98 research outputs found

    Dominance of non-native species increases over time in a historically invaded strandline community

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    Aim: We lack a robust understanding of whether exotic species, in addition to causing changes immediately after establishing, might continue to increase in dominance long after invasion events occur. To address this, we resurveyed strandline plant communities, which are likely to have been invaded for over two centuries. Location: Northeastern USA. Methods: We resurveyed the richness and cover of native and exotic plants in 2008 and 2009 at 18 sites, which had originally been surveyed in 1998. We examined whether native and exotic dominance had changed, whether native-rich sites were less likely to be impacted by exotics over time, whether changes in dominance were driven by large changes in a small number of outlier species or by small, incremental changes among many species and whether disturbance mediated any of these relationships. Results: Exotic dominance increased across sites. Initial native diversity was unrelated to patterns of exotic dominance during resurveys. The identity of species that were outliers with respect to changes in distribution or cover varied between resurvey years. Significant changes in exotic-to-native richness ratios at sites were detectible with or without the inclusion of outlier species, but changes in abundance ratios were only significant when outlier species were included. Disturbance across sites was not correlated with species richness, cover, or changes in dominance. Main conclusions: In this historically invaded community, exotics have increased in dominance over the last decade. This change is not due solely to the success of a few hyper-dominant species, but also to the cumulative effect of small changes in distribution among many species. It remains unclear whether patterns observed are due to invasion processes that are playing out very slowly through time or to some other explanation. Our findings highlight the need for a more robust understanding of the long-term dynamics of species invasions

    Повернення в Ніжин (корпус документів з епістолярію І.Г. Спаського)

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    Підготовка до друку та переднє слово Наталії ДМИТРЕНКО (Ніжин), коментарі Сергія ЗОЗУЛІ (Київ–Ніжин): Уперше вводиться до наукового обігу корпус джерел з епістолярію українського та російського радянського історика-нумізмата, музейника І.Г. Спаського. Корпус джерел який містить кореспонденцію, отриману відомим науковцем від кореспондентів-ніжинців, і де, здебільшого, відображена “ніжинська тематика” – проблеми збереження культурної спадщини Ніжина, післявоєнного розвитку міста тощо.Подготовка к печати и предисловие Наталии ДМИТРЕНКО (Нежин), комментарии Сергея ЗОЗУЛИ (Киев–Нежин): Впервые вводится в научный оборот корпус источников из эпистолярия украинского и российского советского историка-нумизмата, музейщика И.Г. Спасского. Корпус источников содержит корреспонденцию, полученную известным ученым от корреспондентов-нежинцев, и в котором преимущественно отображена “нежинская тематика” – проблемы сохранения культурного наследия Нежина, послевоенного развития города и т.п.Preparation to the print and preface of Nataliya DMYTRENKO (Nizhyn), comments of Serhiy ZOZULYA (Kyiv–Nizhyn): The corps of sources from the epistolary legacy of the Ukrainian and Russian soviet historiannumismatist and museum worker I.G. Spas’kiy is entered to the scientific appeal in the first time. This corps of sources contains correspondence got the known scientist from Nizhynians and contains mostly “Nizhyn themes” – problems of protect of Nizhyn’s cultural legacy, post-war development of this town etc

    The use of yeast inoculation in fermentation for port production; effect on total potential ethyl carbamate

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    A commercial wine yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae UCD 522 (pre-cultured in the presence of certain mass-labelled amino acids) was inoculated into a port must which was then allowed to ferment under controlled conditions of temperature and agitation. The influence of potential ethyl carbamate (EC) precursor formed due to yeast pre-culture, upon total potential EC levels was studied at various stages of fermentation. Pre-culture accumulation did not give rise to detectable levels of EC precursor during port fermentation