1,078 research outputs found

    Self-regulated Learning In Students Of Pedagogy

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    Self-regulated learning is the process by which students plan, monitor and regulate their own learning. The aim of this study was to investigate relationships between motivation to learn, implicit theories of intelligence and self-handicapping strategies, and to examine the association of these variables in the prediction of the use of learning strategies in students of Pedagogy. The sample consisted of 107 Pedagogy students of two private universities of a city of São Paulo state. Data were collected using four Likerttype scales. Multivariate linear regression analyses revealed that participants with higher scores in the Learning Strategies Scale also presented significantly higher scores in intrinsic motivation and fewer reports of use of self-handicapping strategies. Higher scores in metacognitive strategies were significantly associated with both intrinsic an extrinsic motivation and with fewer reports of use of selfhandicapping strategies. Results are discussed in terms of the contribution of Psychology to teacher education.2459323330Azevedo, A.S., Dias, P.C., Salgado, A., Guimarães, T., Lima, I., Barbosa, A., Teacher-student relationship and self-regulated learning in Portuguese compulsory education (2012) Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto), 22 (52), pp. 197-206Berger, J.-L., Karabenick, S.A., Motivation and students' use of learning strategies: Evidence of unidirectional effects in mathematics classrooms (2011) Learning and Instruction, 21 (3), pp. 416-428Blackwell, L.S., Trzesniewski, K.H., Dweck, C.S., Implicit theories of intelligence predict achievement across an adolescent transition: A longitudinal study and an intervention (2007) Child Development, 78 (1), pp. 246-263Bortoletto, D., Boruchovitch, E., Learning strategies and emotional regulation of pedagogy students (2013) Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto), 23 (55), pp. 235-242Boruchovitch, E., Conhecendo as crenças sobre inteligência, esforço e sorte de alunos brasileiros em tarefas escolares (2001) Psicologia: Refexão e Crítica, 14 (3), pp. 461-467Boruchovitch, E., Aprender a aprender: Propostas de intervenção em estratégias de aprendizagem (2007) Educação Temática Digital, 8 (2), pp. 156-167Boruchovitch, E., A motivação para aprender de estudantes em cursos de formação de professores (2008) Educação, 31 (1), pp. 30-38Boruchovitch, E., Escala de motivação para aprender de universitários (EMA-U): Propriedades psicométricas (2008) Avaliação Psicológica, 7 (2), pp. 127-134Boruchovitch, E., Ganda, D.R., (2009) Escala de Estratégias Autoprejudiciais, , Unpublished manuscript, Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, São Paulo, BrazilBoruchovitch, E., Neves, E.R.C., (2005) Escala de Avaliação da Motivação Para Aprender de Estudantes Universitários, , Unpublished manuscript, Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, São Paulo, BrazilBrophy, J.E., (2010) Motivating Students to Learn (3rd Ed.), , New York, NY: RoutledgeBzuneck, J.A., A motivação dos alunos em cursos superiores (2005) Questões Do Cotidiano Universitário, pp. 217-238. , M. C. R. A. Joly, A. A. A. Santos, & F. F. Sisto (Orgs.) São Paulo, SP: Casa do PsicólogoClayton, K., Blumberg, F., Auld, D.P., The relationship between motivation, learning strategies and choice of environment whether traditional or including an online component (2010) British Journal of Educational Technology, 41 (3), pp. 349-364Cunha, N.B., Boruchovitch, E., As estratégias de aprendizagem e a motivação para aprender na formação de professores (2012) Interamerican Journal of Psychology, 46 (2), pp. 247-253Dancey, C.P., Reidy, J., (2006) Estatística Sem Matemática Para Psicólogos: Usando SPSS Para Windows, pp. 178-218. , L. Viali, Trans., 3rd ed. Porto Alegre, RS: Artmed/BookmanDeci, E.L., Ryan, R.M., Self-determination theory: A macrotheory of human motivation, development, and health (2008) Canadian Psychology, 49 (3), pp. 182-185Deci, E.L., Ryan, R.M., Motivation, personality, and development within embedded social contexts: An overview of self-determination theory (2012) The Oxford Handbook of Human Motivation, pp. 85-107. , R. M. Ryan (Ed.) New York, NY: Oxford University PressDembo, M.H., (1994) Applying Educational Psychology, , New York, NY: