63 research outputs found

    Molecular Rydberg states: Classical chaos and its correspondence in quantum mechanics

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    International audienceThe Rydberg spectrum of Na2 has been shown previously to alternate when increasing energy between "stroboscopic fringes" which correspond to a well known separable Hund's coupling case (a), and a complex, unidentifiable intermediate coupling. We use this system as a prototypic example to test some current ideas on the correspondance between classical chaos and properties of quantum spectra. We first determine the phase space structure and transition to chaos in classical mechanics. We then determine the change in line intensities and level spacing statistics in quantum mechanics. We show that this system has the expected behavior in semi-classical limit in the presence of classical chaos, except for a peculiarity in level spacing statistics, but that this behavior is not a signature of chaos, since the same system show similar behavior for some values of the parameters which correspond to a non chaotic situation in classical mechanics. We discuss also some problems related to the nonvalidity of the semiclassical limit

    Topology of event distribution as a generalized definition of phase transitions in finite systems

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    We propose a definition of phase transitions in finite systems based on topology anomalies of the event distribution in the space of observations. This generalizes all the definitions based on the curvature anomalies of thermodynamical potentials and provides a natural definition of order parameters. The proposed definition is directly operational from the experimental point of view. It allows to study phase transitions in Gibbs equilibria as well as in other ensembles such as the Tsallis ensemble.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    First and second order clustering transitions for a system with infinite-range attractive interaction

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    We consider a Hamiltonian system made of NN classical particles moving in two dimensions, coupled via an {\it infinite-range interaction} gauged by a parameter AA. This system shows a low energy phase with most of the particles trapped in a unique cluster. At higher energy it exhibits a transition towards a homogenous phase. For sufficiently strong coupling AA an intermediate phase characterized by two clusters appears. Depending on the value of AA the observed transitions can be either second or first order in the canonical ensemble. In the latter case microcanonical results differ dramatically from canonical ones. However, a canonical analysis, extended to metastable and unstable states, is able to describe the microcanonical equilibrium phase. In particular, a microcanonical negative specific heat regime is observed in the proximity of the transition whenever it is canonically discontinuous. In this regime, {\it microcanonically stable} states are shown to correspond to {\it saddles} of the Helmholtz free energy, located inside the spinodal region.Comment: 4 pages, Latex - 3 EPS Figs - Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Classification of phase transitions in small systems

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    We present a classification scheme for phase transitions in finite systems like atomic and molecular clusters based on the Lee-Yang zeros in the complex temperature plane. In the limit of infinite particle numbers the scheme reduces to the Ehrenfest definition of phase transitions and gives the right critical indices. We apply this classification scheme to Bose-Einstein condensates in a harmonic trap as an example of a higher order phase transitions in a finite system and to small Ar clusters.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Curvature fluctuations and Lyapunov exponent at Melting

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    We calculate the maximal Lyapunov exponent in constant-energy molecular dynamics simulations at the melting transition for finite clusters of 6 to 13 particles (model rare-gas and metallic systems) as well as for bulk rare-gas solid. For clusters, the Lyapunov exponent generally varies linearly with the total energy, but the slope changes sharply at the melting transition. In the bulk system, melting corresponds to a jump in the Lyapunov exponent, and this corresponds to a singularity in the variance of the curvature of the potential energy surface. In these systems there are two mechanisms of chaos -- local instability and parametric instability. We calculate the contribution of the parametric instability towards the chaoticity of these systems using a recently proposed formalism. The contribution of parametric instability is a continuous function of energy in small clusters but not in the bulk where the melting corresponds to a decrease in this quantity. This implies that the melting in small clusters does not lead to enhanced local instability.Comment: Revtex with 7 PS figures. To appear in Phys Rev

    The potential energy landscape of a model glass former: thermodynamics, anharmonicities, and finite size effects

