269 research outputs found
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A component-based product line architecture for workflow management systems
This paper presents a component-based product line for workflow management systems. The process followed to design the product line was based on the Catalysis method. Extensions were made to represent variability across the process. The domain of workflow management systems has been shown to be appropriate to the application of the product line approach as there are a standard architecture and models established by a regulatory board, the Workflow Management Coalition. In addition, there is a demand for similar workflow management systems but with some different features. The product line architecture was evaluated with Rapide simulation tools. The evaluation was based on selected scenarios, thus, avoiding implementation issues. The strategy that has been used to populate the architecture and experiment with the product line is shown. In particular, the design of the workflow execution manager component is described
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A product line for workflow management systems
This paper presents an ongoing research on the development of a component-based product line architecture for workflow management systems. The research includes a process to design the proposed product line, the population of the product with components, the product member production process, architecture evaluation mechanisms using architecture description languages and support tools, a variability management process and the development of case studies to evaluate each proposed technique
Floristic composition of seasonal riparian forests in Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil
O presente estudo teve como objetivos caracterizar a composição florística em dois trechos de floresta estacional semidecidual associada ao rio Formoso, Bonito, MS, e em três trechos de florestas estacionais deciduais e semideciduais associadas aos rios Salobra, Salobrinha e Perdido ocorrentes no Parque Nacional da Serra da Bodoquena (76.481 ha) - única unidade de Conservação Federal de Proteção Integral implantada no Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul. O levantamento florístico foi realizado mensalmente entre o período de outubro/2004 a março/2006, onde foram coletadas fanerógamas em fase reprodutiva (flores e frutos), através do método de tempo de avaliação. O levantamento florístico resultou em 56 famílias, 184 gêneros e 307 espécies. Do total das espécies, 68% apresentaram hábito arbóreo, 17% arbustos, 14% foram lianas e apenas 1% palmeiras. A família Fabaceae (Leguminosae), representada por 51 (16,6%) espécies, foi a de maior riqueza. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho contribuíram para o conhecimento da flora sul-mato-grossense e sua distribuição geográfica, reforçando a necessidade de conservação destas matas ribeirinhas e fornecendo subsídios para os planos de restauração das áreas degradadas do entorno da unidade de conservação e das áreas de proteção permanente (APP's) dos rios ocorrentes na região.This study aimed to characterize the floristic composition in two stretches of seasonal semideciduous forest associated with the Formoso River, Bonito, Mato Grosso do Sul State, and in three stretches of seasonal deciduous and semideciduous forests associated with the Salobra, Salobrinha and Perdido rivers in Bodoquena Plateau National Park (76,481 ha) - the only Federal Conservation unit with Integral Protection in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. The floristic survey was carried out monthly from October/2004 to March/2006, where flowering and fruiting phanerogams were collected by the method of evaluation time. The floristic survey resulted in 56 families, 184 genera and 307 species. Of the total number of species, 68% were trees, 17% shrubs, 14% lianas and only 1% palms. The Fabaceae family (Leguminosae), represented by 51 (16.6%) species, was the most species-rich. These results increase our knowledge of the Mato Grosso do Sul flora and its geographic distribution, thus emphasizing the need for conservation of these riparian forests and providing subsidies for restoration projects of the degraded areas around the conservation unit and permanent protection areas (APPs) of regional rivers
One-year aging effects on microtensile bond strengths of composite and repairs with different surface treatments
The present study aimed to evaluate effects of different surface treatments and aging of composite cylinders on bond strength of composite resin repair. Thirty-two composite cylinders were produced and divided into four groups according to type of surface treatment and storage time of composite cylinder and repair. Cylinder surface of control group (Gcontrol) received no treatment before composite repair. Other groups were sandblasted with aluminum oxide (GAl2O3), followed by silane (GAl2O3sil) or adhesive (GAl2O3ad). Composite cylinders were stored in artificial saliva for either 24 hours or 1 year. Repairs were performed and stored in artificial saliva for 24 hours or 1 year and repair strength was evaluated using microtensile bond strength test. Data were submitted to Student’s t test, two-way ANOVA, and post hoc test for storage time and treatment (α = 0.05). Gcontrol group showed lower values of aging of composite cylinder and storage time of repair (24 hours or 1 year for both) compared with other groups (p 0.05). Polymer degradation was significant for composite cylinders during the first year of storage in Gcontrol, GAl2O3, and GAl2O3ad groups (p 0.05). Aging of composite resin influenced bond strength of restoration repair for up to 1 year. Sandblasting with Al2O3, followed by application of silane layer, produced high bond strength after composite or repair aging
“Anjos do COVID-19”, monitoramento de militares e dependentes: relato de experiência: “Angels of COVID-19”, monitoring of military and dependents: experience report
