79 research outputs found

    Resilience of large investments and critical infrastructures in Europe to climate change

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    This technical report describes the key findings, methodological aspects and underlying assumptions and limitations of the research activities undertaken by the JRC in the CCMFF project financed by DG CLIMA. The project provides the first comprehensive multi-hazard multi-sector risk assessment for Europe under climate change and identifies the most vulnerable and impacted regions in Europe throughout the 21st century. It significantly contributes to a better understanding and awareness of hazard impacts that is crucial for the management of future climate risks.JRC.H.7-Climate Risk Managemen

    A geographical database of Infrastructures in Europe - A contribution to the knowledge base of the LUISA modelling platform

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    Infrastructures are the facilities and systems that provide essential services for the functioning of an organization, city, region, country and therefore society as a whole. Often the term refers to physical facilities which society uses to work effectively such as transport, energy, water, communication networks, but also industrial production facilities, and social facilities such as schools, hospitals and residential areas, or even defence and safety facilities. Some infrastructures are considered ‘critical’ because their destruction or disruption by natural or man-made disasters could compromise significantly the functioning of economy and society and their security. Detailed inventories of infrastructures in Europe are essential for various purposes and applications. These inventories should be as complete as possible, covering ideally all infrastructure typologies and describe both their characteristics and precise location. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are the most adequate tools to construct and manage geographical databases of infrastructures. Such geo-databases are indispensable to assess risk to infrastructures and draft plans for their protection. In addition, these databases could be used for urban and regional planning and for modelling of land use, transport, energy and economy. The ultimate objective of this work was to produce a geographical database of infrastructures in Europe that is ready to use thus enabling analyses for various purposes and applications at the JRC. Moreover, this work is a contribution to the knowledge base of the Land Use-based Integrated Sustainability Assessment (LUISA) modelling platform, which is used to assess territorial impacts of EU policies and investments. The database was aimed to cover as many sectors as possible, a wide geographical extent (EU28 + EFTA) at high spatial resolution. The work did not aim at producing new data but rather seeking, assembling and preparing data from existing, disparate data sources. In a first stage, the availability of infrastructure geographical layers within and outside JRC was checked. Data from various open and proprietary sources were collected to build a geo-database storing both the location and key attributes of each infrastructure in vector and raster formats. The assets addressed include transport infrastructures (e.g. roads, railways, ports, and inland waterways), energy (production and transport), industry (heavy industries and water and waste treatment), social (public health and education facilities) and world heritage sites, totalling 37 types or subtypes of infrastructures. A set of factsheets was constructed to describe and map the geographical distribution of infrastructures in Europe (chapter 3 of this report). The geo-database will be maintained and updated whenever appropriate by the JRC and it can be accessed upon request.JRC.H.8-Sustainability Assessmen

    Software para la dinámica cardíaca adulta mediante sistemas dinámicos

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    The normal and abnormal behavior of an adult heart dynamics and its state of evolution towards one of these two states has been characterized successfully in the context of the theory of dynamic systems and probability. The diagnostic methodology of clinical application designed under these two theories has managed to evaluate in an objective and reproducible way the cardiac dynamics from the values of the frequency of the Holter registers. The automation of this methodology through the design of a software that can be docked in any operating system for PC, and contributes as a diagnostic aid tool to generate more timely responses to the patient's clinical condition. Additionally, the values of the probability of these spaces occupied by the attractor, calculated by the Software, allow using an interface that can be consulted by the specialist to evaluate how far a cardiac dynamic is from normality, analyzing in this way the effectiveness of the treatment.A través de la teoría de la probabilidad y de los sistemas dinámicos se ha construido una metodología para evaluar la dinámica cardíaca –recientemente automatizada– mediante un software que puede ser acoplado a cualquier sistema operativo para PC. El software permite mediante una interfaz consultar la dinámica cardíaca por un especialista del área clínica y así evaluar qué tan alejada se encuentra una dinámica cardiaca de la normalidad. En este estudio se hizo uso de dicho software para desarrollar un estudio de concordancia diagnóstica para confirmar su capacidad como herramienta de evaluación a nivel clínico. Para ello se parte de la medición de: 120 registros Holter, 100 patológicos y 20 normales, durante 21 horas; con los cuales se toman los valores de la frecuencia cardíaca y numero de latidos; en base a esta información el software elabora secuencias pareadas y construye atractores con los cuales cuantifica la dimensión fractal, los espacios de ocupación en el espacio fractal de Box Counting, y los valores de la probabilidad de los espacios ocupados por el atractor. De lo anterior se encontró que este proceso permite diferenciar la normalidad de la patología aguda y su evolución, obteniendo valores de sensibilidad y especificidad del 100%. Dado este contexto, es de destacar que el proceso permite analizar de una manera objetiva y reproducible la efectividad de los tratamientos médico

