48 research outputs found

    Factors Impeding the Social and Academic Progress of African American Males in Foster Care

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    The purpose of this qualitative study was to identify and analyze factors that impede the social and academic achievement of African American males in foster care. The aim was to gain a clearer understanding of the challenges these male African American students face and identify the barriers preventing them from achieving a comparable level of social and academic success as their counterparts from traditional homes. The research also sought to identify potential remedies for these challenges. Critical Race Theory was used as the theoretical framework for the study. Findings showed that African American males in foster care face a number of challenges to their success, including racism, low expectations, and a lack of social/family support. The findings also revealed several interventions, such as mentoring, extracurricular activities, and increased interaction with biological family members that can promote resiliency in these African American males and assist them in addressing barriers to success

    A genome-wide association study suggests that a locus within the ataxin 2 binding protein 1 gene is associated with hand osteoarthritis: the Treat-OA consortium

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    To identify the susceptibility gene in hand osteoarthritis (OA) the authors used a two-stage approach genome-wide association study using two discovery samples (the TwinsUK cohort and the Rotterdam discovery subset; a total of 1804 subjects) and four replication samples (the Chingford Study, the Chuvasha Skeletal Aging Study, the Rotterdam replication subset and the Genetics, Arthrosis, and Progression (GARP) Study; a total of 3266 people). Five single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) had a likelihood of association with hand OA in the discovery stage and one of them (rs716508), was successfully confirmed in the replication stage (meta-analysis p = 1.81×10−5). The C allele conferred a reduced risk of 33% to 41% using a case–control definition. The SNP is located in intron 1 of the A2BP1 gene. This study also found that the same allele of the SNP significantly reduced bone density at both the hip and spine (p<0.01), suggesting the potential mechanism of the gene in hand OA might be via effects on subchondral bone. The authors' findings provide a potential new insight into genetic mechanisms in the development of hand OA

    Psychological Characteristics Of Patients Submitted To Bariatric Surgery [características Psicológicas De Pacientes Submetidos A Cirurgia Bariátrica]

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    Introduction: The great number of patients submitted to bariatric surgery who have psychological and psychiatric complications during the postoperative period require a thorough preoperative investigation and a categorization with the purpose of predicting possible complications and personalizing psychological care that might favor patient compliance. Psychodynamic assessment may provide data for such categorization and, thus, suggest effective pre- and postoperative approach strategies. Therefore, the objective of this study was to identify personality structures that may be useful in the postoperative follow-up, as well as additional inclusion and exclusion criteria for the surgical procedure. Methods: Report of empirical survey conducted during psychotherapy sessions with an open group of patients who underwent bariatric surgery. Discussion: After surgery, patients may experience phases of emotional restructuring, such as an initial phase of feeling triumphant, followed by a phase when there is risk of melancholic behavior and new addictions. We identified three categories of psychological structures: melancholic structure (patients seem to be more likely to develop other postoperative addictive behaviors, mainly eating disorders, since they cannot tolerate the frustration of the loss); dementalized structure (due to the lack of elaborative capacity, patients are unable to reorganize themselves in face of the challenge of keeping their weight under control); and perverse structure (patients comply with the scheduled weight loss; however, their behavior makes the health team experience uncomfortable situations). Establishing psychological categories may be crucial in order to suggest postoperative management strategies, including referral to a psychotherapist with the purpose of providing personalized care, thus increasing specific therapeutic success. Copyright © Revista de Psiquiatria do Rio Grande do Sul - APRS.3117378Obesity and Overweight, , http://www.who.int/dietphysicalactivity/publications/facts/obesity/en/, Disponível em: Acessado ago 2006Buchwald, H., Bariatric surgery for morbid obesity: Health implications for patients, health professionals, and third-party payers (2005) Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 200 (4), pp. 593-604. , DOI 10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2004.10.039Hubbard, V.S., Hall, W.H., Gastrointestinal surgery for severe obesity (1991) Obes Surg, 1 (3), pp. 257-265Segal, A., Fandino, J., Bariatric surgery indications and contra indications (2002) Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria, 24 (SUPPL. 3), pp. 68-72Appolinário, J.C., Transtornos alimentares (2006) Prática Psiquiátrica No Hospital Geral: Interconsulta e Emergência. 2 a Ed., pp. 325-340. , Botega NJ, ed. Porto Alegre: ArtmedOmalu, B.I., Cho, P., Shakir, A.M., Agumadu, U.H., Rozin, L., Kuller, L.H., Suicides following bariatric surgery for the treatment of obesity (2005) Surg Obes Relat Dis, 1 (4), pp. 447-449Leal, C.W., Baldin, N., O impacto emocional da cirurgia bariátrica em pacientes com obesidade mórbida (2007) Rev Psiquiatr RS, 29 (3), pp. 324-327Kalarchian, M.A., Marcus, M.D., Levine, M.D., Courcoulas, A.P., Pilkonis, P.A., Ringham, R.M., Psychiatric Disorders among Bariatric Surgery Candidates: Relationship to Obesity and Functional Health Status (2007) Am J Psychiatry, 164 (2), pp. 328-334(2000) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM-IV-TR. 4th Ed., , American Psychiatry Association. Washington, DC: American Psychiatry AssociationMagdaleno Jr., R., Chaim, E.A., Turato, E.R., Understanding life experiences of Brazilian women after bariatric surgery: A qualitative study (2008) Obes Surg, , Epub ahead of printMahler, M., (1982) O Processo de Individuação e Separação, , Porto Alegre: ArtmedTustin, F., (1990) Barreiras Autistas Em Pacientes Neuróticos, , Porto Alegre: ArtmedFreud, S., Três ensaios sobre a teoria da sexualidade (1987) Obras Completas, 7, pp. 129-237. , Freud S. 2 a ed. Rio de Janeiro: ImagoFreud, S., O Instinto e suas vicissitudes (1974) Obras Completas, 9, pp. 129-162. , Freud S. Rio de Janeiro: ImagoWinnicott, D.W., O papel de espelho da mãe e da família no desenvolvimento infantil (1975) O Brincar e a Realidade, pp. 153-162. , Winnicott DW. Rio de Janeiro: ImagoWinnicott, D.W., A mente e sua relação com o psicossoma (2000) Da Pediatria à Psicanálise: Obras Escolhidas, pp. 332-346. , Winnicott DW. Rio de Janeiro: ImagoTurato, E.R., (2003) Tratado Da Metodologia Da Pesquisa Clínico-qualitativa: Construção Teórico-epistemológica, Discussão Comparada e Aplicação Às Áreas Da Saúde e Humanas, , Petrópolis: VozesArruda, S.L.S., (1991) Vivências Clínicas de Um Grupo de Mães Cujos Filhos Estão Em Ludoterapia, , [tese]. Campinas: Universidade Estadual de CampinasFontanella, B.J.B., (2000) Procura de Tratamento Por Dependentes de Substâncias Psicoativas: Um Estudo Clínico - Qualitativo, , [tese]. Campinas: Universidade Estadual de CampinasGlinski, J., Wetzler, S., Goodman, E., The psychology of gastric bypass surgery (2001) Obes Surg, 11 (5), pp. 581-588DeMaria, E.J., Bariatric surgery for morbid obesity (2007) N Engl J Med, 356 (21), pp. 2176-2183Dixon, J.B., Dixon, M.E., O'Brien, P.E., Depression in association with severe obesity: Changes with weight loss (2003) Archives of Internal Medicine, 163 (17), pp. 2058-2065. , DOI 10.1001/archinte.163.17.2058Roberts, R.E., Kaplan, G.A., Shema, S.J., Strawbridge, W.J., Are the obese at greater risk for depression? (2000) Am J Epidemiol, 152 (2), pp. 163-170Klein, M., Notas sobre alguns mecanismos esquizóides (1991) Inveja e Gratidão e Outros Trabalhos, pp. 17-43. , Klein M. 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    Surgical Treatment Of Obesity: Some Considerations On The Transformations Of The Eating Impulse [tratamento Cirúrgico Da Obesidade: Algumas Considerações Sobre As Transformações No Impulso Alimentar]

