek penelitian yaitu mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia FKIP Universitas Bung Hatta Padang angkatan 2022/2023. Instrumen penelitan dengan melakukan wawancara, observasi dan tugas. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis secara deskriptif. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, Pertama, mahasiswa dalam membuat pertanyaan dan menjawab pertanyaan sudah lebih banyak ke arah C2 sampai C5 dengan nilai rata-rata 8,43. Kedua, mahasiswa dalam menganalisis watak tokoh Sir Isaac Newton dalam membaca kritis sudah jelas dan tepat dengan nilai rata-rata 8,07. Ketiga, mahasiswa membuat kesimpulan berdasarkan teks faktual masih belum tepat dengan nilai rata-rata 7,78. Keempat mahasiswa belum mampu menemukan keunikan tokoh Sir Isaac Newton dengan baik, nilai rata-rata 7,69. Dengan demikian, mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia FKIP angkatan 2022/2023 sudah mampu membaca kritis teks faktual menggunakan metode SQ3R dengan nilai rata-rata 7,96 dengan kategori lebih dari cukup.
Kata Kunci: Membaca, Membaca Kritis, Metode SQ3
Screening for Down Syndrome Using Nuchal Translucency Thickness and Nasal Bone Examination at Advanced Maternal Age in Jakarta: A Preliminary Report
BackgroundOlder maternal age leads to increased risk for both the mother and fetus, particularly if the mother is more than 34 years old. We evaluated a non-invasive method to screen for Down syndrome at a maternal age of 35 years or more. We measured nuchal translucency thickness (NT) using a fixed cut-off of 3.0 mm or more with a crown-rump length (CRL) of 50-70 mm and nasal bone (NB) examination at 11-13+6 weeks of gestation.Materials and MethodsThis prospective study was conducted from January 2001 to January 2003. NT was measured at 11-13+6 weeks of gestation. In addition, the NB was examined from January 2002 to January 2003. Cases with an NT of at least 3.0 mm were submitted to TORCH examination (toxoplasma, rubella, cytomegalovirus, and herpes simplex virus I and II). Genetic amniocentesis was performed at 16 weeks of gestation. Both antenatal and postnatal management and observations were carried out.ResultsNT was measured in 175 cases between January 2001 and January 2002. Combined NT measurement and NB examination was performed in 97 cases between January 2002 and January 2003. Maternal ages ranged from 35 to 43 years, with first to fifth gravidity. Of the 175 NT cases, seven had NT of at least 3.0 mm. The detection rate (DR) for Down syndrome was 71.4% (5/7) and the false-positive rate (FPR) was 1.2% (2/170). Of the 97 NT plus NB absence cases, four had an NT of at least 3.0 mm and three had no NB. The combination of maternal age, NT and NB examination gives a DR for Down syndrome of 87.5% (3/4 paralleled to 3/3) and an FPR of 1% (1/94).ConclusionScreening for Down syndrome can be performed in the clinical setting by measuring NT (using a fixed cut-off of ≥3.0 mm and CRL of 50-70 mm) and NB examination at 11-13+6 weeks of gestation. Abnormal NT with normal karyotype requires strict antenatal and postnatal observation
Analisis transformasi manajemen website untuk meningkatkan daya saing di era digital
This research was conducted with the aim of finding out how the management of news websites within conventional television media companies carries out the transformation process to increase competitiveness in the digital era. The focus of this research problem is on changes made by the management of the tvOnenews.com website as a website that focuses on news and sports within the tvOne company to increase competitiveness in the digital era. The theories used in this research are Kotter's change management model, Grundy's types of change, Kreitner and Kinicki's organizational change factors, Holt et al.'s change readiness, Robbins and Coulter's organizational structure, John's organizational types, and Osterwalder et al.'s value proposition canvas to see the management transformation that has occurred due to digitalization and the rapid development of technology. The research paradigm used is postpositivism with a qualitative approach. The research results were obtained using interview and observation techniques with the research subjects, namely tvOne and tvOnenews.com management, who were directly involved in the process of increasing website competitiveness, as well as other data from reliable sources. The results and analysis of the research show the transformation that occurs in the management of tvOnenews.com by increasing competitiveness in the digital era
