10,131 research outputs found

    A model for vortex formation in magnetic nanodots

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    We use Monte Carlo simulation to study the vortex nucleation on magnetic nanodots at low temperature. In our simulations, we have considered a simple microscopic two-dimensional anisotropic Heisenberg model with term to describe the anisotropy due to the presence of the nanodot edge. We have considered the thickness of the edge, which was not considered in previous works, introducing a term that controls the energy associated to the edge. Our results clearly show that the thickness of the edge has a considerable influence in the vortex nucleation on magnetic nanodots. We have obtained the hysteresis curve for several values of the surface anisotropy and skin depth parameter (ξ\xi). The results are in excellent agreement with experimental data

    Radio emission from satellite-Jupiter interactions (especially Ganymede)

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    Analyzing a database of 26 years of observations of Jupiter from the Nan\c{c}ay Decameter Array, we study the occurrence of Io-independent emissions as a function of the orbital phase of the other Galilean satellites and Amalthea. We identify unambiguously the emissions induced by Ganymede and characterize their intervals of occurrence in CML and Ganymede phase and longitude. We also find hints of emissions induced by Europa and, surprisingly, by Amalthea. The signature of Callisto-induced emissions is more tenuous.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, in "Planetary Radio Emissions VIII", G. Fischer, G. Mann, M. Panchenko and P. Zarka eds., Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, in press, 201

    Characterization of a rare analphoid supernumerary marker chromosome in mosaic

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    Abstract publicado em: Chromosome Research. 2015;23(Suppl 1):67-8. doi:10.1007/s10577-015-9476-6Analphoid supernumerary marker chromosomes (SMCs) are a rare subclass of SMCs C-band-negative and devoid of alpha-satellite DNA. These marker chromosomes cannot be identified unambiguously by conventional banding techniques alone being necessary to apply molecular cytogenetic methods in favour of a detailed characterization. In this work we report an analphoid SMC involving the terminal long arm of chromosome 7, in 9 years-old boy with several dysmorphic features and severe development delay. Cytogenetic analysis revealed a mosaic karyotype with the presence of an extra SMC, de novo, in 20 % of lymphocytes and 73 % of fibroblast cells. FISH analysis with alpha-satellite probes for all chromosomes, whole chromosome painting probe for chromosome 7, and D7S427 and TelVysion 7q probes, allowed establishing the origin of the SMC as an analphoidmarker resulting of an invdup rearrangement of 7q36-qter region. Affimetrix CytoScan HD microarray analysis, redefined the SMC to arr[hg19] 7q35(143696249-159119707)×2~3, which correspond to a gain of 15.42 Mb and encloses 67 OMIM genes, 16 of which are associated to disease. This result, combined with detailed clinical description, will provide an important means for better genotype-phenotype correlation and a more suitable genetic counselling to the patient and his parents, despite the additional difficulty resulting from being a mosaic (expression varies in different tissues). Analphoid SMCs derived from chromosome 7 are very rare, with only three cases reported so far. With this case we hope contribute to a better understanding of this type of chromosome rearrangements which are difficult for genetic counselling

    Sensing the impact of COVID-19 restrictions from online reviews: The cases of London and Paris unveiled through text mining

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    This study aims to understand how the COVID-19 pandemic affected the hotel sector and to identify the current traveler demands. The traveler’s re-views were analyzed based on sentiment analysis and a guest satisfaction model was also proposed, demonstrating a data mining approach within tourism and hospitality research. Given its popularity, TripAdvisor was the chosen platform for collection of hotel reviews in London and Paris. Text data were extracted from reviews made in two time periods, before and during the COVID-19 pan-demic. The sentiment and specific aspects highlighted by travelers were com-pared between each period.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis in a pediatric patient: A rare and demanding clinical case

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    Thyroid dysfunction is one of the most common adverse effects of amiodarone therapy, ranging from subclinical changes to overt clinical thyrotoxicosis (AIT) and/or hypothyroidism. Due to its heterogeneity, AIT lasts as a defiant entity, leading to a thorny treatment course, particularly in pediatrics. AIT can be classified as either type 1, type 2 or mixed form based on its pathophysiology. Differentiating between the main AIT subtypes is quite relevant, since there is specific treatment for both, however, this distinction may be difficult in clinical practice. We describe a rare case of AIT in a pediatric patient, with an uncommon congenital cardiac malformation, that started amiodarone therapy due to paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia. AIT was reported 26 months after drug onset, with a sudden and explosive emerging. This case highlights the current AIT management challenges on the high-demanding pediatric field pursuing, ultimately, an enhanced patient´s care

    Proptosis in a family with the p16 Leue-to-Prol mutation in the PMP22 gene (CMT 1E)

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    Univ Fed Paulista UNIFESP, Dept Neurol, São Paulo, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Fac Med Ribeirao Preto, Dept Neurociencias & Ciencias Comportamento, Ribeirao Preto, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Paulista UNIFESP, Dept Neurol, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc