536 research outputs found

    Quantifying residues of insecticide applied for management of brinjal shoot and fruit borer

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    The experiment was undertaken to detect and quantify carbosulfan residues on brinjal fruit with comparison with maximum residue level (MRL) recommended by Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO). Carbosulfan was applied at the recommended rate of 1.5 ml·L-1 and the elevated rate of 3.0 ml·L-1 of water under tropical conditions.  Samples were collected at different days after treatment (DAT) to determine presence, and degradation of, residues. A residue above the MRL was detected up to 3 DAT for the 1.5 ml·L-1 rate and 10 DAT for 3.0 ml·L-1 rate. Degradation shortly after application proceeded more slowly, but the rate of degradation increased over time. Carbosulfan is still legal for use on brinjal and it should not be applied above 1.5 ml·L-1 and the pre-harvest interval should not be less than 7 days

    High yield fusion in a Staged Z-pinch

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    We simulate fusion in a Z-pinch; where the load is a xenon-plasma liner imploding onto a deuterium-tritium plasma target and the driver is a 2 MJ, 17 MA, 95 ns risetime pulser. The implosion system is modeled using the dynamic, 2-1/2 D, radiation-MHD code, MACH2. During implosion a shock forms in the Xe liner, transporting current and energy radially inward. After collision with the DT, a secondary shock forms pre-heating the DT to several hundred eV. Adiabatic compression leads subsequently to a fusion burn, as the target is surrounded by a flux-compressed, intense, azimuthal-magnetic field. The intense-magnetic field confines fusion α\alpha-particles, providing an additional source of ion heating that leads to target ignition. The target remains stable up to the time of ignition. Predictions are for a neutron yield of 3.0×10193.0\times 10^{19} and a thermonuclear energy of 84 MJ, that is, 42 times greater than the initial, capacitor-stored energy

    Effect of clay content on the morphological, thermo-mechanical and chemical resistance properties of propionic anhydride treated jute fiber/polyethylene/nanoclay nanocomposites

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    Nanoclay is considered potential nanofiller for the manufacturing of natural fiber nanocomposites. The hydrophilic nature of natural fibers affects negatively its adhesion to hydrophobic polymer matrix. In the present study, propionic anhydride (PA) treated jute were used for the manufacturing of jute/polyethylene/nanoclay nanocomposites. Different amount (wt%) of montmorillonite (MMT) were used as nanofiller in order to optimize the nanoclay in the composite system. Finally, the nanocomposites were prepared using hot press machine at 5, 10, 15, and 20 wt% fiber loadings. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), tensile tests, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and chemical resistance test were used to evaluate the morphological, thermo-mechanical and chemical resistance properties of the composite

    Acoustic Properties of Syzygium sp., Dialium sp., Gymnostoma sp., and Sindora sp. Wood

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    Acoustic properties such as specific dynamic Young’s modulus (Ed/γ), internal friction (Q-1), and acoustic conversion efficiency (ACE) of wood are important properties frequently examined using free-free flexural vibration. This study determined the suitability for making musical instrument soundboards and frameboards from four tropical wood species; namely Syzygium, Dialium, Gymnostoma, and Sindora. The results show that (Ed/γ), (Q-1), and ACE were in the range of 20.0 to 28.9 GPa, 0.0031 to 0.0085, and 3.41×107 to 10.83×107, respectively. Based on the results, Syzygium was preferred for making the frameboard of violins and guitars. The outer sapwood (outer part) of Syzygium was the most suitable for making frameboard by considering the lowest ACE and highest Q-1. Based on Ed/γ, the inner sapwood (middle part) in Dialium was the most suitable for making soundboard, but based on Q-1 and ACE, heartwood (inner part) was the most preferred for making soundboard. Gymnostoma was also preferred for making soundboard of violins and guitars (inner sapwood) because it yields the highest mean value of Q-1 and ACE. Considering ACE and Q-1, the outer sapwood in Sindora was the best for making frameboard. When considering Ed/γ and Q-1, the heartwood is the most suitable for making the frameboard of violins and guitars

    Rice varieties with multiple traits for intensive cropping in the coastal zones of the Ganges

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    Finite Element Analysis of Slab and a Comparative Study with Others Analytical Solution

