1,835 research outputs found

    Characteristics and clinical applicability of the validated scales and tools for screening, evaluating and measuring the risk of intimate partner violence: systematic literature review (2003-2017)

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    Introduction: several tools have been developed to objectively identify women who are experiencing intimate partner violence (IPV). The objective of this systematic review is to identify and describe the properties and clinical usefulness of the validated tools for detecting IPV published in the past 15 years. Methods:a systematic review was performed of the bibliographic databases PubMed, Cochrane Library, ENFISPO, IME, CINHAL, CUIDEN and Cuidatge. The search was restricted to articles published in the past 15 years. It was broadened to include grey literature. The articles selected present tools for screening, evaluating and measuring the risk of IPV, along with information on the validation of the tool. They are either written in Spanish or English. Results: 536 articles were found in total, of which eight were excluded as they appeared in two different databases. A further 461 were excluded after reading the title and summary. 67 full articles were reviewed. 63 articles were finally included and 39 tools. Conclusion: this systematic review provides a big-picture perspective of validated IPV tools published since 2003. It can help health professionals and researchers choose the most appropriate tool for their specific purposes and context

    Reactivity of chlorodimethylsilyl-η5-cyclopentadienyltrichlorotitanium\ud with nitrogen based donors. X-ray molecular structure of\ud [Ti{η5-C5H4SiMe2[η1-N(2,6-Me2C6H3)]}Cl2]

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    This paper reports the reactivity of [Ti(η5-C5H4SiMe2Cl)Cl3], 1 towards nitrogen based donor reagents. Complex 1 reacts with lithium benzamidinato Li[PhC(NSiMe3)2] to afford [Ti(η5-C5H4SiMe2Cl){PhC(NSiMe3)2}Cl2] 2 and with lithium amide LiNMe2 to produce [Ti(η5-C5H4SiMe2NMe2)(NMe2)3] 3. The latter compound was converted into the dihalide derivatives [Ti(η5-C5H4SiMe2NMe2)(NMe2)X2] [X=Cl (4) and Br (5)] by reaction with SiMe3X (X=Cl or Br, respectively). The constrained geometry derivatives [Ti{η5-C5H4SiMe2(η1-NR)}Cl2] (R=C6H56, 2,6-Me2C6H37 and 2-Me-6-iPr-C6H38) have been synthesized by treatment of 1 with the corresponding primary aryl amines H2NR. Complex 7 was readily converted into the dialkyl and diamido compounds [Ti{η5-C5H4SiMe2[η1-N(C6H3Me2)]}X2] (X=Me (9), CH2Ph (10), CH2SiMe3 (11) or NMe2 (13)) by metathesis using Grignard or organolithium reagents and into the monoalkyl derivative [Ti{η5-C5H4SiMe2[η1-N(C6H3Me2)]}MeCl] (12) by reaction with AlMe3. The molecular structure of complex 7 [Ti{(η5-C5H4SiMe2[η1-N(2,6-Me2C6H3)]}Cl2] was established by X-ray crystallography.We are grateful to the DGICYT (Project PB-92-0178-C) and University of Alcalá for financial support of this research

    Evaluación pre-post de una actividad formativa sobre alimentación y actividad física dirigida a estudiantes universitarios del campus de Melilla

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    Chronic non-communicable diseases are produced by an unhealthy lifestyle, like a poor diet and not perform physical activity. The knowledge about the diet and the physical exercise of the university students of the sanitary and educative field is essential for the promotion of the health and the prevention of illnesses. The objective of the study was to know how an extracurricular training activity influences the students in the knowledge about the nutrition and the physical activity. Through a pre-post design the answers given to an ad hoc questionnaire are analyzed. The results show the increase in knowledge after the educational intervention, with nursing students achieving the best scores. The extracurricular training activities are an effective instrument to acquire and reinforce, in a positive and highly motivational way, the knowledge of university students thus allowing their work in the field of health education.Las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles son producidas por un estilo de vida no saludable, como una mala alimentación y no realizar actividad física. El conocimiento sobre alimentación y ejercicio físico de los estudiantes universitarios del ámbito sanitario y educativo es imprescindible para la promoción de la salud y la prevención de enfermedades. El objetivo del estudio ha sido conocer cómo influye en los estudiantes una actividad formativa extracurricular en el conocimiento sobre alimentación y actividad física. Mediante un diseño pre-post se analizan las respuestas dadas a un cuestionario ad hoc. Los resultados evidencian el incremento del conocimiento tras la intervención educativa, siendo los alumnos de Enfermería los que alcanzan mejores puntuaciones. Las actividades formativas extracurriculares son un medio eficaz para adquirir y reforzar, de manera positiva y altamente motivacional, los conocimientos de los universitarios permitiendo así su labor en el ámbito de la educación para la salud

