586 research outputs found

    A catalog of natural products occurring in watermelon— Citrullus lanatus

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    Sweet dessert watermelon ( Citrullus lanatus ) is one of the most important vegetable crops consumed throughout the world. The chemical composition of watermelon provides both high nutritional value and various health benefits. The present manuscript introduces a catalog of 1,679 small molecules occurring in the watermelon and their cheminformatics analysis for diverse features. In this catalog, the phytochemicals are associated with the literature describing their presence in the watermelon plant, and when possible, concentration values in various plant parts (flesh, seeds, leaves, roots, rind). Also cataloged are the chemical classes, molecular weight and formula, chemical structure, and certain physical and chemical properties for each phytochemical. In our view, knowing precisely what is in what we eat, as this catalog does for watermelon, supports both the rationale for certain controlled feeding studies in the field of precision nutrition, and plant breeding efforts for the development of new varieties with enhanced concentrations of specific phytochemicals. Additionally, improved and comprehensive collections of natural products accessible to the public will be especially useful to researchers in nutrition, cheminformatics, bioinformatics, and drug development, among other disciplines

    Polyunsaturated fatty acids modulate the association between PIK3CA-KCNMB3 genetic variants and insulin resistance

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    BACKGROUND:Neighboring genes PIK3CA and KCNMB3 are both important for insulin signaling and β-cell function, but their associations with glucose-related traits are unclear. OBJECTIVE:The objective was to examine associations of PIK3CA-KCNMB3 variants with glucose-related traits and potential interaction with dietary fat. DESIGN:We first investigated genetic associations and their modulation by dietary fat in the Genetics of Lipid Lowering Drugs and Diet Network (GOLDN) study (n = 820). Nine single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were selected for analysis, covering more than 80% of the SNPs in the region. We then sought to replicate the findings in the Boston Puerto Rican Health Study (BPRHS) (n = 844). RESULTS:For KCNMB3 missense mutation rs7645550, meta-analysis indicated that homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) was significantly lower in minor allele T homozygotes compared with major allele C carriers (pooled P-value = 0.004); for another SNP rs1183319, which is in moderate LD with rs7645550, minor allele G carriers had higher HOMA-IR compared with non-carriers in both populations (pooled P-value = 0.028). In GOLDN, rs7645550 T allele homozygotes had lower HOMA-IR only when dietary n-3: n-6 PUFA ratio was low (≤0.11, P = 0.001), but not when it was high (>0.11, P-interaction = 0.033). Similar interaction was observed between rs1183319 and n-3: n-6 PUFA ratio on HOMA-IR (P-interaction = 0.001) in GOLDN. Variance contribution analyses in GOLDN confirmed the genetic association and gene-diet interaction. In BPRHS, dietary n-3: n-6 PUFA ratio significantly modulated the association between rs1183319 and HbA1c (P-interaction = 0.034). CONCLUSION:PIK3CA-KCNMB3 variants are associated with insulin resistance in populations of different ancestries, and are modified by dietary PUFA

    In situ evidence for the structure of the magnetic null in a 3D reconnection event in the Earth's magnetotail

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    Magnetic reconnection is one of the most important processes in astrophysical, space and laboratory plasmas. Identifying the structure around the point at which the magnetic field lines break and subsequently reform, known as the magnetic null point, is crucial to improving our understanding reconnection. But owing to the inherently three-dimensional nature of this process, magnetic nulls are only detectable through measurements obtained simultaneously from at least four points in space. Using data collected by the four spacecraft of the Cluster constellation as they traversed a diffusion region in the Earth's magnetotail on 15 September, 2001, we report here the first in situ evidence for the structure of an isolated magnetic null. The results indicate that it has a positive-spiral structure whose spatial extent is of the same order as the local ion inertial length scale, suggesting that the Hall effect could play an important role in 3D reconnection dynamics.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Sexual behaviour among casual workers in an international nightlife resort: a case control study

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    BACKGROUND: Young holidaymakers report increased sexual risk-taking abroad, yet little is currently known about the sexual behaviour of those who extend time abroad through casual work. METHODS: Information on sexual behaviour was collected via an anonymous questionnaire administered to British bar and nightclub workers in Ibiza (cases, n = 92) and British people visiting Ibiza for holiday purposes only (controls, n = 868). RESULTS: Four in five (80.5%) cases who arrived in Ibiza without a partner had sex during their stay and of these two thirds (65.5%) had unprotected sex. Cases were more likely to report sexual risk-taking in Ibiza than controls and reported greater numbers of sexual partners prior to their visit. However, they had fewer sexual partners per week of stay. CONCLUSION: Casual workers in bars and nightclubs abroad are a key risk group for sexual health and a potential conduit for the international spread of sexually transmitted infections. While they are an important target group for sexual health promotion, appropriately trained they are also ideally placed to deliver sexual health interventions to other young travellers

    Sequential element extraction of soils from abandoned farms: an investigation of the partitioning of anthropogenic element inputs from historic land use

