332 research outputs found

    Sistema de monitoramento do nível das interfaces líquido-líquido nas cubas de separação de terras raras

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    Neste Relatório Técnico é apresentado o projeto de um sistema para monitoramento do nível da interface entre as fases aquosa e orgânica em cada uma das cubas de um sistema de misturadores-decantadores para separação de terras raras por extração por solvente

    Abstract computation in schizophrenia detection through artificial neural network based systems

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    Schizophrenia stands for a long-lasting state of mental uncertainty that may bring to an end the relation among behavior, thought, and emotion; that is, it may lead to unreliable perception, not suitable actions and feelings, and a sense of mental fragmentation. Indeed, its diagnosis is done over a large period of time; continuos signs of the disturbance persist for at least 6 (six) months. Once detected, the psychiatrist diagnosis is made through the clinical interview and a series of psychic tests, addressed mainly to avoid the diagnosis of other mental states or diseases. Undeniably, the main problem with identifying schizophrenia is the difficulty to distinguish its symptoms from those associated to different untidiness or roles. Therefore, this work will focus on the development of a diagnostic support system, in terms of its knowledge representation and reasoning procedures, based on a blended of Logic Programming and Artificial Neural Networks approaches to computing, taking advantage of a novel approach to knowledge representation and reasoning, which aims to solve the problems associated in the handling (i.e., to stand for and reason) of defective information.This work is funded by National Funds through the FCT, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) within projects PEstOE/EEI/UI0752/2014 and PEst-OE/QUI/UI0619/2012

    Healthcare interoperability through intelligent agent technology

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    With technological advances, the amount of data and the information systems in healthcare units has been increasing exponentially. The accessibility and availability of patients’ clinical information are a constant need. The Agency for Integration, Diffusion and Archive of Medical Information (AIDA) was developed to fulfill this need and it was implemented at the Centro Hospitalar do Porto (CHP), revealing a highly successful, ensuring interoperability among CHP healthcare information systems. This paper presents a new AIDA module, which aims to monitor the activity of its agents. It revealed its usefulness, providing to the user the functionalities and the necessary data for it to make a complete monitoring of the activities of each AIDA agent. It was still considered an efficient system, since it does not compromise the resources of the machine where it was implemented. In addition, this module increases AIDA functionality and efficiency

    Pressupostos sociológicos e dogmáticos da fundamentalidade do direito ao ambiente sadio e ecologicamente equilibrado

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Jurídicas. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito.Sociedade e pós-modernidade. Características da sociedade pós-moderna. O discurso jur[idico possível na pós-modernidade. Dogmática e legitimidade do discurso. A compreensão moderna da dogmática. A dogmática jurídica tridimensional. Direitos fundamentais como categorias dogmáticas. A pluralidade de abordagens acerca dos direitos fundamentais. Teorias de direitos fundamentais. A compreensão semântica de direitos fundamentais. A estrutura dogmática dos direitos fundamentais. Enunciado normativo de direito fundamental. Norma de direito fundamental. O fundamento formal das normas de direito fundamental. O fundamento material das normas de direito fundamental. Direitos fundamentais como garantias contra-majoritárias. O enunciado normativo do artigo 225 da Constituição ederal. Os fundamentos formal e material da norma de direito fundamental ao ambiente. O princípio da preservação ambiental. O princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana. A eficácia objetiva e a eficácia subjetiva da norma de direito fundamental ambiental. Os deveres constitucionais ambientais. Os deveres constitucionais ambientais autônomos. Os deveres constitucionais ambientais fundamentais. A estrutura do direito fundamental ao ambiente. As restrições ao direito fundamental ao ambiente. A eficácia horizontal do direito fundamental ao ambiente sadio e ecologicamente equilibrado. Society and post-modernity. Characteristics of the post-modern society. The juridical discourse. Dogmatic and legitimacy of the speech. The modern comprehension of dogmatic. The legal tri-dimensional dogmatic. Fundamental rights as dogmatic categories. The plurality of approaches about the fundamental rights. Theories of fundamental rights. The semantic comprehension of the fundamental rights. The dogmatic structure of the fundamental rights. Normative announcement of fundamental law. The material foundation of the fundamental law norms. Fundamental laws as counter-majority guarantees. The normative announcement of article 225 of the Federal Constitution. The formal and material foundations of the environment fundamental law norms. The principle of the environmental preservation. The principle of human being#s dignity. The objective and subjective effectiveness of the environmental fundamental law norm. The environmental constitutional rights. The autonomous environmental constitutional rights. The structure of the environmental fundamental right. The restrictions to the environmental fundamental right. The horizontal effectiveness of the fundamental right for the healthy and ecologically balanced environment