LongmanDonaciano, B., Almeida, L.S., (2011) Estratégias de Estudo: Auscultando Os Estudantes Universitários de Moçambique Sobre As Suas Aprendizagens, , http://repositorium.sdum.uminho.pt/handle/1822/15863Dweck, C.S., (1999) Self-theories: Their Role in Motivation, Personality, and Development, , Philadelphia, PA: Psychology PressDweck, C.S., (2006) Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, , New York, NY: Random HouseGadbois, S.A., Sturgeon, R.D., Academic self-handicapping: Relationships with learning specifc and general self-perceptions and academic performance over time (2011) British Journal of Educational Psychology, 81, pp. 207-222Ganda, D.R., Boruchovitch, E., Self-handicapping strategies for learning of preservice teachers Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas), , no preloJones, E.E., Berglas, S., Control of attributions about the self through self-handicapping strategies: The appeal of alcohol and the role of underachievement (1978) Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 4 (2), pp. 200-206Karabenick, S.A., Dembo, M.H., Understanding and facilitating self-regulated help seeking (2011) New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 126, pp. 33-43King, R.B., How you think about your intelligence infuences how adjusted you are: Implicit theories and adjustment outcomes (2012) Personality and Individual Differences, 53 (5), pp. 705-709McCrea, S.M., Flamm, A., Dysfunctional anticipatory thoughts and the self-handicapping strategy (2012) European Journal of Social Psychology, 42 (1), pp. 72-81McCrea, S.M., Myers, A.L., Hirt, E.R., Self-handicapping as an anticipatory self-protection strategy (2009) Social Psychology: New Research, pp. 31-53. , E. P. Lamont (Ed.) Hauppauge, NY: Nova ScienceNisbet, J., Shucksmith, J., (1987) Estrategias de Aprendizaje, , Madrid, España: SantillanaPattal, E.A., Awad, G.H., Cestone, C.M., Academic potential beliefs and feelings: Conceptual development and relations with academics outcomes (2014) Self and Identity, 13 (1), pp. 58-80Pintrich, P.R., The role of goal orientation in self-regulated learning (2000) Handbook of Self-regulation, pp. 451-502. , M. Boekaerts, P. R. Pintrich, & M. Zeidner (Eds.) San Diego, CA: Elsevier Academic PressRattan, A., Savani, K., Naidu, N.V.R., Dweck, C.S., Can everyone become highly intelligent? Cultural differences in and societal consequences of beliefs about the universal potential for intelligence (2012) Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 103 (5), pp. 787-803Reeve, J., Ryan, R.M., Deci, E.L., Jang, H., Understanding and promoting autonomous self-regulation: A self-determination theory perspective (2007) Motivation and Self-regulated Learning: Theory, Research, and Applications, pp. 223-244. , D. H. Schunk & B. J. Zimmerman (Eds.) Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence ErlbaumRhodewalt, F., Self-handicapping: On the self-perpetuating nature of defensive behavior (2008) Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 2 (3), pp. 1255-1268Ryan, R.M., Deci, E.L., Promoting self-determined school engagement (2009) Handbook of Motivation at School, pp. 171-195. , K. R. Wentzel & A. Wigfeld (Eds.) New York, NY: RoutledgeSantos, A.A.A., Boruchovitch, E., (2008) Escala de Avaliação de Estratégias de Aprendizagem, , Itatiba, SP: Universidade São Francisco. Manuscrito não publicadoSchunk, D.H., Zimmerman, B.J., (2012) Motivation and Self-regulated Learning: Theory, Research, and Applications, , New York, NY: RoutledgeVan Nuland, H.J.C., Taris, T.W., Boekaerts, M., Martens, R.L., Testing the hierarchical SDT model: The case of performance-oriented classrooms (2012) European Journal of Psychology of Education, 27 (4), pp. 467-482Weinstein, C.E., Acee, T.W., Jung, J., Self regulation and learning strategies (2011) New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 126, pp. 45-53Yeager, D.S., Miu, A.S., Powers, J., Dweck, C.S., Implicit theories of personality and attributions of hostile intent: A meta-analysis, an experiment, and a longitudinal intervention (2013) Child Development, 84 (5), pp. 1651-1667Zimmerman, B.J., A social cognitive view of self-regulated academic learning (1989) Journal of Educational Psychology, 81 (3), pp. 329-339Zimmerman, B.J., Investigating self-regulation and motivation: Historical background, methodological developments, and future prospects (2008) American Educational Research Journal, 45 (1), pp. 166-18

