1,327 research outputs found

    Grupos operacionais dedicados às prunóideas na Região da Beira Interior – a REDE Prunus

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    Face ao contexto atual, o modelo de criação de conhecimento assente no princípio da inovação enfrenta novos desafios, quer na busca de novas soluções inerentes ao processo de produção, transformação ou mesmo comercialização, quer ainda na adaptação a novos métodos e processos. Baseando-se num modelo em rede – formal ou informal - há exigência do envolvimento dos diferentes stakeholders na busca de respostas a problemas reais associados ao processo produtivo. No caso da produção agrícola, é necessário que agricultores, técnicos e serviços de aconselhamento, consultores, empresas e investigadores trabalhem em parceria na procura de inovação que vá de encontro às necessidades inerentes à melhoria do processo produtivo e, portanto, com maior impacto nos agricultores.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Qualidade dos pêssegos da região da Beira Interior no ciclo vegetativo 2015

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    Qualidade dos pêssegos da região da beira interior no ciclo vegetativo 2015.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Significados atribuídos ao envelhecimento ativo e saudável em um grupo de pessoas vivendo em comunidade idosos

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    Indexación: Scopus.Objetivo: conocer e interpretar las experiencias y los significados que le atribuyen al envejecimiento activo y saludable un grupo de personas mayores de 64 años que viven en comunidad en la ciudad de Montevideo, Uruguay. Método: se optó por el método cualitativo con enfoque hermenéutico dialéctico. La recolección de datos se realizó a través de entrevistas en profundidad a 11 personas mayores de 64 años de la ciudad de Montevideo, Uruguay. Resultados: el análisis de los datos permitió construir las categorías de: desarrollo personal, alteración del estado físico, pérdidas, cambios del rol social, falta de reconocimiento, actividades de recreación. Conclusión: se identificaron aspectos relevantes sobre las necesidades de sentirse útiles para la sociedad y familia, reconocen que su capacidad funcional ha disminuido, sienten limitaciones físicas. Se devela el sentimiento de las pérdidas, tanto económicas, como físicas y laborales. Manifiestan que una fortaleza es su salud mental la que los mantiene vivos y activos.Objective: to find out and interpret the experiences and meanings attributed to the active and healthy aging of a group of elderly people over 64 living in community in the city of Montevideo, Uruguay. Method: we chose the qualitative method with dialectical hermeneutic approach. Data collection occurred through in-depth interviews with 11 elderly people aged 64 or more in the city of Montevideo, Uruguay. Results: data analysis allowed us to construct the categories personal development, physical state changing, losses, social role changes, lack of recognition, recreation activities. Conclusion: we identified relevant aspects on the need to feel useful for society and family; they recognize that their functional capacity has decreased; they feel physical limitations. Feelings of economic, physical and labor losses showed up in the study. They point out that their mental health is their strength that keeps them alive and active.http://ref.scielo.org/zq7wr

    Impact of two yeast strains on tempranillo red wine aroma profiles throughout accelerated ageing

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    This study aimed at determining the changes induced by two S. cerevisiae strains, (IONYS wf™ and Lalvin ICV D254™) on the sensory and chemical aroma profiles of Tempranillo wine, after fermentation and after ageing. The 64 aroma molecules determined were grouped attending to sensory and chemical similarity into 17 aroma vectors. Sensory studies included a sorting task and a descriptive analysis by flash profile with a trained panel. Results revealed that, even if ageing is the dominant factor, the strain of yeast introduces significant and consistent differences, both in sensory and aroma vector profiles (11 out 17 affected). Wines made with D254 contained higher levels of ethyl esters, acetic acid, cinnamates and ethyl acetate and lower levels of linear fatty acids, ß-damascenone, acetaldehyde, higher alcohols and lactones than those made with IONYS. The first profile was related to black and fresh fruit notes, while the second to white and compote fruits. © 2021 International Viticulture and Enology Society-IVES

    Ionizing radiation for food preservation processing: less or in excess?

