644 research outputs found
A new approach for determination of free carriers lifetime and density of localised states in disordered semiconductors
An Ecological Basis for Ecosystem Management
This report was prepared by the Southwestern Regional Ecosystem Management Study Team composed of management and research biologists. The USDA Forest Service Southwestern Regions Regional Forester, Larry Henson, and the Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station Director, Denver Burns, chartered this team to recommend an ecological basis for ecosystem management. This report is not intended to provide details on all aspects of ecosystem management; it simply provides information and makes recommendations for an ecological basis for ecosystem management. The report is not a decision document. It does not allocate resources on public lands nor does it make recommendations to that effect. The report of this Study Team may be relied upon as input in processes initiated under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), National Forest Management Act (NFMA), Endangered Species Act (ESA), Administrative Procedures Act (APA), and other applicable laws. The information contained in this report is general in nature, rather than site specific. Implementation of ecosystem management and allocation of resources on Forest Service administered lands is the responsibility of the National Forest System in partnership with Forest Service Research and State and Private Forestry. Implementation is done through Forest and project plans that are subject to the NEPA process of disclosing the effects of proposed actions and affording the opportunity for public comment. The Southwestern Region follows a planning process for projects called Integrated Resource Management (IRM). The opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily represent the policy or position of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Forest Service, The Nature Conservancy, or the Arizona Game and Fish Department. The Study Team acknowledges the valuable input of more than 50 individuals from various agencies, universities, professional organizations, and other groups who provided thoughtful comments of an earlier draft of this document. Some of their comments are included in Appendix 3
Quasi one dimensional He inside carbon nanotubes
We report results of diffusion Monte Carlo calculations for both He
absorbed in a narrow single walled carbon nanotube (R = 3.42 \AA) and strictly
one dimensional He. Inside the tube, the binding energy of liquid He is
approximately three times larger than on planar graphite. At low linear
densities, He in a nanotube is an experimental realization of a
one-dimensional quantum fluid. However, when the density increases the
structural and energetic properties of both systems differ. At high density, a
quasi-continuous liquid-solid phase transition is observed in both cases.Comment: 11 pages, 3ps figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. B (RC
Dragon-kings: mechanisms, statistical methods and empirical evidence
This introductory article presents the special Discussion and Debate volume
"From black swans to dragon-kings, is there life beyond power laws?" published
in Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics in May 2012. We summarize and put in
perspective the contributions into three main themes: (i) mechanisms for
dragon-kings, (ii) detection of dragon-kings and statistical tests and (iii)
empirical evidence in a large variety of natural and social systems. Overall,
we are pleased to witness significant advances both in the introduction and
clarification of underlying mechanisms and in the development of novel
efficient tests that demonstrate clear evidence for the presence of
dragon-kings in many systems. However, this positive view should be balanced by
the fact that this remains a very delicate and difficult field, if only due to
the scarcity of data as well as the extraordinary important implications with
respect to hazard assessment, risk control and predictability.Comment: 20 page
Low birthweight, preschool education, and school remediation
Studies have documented a strong relationship between low birth weight status and adverse child
outcomes such as poor school performance and need for special education services. Following a cohort of
over 1,300 low-income and predominately African American children in the Chicago Longitudinal Study
we investigated whether birth weight and family socio-economic risk measured at the time of the child’s
birth predicts placement into special education classes or grade retention in elementary school. Contrary
to previous research, we found that low birth weight (< 5 ½ pounds) does not predict special education
placement. Rather, these children (especially boys) were more likely to be retained in grade as an
alternative approach to addressing poor school performance. Family socio-economic risk at birth was a
significant predictor of the need for remedial services. We also assessed whether a high-quality preschool
program offered at ages 3 and 4 can reduce the negative effects of low family SES and birth weight on the
need for special education and grade retention. Preschool participation in the Child-Parent Centers was
found to reduce the likelihood of school remediation. The effects of preschool were greater for children
from families with higher levels of socio-economic disadvantage. The beneficial effects of preschool on
special education placement were also larger for boys than girls
SPG15 protein deficits are at the crossroads between lysosomal abnormalities, altered lipid metabolism and synaptic dysfunction
