296 research outputs found

    Ordenadores en el aula: ¿estamos preparados los profesores?

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    Integrar les TIC a les aules de Física i Química suposa un gran repte i els factors involucrats són molts i complexos. El problema fonamental rau en com s'utilitzen les TIC per part dels estudiants i, en això, tenen un paper molt important l'escola i l'ús que els professors fan d'elles. Hem realitzat una investigació amb 138 professors de Física i Química per analitzar com utilitzen les TIC en el seu treball d'aula, la percepció que tenen sobre com les utilitzen seus alumnes i les dificultats que sorgeixen en tractar i integrar les TIC en el treball d'aula. Els resultats mostren que les TIC s'utilitzen poc i que el seu ús genera incertesa en molts professors, per el que es pot concloure que cal una formació que faciliti la seva integració a les aules.Integrating Information and Communication Technology (ICT) into Physics and Chemistry classroom poses an important challenge. Factors involved are numerous and complex. The key problem is how the students use ICT and their high-schools and the use that teachers make of these technologies in the classroom play a fundamental role. Research was carried out with 138 Physics and Chemistry teachers in order to analyze how they include ICT in their classroom work, their perception about how the students use ICT and the difficulties that arise when trying to incorporate it to their daily work. The results indicate that ICT is slightly integrated into the classroom work and that their use generates uncertainty in many teachers. It can be concluded that appropriate training of the teachers to facilitate their use in classroom is required.Integrar las TIC en las aulas de Física y Química supone un gran reto y los factores involucrados son muchos y complejos. El problema fundamental radica en cómo se utilizan las TIC por parte de los estudiantes y, en esto, tienen un papel muy importante la escuela y el uso que los profesores hacen de ellas. Hemos realizado una investigación con 138 profesores de Física y Química para analizar cómo utilizan las TIC en su trabajo de aula, la percepción que tienen sobre cómo las utilizan sus alumnos y las dificultades que surgen al tratar e integrar las TIC en el trabajo de aula. Los resultados muestran que las TIC se utilizan poco y que su uso genera incertidumbre en muchos profesores, por lo que se puede concluir que es necesaria una formación que facilite su integración en las aulas

    Thomas E. PATTERSON. Out of Order. Vintage Books, New York, 1994, 310 pp.

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    Parasitismo gastrintestinal e o seu controlo em asininos residentes nas Salinas do Samouco – Alcochete, Portugal

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    Apresentação em painelIntrodução As alterações sócioeconómicas ocorridas em Portugal nos últimos 100 anos, a crescente mecanização da agricultura e o desenvolvimento dos transportes, levaram à redução e ao abandono da Raça asinina Mirandesa. Atualmente são utilizados como animais companhia, em asinoterapia e em atividades ecoturísticas, estando assim associados a um extenso património social, cultural, económico e ecológico que importa preservar. Objetivos Com este trabalho pretendeu-se avaliar o tipo e grau de parasitismo e o controlo do Período de Reaparecimento de Ovos (PRO), com vista à implementação de um programa profilático no núcleo de oito asininos residentes (seis adultos e duas crias) na Fundação para a Proteção e Gestão Ambiental, nas Salinas do Samouco, sob responsabilidade da câmara municipal de Alcochete. Material e métodos O estudo decorreu entre abril e dezembro de 2011, com recolhas de fezes, quinzenalmente, a cada animal. Realizaram-se exames coprológicos qualitativos (técnica de Willis) e quantitativos (técnica de McMaster) e coproculturas. No total, realizaram-se 18 colheitas. Os animais foram desparasitados com ivermectina (Eqvalan®), e a sua eficiência foi avaliada pelo PRO. Resultados Nas amostras de fezes analisadas, identificaram-se ovos de estrongilídeos gastrintestinais (EGI), nos animais adultos e de Strongyloides sp. e ascarídeos, em apenas dois animais, nascidos durante o estudo. As médias de eliminação de ovos de estrongilídeos por grama de fezes (OPG) variaram entre 0 EGI/OPG e 557 EGI/OPG; no entanto, uma das fêmeas em período de periparto, apresentou eliminações severas com o valor máximo de 2700 EGI/OPG. Identificaram-se larvas de terceiro estadio dos géneros Strongylus, Triodontophorus, Cyathostomum e Trichostrongylus. O género Cyathostomum foi o mais frequente, tendo-se identificado em todos os animais. Conclusões O tipo e o grau de parasitismo registados foram idênticos aos referidos por outros autores para esta espécie animal. Apesar do PRO ter ocorrido aos 60 dias após a desparasitação, as médias de eliminação acima dos 200 EGI/OPG, só se registaram aos 120 dias. Os machos apresentarem sempre infeções ligeiras e as fêmeas, 150 dias após a desparasitação, evidenciaram infeções mais severas, com médias de eliminação superiores a 550 EGI/OPG, pelo que o efetivo foi novamente desparasitado. As médias de eliminação ao longo do presente estudo sugerem a implementação de um esquema de tratamento bianual. Abstract Introdution The socio-economic changes that occurred in Portugal over the past 100 years, the increasing of mechanization of agriculture and transport development, led to a reduction and breeding pause of asinine Mirandesa breed. Nowadays asinine are used but as pets, in hippotherapy, in eco-tourism, thus being related to a vast social, cultural, economic and ecological heritage that should be preserved. Aims This work intended to evaluate the type and degree of parasitism and to check out for the Egg Reappearance Period (ERP), aiming to implement a prophylactic program in the nucleus of donkeys residents of the Foundation for Environmental Protection and Management in the Salinas Samouco by responsibility to the municipal council of Alcochete. Material and methods This study took place between Abril and December 2011 with a fortnight faeces sampling for each animal. Coprological exams by qualitative (Willis technique) and quantitative (McMaster techniques) and coprocultures were performed. The donkeys were dewormed with ivermectin (Eqvalan ®), and its effectiveness was evaluated by ERP. Results In stool samples analyzed, gastrointestinal strongyle (GS) eggs were identified in adult animals and Strongyloides sp. and ascaridids in animal born in April. The average of strongyle egg output ranged from 0 GS / EPG to 557 GS / EPG, however, one of the females showed high egg output rates (ranging from 1000 GS / EPG to a maximum of 2700 GS / EPG). Coprocultures allowed the identification of four different infective larvae: Strongylus, Triodontophurus, Cyathostomum and Trichostongylus.The genera Cyathostomum was the most frequent, identified in all animals. Conclusions The type and degree of parasitism was similar to that reported by other authors for this species. In spite of the occurrence of ERP 60 days after deworming, the average of egg output above 200 GS/EPG, only occurred 120 days after deworming. The males always showed light infections, by opposite females 150 days after deworming revealed more severe infections with the egg output average above > 550 GS/EPG, which was decisive for the administration of another deworming of all the animals. Thus, the egg output average observed during this study suggested the implementation of a biannual deworming program