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    Slabs are one of the most widely used structural elements. The function of slabs is to resist loads normal to their plane. In many structures, in addition to support transverse load, the slab also forms an integral portion of the structural frame to resist lateral load. Inspite of their widespread use, there has never been a universally accepted method of designing all slabs systems. The paper presents finite element analysis of slabs. The finite element method is chosen as this is more powerful and versatile compared to other numerical methods. A slab element is developed on the basis of conventional slab theory expressed in terms of rectangular co-ordinates and displacement. The element incorporates 20 degree of freedom, namely, normal displacement with its first derivatives along longitudinal and transverse direction respectively and two tangential displacements. A computer program is developed for solution of finite element equations as well as to check rigid body modes and to obtain the results. The results are compared with analytical solution and previously developed finite element solution with the help of a table

    Potential Effects on Large Mara Construction Projects Due To Construction Delay

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    The construction industry continues to be the driving force in the growth of the nation’s socio economic development. One of the major issues in large construction industry is its frequent delay where this delay decelerates the multiplier effects to the economy. This paper presents the study of a survey on significant cause of delay and its effects in large MARA (Majlis Amanah Rakyat) construction project in the views of project management consultants (PMC). Respondents of this survey were personnel that work as PMC ranging from the executives, managerial and supporting groups. The result revealed that the five most significant delay causes as seen by PMC were cash flow and financial difficulties faced by contractors, contractor’s poor site management, inadequate contractor experience, shortage of site workers and ineffective planning and scheduling by contractors and its three most significant effects were time overrun, cost overrun and arbitration. Hopefully, the findings of this study will at least shade some lights to the problems faced by Malaysia construction industry particularly MARA large construction project and effort can be taken to improve it

    Development of Ground Vehicle for Fire Fighting Purpose

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    Fire fighting is risky profession. They are not only extinguishing fires in tall buildings but also must drag heavy hoses, climb high ladders and carry people from buildings and other situations. There are many fire fighters lost their lives in the line of duty each year throughout the world. The statistics of the fire fighter fatalities are still maintain at high level every year and it may continue to increase if there is no improvement in fire fighting techniques and technology. This paper describes the development of ground vehicle for fire fighting purpose

    Genetic diversity in modern T. Aman Rice varieties of Bangladesh (Oryza sativa L.)

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    A field experiment was conducted from June to December, 2013 to study the genetic diversity of 15 modern T. Aman rice varieties of Bangladesh (Oryza sativa L.) with a view to assess the superior genotype in future hybridization program for developing new rice varieties that is suitable for the target environment. Analysis of variance for each trait showed significant differences among the varieties. High heritability associated with high genetic advance in percent of mean was observed for plant height and thousand seed weight which indicated that selection for these characters would be effective. Hence, thrust has to be given for these characters in future breeding program to improve the yield trait in rice. Multivariate analysis based on 10 agronomic characters indicated that the 15 varieties were grouped into four distant clusters. The inter cluster distance was maximum between cluster II and cluster IV. The highest intra-cluster distance was found in cluster IV. Based on positive value of vector 1 and vector 2, plant height and 1000-seed weight had maximum contribution towards genetic divergence. From the results, it can be concluded that the varieties BRRI dhan40, BRRI dhan44, BRRI dhan46, BRRI dhan49 and BINA dhan7 may be selected for future hybridization program

    Prevalence and risk factors of gestational diabetes mellitus in Bangladesh: Findings from demographic health survey 2017–2018

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    Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) has serious consequences for both maternal and neonatal health. The growing number of noncommunicable diseases and related risk factors as well as the introduction of new World Health Organization (WHO) diagnostic criteria for GDM are likely to impact the GDM prevalence in Bangladesh. Our study aimed to assess the national prevalence and identify the risk factors using the most recent WHO criteria. We used the secondary data of 272 pregnant women (weighted for sampling strategy) from the Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 2017–2018. Multivariate logistic regression was performed to determine the risk factors of GDM. The overall prevalence of GDM in Bangladesh was 35% (95/272). Increased odds of GDM were observed among women living in the urban areas (adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 2.74, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.43–5.27) compared to rural areas and those aged ≥25 years (aOR 2.03, 95% CI 1.13–3.65). GDM rates were less prevalent in the later weeks of pregnancy compared to early weeks. Our study demonstrates that the national prevalence of GDM in Bangladesh is very high, which warrants immediate attention of policy makers, health practitioners, public health researchers, and the community. Context-specific and properly tailored interventions are needed for the prevention and early diagnosis of GDM