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    This study aims at understanding the alteration of the eating impulse arising after bariatric surgery. Hunger is transformed after surgery, with satiety being quickly achieved, but not the sensation of satiation. There is an evident misunderstanding between hunger as non-satiety and as dissatisfaction, with anguish emerging as the resulting affect, which surgery does not correct. In-depth psychological treatment is crucial as the surgery creates new emotional demands for the patient. © 2009 University Association for Research in Fundamental Psychopathology.133425440(2007) American Society for Bariatric Surgery web site 2007, , www.asbc.org, American Society for Bariatric Surgery, Accessed: 2 AprilAtchison, M., Anorexia nervosa following gastric reduction surgery for morbid obesity (1998) Int J Eat Disord, 23, pp. 111-116. , Januaryda Barros, E.M.R., Botella, Ogden, Green, Ferro, Bion (2007) Revista Brasileira de Psicanálise, 41, pp. 33-45. , São PauloBenotti, P.N., Forse, R.A., The role of gastric surgery in the multidisciplinary management of severe obesity (1995) Am J Surg, 169, pp. 361-367Bion, W.R., (1970) Experiências com grupos, , Rio de Janeiro: ImagoBocchieri, L.E., A review of psychosocial outcomes of surgery for morbid obesity (2002) J Psychosom Res, 52, pp. 155-165Bonne, O.B., Anorexia Nervosa following gastroplasty in male: Two cases (1996) Int J Eat Disorder, 19, pp. 105-108. , JanuaryBotella, C., Entrevista (2007) Revista Brasileira de Psicanálise, 41, pp. 19-29. , São PauloBotella, C., Botella, S., (2002) Irrepresentável, , Porto Alegre: Criação HumanaBuchwald, H., Consensus Conference Statement Bariatric surgery for morbid obesity: Health implications for patients, health professionals, and third-party payers (2005) J Am Coll Surg, (200), pp. 593-604Cordás, T.A., Transtorno alimentar e cirurgia bariátrica: Relato de caso (2004) Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab, 48, pp. 564-571Delin, C.R., An exploration of the outcomes of gastric surgery for morbid obesity: Patients characteristics and indices of success (1995) Obes Surgery, 5, pp. 159-170. , MayDenzin, N.K., Lincoln, Y.S., (2005) The SAGE handbook of qualitative research, , 3 rd edition. 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A., Rio de Janeiro: ImagoHsu, L.K.G., Non-surgical factors that influence the outcome of bariatric surgery: A rewiew (1998) Psychosom Med, 60, pp. 338-346Hsu, L.K.G., Eating disturbances and outcome of gastric bypass surgery: A pilot study (1997) Int J Eat Disorder, 21, pp. 385-390Hsu, L.K.G., Eating disturbances before and after vertical banded gastroplasty: A pilot study (1996) Int J Eat Disorder, 19, pp. 23-34. , JanuaryKalarchian, M.A., Binge eating among gastric bypass patients at long-term follow-up (2002) Obes Surg, 12, pp. 270-275. , AprilLevy, R., A visão topográfica no processo psicanalítico: O irrepresentável (2003) Revista Brasileira de Psicanálise, 37, pp. 1067-1078. , São PauloMagdaleno Jr., R., A formação da identidade psicanalítica: A apreensão do método como incorporação de uma ética (2005) Jornal de Psicanálise, 38, pp. 229-249. , São PauloMagadaleno Jr., R., Understanding the life experiences of Brazilian women after bariatric surgery (2009) A qualitative study. 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    The Significance Of Dietary And Behavioral Changes In Patients With Chronic Metabolic Disorders: A Review [significados Da Dieta E Mudanças De Hábitos Para Portadores De Doenças Metabólicas Crônicas: Uma Revisão]

