17 research outputs found

    Effect of metal citrates on indicators of the embryotoxicity of cadmium salts in rats with combined introduction

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    The aim of the study was to determine the effect of metal citrates (cerium, zinc, iron) when combined with cadmium salts (chloride/citrate) on the embryotoxicity of cadmium in rats. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of metal citrates (cerium, zinc, iron) when combined with cadmium salts (chloride/citrate) on the embryotoxicity of cadmium in rats. Embryotoxic effects of test substances in groups were calculated and compared according to the following indicators: number of embryos, total, preimplantation, postimplantation embryonic mortality. Comparison of the embryotropic properties of cadmium chloride and cadmium citrate in the groups of isolated administration revealed a higher level of embryotoxicity of cadmium chloride. In the groups of combined administration, the greatest reduction in embryotoxicity was determined in the groups of the combination of cadmium with iron citrate for all studied indicators. embryogenesis, cadmium, cerium citrate, iron citrate, zinc citrate, embryonic mortality Метою дослідження було визначення впливу цитратів металів (церію, цинку, заліза) при комбінованому введенні з солями кадмію (хлориду/цитрату) на показники ембріотоксичності кадмію у щурів. Окрім контрольної групи, були 2 групи ізольованого введення кадмію і 6 груп комбінованого введення солей кадмію з цитратами металів (церій, цинк, залізо). Ембріотоксичну дію досліджуваних речовин в групах розраховували і порівнювали за наступними показниками: кількість ембріонів, загальна, доімплантаційна, післяімплантаційна ембріональна смертність. Порівняння ембріотропних властивостей хлориду кадмію та цитрату кадмію в групах ізольованого введення виявило більш високий рівень ембріотоксичності хлориду кадмію. У групах комбінованого введення найбільше зниження показників ембріотоксичності визначалося в групах комбінації кадмію з цитратом заліза по всіх досліджуваних показниках

    Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale: systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries

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    Background Healthcare cannot achieve net-zero carbon without addressing operating theatres. The aim of this study was to prioritize feasible interventions to reduce the environmental impact of operating theatres. Methods This study adopted a four-phase Delphi consensus co-prioritization methodology. In phase 1, a systematic review of published interventions and global consultation of perioperative healthcare professionals were used to longlist interventions. In phase 2, iterative thematic analysis consolidated comparable interventions into a shortlist. In phase 3, the shortlist was co-prioritized based on patient and clinician views on acceptability, feasibility, and safety. In phase 4, ranked lists of interventions were presented by their relevance to high-income countries and low–middle-income countries. Results In phase 1, 43 interventions were identified, which had low uptake in practice according to 3042 professionals globally. In phase 2, a shortlist of 15 intervention domains was generated. In phase 3, interventions were deemed acceptable for more than 90 per cent of patients except for reducing general anaesthesia (84 per cent) and re-sterilization of ‘single-use’ consumables (86 per cent). In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for high-income countries were: introducing recycling; reducing use of anaesthetic gases; and appropriate clinical waste processing. In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for low–middle-income countries were: introducing reusable surgical devices; reducing use of consumables; and reducing the use of general anaesthesia. Conclusion This is a step toward environmentally sustainable operating environments with actionable interventions applicable to both high– and low–middle–income countries

    Опыт применения устекинумаба в лечении псориаза у пациента с ВИЧ-инфекцией и аногенитальными бородавками

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    The article presents an analysis of the literature of patients with HIV infection suffering from psoriasis. The clinical picture, laboratory data, and treatment of a patient suffering from psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, anogenital venereal warts associated with HIV infection are described. Against the background of the use of an IL 12.23 inhibitor, regression of anogenital warts, resolution of psoriatic rashes, and relief of articular syndrome were noted.Псориаз хроническое, иммунологически опосредованное, генетически обусловленное заболевание, зависящее от внешних факторов. В данной статье рассмотрены актуальные методы лечения псориаза на фоне ВИЧ-инфекции. Основной акцент направлен на применение генно-инженерной биологической терапии (инфликсимаб, адалимумаб, устекинумаб, секукинумаб, иксекизумаб), а также возможности использования препаратов у этой категории пациентов. Отмечено влияние ВИЧ-инфекции на ключевые звенья патогенеза псориаза. Представлен случай лечения пациента, страдающего псориазом, псориатическим артритом, аногенитальными венерическими бородавками, ассоциированными с ВИЧ-инфекцией, с применением блокатора ИЛ-12, -23, приведены данные лабораторных исследований, изложены результаты применения препарата: регресс аногенитальных бородавок, разрешение псориатических высыпаний, купирование суставного синдрома. К сожалению, на сегодняшний день не существует рекомендаций для лечения пациентов с псориазом на фоне ВИЧ


