954 research outputs found

    Development and Evaluation of an Undergraduate Science Communication Module

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    This paper describes the design and evaluation of an undergraduate final year science communication module for the Science Faculty at the University of East Anglia. The module focuses specifically on science communication and aims to bring an understanding of how science is disseminated to the public. Students on the module are made aware of the models surrounding science communication and investigate how the science culture interfaces with the public. During the module they learn how to adapt science concepts for different audiences and how to talk confidently about science to a lay-audience. Student motivation for module choice centres on the acquisition of transferable skills and students develop these skills through designing, running and evaluating a public outreach event at a school or in a public area. These transferable skills acquired include communication, interaction with different organisations such as museums and science centres, developing understanding of both the needs of different audiences and the importance of time management. They also develop skills relating to self-reflection and how to use this as a tool for future self development. The majority of students completing the module go on to further study, either a PhD, MSc or teacher training. The module can be sustained in its present formed if capped at 40 students, however it is recognised that to increase cohort size, further investment of faculty time and resources would be required

    Accelerated Metastasis after Short-Term Treatment with a Potent Inhibitor of Tumor Angiogenesis

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    SummaryHerein we report that the VEGFR/PDGFR kinase inhibitor sunitinib/SU11248 can accelerate metastatic tumor growth and decrease overall survival in mice receiving short-term therapy in various metastasis assays, including after intravenous injection of tumor cells or after removal of primary orthotopically grown tumors. Acceleration of metastasis was also observed in mice receiving sunitinib prior to intravenous implantation of tumor cells, suggesting possible “metastatic conditioning” in multiple organs. Similar findings with additional VEGF receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors implicate a class-specific effect for such agents. Importantly, these observations of metastatic acceleration were in contrast to the demonstrable antitumor benefits obtained when the same human breast cancer cells, as well as mouse or human melanoma cells, were grown orthotopically as primary tumors and subjected to identical sunitinib treatments

    A comparative study of FLL and PLL in boost PFC converter control for smart greenhouse farming application

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    LED lights have become very popular recently for smart farming applications, where they provide artificial light as the substitute for sunlight in a greenhouse or indoor farming environment. To ensure a low total operational cost and improve the efficiency of farming in those environments, it is imperative that the overall LED lighting system is energy efficient. LED is a dc system, whereas the grid is an ac system. As such, an LED driver is needed to perform the necessary voltage conversion. The boost power factor correction (PFC) converter is a popular LED driver that provides output voltage regulation and power factor correction at the same time. As the LED driver is grid-connected, its control system requires real-time estimation of the grid voltage parameter information for reference current generation. In this study, a comparison between frequency-and phase-locked loops as the grid detection method inside the converter control system is provided. For the phase-locked loop (PLL), a single-phase quasi-type-1 structure is considered. It is then compared with the conventional second-order generalised integrator (SOGI)frequency-locked loop (FLL). Comprehensive numerical studies are performed to evaluate the performance of FLL and PLL in challenging grid voltage cases. Results show that the source current has a lower total harmonic distortion when PLL is used as the synchronisation tool over the FLL counterpart. This can be attributed to the use of moving average filter in the PLL, which provides additional harmonic robustness compared to FLL. Lower distortion by the PLL method will the make LED driver, consequently smart farming more energy efficient

    Efficacy of a preparation of algae interspaced bentonite as a feed additive for all animal species

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    Following a request from the European Commission, the EFSA Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed (FEEDAP Panel) was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on the efficacy of a preparation of algae interspaced bentonite when used as aflatoxin B1 (AfB1) binder for all animal species; the additive is composed of bentonite feed grade and algae belonging to Ulva spp. The European Commission request follows an opinion of the FEEDAP Panel published in 2016; in that opinion, the FEEDAP Panel could not conclude on the efficacy of the additive. The applicant has submitted additional information to allow the FEEDAP Panel to complete its assessment; these additional data, related to the efficacy of the additive, are the subject of this opinion. In the efficacy study provided, the use of the additive reduced the AfM1 in milk, although this effect seemed to be not consistent over time; this study presented some weaknesses and limitations (incomplete data analysis, reporting and lack of determination of the active substance of the additive in feed) which do not allow the FEEDAP Panel to draw any conclusion on the efficacy of the additive. Due to insufficient evidence, the FEEDAP Panel cannot conclude on the efficacy of the algae interspaced bentonite as a technological feed additive for all animal species

    Self-diffusion in dense granular shear flows

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    Diffusivity is a key quantity in describing velocity fluctuations in granular materials. These fluctuations are the basis of many thermodynamic and hydrodynamic models which aim to provide a statistical description of granular systems. We present experimental results on diffusivity in dense, granular shear in a 2D Couette geometry. We find that self-diffusivities are proportional to the local shear rate with diffusivities along the mean flow approximately twice as large as those in the perpendicular direction. The magnitude of the diffusivity is D \approx \dot\gamma a^2 where a is the particle radius. However, the gradient in shear rate, coupling to the mean flow, and drag at the moving boundary lead to particle displacements that can appear sub- or super-diffusive. In particular, diffusion appears superdiffusive along the mean flow direction due to Taylor dispersion effects and subdiffusive along the perpendicular direction due to the gradient in shear rate. The anisotropic force network leads to an additional anisotropy in the diffusivity that is a property of dense systems with no obvious analog in rapid flows. Specifically, the diffusivity is supressed along the direction of the strong force network. A simple random walk simulation reproduces the key features of the data, such as the apparent superdiffusive and subdiffusive behavior arising from the mean flow, confirming the underlying diffusive motion. The additional anisotropy is not observed in the simulation since the strong force network is not included. Examples of correlated motion, such as transient vortices, and Levy flights are also observed. Although correlated motion creates velocity fields qualitatively different from Brownian motion and can introduce non-diffusive effects, on average the system appears simply diffusive.Comment: 13 pages, 20 figures (accepted to Phys. Rev. E
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