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    Eating behavior and the psycho-cultural significance of food for patients with chronic metabolic disorders have been a focus of interest due to the difficulty in ensuring the compliance of these patients in terms of changing their habits and in fostering self-care. A review of the literature was condusted using the LILACS and MEDLINE databases and the PUBMED search engine to identify qualitative studies in which the opinion of patients with respect to diet and lifestyle was analyzed. Key words used were: metabolic syndrome; eating behavior; diet; obesity; psychological factors; qualitative study; and dietary habits. Inclusion criteria consisted of: articles in English, Spanish or Portuguese, published between 2000 and 2008; studies carried out in adult populations; containing one or more of the key words in the title. Based on the 15 papers analyzed, it was concluded that compliance with a change of habit is a dynamic process that depends on various individual factors and requires greater interaction between professionals and patients in clinical practice. Promoting self-care depends on respecting the decisions and feelings resulting from personal experience.16731613168I Diretriz brasileira de diagnóstico e tratamento da Síndrome Metabólica. Conceituação, epidemiologia e diagnóstico (2004) Rev Sociedade Brasileira de Hipertensão, 7 (4), pp. 130-131. , Sociedade Brasileira de HipertensãoPassos, V.M.A., Barreto, S.M., Diniz, L.M., Lima-Costa, M.F., Type 2 diabetes: Prevalence and associated factors in a Brazilian community-the Bambuí health and aging study (2005) Medical Journal, 123 (2), pp. 1516-3180Alberti, K.G.M.M., Zimmet, P., Shaw, J., Metabolic syndrome-a new world-wide definition. A Consensus Statement from the International Diabetes Federation (2006) DM, 23 (5), pp. 469-480(2003) Doenças Crônico-degenerativas e obesidade: Estratégia mundial sobre alimentação, atividade física e saúde, , Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde., Brasília(2006) Repositioning Nutrition as Central to Development: A strategy for large-scale Action, , www.worldbank.org, The World Bank., Washington. Washington: The World Bank [cited 2011 Jun 12]. Available fromToscano, C.M., As campanhas nacionais para detecção das doenças crônicas não transmissíveis: Diabetes e hipertensão arterial (2004) Cien Saude Colet, 9 (4), pp. 885-895Geloneze, B., Síndrome metabólica: Mito ou realidade? (2006) Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab, 50 (3), pp. 409-411Beasley, J.W., Starfield, B., van Weel, C., Rosser, W.W., Haq, C.L., Global Health and Primary Care Research (2007) J Am Board Fam Med, 20 (6), pp. 518-526Shi, L., Starfield, B., Policy relevant determinants of health: An international perspective (2002) Health Policy, 60 (3), pp. 201-218Smith, T.W., Orleans, C.T., Jenkins, C.D., Prevention and health promotion: Decades of progress. New challenges and an emerging agenda (2004) Health Psychol, 23 (2), pp. 126-131Mattos, L., Cravo, C., Síndrome Metabólica e dieta (2005) Síndrome Metabólica, pp. 303-311. , In: Godoy-Matos AF de., São Paulo: AtheneuSharovsky, L.L., Perez, G.H., Romano, B.W., Lopes, H.F., Psicoterapia de grupo em pacientes portadores de síndrome metabólica (2004) Rev Soc Cardio Estado de São Paulo, 14 (4), pp. 646-651Garcia, R.W.D., A antropologia aplicada 'as diferentes áreas da nutrição (2005) Antropologia e nutrição: Um diálogo possível, pp. 287-303. , In: Canesqui AM, Garcia RWD, organizadores., Rio de Janeiro: Fiocruz, (Coleção Antropologia e Saúde)Petribu, K., Ribeiro, E.S., de Oliveira, F.M.F., Braz, C.I.A., Gomes, M.L.M., Dede, A., de Almeida, N.C.N., Ferreira, M.N.L., Transtorno da compulsão alimentar periódica em uma população de obesos mórbidos candidatos a cirurgia bariátrica do Hospital Universitário Oswaldo Cruz, em Recife-PE (2006) Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab, 50 (5), pp. 901-908Rocha, F.F., Bezerra, B.P.S., Síndrome metabólica e transtornos psiquiátricos: Uma associação que não pode ser esquecida (2006) Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab, 50 (6), pp. 1138-1139Espíndola, C.R., Blay, S.L., Bulimia e transtorno de compulsão alimentar periódica: Revisão