    European Territorial Trends - Facts and Prospects for Cities and Regions Ed. 2017

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    This report analyses a set of territorial trends at continental and sub-national scale, looking at patterns and determinants of regional growth, while considering pan-European and national characteristics. Past and prospective demographic and economic trends are analysed to provide a picture of ‘what, where, when and how’ things happen in European cities and regions. Specific emphasis is placed on urban areas since acknowledged sources of both opportunities and challenges. The indicators used in the analysis herein presented are freely and openly accessible in the Territorial Dashboard of the Knowledge Centre for Territorial Policies at: http://urban.jrc.ec.europa.eu/t-board/index.htmlJRC.B.3-Territorial Developmen

    LUISA Dynamic Land Functions: Catalogue of Indicators – Release I: EU Reference Scenario 2013 LUISA Platform - Updated Configuration 2014

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    The concept of ‘dynamic land function’ is a new notion for cross-sector integration and for the representation of complex system dynamics. A land function can be societal (e.g. provision of housing, leisure and recreation), economic (e.g. provision of production factors - employment, investments, energy – or provision of manufacturing products and services – food, fuels, consumer goods, etc.) or environmental (e.g. supply of ecosystem services). Land functions are temporally and spatially dynamic, and are constrained and driven by natural, socio-economic, and techno-economic processes. Based on the concept of ‘land function’ and beyond a traditional land use model, the Land-Use based Integrated Sustainability Assessment (LUISA) modelling platform adopts a new approach towards activity-based modelling based upon the endogenous dynamic allocation of population, services and activities. The ultimate product of LUISA is a set of territorial indicators that can be grouped and combined according to the ‘land function’ of interest and/or to the sector under assessment. The herein presented indicators measure the provision of land functions in the period 2010-2050, according to the EU Reference Scenario (LUISA, updated configuration 2014), consistent with settings (economic and demographic in particular) and policies in place in 2013 (hence including the 2020 renewable energy targets). The indicators are aggregated by Member States and Regions (Administrative Units NUTS-2) and can be employed as benchmark to monitor sectorial and territorial evolutions of alternative scenarios (e.g. to simulate policy options or specific measures), and for future updates of the reference scenario, to capture policy impacts (for example when changing energy targets) and their territorial effects. This catalogue aims to provide the description of the land functions and the list of related indicators and an indicator factsheet (metadata). 30 indicators, out of the more than 50 currently produced by LUISA, are included in the first release of the catalogue. The catalogue is periodically up-dated, following the updates of the configurations of the LUISA modelling platform and the definition, computation and validation of new indicators. Indicators and basic spatial layers used for the simulations will be made available in the frame of the framework for the management of knowledge and dissemination of information being set up by the Pilot Knowledge Centre on Territorial Policies.JRC.H.8-Sustainability Assessmen

    Association of Candidate Gene Polymorphisms With Chronic Kidney Disease: Results of a Case-Control Analysis in the Nefrona Cohort