    Exact steady state solution of the Boltzmann equation: A driven 1-D inelastic Maxwell gas

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    The exact nonequilibrium steady state solution of the nonlinear Boltzmann equation for a driven inelastic Maxwell model was obtained by Ben-Naim and Krapivsky [Phys. Rev. E 61, R5 (2000)] in the form of an infinite product for the Fourier transform of the distribution function f(c)f(c). In this paper we have inverted the Fourier transform to express f(c)f(c) in the form of an infinite series of exponentially decaying terms. The dominant high energy tail is exponential, f(c)A0exp(ac)f(c)\simeq A_0\exp(-a|c|), where a2/1α2a\equiv 2/\sqrt{1-\alpha^2} and the amplitude A0A_0 is given in terms of a converging sum. This is explicitly shown in the totally inelastic limit (α0\alpha\to 0) and in the quasi-elastic limit (α1\alpha\to 1). In the latter case, the distribution is dominated by a Maxwellian for a very wide range of velocities, but a crossover from a Maxwellian to an exponential high energy tail exists for velocities cc01/q|c-c_0|\sim 1/\sqrt{q} around a crossover velocity c0lnq1/qc_0\simeq \ln q^{-1}/\sqrt{q}, where q(1α)/21q\equiv (1-\alpha)/2\ll 1. In this crossover region the distribution function is extremely small, lnf(c0)q1lnq\ln f(c_0)\simeq q^{-1}\ln q.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures; a table and a few references added; to be published in PR

    Surface and capillary transitions in an associating binary mixture model

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    We investigate the phase diagram of a two-component associating fluid mixture in the presence of selectively adsorbing substrates. The mixture is characterized by a bulk phase diagram which displays peculiar features such as closed loops of immiscibility. The presence of the substrates may interfere the physical mechanism involved in the appearance of these phase diagrams, leading to an enhanced tendency to phase separate below the lower critical solution point. Three different cases are considered: a planar solid surface in contact with a bulk fluid, while the other two represent two models of porous systems, namely a slit and an array on infinitely long parallel cylinders. We confirm that surface transitions, as well as capillary transitions for a large area/volume ratio, are stabilized in the one-phase region. Applicability of our results to experiments reported in the literature is discussed.Comment: 12 two-column pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review E; corrected versio

    PRIMA1 mutation: A new cause of nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy

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    Objective Nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy (NFLE) can be sporadic or autosomal dominant; some families have nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunit mutations. We report a novel autosomal recessive phenotype in a single family and identify the causative gene. Methods Whole exome sequencing data was used to map the family, thereby narrowing exome search space, and then to identify the mutation. Results Linkage analysis using exome sequence data from two affected and two unaffected subjects showed homozygous linkage peaks on chromosomes 7, 8, 13, and 14 with maximum LOD scores between 1.5 and 1.93. Exome variant filtering under these peaks revealed that the affected siblings were homozygous for a novel splice site mutation (c.93+2T>C) in the PRIMA1 gene on chromosome 14. No additional PRIMA1 mutations were found in 300 other NFLE cases. The c.93+2T>C mutation was shown to lead to skipping of the first coding exon of the PRIMA1 mRNA using a minigene system. Interpretation PRIMA1 is a transmembrane protein that anchors acetylcholinesterase (AChE), an enzyme hydrolyzing acetycholine, to membrane rafts of neurons. PRiMA knockout mice have reduction of AChE and accumulation of acetylcholine at the synapse; our minigene analysis suggests that the c.93+2T>C mutation leads to knockout of PRIMA1. Mutations with gain of function effects in acetylcholine receptor subunits cause autosomal dominant NFLE. Thus, enhanced cholinergic responses are the likely cause of the severe NFLE and intellectual disability segregating in this family, representing the first recessive case to be reported and the first PRIMA1 mutation implicated in disease

    Achievement and Aspiration

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    In contrast to previous work, our study considers both meaning and mediation factors in the achievement-aspiration relationship. In a sample of graduate students ("academic-career aspirants"), we examine sex differences in the achievement- aspiration relationship as they vary with type of academic achievement and professional aspirations, and as it is mediated by individuals' perceptions of their professional roles and their faculty's support. We find: (1) Women's achievement-aspiration conversion is different from, but not necessarily lower than, men's. Rather, the strength and direction of the relationship vary with aspiration type (traditional versus alternative) and, to some extent, with specific types of academic achievement (e.g., paper publication and GPA). (2) The mediators of the achievement-aspiration relationship also vary by sex and aspiration type. Notably, women's aspirations for traditional career rewards are largely a function of their perceptions of the structural availability of job opportunity.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/68567/2/10.1177_073088848100800403.pd

