47 research outputs found

    Cortical thickness and resting-state cardiac function across the lifespan: a cross-sectional pooled mega analysis

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    Understanding the association between autonomic nervous system [ANS] function and brain morphology across the lifespan provides important insights into neurovisceral mechanisms underlying health and disease. Resting state ANS activity, indexed by measures of heart rate [HR] and its variability [HRV] has been associated with brain morphology, particularly cortical thickness [CT]. While findings have been mixed regarding the anatomical distribution and direction of the associations, these inconsistencies may be due to sex and age differences in HR/HRV and CT. Previous studies have been limited by small sample sizes, which impede the assessment of sex differences and aging effects on the association between ANS function and CT. To overcome these limitations, 20 groups worldwide contributed data collected under similar protocols of CT assessment and HR/HRV recording to be pooled in a mega-analysis (N = 1,218 (50.5% female), mean age 36.7 years (range: 12-87)). Findings suggest a decline in HRV as well as CT with increasing age. CT, particularly in the orbitofrontal cortex, explained additional variance in HRV, beyond the effects of aging. This pattern of results may suggest that the decline in HRV with increasing age is related to a decline in orbitofrontal CT. These effects were independent of sex and specific to HRV; with no significant association between CT and HR. Greater CT across the adult lifespan may be vital for the maintenance of healthy cardiac regulation via the ANS – or greater cardiac vagal activity as indirectly reflected in HRV may slow brain atrophy. Findings reveal an important association between cortical thickness and cardiac parasympathetic activity with implications for healthy aging and longevity that should be studied further in longitudinal research


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    Biochemie, Stoffwechsel

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    Epidemiological Factors Associated with Gross Diagnosis of Pulmonary Pathology in Feedyard Mortalities

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    Respiratory disease continues to be the major cause of mortality in feedyard cattle, with bronchopneumonia (BP) and acute interstitial pneumonia (AIP) as the two most common syndromes. Recent studies described a combination of these pathological lesions with the presence of AIP in the caudodorsal lungs and BP in the cranioventral lungs of necropsied cattle. This pulmonary pathology has been described as bronchopneumonia with an interstitial pneumonia (BIP). The epidemiological characteristics of BIP in U.S. feedyard cattle are yet to be described. This study’s objectives were to describe the agreement between feedyard clinical and necropsy gross diagnosis and to characterize epidemiological factors associated with four gross pulmonary diagnoses (AIP, BIP, BP, and Normal pulmonary tissue) observed during feedyard cattle necropsies. Systemic necropsies were performed at six feedyards in U.S. high plains region, and gross pulmonary diagnoses were established. Historical data were added to the dataset, including sex, days on feed at death (DOFDEATH), arrival weight, treatment count, and feedyard diagnosis. Generalized linear models were used to evaluate epidemiological factors associated with the probability of each pulmonary pathology. Comparing feedyard clinical diagnosis with gross pathological diagnosis revealed relatively low agreement and the frequency of agreement varied by diagnosis. The likelihood of AIP at necropsy was higher for heifers than steers and in the 100–150 DOFDEATH category compared with the 0–50 DOFDEATH (p = 0.05). The likelihood of BIP increased after the first treatment, whereas the DOFDEATH 0–50 category had a lower likelihood compared with the 150–200 category (p = 0.05). These findings highlight the importance of necropsy for final diagnosis and can aid the development of future diagnosis and therapeutic protocols for pulmonary diseases