    Framing analysis, dramatism and terrorism coverage: politician and press responses to the Madrid airport bombing

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    The media and terrorism is an area that has attracted researchers’ attention in looking at the strategic dimensions of framing. This paper combines both Entman’s framing theory (and his ‘cascading activation’ model for analysis of framing contests) with a dramatistic approach to rhetoric (the Burkean concepts of the pentad and ratios) to see whether connections can be made that help provide a better understanding of the phenomenon of interactions between politicians’ words and media reactions to those words. Speeches given by the Spanish Prime Minister and the official opposition in reaction to a terrorist attack in Madrid are analysed. Our empirical analysis shows a highly fragmented capacity for cultural resonance, and a ‘two sided context’ with two very different interpretations of the situation. Our findings demonstrate that an appreciation of the dramatistic approach to rhetoric enhances our comprehension of people’s motives for adopting or rejecting the different frames used by leaders (politicians and the media) as they seek to frame issues for a range of purposes. They also suggest that combining approaches from the humanities and the social sciences by emphasizing motives as a key variable for the dynamics of framing contests might open up interesting avenues for research on framing as also on the relations between symbols and actions

    ¿Es cultura la ciencia?

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    Parasitas de cães do Concelho de Alcochete

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    Apresentação em painel.Com vista à diminuição dos riscos de contaminação ambiental por parasitas de cães e da sua transmissão ao homem no Concelho de Alcochete, realizou-se um levantamento parasitário nos canídeos das freguesias urbanas e não urbanas, no período de campanha de vacinação antirrábica de 2011, a fim de identificar o tipo de parasitismo e de infeções presentes, bem como assinalar as áreas de maior risco de contaminação parasitária, para posterior implementação ou alargamento de medidas sanitárias, através dos serviços da Câmara Municipal. Assim, efetuou-se a colheita de fezes a 10% dos canídeos de cada uma das freguesias do Concelho, num total de 60 amostras distribuídas da seguinte forma: 40 na freguesia urbana de Alcochete e dez em cada uma das freguesias não urbanas – Samouco e S. Francisco. As amostras foram submetidas a análises coprológicas qualitativas, pelas técnicas de Willis e de sedimentação espontânea. Realizaram-se ainda colheitas de ixodídeos em cinco canídeos e a sua identificação baseou-se em Dias (1994) e Walker et al. (2000). Das 60 amostras analisadas, 17 (28,34%) apresentaram ovos de Ancylostomatidae, Ascarididae e Trichuridae, sendo as maiores prevalências registadas em Ancylostomatidae (58,82%) e Ascarididae (52,94%). A maioria das 17 amostras positivas apresentou infeções ligeiras, ou seja, 58,82% tiveram infeções simples e 64,60% exibiram eliminação de ovos inferior a 50. No estudo por freguesias registaram-se valores de prevalência superiores nas freguesias não urbanas (Samouco - 40,00%; S. Francisco - 30,00%) do que na urbana (Alcochete - 25,00%). Igualmente a maior gravidade das infeções foi observada numa freguesia não urbana, S. Francisco, com predomínio de co-infeções (66,67%) e com grau de eliminação de ovos mais elevado (66,67%). Foram colhidos 29 exemplares de ixodídeos, predominando as fêmeas (16 exemplares, 55,17%), relativamente aos machos (9 exemplares, 31,03%) e às ninfas (4 exemplares, 13,79%). A carga parasitária média por animal foi de 4,8. Identificaram-se duas espécies de ixodídeos: Rhipicephalus pusillus (20,69%) e R. sanguineus (58,62%). Estes resultados vão de encontro aos já obtidos noutros concelhos das regiões do Ribatejo e Oeste e do Vale do Tejo, salientando-se as zonas de maior risco de contaminação e infeção, as freguesias não urbanas (Crespo et al., 2006; Rosa et al., 