14 research outputs found

    Efek Hepatoprotektor Ekstrak Etanol Kulit Melinjo terhadap Ekspresi Gen Alanine Aminotransferase 1 Hepar pada Kondisi Hiperurisemia

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     Hiperurisemia dapat menginduksi disfungsionalitas pertukaran natrium dan kalsium dalam mitokondria yang akan menyebabkan produksi reactive oxygen species (ROS). Stres oksidatif berperan dalam penuaan, kerusakan DNA, oksidasi, produksi sitokin inflamasi, dan apoptosis sel. Metabolisme asam urat dikatalisis oleh xhantine oxidase (XO) menghasilkan hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) yang dapat menyebabkan terbentuknya jaringan parut pada hepar. Alanine amniotransferase (ALT) dikodekan oleh gen ALT1/GPT yang diekspresikan oleh sel endotel, Kuffer dan hepatosit. Overekspresi gen ALT1 berkontribusi dalam meningkatkan kadar enzim ALT sebagai marker yang sensitif dan spesifik adanya injuri atau kerusakan hepar. Tujuan menilai efek hepatoprotektor ekstrak etanol kulit melinjo terhadap ekspresi gen alanine aminotransferase 1 hepar pada kondisi hiperurisemia. Metode penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif yang dilakukan dengan metode telaah literature. Data dan informasi dikumpulkan dari beberapa penelitian yang sudah dilakukan sebelumnya. Hasil ekstrak etanol kulit melinjo mengandung flavonoid sebagai antioksidan, efek hepatoprotektor ekstrak etanol kulit melinjo terbukti dengan menurunkan stress oksidatif dan biomarker inflamasi melalui mekanisme inhibitor terhadap pembentukan XO dan adenosine deaminase (ADA) sehingga menyebabkan penurunan kadar dari asam urat dan melalui penghambatan terhadap terbentuknya XO akan menyebabkan pembentukan ROS menjadi terhambat sehingga kerusakan hepar dapat diminimalisir dan tidak terjadi overekspresi gen ALT1 pada hepar. Kesimpulan kandungan flavonoid pada ekstrak kulit melinjo terbukti berpotensi sebagai hepatoprotektor, dengan menimimalisir kadar enzim ALT akibat tidak terjadinya peningkatan ekspresi gen ALT1, flavonoid dapat memodulasi ROS dan reaksi inflamasi sehingga hepar lebih terproteksi dari kerusakan akibat keadaan hiperurisemia.

    The Expression of Liver Metabolic Enzymes AMPKα1, AMPKα2, and PGC-1α due to Exercise in Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus Rat Model

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    BACKGROUND: AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and PGC-1α were crucial metabolism enzymes not only in the skeletal muscles but also in the liver. Exercise can modify metabolic enzymes to improve insulin resistance. AIM: The aim of this study was to analyze the expression of mRNA liver metabolic enzymes gene, that is, AMPKα1, AMPKα2, and PGC-1α in different types and intensities of exercise. METHODS: Healthy male Wistar rats aged 8 weeks in 150–180 g body weight were given a combination of high fat diet for five weeks and low doses of streptozotocin (30 mg/kgbw and 45 mg/kgbw in 0.1 citrate buffer pH 4,5) to develop type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) rat model. Animals then were divided into five groups: One group was sedentary, and four groups were forced to run on the treadmill 3 times/week, 30 min each season, for 8 weeks. mRNA gene expression of AMPKα1, AMPKα2, and PGC-1α was determined with real-time PCR. RESULTS: The results showed that expression of mRNA AMPKα1 in treatment groups was elevated than control and the much expression was showed in continuous types. The expression of mRNA AMPKα2 and PGC-1 α was declined in treatment group which little expression was showed in high intensity for AMPKα2 and moderate intensity for PGC-1 α. Base on type and exercise intensity, mRNA AMPKα1 gene expression much in moderate continuous, mRNA AMPKα2 gene expression higher in high intensity, both continuous and interval training, whereas mRNA PGC-1α gene expression higher in interval groups. CONCLUSION: Various types of aerobic exercises with moderate-vigorous intensities gave different impact to mRNA liver metabolic enzyme genes