Pemilihan Fluida Pendingin pada Mesin Pendingin Ikan (Freezer) Kapasitas 1 Ton
Upaya manusia untuk menghasilkan kehidupan yang layak dan lebih baik terutama dalam perkembangan teknologi, terutamamengenai Mesin PendinginIkan (FREEZER) yang menggunakanfluidakerja yang ditargetkanakanmenjadifluida yang lebihbaikdarisebelumnyaadalah musicool(MC-134) dengan RefrigeranHalokarbon(R-134a), dimana akan dibandingkan teori dasar dari refrigeran, yaitu COP (Coefficient of Performance), Efek Refrigasi serta Kerja Kompressor.Hasil yang didapat adalah kelayakan Hidrokarbon sebagai Fluida pendingin yang baik, ramah lingkungan dan aman
Analisis Reaktor Alir Tangki Pengaduk pada Kapasitas 20 M3 dengan Temperatur 1520 C
Dalam industri proses dan industri kimia, atau pun dalam kegiatan lain banyak mengunakan Reaktor Alir Tangki Berpengaduk sebagai barang jadi yang telah tersedia dan pemilihannya dilakukan atas dasar harga dan spesifikasi yang diberikan oleh para pembuatannya. Bilamana Reaktor Alir Tangki Berpengaduk merupakan bagian dari suatu unit peralatan yang akan dibuat, Reaktor Alir Tangki Berpengaduk standar yang tersedia dapat di beli langsung untuk itu atau bila pertimbangan biaya dan jumlah yang akan di buat memungkinkan Reakor Alir Tangki berpengaduk dapat di rancang khusus untuk itu. Setiap penerapan suatu Reaktor Alir Tangki Berpengaduk harus dipatuhi untuk mendapatkan yang terbaik yang sesuai dengan pertimbangan sistim aliran fluida, perpindahaan panas, ketebalan plat pada tangki dan jaket dan sistim pengadukan agitator. Pada hasil perhitungan yang di dapat pada reaktor alir tangki berpengaduk mempunyai aliran turbulen, perpindahan panas yang di lakukan oleh pemanasan steam dengan media konduksi dan konveksi yang temperatur yang di serap oleh meterial SA 193 B7 ≤ 2½′′ dengan ketebalan 10 mm sudah sesuai dengan fluidanya dan reaksi dua fluida mengalami pencampuran yang sempurna dan didapatkan produk yang diinginkan, selinder shell pada tangki dan jaket mengunakan ketebalan plat adalah 10 mm dan 16 mm, kepala ellips pada tangki dan jaket mengunakan ketebalan plat adalah 10 mm dan 16 mm, daya motor yang di gunakan untuk pengadukan dua fluida pada reaktor alir tangki berpengaduk adalah 30 kw, 380 volt : AC – 50 Hz dengan tipe motor Y200L1-2
Analisa Perancangan Roda Gigi Lurus Menggunakan Mesin Konvensional
Dalam perancangan pembuatannya menggunakan mesin frais (milling) dengan roda gigi yang direncanakan sesuai tabel roda gigi pengganti adalah jumlah giginya Z1 27 dan Z1 50 dengan bahan St 42, modul pisau 1,5 serta perhitungan roda gigi menggunakan sistem modul dan pembuatan roda gigi menggunakan kepala pembagi (dividing head) pada mesin frais menggunakan sistem pembagian tidak langsung. Piring pembagi yang digunakan adalah piring pembagi seri B-2 yaitu dengan jumlah lubang 21-23-27-29-31-33.Hasil rancangan tersebut adalah roda gigi Z 27 kecepatan linearnya (v) = 2,1195 m/s, gaya tangensial , beban lentur yang diijinkan , faktor dinamis , beban permukaan dan Kekuatan tarik , tegangan lentur yang diizinkan . Roda gigi Z 50 kecepatan linearnya (v) = 3,925 m/s, gaya tangensial,bebanlenturyangdiijinkan, faktor dinamis , beban permukaan . Kekuatan tarik , tegangan lentur yang diizinkan . Kesimpulannya adalah roda gigi ini adalah roda gigi reduksi u1. ratio transmisi atau angular velocity , perbandingan putaran (u) , Tegangan geser yang terjadi antara roda gigi Z 27 dan Z 50 adalah Momen puntir yang terjadi pada roda gigi Z 27 dan Z 50 adalah . Roda gigi ini konstruksinya lebi
Щодо відсутності правил виконання зобов’язань щодо забезпечення жінок засобами для існування (Мадлен) у законі про індонезійське релігійне правосуддя