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    It is possible to formulate the thermodynamics of a glass forming system in terms of the properties of inherent structures, which correspond to the minima of the potential energy and build up the potential energy landscape in the high-dimensional configuration space. In this work we quantitatively apply this general approach to a simulated model glass-forming system. We systematically vary the system size between N=20 and N=160. This analysis enables us to determine for which temperature range the properties of the glass former are governed by the regions of the configuration space, close to the inherent structures. Furthermore, we obtain detailed information about the nature of anharmonic contributions. Moreover, we can explain the presence of finite size effects in terms of specific properties of the energy landscape. Finally, determination of the total number of inherent structures for very small systems enables us to estimate the Kauzmann temperature

    Thermodynamics of Na_8 and Na_{20} clusters studied with ab-initio electronic structure methods

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    We study the thermodynamics of Na_8 and Na_{20} clusters using multiple-histogram methods and an ab initio treatment of the valence electrons within density functional theory. We consider the influence of various electron kinetic-energy functionals and pseudopotentials on the canonical ionic specific heats. The results for all models we consider show qualitative similarities, but also significant temperature shifts from model to model of peaks and other features in the specific-heat curves. The use of phenomenological pseudopotentials shifts the melting peak substantially (~ 50--100 K) when compared to ab-initio results. It is argued that the choice of a good pseudopotential and use of better electronic kinetic-energy functionals has the potential for performing large time scale and large sized thermodynamical simulations on clusters.Comment: LaTeX file and EPS figures. 24 pages, 13 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Thermodynamics of tin clusters

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    We report the results of detailed thermodynamic investigations of the Sn20_{20} cluster using density-functional molecular dynamics. These simulations have been performed over a temperature range of 150 to 3000 K, with a total simulation time of order 1 ns. The prolate ground state and low-lying isomers consist of two tricapped trigonal prism (TTP) units stacked end to end. The ionic specific heat, calculated via a multihistogram fit, shows a small peak around 500 K and a shoulder around 850 K. The main peak occurs around 1200 K, about 700 K higher than the bulk melting temperature, but significantly lower than that for Sn10_{10}. The main peak is accompanied by a sharp change in the prolate shape of the cluster due to the fusion of the two TTP units to form a compact, near spherical structure with a diffusive liquidlike ionic motion. The small peak at 500 K is associated with rearrangement processes within the TTP units, while the shoulder at 850 K corresponds to distortion of at least one TTP unit, preserving the overall prolate shape of the cluster. At all temperatures observed, the bonding remains covalent.Comment: Latex File and EPS Figures. 18 pages,11 Figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Equilibrium molecular thermodynamics from Kirkwood sampling.

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    We present two methods for barrierless equilibrium sampling of molecular systems based on the recently proposed Kirkwood method (J. Chem. Phys. 2009, 130, 134102). Kirkwood sampling employs low-order correlations among internal coordinates of a molecule for random (or non-Markovian) sampling of the high dimensional conformational space. This is a geometrical sampling method independent of the potential energy surface. The first method is a variant of biased Monte Carlo, where Kirkwood sampling is used for generating trial Monte Carlo moves. Using this method, equilibrium distributions corresponding to different temperatures and potential energy functions can be generated from a given set of low-order correlations. Since Kirkwood samples are generated independently, this method is ideally suited for massively parallel distributed computing. The second approach is a variant of reservoir replica exchange, where Kirkwood sampling is used to construct a reservoir of conformations, which exchanges conformations with the replicas performing equilibrium sampling corresponding to different thermodynamic states. Coupling with the Kirkwood reservoir enhances sampling by facilitating global jumps in the conformational space. The efficiency of both methods depends on the overlap of the Kirkwood distribution with the target equilibrium distribution. We present proof-of-concept results for a model nine-atom linear molecule and alanine dipeptide.This research was funded by the European Research Council and EPSRC grant EP/I001352/1. Y.O. was supported, in part, by the JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (“Dynamical Ordering and Integrated Functions”).This is the final published version. It first appeared at http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.jpcb.5b01800
