2,317 research outputs found

    1976 Developments in Welfare Law-Aid to Families with Dependent Children

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    1976 Developments in Welfare Law-Aid to Families with Dependent Children

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    Why do People Stay? Insider Advantages and Immobility

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    The low mobility of people in Europe is considered a problem for adjustment to asymmetric shocks and regional convergence in the European Monetary Union. We suggest a complement to the traditional migration theories, the insider advantages approach to explain why most Europeans prefer to stay. Staying immobile they have accumulated work- and leisure-oriented insider advantages that are location-specific and would be lost in the case of emigration. Therefore, the longer people have stayed - and the more insider advantages they have accumulated -, the less likely they are to move. Using a new micro dataset covering all people resident in Sweden in 1994 and their mobility experience since 1985, we find a strong positive duration dependence of the probability to stay. Traditional micro-economic characteristics prove helpful in explaining immobility, while regional macro-economic differences have surprisingly little impact on individual mobility decisions. A large proportion of the moves between Swedish labour markets seem to be related to specific life-course events rather than to pure labour market issues. Wieso ist die Mobilität der Arbeitskräfte innerhalb der Europäischen Union - aller Freizügigkeit zum Trotz - so gering? Traditionelle Theorieansätze vermögen die schwach ausgeprägte Wanderungsintensität der EU-Angehörigen nur begrenzt zu er - klären. Denn eigentlich sollten die teilweise beträchtlichen Einkommens - und Beschäftigungsunterschiede zu weit mehr Migration innerhalb der EU führen. In diesem Diskussionspapier entwickeln wir eine Idee, die sehr wohl zu erklären vermag, weshalb für die meisten Menschen "stehen" die bessere Alternative als "gehen" ist. Der Insider-Ansatz macht deutlich, weshalb für die individuelle Entscheidung eine grenz- und kulturraumüberschreitende Wanderung die Ausnahme und nicht die Regel ist. Die empirische Überprüfung mit Hilfe eines neuen originären Mikro-Datensets, das die gesamte schwedische Wohnbevölkerung enthält, bestätigt die These, dass die Verweil- dauer einen direkten positiven Einfluss auf die Verharrenswahrscheinlichkeit ausübt. Wer lange an einem Ort lebt, wird immer wahrscheinlicher an diesem Ort bleiben!Labor and Human Capital, F22, J60, R23,

    Immobility in Sweden : Are those born in the Baltic countries less mobile than those born in Sweden or Finland

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    Traditional migration theory analyzes and explains why and when people migrate. However, most people do not move at all. We therefore discuss the explanation of immobility and suggest a new approach: the insider-advantage hypothesis. A new dataset allows us to investigate empirically (im-)mobility patterns between Swedish labor market regions. From an aggregate point of view, there seem to be significant differences in mobility patterns with respect to place of birth. People bom in Sweden are on average more immobile than those bom abroad. This is true also for those bom in Finland. The mobility of Persons bom in the Baltic countries, however, was only half as high as for those bom in Sweden. Are Balts thus especially immobile in Sweden? Our analysis ot the data suggests that distinct socio-demographic Profiles rather than any origin-specific behavioral particularities explain the different mobility patterns. People living in Sweden who were bom in the Baltic countries are on average older than Swedish natives. They are resident in the country for longer than most other groups of foreigners and cluster in the main metropolitan areas

    Host-based identification is not supported by morphometrics in natural populations of Gyrodactylus salaris and G. thymalli (Platyhelminthes, Monogenea)

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    Gyrodactylus salaris is a serious pest of wild pre-smolt Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in Norway. The closely related G. thymalli, originally described from grayling (Thymallus thymallus), is assumed harmless to both grayling and salmon. The 2 species are difficult to distinguish using traditional, morphometric methods or molecular approaches. The aim of this study was to explore whether there is a consistent pattern of morphometrical variation between G. salaris and G. thymalli and to analyse the morphometric variation in the context of ‘diagnostic realism’ (in natural populations). Specimens from the type-material for the 2 species are also included. In total, 27 point-to-point measurements from the opisthaptoral hard parts were used and analysed by digital image processing and uni- and multivariate morphometry. All populations most closely resembled its respective type material, as expected from host species, with the exception of G. thymalli from the Norwegian river Trysilelva. We, therefore, did not find clear support in the morphometrical variation among G. salaris and G. thymalli for an a priori species delineation based on host. The present study also indicates an urgent need for more detailed knowledge on the influence of environmental factors on the phenotype of gyrodactylid populations

    Vakuudettomien kulutusluottojen markkinoinnin problematiikka ja eettisyys

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    Tiivistelmä. Tässä kandidaatintutkielmassa tarkastellaan vakuudettomien kulutusluottojen markkinoinnin problematiikkaa ja eettisyyttä. Tutkimus on kirjoitettu summiltaan pienten pikaluottojen näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksessa lukijalle esitellään pikaluottotoimialan kehitystä sekä markkinointia useista eri näkökulmista. Pääpaino tutkimuksessa annetaan pikaluottojen markkinointikeinoille. Tutkimuksessa avataan myös eettisen markkinoinnin käsitettä. Tämän jälkeen pikaluottojen markkinointia käsitellään esitettyjen eettisen markkinoinnin lähestymistapojen näkökulmasta. Tutkimus sisältää myös empiirisen osion. Uusien näkökulmien mahdollistamiseksi tutkimusta varten haastateltiin Takuusäätiön toimitusjohtaja Juha Pantzaria

    Personal emergency response system (PERS) alarms may induce insecurity feelings

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    How Individual self-regulation affects group regulation and performance: A shared regulation intervention

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    This study explored the relationship between individual self-regulated learning (SRL), socially shared regulation of learning (SSRL), and group performance plus the effect of an intervention promoting SSRL. We hypothesized that SRL would influence SSRL and group performance as groups with high SRL students will be better regulated and that the intervention would promote SSRL over time. The results revealed a significant relationship between SRL and SSRL, but no significant effects of the intervention on group performance. The limitations of the intervention are discussed and form the basis for future design of environments to promote SSRL. The main conclusion is that SRL is an important predictor of SSRL and should be considered when designing small group activities and their environments

    Feeling of knowing and restudy choices

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    Feeling-of-knowing judgments (FOK-Js) reflect people’s confidence that they would be able to recognize a currently unrecallable item. Although much research has been devoted to the factors determining the magnitude and accuracy of FOK-Js, much less work has addressed the issue of whether FOK-Js are related to any form of metacognitive control over memory processes. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that FOK-Js are related to participants’ choices of which unrecallable items should be restudied. In three experiments, we showed that participants tend to choose for restudy items with high FOK-Js, both when they are explicitly asked to choose for restudy items that can be mastered in the restudy session (Exps. 1a and 2) and when such specific instructions are omitted (Exp. 1b). The study further demonstrated that increasing FOK-Js via priming cues affects restudy choices, even though it does not affect recall directly. Finally, Experiment 2 showed the strategy of restudying unrecalled items with high FOK-Js to be adaptive, because the efficacy of restudy is greater for these items than for items with low FOK-Js. Altogether, the present findings underscore an important role of FOK-Js for the metacognitive control of study operations