Provisions for the execution of the madliyah livelihood conditions in statutory regulations, especially in the provisions of Article 70 of Law Number 7 of 1989 concerning the Religion Courts as amended by Law Number 3 of 2006 and Law Number 50 of 2009, directly result in a lack of certainty. The law on the right to maintain madliyah livelihood also has direct implications for the trust of society, especially women, in the Religion Courts which should be able to defend women's rights and serve as a bridge to resolve issues of rights that should be obtained, namely madliyah livelihood after divorce. The execution of the wife's madliyah livelihood has implications for the judge's decision, namely: first, the judge does not have a legal basis regarding how the procedure for carrying out the execution that should be carried out for the process of executing the madliyah livelihood. Second, there is no complete regulation up to the implementation of decisions in regulating the rights to support the wife and children - one of which is the madliyah livelihood. Efforts to be able to provide legal certainty for executions at the Religion Courts can be done by completing regulations and building mechanisms.Положения закона о выполнении обязательств по обеспечению женщин средствами к существованию (Мадлен) в нормативно-правовых актах индонезийского религиозного правосудия, особенно в нормах ст. 70 Закона № 7 от 1989 «О религиозных судах» с изменениями и дополнениями, внесенными Законами № 3 от 2006 г. и № 50 с 2009 г., создают сомнения в их направленности на обеспечение Мадлен. Это непосредственно влияет на доверие населения, особенно женщин, к религиозным судам, которые должны защищать права женщин и решать правовые вопросы, непосредственно связанные с обеспечением их средствами к существованию (Мадлен) после развода. На состояние выполнения решений судов в отношении обязательств по Мадлен негативно влияет ряд факторов: 1) неполнота правового регулирования, включая выполнение решений в части обеспечения прав жены и детей, одним из которых является Мадлен; 2) высокая стоимость выполнения; 3) отсутствие имущества, на которое может быть обращено взыскание; 4) проблема человеческих ресурсов; 5) низкая правосознание населения. Чтобы принять решение, которое гарантирует правовую определенность по обстоятельствам конкретного дела, судья должен иметь возможность принять решение, которое бы соответствовало следующим требованиям: во-первых, такое решение должно стать законом для обеих сторон по делу, которые должны неукоснительно соблюдаться его, во-вторых, решение должно быть принято на основании фактов, установленных по делу; в-третьих, содержание решения должно быть четко сформулирован судьей, чтобы избежать неправильного толкования и препятствий в его исполнении. Усилия, направленные на обеспечение правовой определенности решений религиозных судов, заключаются в завершении разработки нормативных положений и создании механизмов их выполнения.Положення закону про виконання зобов'язань щодо забезпечення жінок засобами для існування (Мадлен) в нормативно-правових актах індонезійського релігійного правосуддя, особливо в нормах ст. 70 Закону № 7 від 1989 р. «Про релігійні суди» зі змінами і доповненнями, внесеними Законами № 3 від 2006 р. і № 50 від 2009 р., створюють сумніви у їх спрямованості на забезпечення Мадлен. Це безпосередньо впливає на довіру населення, особливо жінок, до релігійних судів, які повинні захищати права жінок і вирішувати правові питання, безпосередньо пов'язані із забезпеченням їх засобами для існування (Мадлен) після розлучення. На стан виконання рішень судів стосовно зобов'язань щодо Мадлен негативно впливає низка факторів: 1) неповнота правового врегулювання, включаючи виконання рішень в частині забезпечення прав дружини і дітей, одним з яких є Мадлен; 2) висока вартість виконання; 3) відсутність майна, на яке може бути звернено стягнення; 4) проблема людських ресурсів; 5) низька правосвідомість населення. Щоб прийняти рішення, яке гарантує правову визначеність відповідно до обставин певної справи, суддя повинен мати можливість ухвалити рішення, яке б відповідало наступним вимогам: по-перше, таке рішення має стати законом для обох сторін у справі, які повинні неухильно дотримуватися його; по-друге, рішення повинно бути прийнято на підставі фактів, встановлених у справі; по-третє, зміст рішення має бути чітко сформульований суддею, щоб уникнути неправильного тлумачення і перешкод у його виконанні. Зусилля, спрямовані на забезпечення правової визначеності рішень релігійних судів, полягають у завершенні розробки нормативних положень і створенні механізмів їх виконання