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    Currently, the reforms of civil proceedings are taking place everywhere due to the complexity of the procedure, long procedural periods, and high legal costs. The judicial way of protecting the law has recently ceased to satisfy the current trends in dispute resolution, and consequently, the social function of justice has decreased. A lengthy and costly lawsuit deprives the majority of the world's population of the right to judicial protection. Alternative dispute resolution methods, such as mediation, arbitration, negotiation, and others that have proven to be effective, are widespread. However, in order these methods to be applied in practice, legislative consolidation of these methods is necessary; therefore, at present, conciliation procedures are included in the procedural legislation, and the Russian Federation and the Federative Republic of Brazil are no exception. The 2016 Brazilian Code of Civil Procedure enshrines conciliation procedures not only as alternative methods but rather as an obligatory stage of civil proceedings. The purpose of such transformations of the civil process is to offload the courts by introducing pre-trial methods of dispute settlement. A new participant, the "judicial mediator," has appeared, who, interacting with the parties, does everything to ensure that the dispute is resolved without judicial proceedings. At each court, centers for reconciliation are created, the purpose of which is to implement the mediation procedure, which makes this method promising. Since 2018, the "procedural revolution" has been phased in the Russian Federation, which fundamentally changes the trial by introducing conciliation procedures, namely mediation, and the judicial mediator. This article analyzes and compares civil proceedings in the Russian Federation and Brazil. The conclusions of the study allow us to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the conciliation procedures, as well as the prospects for their implementation in the civil processes. The goal is achieved by solving several tasks: - To explore the features of dispute resolution through conciliation procedures in the civil proceedings of the Russian Federation and Brazil; - To identify the problems of implementing the mediation procedure as a way to resolve disputes in the Russian Federation and Brazil; - To highlight a new way to resolve disputes through a "judicial mediator" in the Russian Federation and Brazil. The research methodology is based on both qualitative and quantitative analysis, as well as on the method of empirical experiment. The study of civil procedural legislation, as well as some national sources and other normative acts, was carried out using specific research methods, logical, statistical, and content analysis. During the study, the authors relied on the results of research by Russian and foreign law theorists in the considered and related fields of knowledge. The results of the study can be used to determine key goals and objectives of a procedural nature, improve the functioning of judicial and extrajudicial institutions, law enforcement, research activities, as well as in educational and teaching activities, in particular, during lectures and seminars on courses of civil procedure, arbitration process, and private international law

    Methodological approaches to examination of public health based on the “National health quality indicator” model

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    This article examines major methodological approaches to assessment of public health and to calculation of indicators describing the impact of specific factors on the state and quality of the nation’s health. The method for calculating the National Health Quality Indicator (NHQI) was suggested as a scientific novelty, which incorporates three qualitative groups of parameters (quality of life, quality of healthcare, and quality of society). The method involves large-scale formula-methodological tools, which allow to conduct a comparative-differential analysis of the dynamics of the National Health Quality Indicator between countries and regions. The following conclusions have been obtained based on the materials presented in the article: It has been justified that public health is a key resource that ensures shaping of a national labor potential and intellectual capital required for a sustainable and environmentally responsible socio-economic development. Qualitative indicators of public health determine the maturity of the national economy and the social sector; The World Health Organization conducts monitoring of global public health; it is objectively obvious that the structure and morbidity of the global public has changed significantly: somatic (diabetes) and psychosomatic disorders (neurosis, depression) dominate, along with new infectious diseases (HIV/AIDS); A modified method was proposed for analyzing the quality of public health in a certain country or region, which includes three groups of evaluative dimensions and is supplemented by tools for comparative-differential analysis between countries and regions in the form of the “National Health Quality Indicator” model; and The method was tested by the example of three associations of countries grouped on economic grounds: BRICS countries, leading member states of the European Union (EU-15), the USA and Canada, which form a CUSFTA partnership. The data resulting from the analysis confirm the empirical thesis of this article and also suggest that qualitative indicators of public health are largely determined by the quality and dynamics of the socio-economic development of countries and regions. © 2017, SRAC - Societatea Romana Pentru Asigurarea Calitatii. All rights reserved