Hereditary spastic paraplegia type 15 (HSP15) is a neurodegenerative condition caused by the inability to produce SPG15 protein, which leads to lysosomal swelling. However, the link between lysosomal aberrations and neuronal death is poorly explored. To uncover the functional consequences of lysosomal aberrations in disease pathogenesis, we analyze human dermal fibroblasts from HSP15 patients as well as primary cortical neurons derived from an SPG15 knockout (KO) mouse model. We find that SPG15 protein loss induces defective anterograde transport, impaired neurite outgrowth, axonal swelling and reduced autophagic flux in association with the onset of lysosomal abnormalities. Additionally, we observe lipid accumulation within the lysosomal compartment, suggesting that distortions in cellular lipid homeostasis are intertwined with lysosomal alterations. We further demonstrate that SPG15 KO neurons exhibit synaptic dysfunction, accompanied by augmented vulnerability to glutamate-induced excitotoxicity. Overall, our study establishes an intimate link between lysosomal aberrations, lipid metabolism and electrophysiological impairments, suggesting that lysosomal defects are at the core of multiple neurodegenerative disease processes in HSP15
Congestion in a macroscopic model of self-driven particles modeling gregariousness
International audienceWe analyze a macroscopic model with a maximal density constraint which describes short range repulsion in biological systems. This system aims at modeling finite-size particles which cannot overlap and repel each other when they are too close. The parts of the fluid where the maximal density is reached behave like incompressible fluids while lower density regions are compressible. This paper investigates the transition between the compressible and incompressible regions. To capture this transition, we study a one-dimensional Riemann problem and introduce a perturbation problem which regularizes the compressible-incompressible transition. Specific difficulties related to the non-conservativity of the problem are discussed
Alterações na ultra-estrutura de genótipos de soja em resposta ao fornecimento de manganês em solução nutritiva
The deleterious effects of Mn stress on many species have been studied, mainly concerning biochemical, physiological and growth parameters of plants. However, there are few studies relating the anatomical and ultrastructural changes in response to manganese (Mn) nutritional disorders, This study examined the leaf ultrastructure of Mn-inefficient (IAC-15, Santa Rosa) and Mn-efficient (IAC-Foscarin 31) soybean (Glycine max L.) genotypes in response to three rates of Mn (0.5, 2 and 200 µmol L-1) in the nutrient solution. Symptoms of Mn deficiency developed 12 days after transplanting in IAC-15 and Santa Rosa, followed by IAC-Foscarin 31 on the 15th day. Only IAC-15 and Santa Rosa leaves showed symptoms of Mn toxicity. The Mn concentration in leaves ranged from 8.6 (deficiency) to 886.3 mg kg-1 d.w. (toxicity). There were no changes either in stomata length or stomata number per unit of leaf surface. Cytoplasm disorganization was observed in IAC-15 under Mn-excess. In this case, the cytoplasm was amorphous, densely stained and extensively disorganized, with increased vacuolation. Mn effects were not found in mitochondria and nucleus in any of the genotypes tested. Under all Mn concentrations, many lipid globules were observed in the IAC15 chloroplasts. There was an increase in the number of plastids as well as in the size of starch grains within IAC-Foscarin 31 chloroplasts as Mn concentration in the nutrient solution increased. Genotypes had marked differences in the ultrastructure organization, mainly in leaf chloroplasts grown under conditions of both Mn deficiency and toxicity (the most sensitive genotype was IAC-15).Os efeitos negativos provocados tanto pela deficiência quanto pela toxidez de manganês (Mn) no desenvolvimento das plantas têm sido avaliados, considerando-se os aspectos bioquímicos e produtivos da parte aérea, particularmente, onde os sintomas visuais são manifestados. Entretanto, há poucas informações na literatura abordando as alterações anatômicas e de ultra-estrutura, em relação ao suprimento de Mn. Os objetivos do presente estudo foram avaliar os efeitos do fornecimento de três doses de Mn (0,5; 2 e 200 µmol L-1), em solução nutritiva, nas ultra-estruturas de folhas de cultivares de soja Glycine max (L.): Santa Rosa, IAC-15 e IAC-Foscarin 31, contrastantes quanto à aquisição e ao uso do Mn. Os sintomas visuais de deficiência foram observados primeiramente em Santa Rosa e IAC-15 (ineficientes), os únicos a exibirem sintomas de toxidez. As concentrações de Mn nas folhas com sintomas variaram de 8,6 (deficiência) a 886,3 mg kg-1 (toxidez). Não houve alterações no comprimento e no número de estômatos nos limbos foliares. Em condição de toxidez, constatou-se no IAC-15, citoplasma desorganizado, vacuolado em excesso e denso evidenciando alterações nas membranas dos tilacóides. Não ocorreram alterações ultra-estruturais nas mitocôndrias e no núcleo das células dos três genótipos. Constatou-se presença de glóbulos de lipídios nos cloroplastos do cultivar IAC-15, em todas as condições de fornecimento de Mn. Houve aumento no número de plastídeos e grãos de amido, bem como no tamanho destes no IAC-Foscarin 31 com o suprimento de Mn. Os genótipos, tanto na condição de deficiência quanto de excesso, exibiram distintos graus de organização das ultraestruturas, notadamente, os cloroplastos. O IAC-15 exibiu maiores alterações das ultra-estruturas em função das desordens nutricionais em manganês
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