Characterization of the mining based local productive agglomerations in the state of São Paulo : contribution to the mining development
Orientadores: Saul Barisnik Suslick, Wilson SuziganTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de GeocienciasRESUMO: O presente estudo enfoca as características econômicas, tecnológicas e de gestão da indústria mineral do Estado de São Paulo, buscando-se comprovar que esse setor e determinadas atividades de transformação agregadas apresentam acentuada tendência de se concentrar geograficamente, constituindo arranjos produtivos locais - APLs de base mineral. Os trabalhos são orientados para o reconhecimento sistemático das aglomerações e aferição de sua importância no contexto da indústria mineral paulista, pelo que se tornou necessário o estabelecimento de uma metodologia de mapeamento. Uma vez identificadas as aglomerações, é sugerido um conjunto de políticas para seu fomento e o desenvolvimento em bases sustentáveis do setor mineral no Estado. A indústria mineral paulista é caracterizada como uma atividade econômica constituída dominantemente por pequenas e médias empresas, com produção voltada ao mercado interno, e que se desenvolveu dando suporte ao crescimento urbano e industrial do Estado. A dotação mineral associada a fatores como proximidade de mercados, infra-estrutura privilegiada e cultura empresarial tem conduzido a formação de aglomerados produtivos. Os procedimentos adotados para identificação estatística, mapeamento e caracterização tipológica dessas aglomerações incorporam conceitos e determinantes aplicados sobretudo na Indústria de Transformação (quociente locacional - QL, participação relativa do emprego região/estado e número
mínimo de estabelecimentos), sendo ajustados e complementados por parametrização da especialização produtiva específica para a Indústria Mineral. São reconhecidos 30 potenciais APLs, com especialização em 10 substâncias minerais, sobressaindo-se os de águas minerais, areia e brita para construção civil, argilas para fins cerâmicos, e rochas carbonáticas. É comum também o encadeamento de atividades econômicas de transformação, sendo mais proeminentes junto à mineração de agregados, onde se articulam concentrações de empresas de artefatos de concreto, nos mínero-cerâmicos, nos quais a produção de argila abastece as expressivas aglomerações de cerâmica vermelha e de revestimentos, além da indústria de águas minerais. Os números de empregos e de estabelecimentos atestam a significativa magnitude dos APLs identificados no cômputo do setor mineral, constatando-se que 75% desses parâmetros estão concentrados em suas aglomerações, o que demonstra que o desenvolvimento do setor e dos segmentos de transformação associados tem como fator decisivo a consolidação de seus
arranjos produtivos. O fato de vários APLs terem peso significativo em seus segmentos e (ou) nas
economias dos seus territórios reforça o papel de destaque que podem desempenhar na implementação de políticas setoriais, bem como no desenvolvimento de suas localidades, concorrendo para uma ascensão econômica e social mais equânime do Estado de São Paulo. Para a promoção dos APLs são elaboradas diretrizes para políticas públicas e ações empresariais nas várias dimensões que interferem na sua competitividade, incluindo-se o fortalecimento da governança local, estímulo a cooperação, engajamento do poder público local, facilitação do acesso a reservas minerais, conhecimento do mercado, aprimoramento e inovação de processos e produtos, aperfeiçoamento das capacitações, mobilização de competências e atividades complementares circundantes, valorização da identidade do APL e de funções comerciais, apoio creditício, e adoção de programas de produção mais limpa.ABSTRACT: The present study focuses on the economic, technological and management characteristics of the mining industry of the State of Sao Paulo, aimed to demonstrate that this sector and some aggregated manufacturing industries present a strong trend to form a spatial concentration of firms, constituting the so-called mining based local productive agglomerations. This research consisted of a systematic appraisal of the mining based local productive agglomerations and the evaluation of their importance for the mining industry. In order to pursue these goals, it was necessary to set up a methodology for