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    Objective: This study aimed to determine whether the antidiabetic effects of puguntano (Curanga fel-terrae [Lour.]) extract involve anti-inflammatory effects mediated through adiponectin receptors (AdipoRs). Methods: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) Wistar rats were induced by a combination of high-fat diet for 5 weeks and injection small dose streptozotocin 30 mg/kg bw/rat. This study was conducted in 48 T2DM rats, which were randomly assigned into two weight-matched groups (n=24, each). Only the treatment group received 0.2 mg/g bw of puguntano extract suspension through oral for 10 days. The clinical characteristics of T2DM and AdipoR were assessed before and after the treatment period. Results: The treatment group demonstrated significantly lower body weight, fasting blood glucose, and homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) but higher AdipoR than the control group (all, p<0.001). Furthermore, there were also negative correlations between AdipoR to body weight and HOMA-IR (all, p<0.05). Conclusion: Our data suggest that puguntano could improve glucose metabolism and ameliorate insulin resistance and have anti-inflammatory effects mediated through AdipoR in T2DM

    Effect of Jungga Orange Peel Essential Oil (Citrus Jambhiri) on Platelet Function in Male Rats Given High Intensity Physical Activity

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    Physical activity is one of the stress factors that can provide physiological changes to the function of the hematological system such as changes in platelet count. Physical activity can produce free radicals that can result in cell damage including platelets. Platelets play a role in the hemostasis process, If the platelet count is too low, it can cause excessive bleeding. However, if there is an increase in platelet count too high, it can cause thrombosis that can inhibit blood vessels. Antioxidants have a protective effect on cells and eliminate free radicals. The objective of this research was to ascertain the reaction of platelets to the injection of jungga orange peel essential oil (citrus jambhiri) in male rats that were subjected to strenuous exercise. Twenty male rats (3-4 months old, 180-200 grams) of the Wistar strain of the white rat (Rattus norvegicus) were used in the experiment. Using a random number generator, 20 white rats were split into two groups. In group P1, the rats swam for 50 minutes, three times a week, for four weeks. In group P2, the rats swam for 50 minutes, three times a week, for four weeks, and were also given 0.05 milliliters of jungga orange peel essential oil every hour prior to swimming. Based on these findings, it appears that there is a statistically significant difference between the P1 and P2 groups in terms of the average platelet count, with the P2 group exhibiting a decline in platelet count. Antioxidant substances contained in the essential oil of jungga orang have the ability to inhibit the decline in platelet function after high-intensity physical activity

    Exercise Intensity Alter Insulin Receptor Gene Expression in Diabetic Type - 2 Rat Model

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    AIM: To analyse the differential expression of the insulin receptor (IR) gene between moderate continuous and severe continuous training in the T2DM rat model. METHODS: This was an experimental study. Healthy male Wistar was used in this study, which divided into sedentary, moderate continuous training, and severe continuous training. Treated groups were assigned to run on the treadmill three times a week for eight weeks consequently. RESULTS: The result shown that expression of mRNA IR gene in treated groups decline compared to control. There was a difference mRNA IR gene expression after eight weeks of exercise between MCT and control, SCT and control so are MCT and SCT. IR expression on skeletal muscle in treated groups was different compared with control. The distribution of IR on skeletal muscles in treatment groups was significantly increased compared control, but there was no significant difference distribution between MCT and SCT. HOMA-IR post-test in SCT was lower than MCT but FBG post-test lower in MCT than SCT. CONCLUSION: The intensity of exercise makes a difference in IR gene expression between moderate continuous training and severe continuous training after eight weeks of assigned exercise in T2DM rat models

    Pengaruh Latihan Aerobik Intensitas Ringan dan Sedang terhadap Kelelahan Otot (Muscle Fatique) Atlet Sepakbola Aceh