    T-cell allorecognition of donor glutathione S-transferase T1 in plasma cell-rich rejection

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    AIM: To investigate the role of glutathione S-transferase T1 donor-specific T lymphocytes in plasma cell-rich rejection of liver allografts. METHODS: The study group included 22 liver transplant patients. Among them, 18 patients were mismatched for the glutathione S-transferase T1 (GSTT1) alleles (don+/rec-), and 4 were matched (don+/rec+). Seven of the mismatched patients produced anti-GSTT1 antibodies and developed plasma cell-rich rejection (former de novo immune hepatitis). For the detection of specific T lymphocytes, peripheral blood mononuclear cells were collected and stored in liquid nitrogen. The memory T cell response was studied by adding to the cell cultures to a mix of 39 custom-made, 15-mer overlapping peptides, which covered the entire GSTT1 amino acid sequence. The specific cellular response to peptides was analyzed by flow cytometry using the markers CD8, CD4, IL-4 and IFNγ. RESULTS: Activation of CD8+ T cells with different peptides was observed exclusively in the group of patients with plasma-cell rich rejection (3 out of 7), with production of IL-4 and/or IFNγ at a rate of 1%-4.92% depending on the peptides. The CD4+ response was most common and not exclusive for patients with the disease, where 5 out of 7 showed percentages of activated cells from 1.24% to 31.34%. Additionally, two patients without the disease but with the mismatch had cells that became stimulated with some peptides (1.45%-5.18%). Highly unexpected was the finding of a double positive CD4+CD8low T cell population that showed the highest degree of activation with some of the peptides in 7 patients with the mismatch, in 4 patients with plasma cell-rich rejection and in 3 patients without the disease. Unfortunately, CD4+CD8low cells represent 1% of the total number of lymphocytes, and stimulation could not be analyzed in 9 patients due to the low number of gated cells. Cells from the 4 patients included as controls did not show activation with any of the peptides. CONCLUSION: Patients with GSTT1 mismatch can develop a specific T-cell response, but the potential role of this response in the pathogenesis of plasma cell-rich rejection is unknown

    Intimate partner violence as a subject of study during the training of nurses and midwives in Catalonia (Spain): A qualitative study

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    While nurses and midwives are in a unique position to identify and help victims of IPV, since they are often their fi rst point of contact in the healthcare system, they need appropriate training. This study sought to examine the presence of IPV-related contents and the depth to which they are addressed in the bachelor's degree in Nursing and in the Midwifery specialisation programme. The study also explored lecturers' motivations for including IPV in their subjects. The methodology employed was qualitative. In- depth interviews were conducted with 16 university lecturers who teach IPV contents in the Nursing degree and Midwifery specialisation programme. The study took place in Catalonia (Spain). The research shows that lecturers feel personally committed in the training for prevention and detection of IPV. The main teaching methodology is active, experiential and requires student activity. In all cases, the lecturers call for more time and spaces to be made available to carry out this training. It would be desirable for more time to be dedicated to nurses and midwives' university training in IPV. The topic should be approached with a more cross-disciplinary, systematised focus from all perspectives: health, psycho- logical, social, ethical and legal. It is important that the training of teaching staff in IPV should be fostered and methodised

    Las matronas y la detección de la violencia en el embarazo

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    La violencia de género es un grave problema social en todo el mundo, por su gravedad y su elevada prevalencia. Puede provocar patologías, incapacidad e incluso la muerte, y tiene repercusiones sobre la salud física, psíquica, social y sexual-reproductiva de la mujer. Si la violencia se ejerce durante el embarazo, puede tener consecuencias no sólo para la mujer, sino también para el feto en desarrollo y el futuro hijo. Existen una serie de funciones mínimas que los profesionales deben desarrollar, como preguntar sobre violencia de género con regularidad, informar y remitir a las mujeres que la sufran a los recursos disponibles de la comunidad, registrar los casos y conocer la legislación vigente del país

    Programa de formación continuada sobre detección y abordaje de violencia de género en el embarazo para matronas y otros/as profesionales sanitarios/as. Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería. Campus de Bellvitge.

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    El programa de formación continuada (FC) que aquí se presenta forma parte de la tesis doctoral titulada “Detección y abordaje de la violencia de género durante el embarazo por parte de las matronas en atención primaria: Un abordaje desde la Investigación Acción Participativa” (https://www.tdx.cat/handle/10803/668486#page=1) presentada por Analía Gómez Fernández y co-dirigida por la Dra. Josefina Goberna y la Dra, Montserrat Payá. Dos eran los objetivos generales de la citada tesis: 1) Conocer las características y la realidad de la formación inicial y continuada de las matronas en el ámbito de la detección y abordaje de la violencia de género. 2) Promover cambios de mejora en la detección y abordaje de la violencia de género (VG) en el embarazo por parte de las matronas. Para su consecución, se optó por la metodología de Investigación Acción Participativa, porque fusiona teoría y práctica, y se orienta a la mejora de aspectos concretos de la realidad, desde la colaboración horizontal de sus diferentes agentes quienes son, a su vez, promotores de cambio. Por otra parte, su carácter iterativo posibilita el análisis de aspectos concretos de la realidad, el diseño de posibles acciones de mejora, su implementación, seguimiento y evaluación, que permiten ajustar la siguiente acción a realizar. Durante ese recorrido, produce conocimiento científico y contribuye a la formación de sus agentes. A lo largo de toda la investigación, también durante el diseño y validación del programa del FC, se procuró integrar la perspectiva teórica (ámbito académico) y la práctica (ámbito asistencial), puesto que ambas perspectivas se necesitan y se justifican mutuamente..