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    The industrial use of ionizing radiations, such as gamma and electron beam (e-beam) radiation, is regulated and authorized by international organizations (EU, EFSA, IAEA, FAO, WHO) for several purposes: medical devices sterilization, materials modification, heritage preservation and food decontamination. However, there is mistrust among the general public regarding food irradiation due to the wrong association with an induced radioactivity on the product. Therefore, several obstacles have to be overcome in order to promote food irradiation as a safe and useful application of ionizing radiations. The increasing demand for safe and healthy food is another issue that could help to promote the use of these technologies. In Europe, the preservation of food by irradiation is strongly regulated but is still not very popular, in spite of several food safety issues, such as pathogens contamination or insects’ infestation that could be easily solved by an environment friendly technology, without the use of chemical fumigants. We will present briefly the recent state-of-art of food irradiation research in Portugal, selecting the main results of three collaborative projects funded by national and international agencies, regarding the effects of gamma radiation on physical and chemical parameters of selected materials: fruits, vegetables and mushrooms, toward the objective to keep the focus on this valuable tool for food processing.To the Projects/Agencies that supported this research: Portuguese Government and E.U. funds: PRODER/FEADER/EU (AROMAP Project); Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) for financial support to CIMO (PEst-OE/AGR/UI0690/2014), and C2TN (RECI/AAG-TEC/0400/2012 and UID/Multi/04349/2013 projects); International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Coordinated Research Project CRP-D6-RC-1163.2 and IAEA Research contract 19220.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Food irradiation as a key to reduce food waste and guarantee food safety

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    Food waste is being in the focus of recent global policies, to tackle food scarcity and to overcome “nutritional poverty” in several countries. Otherwise, a global food market is being the key to make available several products to different populations. These vectors for food policy must be supported by several orientations, to attain their final objective: better and enough food for the world population. For that, different post-harvest processing technologies are making their fundamental contribute. Among that, the preservation of food by irradiation, a physical process that does not use chemicals, is making its way in several countries, to accept imported or exported products without pests (insects), without foodborne pathogens, and also to extend the shelf life of processed products, stopping enzymatic degradation and reducing microorganisms that contribute for food spoilage. We have been studying the effects of gamma and e-beam radiation for food preservation of several Mediterranean products, including chestnuts, mushrooms and aromatic plants, berries and tomatoes, using an experimental gamma chamber with 60Co sources and an electron accelerator with the maximum energy of 10 MeV. And here we present these technologies, their limitations and advantages, the effects on relevant properties of food (e.g. color, texture, nutritional parameters), and question why food preservation by irradiation is underused, since its first use has more than 100 years and its first industrial application has more than 50 years.FCT (Portugal), FEDER PT2020 (UID/AGR/00690/2019), C2TN (UID/Multi/04349/2013), IAEA CRP D61024.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluation of the impact of initial red wine composition on changes in color and anthocyanin content during bottle storage

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    Sixteen commercial red wines, selected to cover a different range of color and total polyphenols index (TPI), were stored at 25 °C during 6 months under controlled and different oxygen additions (0, 1.1, 3.1, 10.6 and 30.4 mg L-1) during the bottling process. Changes in color and the anthocyanic composition were evaluated using transmittance spectra and UPLC-MS-UV/Vis respectively. Results reveal a general pattern in the evolution of wines. However, different patterns of evolution related to initial wine composition, especially to TPI, were observed. Wines with higher TPI had a lower evolution, whereas wines with lower TPI showed a higher evolution and greater variability in behavior. In general, oxygen seemed to accelerate all changes observed during aging although the oxygen effect was more limited than the effect of the storage time. These results are relevant for wine experts and help explain the evolution of wine at the bottling stage

    Comparison of Biomass and Nutrient Dynamics Between an Invasive and a Native Species in a Mediterranean Saltmarsh