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a major risk factor for end-stage renal disease, cardiovascular disease and premature death. Despite classical clinical risk factors for CKD and some genetic risk factors have been identified, the residual risk observed in prediction models is still high. Therefore, new risk factors need to be identified in order to better predict the risk of CKD in the population. Here, we analyzed the genetic association of 79 SNPs of proteins associated with mineral metabolism disturbances with CKD in a cohort that includes 2, 445 CKD cases and 559 controls. Genotyping was performed with matrix assisted laser desorption ionizationtime of flight mass spectrometry. We used logistic regression models considering different genetic inheritance models to assess the association of the SNPs with the prevalence of CKD, adjusting for known risk factors. Eight SNPs (rs1126616, rs35068180, rs2238135, rs1800247, rs385564, rs4236, rs2248359, and rs1564858) were associated with CKD even after adjusting by sex, age and race. A model containing five of these SNPs (rs1126616, rs35068180, rs1800247, rs4236, and rs2248359), diabetes and hypertension showed better performance than models considering only clinical risk factors, significantly increasing the area under the curve of the model without polymorphisms. Furthermore, one of the SNPs (the rs2248359) showed an interaction with hypertension, being the risk genotype affecting only hypertensive patients. We conclude that 5 SNPs related to proteins implicated in mineral metabolism disturbances (Osteopontin, osteocalcin, matrix gla protein, matrix metalloprotease 3 and 24 hydroxylase) are associated to an increased risk of suffering CKD

    STOP ODIO. Instagram como punto de encuentro ético para la detección y análisis de delitos de odio en redes sociales

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    Este proyecto de innovación docente busca crear un espacio en las asignaturas y en redes sociales, donde el alumnado pudiera detectar, analizar y denunciar delitos de odio, producidos y publicados en esas mismas redes sociales. El alumnado de Grado sería de Periodismo, Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas, y Comunicación Audiovisual, tanto de asignaturas obligatorias (Teoría de la Información, Ética y Deontología Profesional), como de asignaturas optativas (Comunicación Política, Comunicación y Género)

    Memorias de investigación: Feria de Semilleros y Jornadas de Investigación de uniminuto, Seccional Antioquia - Chocó.

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    Feria de Semilleros y Jornadas de Investigación de uniminuto, Seccional Antioquia - Chocó.Esta publicación busca divulgar investigaciones y producción académica en diferentes disciplinas, realizadas por estudiantes y docentes de UNIMINUTO Seccional Antioquia – Chocó, así como dar a conocer los semilleros de investigación que participaron en la V Feria de Semilleros, con el fin de visibilizar el trabajo que realiza el Centro de Investigación para el Desarrollo de UNIMINUTO Bello —CIDUB—, con respecto a debates académicos y espacios de interlocución. Igualmente, permite que la comunidad educativa conozca los temas de investigación y las discusiones que se están dando entre los semilleros y grupos de investigación, para así buscar puntos de encuentro y sinergias entre los investigadores. Adicionalmente, el texto se convierte en una invitación para que se vinculen otros investigadores, docentes, estudiantes e incluso otras instituciones a los procesos investigativos coordinados desde el CIDUB

    Memorias de investigación: Feria de Semilleros y Jornadas de Investigación de uniminuto, Seccional Antioquia - Chocó.

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    Feria de Semilleros y Jornadas de Investigación de uniminuto, Seccional Antioquia - Chocó.Esta publicación busca divulgar investigaciones y producción académica en diferentes disciplinas, realizadas por estudiantes y docentes de UNIMINUTO Seccional Antioquia – Chocó, así como dar a conocer los semilleros de investigación que participaron en la V Feria de Semilleros, con el fin de visibilizar el trabajo que realiza el Centro de Investigación para el Desarrollo de UNIMINUTO Bello —CIDUB—, con respecto a debates académicos y espacios de interlocución. Igualmente, permite que la comunidad educativa conozca los temas de investigación y las discusiones que se están dando entre los semilleros y grupos de investigación, para así buscar puntos de encuentro y sinergias entre los investigadores. Adicionalmente, el texto se convierte en una invitación para que se vinculen otros investigadores, docentes, estudiantes e incluso otras instituciones a los procesos investigativos coordinados desde el CIDUB