    Insights into the metabolism and microbial biotransformation of dietary flavan-3-ols and the bioactivity of their metabolites.

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    Flavan-3-ols, occurring in monomeric, as well as in oligomeric and polymeric forms (also known as condensed tannins or proanthocyanidins), are among the most abundant and bioactive dietary polyphenols, but their in vivo health effects in humans may be limited because of their recognition as xenobiotics. Bioavailability of flavan-3-ols is largely influenced by their degree of polymerization; while monomers are readily absorbed in the small intestine, oligomers and polymers need to be biotransformed by the colonic microbiota before absorption. Therefore, phenolic metabolites, rather than the original high molecular weight compounds found in foods, may be responsible for the health effects derived from flavan-3-ol consumption. Flavan-3-ol phenolic metabolites differ in structure, amount and excretion site. Phase II or tissular metabolites derived from the small intestine and hepatic metabolism are presented as conjugated derivatives (glucuronic acid or sulfate esters, methyl ether, or their combined forms) of monomeric flavan-3-ols and are preferentially eliminated in the bile, whereas microbial metabolites are rather simple conjugated lactones and phenolic acids that are largely excreted in urine. Although the colon is seen as an important organ for the metabolism of flavan-3-ols, the microbial catabolic pathways of these compounds are still under consideration, partly due to the lack of identification of bacteria with such capacity. Studies performed with synthesized or isolated phase II conjugated metabolites have revealed that they could have an effect beyond their antioxidant properties, by interacting with signalling pathways implicated in important processes involved in the development of diseases, among other bioactivities. However, the biological properties of microbe-derived metabolites in their actual conjugated forms remain largely unknown. Currently, there is an increasing interest in their effects on intestinal infections, inflammatory intestinal diseases and overall gut health. The present review will give an insight into the metabolism and microbial biotransformation of flavan-3-ols, including tentative catabolic pathways and aspects related to the identification of bacteria with the ability to catabolize these kinds of polyphenols. Also, the in vitro bioactivities of phase II and microbial phenolic metabolites will be covered in detail

    N, P, K nutrition differentially affects the incidence and severity of the attack of pests and diseases in plants

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    Objective: To document and analyze relevant results reported on the relationships kept by the essential elements, nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) with biotic stress factors in higher plants. Design/methodology/approach: A bibliographic analysis was carried out using keywords related to the concepts of nutrient relationship with phytopathogens, plant fertilization and nutrition and biotic stress. Subsequently, the most relevant articles on N, P, and K and their relationship with pests and diseases were selected and analyzed. Results: The elements N, P, and K affect the development of pests on plants. Fertilization with N tend to increase the presence of pests, while fertilization with P and K decreases it. However, this cannot be generalized for all crops or pests. Limitations/implications of the study: Research on the effects of N, P, and K on the incidence of phytopathogens is limited and in most cases the mechanisms that determine such relashionship are not described. Findings/conclusions: Fertilization with N causes a higher incidence of pests and diseases in plants, while fertilization with P and K can contribute to reduce their incidence. However, due to the great diversity of responses, these statements are not applicable to all cases and depend on other factors such as the crop and the pest present in the agroecosystem. It is required to carry out studies that make it possible to clarify exactly how these essential elements influence the development of diseases in different crops, and thus be able to make nutrition recommendations in which limiting biotic factors are taken into account

    Estudio interregional comparado de la Educación Matemática en la formación inicial del profesorado de educación primaria

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    En este artículo se analiza la formación inicial en Educación Matemática del grado en educación primaria en las universidades públicas de España. El objetivo es estudiar el tipo de conocimiento matemático presente en los planes de estudio de estas titulaciones. Para ello se realiza un estudio comparado de las guías docentes, cuyo análisis parte de dos parámetros de comparación, basándose en el informe TEDS-M International: el conocimiento del contenido matemático y el conocimiento del contenido pedagógico. Los principales resultados obtenidos muestran una gran variabilidad en la distribución del número y carácter de ECTS ofertados; y el predominio del conocimiento del contenido matemático en relación al contenido pedagógico