    Measurements and modeling of type-I and type-II ELMs heat flux to the DIII-D divertor

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    Type-I and type-II edge-localized-modes (ELMs) heat flux profiles measured at the DIII-D divertor feature a peak in the vicinity of the strike-point and a plateau in the scrape-off-layer (SOL), which extends to the first wall. The plateau is present in attached and detached divertors and it is found to originate with plasma bursts upstream in the SOL. The integrated ELM heat flux is distributed at ∼65% in the peak and ∼35% in this plateau. The parallel loss model, currently used at ITER to predict power loads to the walls, is benchmarked using these results in the primary and secondary divertors with unprecedented constraints using experimental input data for ELM size, radial velocity, energy, electron temperature and density, heat flux footprints and number of filaments. The model can reproduce the experimental near-SOL peak within ∼20%, but cannot match the SOL plateau. Employing a two-component approach for the ELM radial velocity, as guided by intermittent data, the full radial heat flux profile can be well matched. The ELM-averaged radial velocity at the separatrix, which explains profile widening, increases from ∼0.2 km s−1 in attached to ∼0.8 km s−1 in detached scenarios, as the ELM filaments’ path becomes electrically disconnected from the sheath at the target. The results presented here indicate filaments fragmentation as a possible mechanism for ELM transport to the far-SOL and provide evidence on the beneficial role of detachment to mitigate ELM flux in the divertor far-SOL. However, these findings imply that wall regions far from the strike points in future machines should be designed to withstand significant heat flux, even for small-ELM regimes

    Observation of hard scattering in photoproduction events with a large rapidity gap at HERA

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    Events with a large rapidity gap and total transverse energy greater than 5 GeV have been observed in quasi-real photoproduction at HERA with the ZEUS detector. The distribution of these events as a function of the γp\gamma p centre of mass energy is consistent with diffractive scattering. For total transverse energies above 12 GeV, the hadronic final states show predominantly a two-jet structure with each jet having a transverse energy greater than 4 GeV. For the two-jet events, little energy flow is found outside the jets. This observation is consistent with the hard scattering of a quasi-real photon with a colourless object in the proton.Comment: 19 pages, latex, 4 figures appended as uuencoded fil

    D* Production in Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA

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    This paper presents measurements of D^{*\pm} production in deep inelastic scattering from collisions between 27.5 GeV positrons and 820 GeV protons. The data have been taken with the ZEUS detector at HERA. The decay channel D+(D0Kπ+)π+D^{*+}\to (D^0 \to K^- \pi^+) \pi^+ (+ c.c.) has been used in the study. The e+pe^+p cross section for inclusive D^{*\pm} production with 5<Q2<100GeV25<Q^2<100 GeV^2 and y<0.7y<0.7 is 5.3 \pms 1.0 \pms 0.8 nb in the kinematic region {1.3<pT(D±)<9.01.3<p_T(D^{*\pm})<9.0 GeV and η(D±)<1.5| \eta(D^{*\pm}) |<1.5}. Differential cross sections as functions of p_T(D^{*\pm}), η(D±),W\eta(D^{*\pm}), W and Q2Q^2 are compared with next-to-leading order QCD calculations based on the photon-gluon fusion production mechanism. After an extrapolation of the cross section to the full kinematic region in p_T(D^{*\pm}) and η\eta(D^{*\pm}), the charm contribution F2ccˉ(x,Q2)F_2^{c\bar{c}}(x,Q^2) to the proton structure function is determined for Bjorken xx between 2 \cdot 104^{-4} and 5 \cdot 103^{-3}.Comment: 17 pages including 4 figure

    Observation of Scaling Violations in Scaled Momentum Distributions at HERA

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    Charged particle production has been measured in deep inelastic scattering (DIS) events over a large range of xx and Q2Q^2 using the ZEUS detector. The evolution of the scaled momentum, xpx_p, with Q2,Q^2, in the range 10 to 1280 GeV2GeV^2, has been investigated in the current fragmentation region of the Breit frame. The results show clear evidence, in a single experiment, for scaling violations in scaled momenta as a function of Q2Q^2.Comment: 21 pages including 4 figures, to be published in Physics Letters B. Two references adde