    Methodological approaches to examination of public health based on the “National health quality indicator” model

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    This article examines major methodological approaches to assessment of public health and to calculation of indicators describing the impact of specific factors on the state and quality of the nation’s health. The method for calculating the National Health Quality Indicator (NHQI) was suggested as a scientific novelty, which incorporates three qualitative groups of parameters (quality of life, quality of healthcare, and quality of society). The method involves large-scale formula-methodological tools, which allow to conduct a comparative-differential analysis of the dynamics of the National Health Quality Indicator between countries and regions. The following conclusions have been obtained based on the materials presented in the article: It has been justified that public health is a key resource that ensures shaping of a national labor potential and intellectual capital required for a sustainable and environmentally responsible socio-economic development. Qualitative indicators of public health determine the maturity of the national economy and the social sector; The World Health Organization conducts monitoring of global public health; it is objectively obvious that the structure and morbidity of the global public has changed significantly: somatic (diabetes) and psychosomatic disorders (neurosis, depression) dominate, along with new infectious diseases (HIV/AIDS); A modified method was proposed for analyzing the quality of public health in a certain country or region, which includes three groups of evaluative dimensions and is supplemented by tools for comparative-differential analysis between countries and regions in the form of the “National Health Quality Indicator” model; and The method was tested by the example of three associations of countries grouped on economic grounds: BRICS countries, leading member states of the European Union (EU-15), the USA and Canada, which form a CUSFTA partnership. The data resulting from the analysis confirm the empirical thesis of this article and also suggest that qualitative indicators of public health are largely determined by the quality and dynamics of the socio-economic development of countries and regions. © 2017, SRAC - Societatea Romana Pentru Asigurarea Calitatii. All rights reserved

    Methodological Approaches to Examination of Public Health based on the "National Health Quality Indicator" Model

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    This article examines major methodological approaches to assessment of public health and to calculation of indicators describing the impact of specific factors on the state and quality of the nation's health. The method for calculating the National Health Quality Indicator (NHQI) was suggested as a scientific novelty, which incorporates three qualitative groups of parameters (quality of life, quality of healthcare, and quality of society). The method involves large-scale formula-methodological tools, which allow to conduct a comparative-differential analysis of the dynamics of the National Health Quality Indicator between countries and regions. The following conclusions have been obtained based on the materials presented in the article: It has been justified that public health is a key resource that ensures shaping of a national labor potential and intellectual capital required for a sustainable and environmentally responsible socio-economic development. Qualitative indicators of public health determine the maturity of the national economy and the social sector; The World Health Organization conducts monitoring of global public health; it is objectively obvious that the structure and morbidity of the global public has changed significantly: somatic ( diabetes) and psychosomatic disorders (neurosis, depression) dominate, along with new infectious diseases (HIV/AIDS); A modified method was proposed for analyzing the quality of public health in a certain country or region, which includes three groups of evaluative dimensions and is supplemented by tools for comparative-differential analysis between countries and regions in the form of the "National Health Quality Indicator" model; and The method was tested by the example of three associations of countries grouped on economic grounds: BRICS countries, leading member states of the European Union (EU-15), the USA and Canada, which form a CUSFTA partnership. The data resulting from the analysis confirm the empirical thesis of this article and also suggest that qualitative indicators of public health are largely determined by the quality and dynamics of the socio-economic development of countries and regions