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    Kelelahan selama berolahraga menjadi suatu masalah yang dapat mengakibatkan terpuruknya suatu prestasi. Kondisi ini menjadi permasalahan yang sering dihadapi para atlet pada saat bertanding karena kekurangan cadangan energi dan tingginya kadar asam laktat di dalam darah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan aerobik intensitas ringan dan sedang dapat memperlambat kelelahan selama berolahraga pada atlet sepakbola aceh. Penelitian kuasi eksperimental dengan rancangan eksperimen ulang non-random (non randomized pretest-posttest with control group design). Penelitian dilakukan untuk membandingkan kadar asam laktat perifer , waktu uji latih sampai lelah dan skala Borg (persepsi rasa sesak dan kaki lelah) sebelum dan sesudah program latihan pada 3 kelompok, yaitu kelompok perlakuan latihan aerobik intensitas ringan (LAIR), kelompok latihan aerobik intensitas sedang (LAIS) dan kelompok kontrol. Penelitian dilaksanakan di stadion sepakbola Harapan Bangsa Banda aceh. Subjek penelitian adalah atlet sepakbola Dispora Aceh yang tergabung dalam PPLP. Penurunan asam laktat setelah uji latih yang bermakna terlihat pada kelompok dengan LAIS (p= 0,04). Rerata waktu lelah ketiga kelompok menunjukkan perbedaan. Peningkatan waktu lelah setelah uji latih yang berbeda bermakna terlihat pada kelompok dengan LAIS (p = 0.009). Rerata skala borg sesak ketiga kelompok menunjukkan perbedaan. Penurunan nilai scoring skala borg sesak setelah uji latih yang berbeda bermakna terlihat pada kelompok dengan LAIS (p = 0.000). Rerata skala borg kaki lelah ketiga kelompok menunjukkan perbedaan. Penurunan nilai scoring skala borg kaki lelah setelah uji latih yang berbeda bermakna terlihat pada kelompok dengan LAIS (p = 0.012) dan LAIR (p = 0.008). Latihan aerobik yang dilakukan dengan intensitas, durasi dan frekuensi yang tepat dapat meningkatkan performa dan prestasi atlet. Pada penelitian ini menunjukkan latihan aerobik intensitas sedang dapat berpengaruh dalam memperlambat kelelahan selama berolahraga pada atlet sepakbola Aceh


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    Kadar asam laktat yang tinggi pada atlet akan memberikan dampak negatif karena akan mempercepat kelelahan. Skala Borg digunakan untuk menilai tanggapan yang dirasakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan aerobik dapat menurunkan asam laktat dan skala borg. Penelitian yang dilakukan merupakan penelitian kuasi eksperimental dengan rancangan eksperimen ulang non-random. Penelitian dilakukan untuk membandingkan kadar asam laktat dan skala borg sebelum dan sesudah program latihan pada tiga kelompok, yaitu kelompok perlakuan latihan aerobik intensitas ringan (LAIR), kelompok latihan aerobik intensitas sedang (LAIS) dan kelompok kontrol. Penelitian dilaksanakan di stadion sepakbola Harapan Bangsa Banda Aceh dengansubjek atlet sepakbola PPLP Dispora Aceh. Rerata kadar asam laktat ketiga kelompok menunjukkan perbedaan. Penurunan asam laktat setelah uji latih yang bermakna terlihat pada kelompok dengan LAIS (p=0,04). Rerata skala Borg ketiga kelompok menunjukkan perbedaan. Penurunan nilai scoring skala Borg setelah uji latih yang berbeda bermakna terlihat pada kelompok dengan LAIS (p=0,012) dan LAIR (p=0,008). Latihan aerobik yang dilakukan dengan intensitas, durasi dan frekuensi yang tepat dapat meningkatkan performa dan prestasi atlet


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    Kadar asam laktat yang tinggi pada atlet akan memberikan dampak negatif karena akan mempercepat kelelahan. Skala Borg digunakan untuk menilai tanggapan yang dirasakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan aerobik dapat menurunkan asam laktat dan skala borg. Penelitian yang dilakukan merupakan penelitian kuasi eksperimental dengan rancangan eksperimen ulang non-random. Penelitian dilakukan untuk membandingkan kadar asam laktat dan skala borg sebelum dan sesudah program latihan pada tiga kelompok, yaitu kelompok perlakuan latihan aerobik intensitas ringan (LAIR), kelompok latihan aerobik intensitas sedang (LAIS) dan kelompok kontrol. Penelitian dilaksanakan di stadion sepakbola Harapan Bangsa Banda Aceh dengansubjek atlet sepakbola PPLP Dispora Aceh. Rerata kadar asam laktat ketiga kelompok menunjukkan perbedaan. Penurunan asam laktat setelah uji latih yang bermakna terlihat pada kelompok dengan LAIS (p=0,04). Rerata skala Borg ketiga kelompok menunjukkan perbedaan. Penurunan nilai scoring skala Borg setelah uji latih yang berbeda bermakna terlihat pada kelompok dengan LAIS (p=0,012) dan LAIR (p=0,008). Latihan aerobik yang dilakukan dengan intensitas, durasi dan frekuensi yang tepat dapat meningkatkan performa dan prestasi atlet

    Hubungan Durasi dan Postur Duduk Terhadap Keluhan Low Back Pain pada Mahasiswa Kedokteran