the identification of potential local productive agglomerations. Once identified these agglomerations, the next step comprises a set of policies for promoting their competitiveness and the sustainable development of the mining sector. The mining industry in Sao Paulo is characterized as an economic activity dominated by both small and medium firms, whose production profile supplies mainly the regional domestic market that, historically, have been directly connected to the urban and industrial growth of Sao Paulo. The mineral endowment associated with some other favorable factors, such as markets vicinity, privileged infrastructure and entrepreneurial culture, have resulted in the creation of local productive agglomerations. The procedures adopted for statistical identification, mapping and typological characterization of these agglomerations incorporated concepts and some determinants applied to the manufacturing industry (indices of specialization, relative participation of employment in a regional level as compared to a state level, and minimum number of firms). The values of theses determinants had to be adjusted and combined with specific parameters of the productive specialization for the mining industry, considering different types of raw materials. Thirty potential local productive agglomerations with specialization in ten non-metallic minerals were recognized. Among them, mineral water, sand, crushed stone, ceramic clays, and carbonate rocks are highlighted. The forward chaining of the mining activities linked with the manufacturing industry is also very common. This situation is far more developed in the context of the mineral aggregate extractive sector - which presents a forward linkage with some concentrations of firms for concrete products. The same situation appears in the clay mining - that supply the expressive tiles and structural ceramics agglomerations - and in the mineral water industry. The number of employment and firms in the mining industry is an important indicator, where 75% of these parameters are concentrated in these agglomerations. The results pointed out that the development of the sector and the associated manufacturing activities depends on the consolidation of their local productive agglomerations. Considering that several of these agglomerations have a significant weight in their own productive segments and the local economies, they play an important role in the performance of sectorial policies, as well as in the local/regional development. In this regard, they can also contribute to a more equitable economic and social development of Sao Paulo. In order to improving the competitiveness of these agglomerations, guidelines for public policies and enterprises' actions are presented, including: the reinforcement of the local governance, stimulation of the cooperation, local government support, the access to mineral reserves, market knowledge, processes and products innovation, technical capability and training, skills and complementary services mobilization in the surrounding areas, recognition of the value of the agglomeration's identity, capital availability, and adoption of clean production programs.DoutoradoGeologia e Recursos NaturaisDoutor em Ciência
Proses penekukan pipa (bending), biasanya banyak sekali dilakukan untuk membuat komponen-komponen industri maupun rumah tangga misalnya membuat kursi, pagar, kanopi, serta perlengkapan lainnya yang memanfaatkan pipa sebagai bahan dasarnya. Hal tersebut diatas, menunjukan bahwa kebutuhan produk semakin lama semakin tinggi dengan kualitas yang baik dan sama halnya dengan peralatan (mesin-mesin), yang semakin lama di tuntut untuk lebih berkembang dan berkembang lagi,sehingga dengan biaya yang terjangkau mesin bending pipa ini dapat membantu untuk perindustrian ekonomi kecil dan menengah. Untuk itulah maka penelitian disini merancang hidrolik sederhana pada mesin bending dengan mempertimbangkan hal-hal berikut yaitu Menentukan radius bending sehingga memperoleh hasil yang baik,tidak terjadi keretakan pada pipa saat proses bending dan Menentukan spesikasi material yang akan dibending terkait dengan kemapuan alat bending dengan menggunakan metode perhitungan dimana hasilnya nanti sebagai dasar untuk merancang
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