sistemática e metassíntese (2006) Rev Psiquiatr RS, 28 (3), pp. 265-275Nair, K.M., Levine, M.A.H., Lohfeld, L.H., Gerstein, H.C., "I take what I think works for me": A qualitative study to explore patient perception of diabetes treatment benefits and risks (2007) Can J Clin Pharmacol, 14 (2), pp. e251-e259Meetoo, D., Dietary pattern of self-care among asian and caucasian diabetic patients (2004) Br J Nurs, 13 (18), pp. 1074-1078Jones, N., Furlanetto, D.L.C., Jackson, J.A., Kinn, S., An investigation of obese adults' views of the outcomes of dietary treatment (2007) J Hum Nutr Diet, 20 (5), pp. 486-494Samuel-Houge, C.D., Headen, S.W., Skelly, A.H., Ingram, A.F., Keyserling, T.C., Jackson, E.J., Ammerman, A.S., Elasy, T.A., Influences on day-to-day solf-management of Type 2 diabetes among African-American women (2000) Diabetes Care, 23 (7), pp. 928-933Connell, P., McKevitt, C., Wolfe, C., Strategies to manage hypertension: A qualitative study with black Caribbean patients (2005) Br J Gen Pract, 55 (514), pp. 357-361Frich, J.C., Malterud, K., PerFugelli. Experiences of guild and shame inpatients with familial hypercholesterolemia: A qualitative interview study (2007) Patient Educ Couns, 69 (1-3), pp. 108-113Condon, C., Mc Carthy, G., Lifestyle changes following acute myocardial infarction: Patients perspectives (2006) Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs, 5 (1), pp. 37-44Senior, V., Smith, J.A., Michei, S., Marteu, T.M., Making sense of risk: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of vulnerability to heart disease (2002) J Health Psychol, 7 (2), pp. 157-168Garcia, R.W.D., Representations on food intake and its implications in nutritional investigations: Qualitative study with subjects submitted to dietary prescriptions (2004) Rev Nutr, 17 (1), pp. 15-28Folta, S.C., Goldberg, J.P., Lichtenstein, A.H., Seguin, R., Reed, P.N., Mirian, N.E., Factors related to cardiovascular disease risk reduction in midlife and older women: A qualitative study (2008) Prev Chronic Dis, 5 (1), pp. 1-9Dailey, R., Kendra, L.S., Binienda, J., Moorman, J., Neale, A.V., Challenges in making therapeutic lifestyle changes among hypercholesterolemic african-american patients and their physicians (2006) J Natl Med Assoc, 98 (12), pp. 1895-1903Lai, W.A., Lew-Ting, C.-Y., Chiet, W.-C., How diabetic patients think about and manage their illness in Taiwan (2005) Diabet Med, 22 (3), pp. 286-292Peres, D.S., Franco, L.J., Santos, M.A., Eating behavior among type 2 diabetes women (2006) Rev Saude Publica, 40 (2), pp. 310-317Goldman, R., Parker, D., Eaton, C.B., Borkan, J., Cover, R., Abern, D., Patients' perceptions of cholesterol, cardiovascular disease risk, and risk communications strategies (2006) Ann Fam Med, 4 (3), pp. 205-212Stewart, J., Brown, K., Kendrick, D., Dyas, J., Understanding of blood pressure by people with type 2 diabetes: A primary care focus group study (2005) Br J Gen Pract, 55 (513), pp. 298-304Ferreira, A.B.H., (2002) Novo dicionário Aurélio, , Rio de Janeiro: Nova FronteiraBoltanski, L., (1984) As classes sociais e o corpo, p. 161. , Rio de Janeiro: GraalTurato, E.R., Métodos qualitativos e quantitativos na área de saúde: Definições, diferença e seus objetos de pesquisa (2005) Rev Saude Publ, 39 (3), pp. 507-51

    Ion energy distribution measurements of low-energy ion beams extracted from a hot cathode DC ion source

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    Ion energy distribution function (IEDF) of low-energy ion beams extracted from a hot cathode DC ion source have been measured and analyzed using a retarding potential analyzer. Measurements revealed that the height of the IEDF peaks increased in proportion to the discharge current of the ion source. In terms of downstream gas pressure, an optimum value of the height of the IEDF peak was observed at 0.13 Pa at different discharge currents. Full width at half maximum measurements showed an increase in energy spread (ΔE) with increasing discharge current. With a discharge current of 30 mA and 0.13 Pa pressure, ΔE was almost constant against the change in extraction potentials from 20 to 60 V. Typical ΔE was at most 10% of the extraction beam energy. The ion beam current density was in the mA/cm2 range