359 research outputs found

    Participación de enfermería en Políticas Públicas, ¿Por qué es importante?: Revisión integrativa de la literatura

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    Objective: To analyze the scientific evidence available in the literature regarding the role of the political participation of the nursing profession.Method: Integrative literary review in six stages, in MEDLINE / PUBMED, ISI WEB OF SCIENCE, EBSCOHOST WEB, LILACS, and SCIELO databases 2010 - 2020 in English, Portuguese and Spanish languages, adjusted to PRISMA requirements. The data were summarized by thematic analysis.Results: From 75 texts, 23 were analyzed. 35% of the publications were made between 2010 to 2012, 48% are from the United States, 65% were obtained from PUBMED, and 26% are case studies. Two categories of work are obtained: Political participation of the nursing profession and Virtue and competences; Strategies and challenges to participate in PPs. Similarities are shown between both categories.Conclusion: Nursing has socio-political activism promoted by nurses in different contexts. To the extent that nursing professionals become aware of political involvement as an expression of socio-political knowledge, their participation favors the public policy process. It is an opportunity for change given their strategic position as referents of care of people in health systems.Objetivo: Analizar la evidencia científica disponible en la literatura en torno al rol de participación política del profesional enfermero.Método: Revisión integrativa literaria en seis etapas, en bases de datos MEDLINE/PUBMED, ISI WEB OF SCIENCE, EBSCOHOST WEB, LILACS y SCIELO publicados entre 2010 - 2020 en idiomas inglés, portugués y español, ajustada a los requerimientos PRISMA. Los datos fueron resumidos mediante análisis temático. Resultados: A partir de 75 textos, 23 fueron analizados. Un 35% de las publicaciones se realizó entre 2010 al 2012, el 48% son de Estados Unidos, un 65% se obtuvieron de PUBMED y el 26% son estudios de caso. Se obtienen dos categorías de trabajo: Participación política del profesional enfermero y Virtudes y competencias. Estrategias y desafíos para participar en PPs. Se muestran similitudes entre ambas categorías.Conclusión: Enfermería posee activismo sociopolítico impulsado por enfermeras en diferentes contextos. En la medida en que los profesionales de enfermería se hacen conscientes del rol de participación política como una expresión del patrón de conocimiento sociopolítico, su participación favorece el proceso de políticas públicas, y es una oportunidad para el cambio dada su posición estratégica como referentes del cuidado de las personas en los sistemas de salud

    Innovación del Diseño para el Desarrollo Social

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    Hernández (2006) señala que la introducción del concepto de género en los análisis sociales facilitó una nueva comprensión de la posición de las mujeres en las diversas sociedades humanas, ya que supuso la idea de variabilidad toda vez que ser hombre o mujer es un constructo cultural y por lo tanto varían sus definiciones en cada cultura. Además, el concepto de género evidencia la gran variedad de elementos que configuran la identidad década individuo debido a que el género será experimentado y definido personalmente de acuerdo con otras pertenencias como la etnia, la raza, la clase, la edad, entre otras

    Automated metamorphic testing on the analyses of feature models

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    Copyright © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Context: A feature model (FM) represents the valid combinations of features in a domain. The automated extraction of information from FMs is a complex task that involves numerous analysis operations, techniques and tools. Current testing methods in this context are manual and rely on the ability of the tester to decide whether the output of an analysis is correct. However, this is acknowledged to be time-consuming, error-prone and in most cases infeasible due to the combinatorial complexity of the analyses, this is known as the oracle problem.Objective: In this paper, we propose using metamorphic testing to automate the generation of test data for feature model analysis tools overcoming the oracle problem. An automated test data generator is presented and evaluated to show the feasibility of our approach.Method: We present a set of relations (so-called metamorphic relations) between input FMs and the set of products they represent. Based on these relations and given a FM and its known set of products, a set of neighbouring FMs together with their corresponding set of products are automatically generated and used for testing multiple analyses. Complex FMs representing millions of products can be efficiently created by applying this process iteratively.Results: Our evaluation results using mutation testing and real faults reveal that most faults can be automatically detected within a few seconds. Two defects were found in FaMa and another two in SPLOT, two real tools for the automated analysis of feature models. Also, we show how our generator outperforms a related manual suite for the automated analysis of feature models and how this suite can be used to guide the automated generation of test cases obtaining important gains in efficiency.Conclusion: Our results show that the application of metamorphic testing in the domain of automated analysis of feature models is efficient and effective in detecting most faults in a few seconds without the need for a human oracle.This work has been partially supported by the European Commission(FEDER)and Spanish Government under CICYT project SETI(TIN2009-07366)and the Andalusian Government project ISABEL(TIC-2533)