2006). Globalmente, apesar da baixa diversidade parasitária encontrada e do predomínio de infeções ligeiras, este estudo deverá ser continuado estendendo-se a outros períodos do ano e a um maior número de animais. Aiming the reduction of the risk of environmental contamination by canine parasites and their transmission to man in Alcochete County, a parasitological survey in dogs was held in urban and nonurban parishes during the vaccination campaign against rabies, in 2011, in order to identify the parasitism and infections present, as well as point out the areas of greatest risk of parasitic contamination, to further implementation or extension of the sanitary measures by the village council. Thus, the collection of feaces from soil was performed in 10% of the registered canines in each parish, with a total of 60 samples distributed as follows: 40 in the urban parish of Alcochete, and 10 in each nonurban parishes – Samouco and S. Francisco. Qualitative coprological exams were performed by Willis technique and spontaneous sedimentation. Ticks were also collected from five dogs and their identification was based in Dias (1994) and Walker et al. (2000). Out of 60 samples, 17 (28,34%) shed Ancylostomatidae, Ascarididae, Trichuridae eggs, with the highest prevalence in Ancylostomatidae (58,82%) followed by Ascarididae (52,94%). The great majority of the 17 positive samples showed light infections, meaning that 58,82% had simple infections and 50,00% display less than 50 egg output. In the study by parish, there was higher prevalence rates in nonurban (Samouco - 40,00%; S. Francisco - 30,00%) than in urban one (Alcochete - 25,00%). The most severe infections occurred in nonurban parish, St. Francisco, with the predominance of co-infections (66,67%) and higher degree of egg output (66,67%). A total of 29 ixodids were collected, predominantly females (16 specimens, 55,17%) relative to males (9 specimens, 31,03%) and nymphs (4 specimens, 13,79%). The average tick burden per animal was 4,8. Two species were identified: Rhipicephalus pusillus (20,69%) and R. sanguineus (58,62%). These results agree with other already obtained in other counties of the region of Ribatejo e Oeste e Vale do Tejo, pointing out the nonurban parishes as those where the risk of parasitic contamination is greater (Crespo et al., 2006; Rosa et al., 2006). Overall, despite the low diversity found and the predominance of light infections in dogs from Alcochete County, this study should be continued, extending to other periods of the year and covering a larger number of animals

    Exploring the dynamics of the legitimacy judgment about the public sector: the case of the Spanish Ministry of Education and its media legitimacy (2011-2015)

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    This paper is part of a research project that looks at how management of intangible assets can play a role to rebuild trust in the public sector. More specifically, it looks at legitimacy conceptualized as an intangible asset. The aim is to explore the logic of legitimacy judgments about public organizations and to assess whether there is congruence between a ministry (and the minister)’s actions and how the media perceive and assess them. Four types of legitimacy are examined: ‘Procedural’, based on evaluations of the soundness of the ministry’s procedures and processes; ‘Consequential’, which regards outcomes, results and achievements of the ministry’s public policies; ‘Structural’ refers to buildings, working policies, budgets and resources; and finally, ‘Personal legitimacy’ regards judgments which refer to the minister. It is also analyzed whether these dynamics of the legitimacy judgment followed a hybridization logic between online and offline organizational communication and between online and offline media. The analysed organization is the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, 2011-2015. Based on findings, the paper discusses practical implications for government communication legitimacy strategies
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