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    Enhanced soil element concentrations may serve as indicators not only of modern pollution, but also of former historic and/or pre-historic human activity. However, there is little consensus over the most appropriate means of extraction for identifying chemical signatures of modern and archaeological pollution. This study addressed this question by using a 5-step sequential extraction to examine the partitioning of elements within the soil. Samples were taken from known functional areas (hearth, house, byre, arable, and grazing areas) on a 19th century abandoned croft (small farm). A hot nitric acid digest and five-stage sequential extraction method were used to examine the partitioning of elements in soil and identify the current elemental distribution of anthropogenic contamination. The results indicate that although a significant proportion of Ca tends to be bound with exchangeable and weak acid soluble fractions, in the hearth and house areas there is also a significant proportion held within the recalcitrant residue. Pb concentrations tend to be associated with organic matter, ammonium oxalate extractable fractions and the residue, whilst Zn generally has a more even partitioning between the six soil fractions. The implications of this for extraction methodology are element and soil specific. However, the presence of a significant proportion of anthropogenically significant elements (including Ca, Pb, Zn, Sr, and Ba) within the resistant residue suggests the use of only a weak acid or an exchangeable fraction extraction would result in the loss of information from contamination resulting from former human activity. Hence, a total or pseudo-total extraction method is recommended for this type of study

    X-Ray Spectroscopy of Stars

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    (abridged) Non-degenerate stars of essentially all spectral classes are soft X-ray sources. Low-mass stars on the cooler part of the main sequence and their pre-main sequence predecessors define the dominant stellar population in the galaxy by number. Their X-ray spectra are reminiscent, in the broadest sense, of X-ray spectra from the solar corona. X-ray emission from cool stars is indeed ascribed to magnetically trapped hot gas analogous to the solar coronal plasma. Coronal structure, its thermal stratification and geometric extent can be interpreted based on various spectral diagnostics. New features have been identified in pre-main sequence stars; some of these may be related to accretion shocks on the stellar surface, fluorescence on circumstellar disks due to X-ray irradiation, or shock heating in stellar outflows. Massive, hot stars clearly dominate the interaction with the galactic interstellar medium: they are the main sources of ionizing radiation, mechanical energy and chemical enrichment in galaxies. High-energy emission permits to probe some of the most important processes at work in these stars, and put constraints on their most peculiar feature: the stellar wind. Here, we review recent advances in our understanding of cool and hot stars through the study of X-ray spectra, in particular high-resolution spectra now available from XMM-Newton and Chandra. We address issues related to coronal structure, flares, the composition of coronal plasma, X-ray production in accretion streams and outflows, X-rays from single OB-type stars, massive binaries, magnetic hot objects and evolved WR stars.Comment: accepted for Astron. Astrophys. Rev., 98 journal pages, 30 figures (partly multiple); some corrections made after proof stag

    Variability in Isotope Discrimination Factors in Coral Reef Fishes: Implications for Diet and Food Web Reconstruction

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    Interpretation of stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen (δ13C and δ15N) is generally based on the assumption that with each trophic level there is a constant enrichment in the heavier isotope, leading to diet-tissue discrimination factors of 3.4‰ for 15N (ΔN) and ∼0.5‰ for 13C (ΔC). Diet-tissue discrimination factors determined from paired tissue and gut samples taken from 152 individuals from 26 fish species at Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia demonstrate a large amount of variability around constant values. While caution is necessary in using gut contents to represent diet due to the potential for high temporal variability, there were significant effects of trophic position and season that may also lead to variability in ΔN under natural conditions. Nitrogen enrichment increased significantly at higher trophic levels (higher tissue δ15N), with significantly higher ΔN in carnivorous species. Changes in diet led to significant changes in ΔN, but not tissue δ15N, between seasons for several species: Acanthurus triostegus, Chromis viridis, Parupeneus signatus and Pomacentrus moluccensis. These results confirm that the use of meta-analysis averages for ΔN is likely to be inappropriate for accurately determining diets and trophic relationships using tissue stable isotope ratios. Where feasible, discrimination factors should be directly quantified for each species and trophic link in question, acknowledging the potential for significant variation away from meta-analysis averages and, perhaps, controlled laboratory diets and conditions

    Trophic Shifts of a Generalist Consumer in Response to Resource Pulses

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    Trophic shifts of generalist consumers can have broad food-web and biodiversity consequences through altered trophic flows and vertical diversity. Previous studies have used trophic shifts as indicators of food-web responses to perturbations, such as species invasion, and spatial or temporal subsidies. Resource pulses, as a form of temporal subsidies, have been found to be quite common among various ecosystems, affecting organisms at multiple trophic levels. Although diet switching of generalist consumers in response to resource pulses is well documented, few studies have examined if the switch involves trophic shifts, and if so, the directions and magnitudes of the shifts. In this study, we used stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes with a Bayesian multi-source mixing model to estimate proportional contributions of three trophic groups (i.e. producer, consumer, and fungus-detritivore) to the diets of the White-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) receiving an artificial seed pulse or a naturally-occurring cicadas pulse. Our results demonstrated that resource pulses can drive trophic shifts in the mice. Specifically, the producer contribution to the mouse diets was increased by 32% with the seed pulse at both sites examined. The consumer contribution to the mouse diets was also increased by 29% with the cicadas pulse in one of the two grids examined. However, the pattern was reversed in the second grid, with a 13% decrease in the consumer contribution with the cicadas pulse. These findings suggest that generalist consumers may play different functional roles in food webs under perturbations of resource pulses. This study provides one of the few highly quantitative descriptions on dietary and trophic shifts of a key consumer in forest food webs, which may help future studies to form specific predictions on changes in trophic interactions following resource pulses
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