    Intermittent maser flare around the high mass young stellar object G353.273+0.641 I: data & overview

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    We have performed VLBI and single-dish monitoring of 22 GHz H2_{2}O maser emission from the high mass young stellar object G353.273+0.641 with VERA (VLBI Exploration of Radio Astrometry) and Tomakamai 11-m radio telescope. Two maser flares have been detected, separated almost two years. Frequent VLBI monitoring has revealed that these flare activities have been accompanied by structural change of the prominent shock front traced by H2O maser alignments. We have detected only blue-shifted emissions and all maser features have been distributed within very small area of 200 ×\times 200 au2^{2} in spite of wide velocity range (> 100 km s−1^{-1}). The light curve shows notably intermittent variation and suggests that the H2_{2}O masers in G353.273+0.641 are excited by episodic radio jet. The time-scale of \sim2 yr and characteristic velocity of \sim500 km s−1^{-1} also support this interpretation. Two isolated velocity components of C50 (-53 \pm 7 km s−1^{-1}) and C70 (-73 \pm 7 km s−1^{-1}) have shown synchronised linear acceleration of the flux weighted V_{\rmn{LSR}} values (\sim-5 km s−1^{-1} yr−1^{-1}) during the flare phase. This can be converted to the lower-limit momentum rate of 1.1 \times 10−3^{-3} M_{\sun} km s−1^{-1} yr−1^{-1}. Maser properties are quite similar to that of IRAS 20126+4104 especially. This corroborates the previous suggestion that G353.273+0.641 is a candidate of high mass protostellar object. The possible pole-on geometry of disc-jet system can be suitable for direct imaging of the accretion disc in this case.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures accepted for publication in MNRA

    Mujeres estudiantes de educación superior y los factores psicosociales en el marco del binomio pasividad-violencia

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    En el presente trabajo se muestran los resultados preliminares de una investigación que está explorando la cuestión de la violencia-pasividad en estudiantes de educación superior. Su objetivo es iniciar la construcción de indicadores sobre las características psicosociales en mujeres estudiantes que han sufrido violencia de género. El supuesto del que se parte es que hay ciertas características psico-sociales de pasividad-violencia en las estudiantes que viven o han vivido relaciones de violencia, colocándolas en lugares subjetivos emocionales que les impiden trabajar racionalmente sus relaciones interpersonales. Los resultados preliminares son de un cuestionario-escala que explora las conductas agresivas de relaciones de pareja en orden psicológico, aplicado a una muestra de 329 alumnos de educación superior en Tabasco, México. Enfatizado las acciones femeninas -en relación a las agresiones masculinas-, donde se presentan conductas simultáneas y/o opuestas que oscilan entre víctima, partícipe, resistencia, agresión, anulación

    The Effect of Conditional Cash Transfers on the Prepaid and Postpaid Expenditures of Internet and Cellular Services: The Case of Filipino Households

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    Technology has been playing a large role in the lives of households regardless of income. How, then, do poor families value the importance of internet and cellular services due to the existence of outcome-improving or outcome-worsening effects associated with these services? At the same time, since the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) substantially affects its beneficiaries’ household expenditures, assessing its effectiveness concerning its objectives is important. Most literature on how poor households spend their cash transfers is centered on directly linked goods such as health and education. However, the relationship between CCTs and expenditures on goods that play a more indirect yet increasing role in the lives of poor households (e.g., internet and cellular services) has yet to be explored. Using the 2018 Family Income and Expenditure Survey (FIES) with the 4Ps program serving as the treatment, a propensity score matching methodology is applied to compare beneficiaries’ expenditures on prepaid and postpaid internet and cellular services with non-beneficiaries via Average Treatment Effects on the Treated (ATT)