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    Two saltmarsh species, the native Arthrocnemum macrostachyum (AM) and the invasive Spartina densiflora (SD), were compared in terms of monthly variation of above and belowground biomass, and nutrient (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn) concentrations, over 1 year, in Castro Marim saltmarsh, Portugal. Net aboveground primary productivity was also estimated by two different methods. Above and belowground biomass were higher in SD than in AM and there were distinct monthly variations in the two species. Maximum relative growth rate was observed in the October/January period for SD (4.92±0.36 mg g-1 day-1) and in April/July for AM (3.37±1.26 mg g-1 day-1). Whatever the method used, net aboveground primary productivity was higher in SD (2,603 and 2,923 g m-2 yr-1, respectively by the Smalley and the Wiegert and Evans method) than in AM (692 and 1,012 g m-2 yr-1, respectively). The turnover rate for aboveground live biomass of AM was half the value of SD (0.8 yr-1 and 1.7 yr-1, respectively). The N/P ratio in photosynthetic active components and belowground biomass of AM (11 and 13) was higher than in those of SD (7 and 10). Concentrations of K, Ca and Mg in photosynthetic tissues of SD were lower than in AM. Differences observed between study species suggest that S. densiflora has better ability to use resources and to compete with native species

    Monda mecânica de flores em pessegueiro com o equipamento Saflowers® na cv. Very Good: avaliação do impacto na produção e qualidade dos frutos.

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    Só está disponível o resumo.Os pessegueiros apresentam níveis de floração e taxas de vingamento elevados, requerendo, habitualmente, a realização de monda de flores ou de frutos, sendo a monda manual de frutos a prática mais comum. Essa prática requer bastante tempo e traduz-se em elevados custos em recursos humanos. A monda, quer de flores quer de frutos, tem como principal objetivo melhorar a qualidade dos frutos, nomeadamente o calibre, e, simultaneamente, visa promover o melhor equilíbrio das plantas e regular a produção. Existindo no mercado diversos equipamentos para a realização da monda de flores, o presente trabalho foi delineado com o objetivo de avaliar o impacto da monda mecânica de flores com a utilização do equipamento Saflowers®, na produção e qualidade dos pêssegos, tendo por base dois pomares comerciais de pessegueiro da cultivar ‘Very Good’, em plena produção, situados a norte e a sul da serra da Gardunha, na região da Beira Interior. A intensidade da monda foi semelhante em ambos os pomares e a taxa inicial de vingamento foi de 57% e 86%, respetivamente nos pomares a norte e a sul da serra da Gardunha. A produção total média foi semelhante nos dois pomares, entre 25 e 26 t/ha, observando-se uma produção total inferior na modalidade com monda. A monda apresentou um efeito positivo na diminuição da proporção de frutos de refugo. No pomar a norte da serra da Gardunha observouse um aumento da produção comercial na classe de calibre ≥ A, que foi de 93,7%, mas, esse efeito não se observou no pomar a sul da serra da Gardunha, onde a taxa de vingamento foi mais elevada. A monda de flores resultou numa antecipação da maturação dos frutos que apresentaram menor dureza à colheita. O IR foi mais elevado na modalidade com monda, em ambos os pomares, com uma diferença média de 2ºBrix entre modalidades.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effects of air temperature on physiology and productive performance of pigs during growing and finishing phases

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    Thirty-six castrated male pigs were used to determine the influence of thermal environment and reduction of consumption on performance and carcass composition. Animals were housed in two climate chambers. In one, animals were in thermal comfort (TN) (22 °C), and in the other, pigs were under heat stress (HS) (34 °C). Animals were distributed in a randomized block design, making three treatments (TN, HS and animals in thermal comfort with food consumption paired with that observed in HS (PFTN)), with six replicates and two animals per experimental unit. Data were obtained on performance and carcass composition. The weight gains of HS and PFTN animals were reduced by 40.5% and 34.7%, respectively, reflecting a reduction of 13.2% in the final weight of PFTN animals. Triiodothyronine concentration was not affected by heat, but there was an increase in lymphocyte numbers in PFTN animals. The HS and PFTN animals showed lower hot carcass weight. However, there were no effects on hot carcass yield and relative weights of heart, lung and spleen. Heat stress compromised performance. The negative effects of high temperature on pigs include reduction in feed intake and changes in physiology.Keywords: Environment, heat stress, pair feed, pig growth, pig productio