    A escola como lugar privilegiado de aprendizagem docente

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    The objective of this study was to explain what research over the last five years has shown in relation to the school as a place of teaching learning. To this end, the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) was used as a method, in its three phases: planning, conducting and reporting (KITCHENHAM, 2004). For data analysis, the Analysis Spiral proposed by Creswell (2014) was used. The results showed a central category, followed by four subcategories, which confirm the school as a privileged place for teacher learning, in four aspects: in initial training, in the development of teaching, research and extension activities in cooperation with the school; in continuing education, when the training needs of teachers are recognized; in the reality experienced at school, where practices are reconstructed; and in the experiential knowledge shared in the school environment.El objetivo de este estudio fue explicar lo que las investigaciones de los últimos cinco años han mostrado en relación a la escuela como lugar de enseñanza aprendizaje. Para ello se utilizó como método la Revisión Sistemática de Literatura (SLR), en sus tres fases: planificación, realización y reporte (KITCHENHAM, 2004). Para el análisis de los datos se utilizó la Espiral de Análisis propuesta por Creswell (2014). Los resultados mostraron una categoría central, seguida de cuatro subcategorías, que confirman a la escuela como un lugar privilegiado para el aprendizaje docente, en cuatro aspectos: en la formación inicial, en el desarrollo de actividades de docencia, investigación y extensión en cooperación con la escuela; en la educación continua, cuando se reconocen las necesidades de formación de los docentes; en la realidad vivida en la escuela, donde se reconstruyen las prácticas; y en el saber vivencial compartido en el ámbito escolar.Este estudo teve por objetivo explicitar o que as pesquisas do período de 2017 a 2021 evidenciam em relação à escola enquanto lugar de aprendizagem docente. Para tal, utilizou-se como método, a Revisão Sistemática de Literatura (RSL), em suas três fases: planejamento, condução e relato (KITCHENHAM, 2004). Para análise dos dados, empregou-se a Espiral de Análise proposta por Creswell (2014). Os resultados evidenciaram uma categoria central, seguida de quatro subcategorias, que confirmam a escola como lugar privilegiado de aprendizagem docente, em quatro aspectos: na formação inicial, no desenvolvimento de atividades de ensino, pesquisa e extensão em cooperação com a escola; na formação continuada, quando reconhecidas as necessidades formativas dos professores; na realidade vivenciada na escola, onde as práticas são reconstruídas; e nos saberes experienciais compartilhados no meio escolar

    Intelligent systems for monitoring and preventing in healthcare information systems

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    Nowadays the interoperability in Healthcare Information Systems (HIS) is a fundamental requirement. The Agency for Integration, Diffusion and Archive of Medical Information (AIDA) is an interoperability healthcare platform that ensures these demands and it is implemented in Centro Hospitalar do Porto (CHP), a major healthcare unit in Portugal. Therefore, the overall performance of CHP HIS depends on the success of AIDA functioning. This paper presents monitoring and prevention systems implemented in the CHP, which aim to improve the system integrity and high availability. These systems allow the monitoring and the detection of situations conducive to failure in the AIDA main components: database, machines and intelligent agents. Through the monitoring systems, it was found that the database most critical period is between 11:00 and 12:00 and the resources are well balanced. The prevention systems detected abnormal situations that were reported to the administrators that took preventive actions, avoiding damage to AIDA workflow

    The next generation of interoperability agents in healthcare

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    Interoperability in health information systems is increasingly a requirement rather than an option. Standards and technologies, such as multi-agent systems, have proven to be powerful tools in interoperability issues. In the last few years, the authors have worked on developing the Agency for Integration, Diffusion and Archive of Medical Information (AIDA), which is an intelligent, agent-based platform to ensure interoperability in healthcare units. It is increasingly important to ensure the high availability and reliability of systems. The functions provided by the systems that treat interoperability cannot fail. This paper shows the importance of monitoring and controlling intelligent agents as a tool to anticipate problems in health information systems. The interaction between humans and agents through an interface that allows the user to create new agents easily and to monitor their activities in real time is also an important feature, as health systems evolve by adopting more features and solving new problems. A module was installed in Centro Hospitalar do Porto, increasing the functionality and the overall usability of AIDA.This work is funded by National Funds through the FCT-Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) within project PEst-OE/EEI/UI0752/2014. PEst-OE means in Portuguese "Strategic Project by National Funds" and "EEI" means "Informatics and Electronic Engineering"