O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar a vivência de um projeto de apoio assistencial por telemonitoramento de militares e seus dependentes. Método: Relato de experiência da implementação de um sistema de acompanhamento, através de ligações telefônicas e de mensagens por aplicativo, aos usuários do Esquadrão de Saúde de Curitiba da Força Aérea Brasileira, como estratégia de atenção humanizada aos pacientes durante a Pandemia de Covid-19, no período de março de 2020 a outubro de 2021. Resultados: Foram registrados 2.376 teleatendimentos, abrangendo militares e seus dependentes. O contato através do aplicativo foi uma ótima solução para proporcionar a escuta desses pacientes durante o período de isolamento. Conclusão: A atenção qualificada dada durante os dias de isolamento foi relevante não só devido ao esclarecimento de dúvidas sobre os sintomas e a evolução da doença, como também aos cuidados emocionais voltados às pessoas em quarentena, destacando-se como um mecanismo de conforto frente à tensão da doença em si. O telemonitoramento foi fundamental para evitar o congestionamento do pronto-atendimento médico e no conforto das pessoas, as quais viviam apreensivas com a situação e o risco diário causado pelo coronavírus
Natural regeneration in Atlantic Forest Fragments: using ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) for monitoring a conservation unit
The Brazilian Atlantic Forest is considered one of the most threatened tropical forests in the world due to the extensive environmental impact it has endured throughout history. Only 12.4% of its original vegetation is estimated to remain. Even though reduced and highly fragmented, it houses enormous biodiversity, and its preservation is paramount to the maintenance of the country’s fauna, flora, funga and microbiota. One of the most efficient measures adopted by public agencies aimed at protecting biodiversity has been the creation of conservation units. To evaluate the preservation state of protected areas, several environmental studies have been performed; species inventories are one among them. Ants are excellent bioindicators, for they are not only sensitive to environmental changes, but they also have a history of being used in impact assessment (i.e., fragmentation). In this study we assessed the ant communities inhabiting the leaf litter in areas with different regeneration states at the RPPN Botujuru – Serra do Itapety (Mogi das Cruzes, São Paulo – Brazil). Mini-Winkler traps were used in the ant survey, and diversity analyses were performed. In total, we recorded 86 species of ants, with a highlight to Camponotus cillae Forel, 1912, a species that remained unrecorded for the state of São Paulo for over 100 years, and a possible new species of Octostruma Forel, 1912. Overall, the species found show that the areas are in the process of natural regeneration. Our data on RPPN Botujuru is unprecedented, and our species list has the potential of being used as an effective monitoring tool for this conservation unit
O ensino da história da moda e modelagem por meio dos trajes da princesa Isabel no século XIX: Inserções possíveis / Teaching fashion history and modeling through princess Isabel's costumes in the XIX century: Possible insertions
No âmbito da aprendizagem, a união de disciplinas teórica práticas se mostra como um recurso muito promissor. Nesse sentido, foi realizado no curso de Bacharelado em Moda da Universidade Estadual de Maringá - Campus Regional de Cianorte, um trabalho sobre a história dos vestidos da Princesa Isabel, usados por ela desde a infância até a assinatura da Lei Áurea em 1888. Desse modo, o objetivo geral foi ensinar a história da indumentária e da moda neste período, a modelagem e as costuras, por intermédio da união das disciplinas de História da Moda Contemporânea, Modelagem e Introdução à Tecnologia da Confecção. Para a realização deste estudo, a metodologia usada no levantamento histórico incluiu pesquisas bibliográficas e de imagens sobre a moda do século XIX, especificamente os vestidos usados pela Princesa, fontes adquiridas no arquivo físico do Museu Imperial em Petrópolis/RJ. No viés prático, o método utilizado foi a construção da modelagem e costura na oficina de Moda da UEM/Cianorte, cujas roupas foram pensadas e confeccionadas com tecidos de cortina, pelo fato da metragem na largura do tecido ser maior, o que se faz necessário para a categoria de vestuário selecionado na construção das réplicas. Para além do cumprimento de quesitos exigidos pelas disciplinas envolvidas, o resultado, muito satisfatório, ultrapassou as barreiras de sala de aula. Houve também uma grande apreciação em três exposições, realizadas no Museu da Bacia do Paraná (MBA), no Anfiteatro da UEM – Cianorte com a comemoração do 15º ano do curso de Moda e, por último, no Paço Municipal da Prefeitura de Cianorte/PR. Desta maneira, as conexões entre a sala de aula, o aprendizado histórico, prático e o deslocamento da exposição em três espaços diferentes corroboraram com o tripé da Universidade atingindo o Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão
BDNF and serum S100B levels according the spectrum of structural pathology in chronic pain patients
Central sensitivity syndrome (CSS) consists of adaptive pathophysiological changes associated with neuroplasticity in some chronic pain disorders. It could be grouped in two main conceptual conditions: one includes those chronic pain patients without overt structural pathology such as fibromyalgia, and the other subgroup includes conditions with recognizable structural abnormalities, both somatic (osteoarthritis) and visceral (endometriosis). In order to understand the role of neuromodulators in CCS we aim to determine whether brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and S100B are associated to specific chronic pain disorders. Serum BDNF and S100B were measured in chronic pain women with different diagnosis: 88 with osteoarthritis, 36 with endometriosis, 117 with fibromyalgia, 33 with chronic tension type headache and in 41 healthy controls. ANCOVA analysis followed by heteroscedasticity-consistent covariance matrix was performed to evaluate BDNF and S100B levels, adjusted for depression severity, pain levels and use of analgesics according different pathologies. Serum BDNF concentrations were higher and not different in patients with fibromyalgia and headache, the CSS group without structural pathology. In contrast, the concentrations of S100B were higher in patients with osteoarthritis and endometriosis, in comparison to controls, fibromyalgia and tensional headache patients. This study supports the hypothesis that BDNF and S100B neuromodulators present different serum levels according to the background disease associated to the chronic pain. These have the potential to be studied as markers of active disease or treatment evolution
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