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    Background: Low Back Pain (LBP) is the most common musculoskeletal disorder in the community with a global prevalence of 15-45% each year. Medical students are prone to LBP due to several risk factors such as long sitting duration and improper sitting posture during lectures. Objectives: This research is performed to determine the correlation between the duration and sitting posture during lectures on the incidence of LBP in medical students at Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU). Methods: This study used an analytical descriptive research design with a cross-sectional approach conducted in April 2023 at the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sumatera Utara. The sampling technique used is simple random sampling with 147 medical students selected as the research sample. Data was obtained from filling out PAD and BAPHY questionnaires. A Chi-square test was used to explore the association between the two variables and LBP while the logistic regression test was used to identify the dominating causes generating LBP. Result: The study's findings revealed that 40.1% of students reported having LBP problems, 72.1% reported sitting for more than seven hours, and 33.3% reported having a bad sitting posture. Chi-square analysis revealed a significant correlation between sitting duration and posture on complaints of LBP (RR = 1.69, p = 0.041 and RR = 1.69, p = 0.009). At a risk of 2,438 times, sitting position is the main factor contributing to LBP among medical students at USU. Conclusion: This research showed a correlation between duration and sitting posture on the incidence of LBP. Keyword: Low Back Pain, Medical Students, Seven Hours, Sitting duration, Sitting posture Latar Belakang: Low Back Pain (LBP) merupakan gangguan muskuloskeletal yang paling sering terjadi pada masyarakat dengan prevalensi global 15-45% setiap tahunnya. Mahasiswa kedokteran rentan mengalami keluhan LBP dikarenakan beberapa faktor risiko seperti durasi duduk yang lama dan postur duduk yang tidak ergonomis saat perkuliahan. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara durasi dan postur duduk saat perkuliahan terhadap keluhan LBP pada mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sumatera Utara. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross-sectional yang dilakukan pada bulan April 2023 di FK USU Medan. Populasi penelitian adalah mahasiswa FK USU angkatan 2021 yang dipilih dengan metode simple random sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 147 orang. Data diperoleh dari pengisian kuesioner PAD dan BAPHY. Untuk mengetahui hubungan kedua variabel dengan keluhan LBP dilakukan uji Chi-square dan uji regresi logistik untuk melihat faktor dominan penyebab keluhan LBP. Hasil: Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan terdapat 40,1 % mahasiswa yang mengalami keluhan LBP dengan durasi duduk > 7 jam sebesar 72,1% dan postur duduk yang tidak baik sebesar 33,3%. Analisis Chi-square menunjukkan terdapat hubungan bermakna antara durasi dan postur duduk terhadap keluhan LBP (RR = 1,69, p=0,041 dan RR = 1,69, p=0,009). Faktor dominan penyebab keluhan LBP pada mahasiswa FK USU angkatan 2021 adalah postur duduk dengan besar risiko sebesar 2,438 kali. Kesimpulan: Durasi dan postur duduk memiliki hubungan dengan keluhan LBP. Kata Kunci: Durasi duduk, Low Back Pain, Mahasiswa Kedokteran, Postur Duduk, Tujuh Ja

    Chronic Effect Various Type of Exercises to Fasting Blood Glucose and Insulin Resistance

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    Exercise is non-pharmacological management for Diabetes Mellitus (DM) type-2. Previous study found that both eerobic and interval training improved insulin resistance. The aim of this study was to analyze the chronic effect various type of exercises to fasting blood glucose (FBG) and insulin resistance in DM type-2 model rats. It was an experimental study, twenty male Wistar rats, age 8 weeks, weight 150-180 gram as the object. Rats were given high fed diet for 4 weeks then injected streptozocin dose 30 mg/kgBB in citrate buffer pH 4.5 i.p, and 45 mg/kgBB  at the following week. Groups were divided into i.e moderate continous training (MCT), severe continous training (SCT), slow interval training (SIT), and fast interval training (FIT). All groups were treated with ran on the treadmill three times a week for 8 weeks. Fasting blood glucose and fasting insulin were checked before and after intervention. Insulin resistance was determined by calculating HOMA-IR. Data analized with paired t-test (p<0,05). The results shown that all group significantly decreased fasting blood glucose and insulin resistance (p <0,05) after eight weeks exercise except insulin resistance in MCT group.  Fasting blood glucose and insulin resistence post-test was found lowest in SIT groups in this study.  In conclucions chronic effect of aerobic continous and aerobic interval in various intensity can decrease fasting blood glucose and insulin resistance in DM type-2 rat model. Slow interval training was the best exercise model to decrease insulin resistance