10,692 research outputs found

    El patrimonio eclesiastico del Arzobispado de La Plata

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    Las manifestaciones de religiosidad, concretadas en edificaciones arquitectónicas (templos), esculturas, óleos, retablos, imágenes en alto relieve, vasos sagrados, ornamentos, música sacra, libros incunables y un sinfín de obras de arte, tienen tanto de valor artístico - histórico como de gran valor pastoral- espiritual, válidos para el acercamiento entre los hombres y hacia Dios. Las iglesias, capillas y oratorios de la Arquidiócesis de La Plata forman parte de este bagaje. Estas se construyeron a través de un lapso de tiempo no muy amplio, lo que nos llega a nuestros días se realizó fundamentalmente durante principios del siglo XIX y del XX, son escasos los testimonios del siglo XVIII

    A confusing case of canine vector-borne disease: clinical signs and progression in a dog co-infected with Ehrlichia canis and Bartonella vinsonii ssp. berkhoffii

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    Bartonella spp. are important pathogens in human and veterinary medicine, and bartonellosis is considered as an emerging zoonosis that is being reported with increasing frequency. Of 22 known species and subspecies of Bartonella, seven have been isolated from dogs, causing disease manifestations similar to those seen in human beings. The wide variety of clinical signs and the possible chronic progression of disease manifestations are illustrated in the case of an infected Labrador retriever. Here, the authors discuss the seemingly diverse spectrum of disease manifestations, the co-infections of Bartonella spp. with other vector-borne pathogens (mainly Ehrlichia spp. or Babesia spp.) and the difficulties in microbiological confirmation of an active Bartonella infection, all of which make the disease pathogenesis and clinical diagnosis more problematic

    Hemotropic mycoplasmas in little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus).

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    BackgroundHemotropic mycoplasmas are epicellular erythrocytic bacteria that can cause infectious anemia in some mammalian species. Worldwide, hemotropic mycoplasmas are emerging or re-emerging zoonotic pathogens potentially causing serious and significant health problems in wildlife. The objective of this study was to determine the molecular prevalence of hemotropic Mycoplasma species in little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus) with and without Pseudogymnoascus (Geomyces) destrucans, the causative agent of white nose syndrome (WNS) that causes significant mortality events in bats.MethodsIn order to establish the prevalence of hemotropic Mycoplasma species in a population of 68 little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus) with (n = 53) and without (n = 15) white-nose syndrome (WNS), PCR was performed targeting the 16S rRNA gene.ResultsThe overall prevalence of hemotropic Mycoplasmas in bats was 47%, with similar (p = 0.5725) prevalence between bats with WNS (49%) and without WNS (40%). 16S rDNA sequence analysis (~1,200 bp) supports the presence of a novel hemotropic Mycoplasma species with 91.75% sequence homology with Mycoplasma haemomuris. No differences were found in gene sequences generated from WNS and non-WNS animals.ConclusionsGene sequences generated from WNS and non-WNS animals suggest that little brown bats could serve as a natural reservoir for this potentially novel Mycoplasma species. Currently, there is minimal information about the prevalence, host-specificity, or the route of transmission of hemotropic Mycoplasma spp. among bats. Finally, the potential role of hemotropic Mycoplasma spp. as co-factors in the development of disease manifestations in bats, including WNS in Myotis lucifugus, remains to be elucidated

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Inflasi di Indonesia: Model Demand Pull Inflation

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    This studys aim is to analyze the effects of factors like money supplies, interbank interest rate (PUAB), crude oil price and season change factor (dummy) to the inflation rate in Indonesia. Using time series secondary monthly data during period 2001.1 2011.12, which is collected from several numbers of literatures and also used co-integration equation with error correction model (ECM) as researching tool, this study will analyze the relationship between independent variabel and dependent variabel in both long-run and short-run period. The estimation result of co-integration equation showed that money supplies, interbank interest rate (PUAB), and crude oil price significantly affected the Indonesian inflation rate in the long-run period, but season change factor (dummy) didnt. While the Error Corecction Model (ECM) which is considered valid because its significant error correction term (ECT) showed that only interbank interest rate (PUAB) which is significantly effected the inflation rate of Indonesia in short-term period, while money supplies, crude oil price and season change factor (dummy) didnt

    A Meta-Analysis of Effects of Bt Crops on Honey Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae)

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    L.) are the most important pollinators of many agricultural crops worldwide and are a key test species used in the tiered safety assessment of genetically engineered insect-resistant crops. There is concern that widespread planting of these transgenic crops could harm honey bee populations.We conducted a meta-analysis of 25 studies that independently assessed potential effects of Bt Cry proteins on honey bee survival (or mortality). Our results show that Bt Cry proteins used in genetically modified crops commercialized for control of lepidopteran and coleopteran pests do not negatively affect the survival of either honey bee larvae or adults in laboratory settings.Although the additional stresses that honey bees face in the field could, in principle, modify their susceptibility to Cry proteins or lead to indirect effects, our findings support safety assessments that have not detected any direct negative effects of Bt crops for this vital insect pollinator

    Analysis of the volatile components of Onosma echioides (L.) L. var. columnae Lacaita growing in central Italy

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