    Mapeamento elementar por microfluorescência de raios X em esferoides de linhagens prostáticas tumorais suplementados com zinco

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    Prostate cancer is a highly prevalent disease and, except for non-melanoma skin cancer, it ranks second among malignancies affecting men around the world. Trace elements are involved in many normal and pathological cellular processes. X-ray microfluorescence (microXRF) is an advanced high-spatial resolution tool, sensitivity for multielementar and non-destructive trace element analysis. The objective of this study was to investigate the elemental distribution in spheroids obtained from prostatic cell lines using X-ray microfluorescence (SR-microXRF): normal immortalized cell line (RWPE1), androgen dependent tumor cell line (LNCaP) and androgen-independent tumor cell line (DU145), following supplementation with ZnCl2. Studies suggest that increasing zinc in the prostate may be a potential therapeutic strategy. The measurements were performed with a standard 45 º incidence geometry, excited by a white beam using a 25 µm pixel and a 300 ms / pixel acquisition time in the XRF light line at the National Synchrotron Light Laboratory (Campinas, Brazil). The results of SR-microXRF analysis showed different iron, copper and zinc behaviors in normal and prostate tumor cell lines. Thus, our model may represent an important tool to understand the development and progression of this disease.O câncer de próstata é uma doença altamente prevalente e, excetuando o câncer de pele não melanoma, ocupa o segundo lugar entre as neoplasias malignas que afetam homens em todo o mundo. Oligoelementos estão envolvidos em muitos processos celulares normais e patológicos. A microfluorescência de raios X (microXRF) é uma ferramenta avançada de alta resolução espacial, sensibilidade para a análise multielementar e não-destrutiva de elementos-traço. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a distribuição elementar em esferoides obtidos a partir de linhagens celulares prostáticas utilizando a microfluorescência de raios X (SR-microXRF): linhagem celular normal imortalizada (RWPE-1), linhagem de células tumorais dependentes de andrógeno (LNCaP) e linhagem de células tumorais independentes de andrógeno (DU145), após a suplementação com ZnCl2. Estudos sugerem que o aumento do zinco na próstata pode ser uma estratégia terapêutica potencial. As medidas foram realizadas com uma geometria padrão de 45 º de incidência, excitada por um feixe branco usando um pixel de 25 µm e um tempo de aquisição de 300 ms / pixel na linha de luz XRF no Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron (Campinas, Brasil). Os resultados da análise por SR-microXRF mostraram diferentes comportamentos de ferro, cobre e zinco em linhagens celulares normais e de tumor de próstata. Assim, nosso modelo pode representar uma ferramenta importante para entender o desenvolvimento e progressão desta doença

    Accumulation of heavy metals in sediments of the Parnaíba river delta

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    This study was carried out to assess the impacts of heavy metals coming into the Parnaíba River Delta in the Brazilian Northeastern region. The sediment concentrations of different heavy metals, such as Pb, Ni, Cr, Cd, Zn, Cu, Fe, Al and Mn, were measured by flame spectrometry. The sediments were collected from 19 sites distributed along 5 estuarine channels. The average concentrations found for Cu and Zn are compatible with the TEL (Threshold Effect Level). However, Cd concentrations were above the PEL (Probable Effect Level) values, while Ni and Cr showed intermediate mean concentrations. There are no established concentration limits for Mn, Al and Fe. These are the first metal biogeochemistry findings in the area and will contribute to the decision-making of environmental authorities, aiming to control the emissions of metallic pollutants in this important area of the Brazilian coast.Centro de Investigaciones Geológica

    Accumulation of heavy metals in sediments of the Parnaíba river delta

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    This study was carried out to assess the impacts of heavy metals coming into the Parnaíba River Delta in the Brazilian Northeastern region. The sediment concentrations of different heavy metals, such as Pb, Ni, Cr, Cd, Zn, Cu, Fe, Al and Mn, were measured by flame spectrometry. The sediments were collected from 19 sites distributed along 5 estuarine channels. The average concentrations found for Cu and Zn are compatible with the TEL (Threshold Effect Level). However, Cd concentrations were above the PEL (Probable Effect Level) values, while Ni and Cr showed intermediate mean concentrations. There are no established concentration limits for Mn, Al and Fe. These are the first metal biogeochemistry findings in the area and will contribute to the decision-making of environmental authorities, aiming to control the emissions of metallic pollutants in this important area of the Brazilian coast.Centro de Investigaciones Geológica