    Biomarker of food intake for assessing the consumption of dairy and egg products

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    Foods of animal origin constitute one of the predominant food groups consumed in Western diets. They play an essential role in human nutrition as they represent an excellent source of high quality proteins, vitamins, minerals and fats. Foods of animal origin are highly diverse (e.g. meat, fish, dairy products and eggs) and their associations with a range of nutritional and health outcomes are therefore heterogeneous. Such associations are also often weak or debated due to the difficulty in establishing correct assessments of dietary intake. Therefore, in order to better characterize associations between the consumption of specific foods of animal origin and health outcomes, it is important to identify reliable biomarkers of food intake (BFIs). BFIs provide a more accurate measure of intake and are independent of the memory and sincerity of the subjects as well as of their knowledge about the consumed foods. To date, only a very limited number of compounds have been proposed as biomarkers of the intake of foods of animal origin and further studies are necessary to validate them and to discover new candidate BFIs. We have, therefore, conducted a systematic search of the scientific literature to evaluate the current status of potential BFIs for each category of foods of animal origin commonly consumed in Europe. This review reports on candidate biomarkers for dairy products and eggs intake, while biomarkers for fish and meat intake will be published separately. Remarkably, validated BFIs for dairy products and eggs are not available. A series of challenges hinders their identification and validation, in particular the heterogeneous composition of each food within a product category and the lack of specificity of the markers identified so far. Untargeted metabolomic strategies may allow the identification of novel food biomarkers, that, when taken separately or in combination, could be used to assess the intake of dairy products and eggs

    Hazardous base surges of Taal’s 2020 eruption

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    After 43 years of repose, Taal Volcano erupted on 12 January 2020 forming hazardous base surges. Using field, remote sensing (i.e. UAV and LiDAR), and numerical methods, we gathered primary data to generate well-constrained observed information on dune bedform characteristics, impact dynamic pressures and velocities of base surges. This is to advance our knowledge on this type of hazard to understand and evaluate its consequences and risks. The dilute and wet surges traveled at 50-60 ms−1 near the crater rim and decelerated before making impact on coastal communities with dynamic pressures of at least 1.7 kPa. The base surges killed more than a thousand livestock in the southeast of Taal Volcano Island, and then traveled another ~ 600 m offshore. This work is a rare document of a complete, fresh, and practically undisturbed base surge deposit, important in the study of dune deposits formed by volcanic and other processes on Earth and other planets

    Psychometric properties of the Three Factor Eating Questionnaire (TFEQ) / Propiedades psicométricas del Cuestionario de Tres Factores de la Alimentación (TFEQ)

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    Abstract. The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the psychometric properties -internal consistency, factor analysis and the concurrent and discriminate validity- of the Three Factor Eating Questionnaire (TFEQ). 607 women ( χ̅ = 20.29, SD = 5.70), completed TFEQ, Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-40) and Bulimia Test (BULIT). Results showed an appropriate internal consistency coefficient (a = .87); two factors were extracted after principal component factor analysis  that explaining 30 % of the total variance:  dietary restraint and disinhibition.  Also are presented the concurrent and discriminant validity that favorable to the psychometric goodness of the TFEQ benefits and support that is an appropriate instrument for assessing eating pathology.Key words: eating, binge eating, psychometric properties, eating questionnaire and factor structure.Resumen. El propósito de esta investigación fue evaluar las cualidades psicométricas -consistencia interna, análisis de factores y la validez de criterio de tipo concurrente y discriminate- del Cuestionario de Tres Factores de la Alimentación (TFEQ, por sus siglas en inglés).  607 mujeres ( χ̅ = 20.29, DE = 5.70), completaron el  TFEQ, el Cuestionario de Actitudes ante la Alimentación (EAT-40) y el Cuestionario de Bulimia (BULIT).  Los resultados señalan un coeficiente de consistencia interna adecuada (a = .87);  posterior al análisis factorial de componentes principales se extrajeron 2 factores que explican el 30 % de la varianza total: restricción alimentaria  y desinhibición.  Asimismo, se presentan de validez concurrente y validez discriminante que apoyan las bondades psicométricas del TFEQ  y sustentan que es un instrumento adecuado para evaluar la patología alimentaria.Palabras claves: Conducta alimentaria, atracón, propiedades psicométricas, cuestionario de alimentación y estructura factorial
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