54 research outputs found

    Influence of the autonomic nervous system on the clinical course of overactive bladder

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    Overactive bladder (OB) is a disease which is very easily diagnosed, but presents considerable difficulties in the choice of treatment mode. At present the specialists turn their attention to this syndrome due to a wide spread of the disease, its negative impact on quality of life, social and economic importance. Pathogenesis of OB is complex. Thus, under conditions of urothelium atrophy which takes place because of estrogen deficiency in postmenopausal women, in violation of its GAG protective layer, barrier function of urothelium are violated, which leads to its damage. The appearence of urination disorder symptoms are associated with the fact that atrophic mucosa of urethra and triangle of bladder are hypersensitive to even minimal portions of urine. Aging process also play a role in OB development including lowering ability of tissues to repair, their elasticity reduction, increased apoptosis and cell atrophy, degeneration of nerve endings, smooth muscle tone change, deterioration of urothelium and its GAG protective layer. It can be a result of manifestation of bladder outlet obstruction that causes OB symptoms in men suffering from benign hyperplasia, prostate cancer and chronic prostatitis

    Intraoperative near-infrared fluorescence visualization of anatomical structures in general surgical and urological practice

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    Aim: to analyze current literature on the assessment of intraoperative near-infrared fluorescence visualization of anatomical structures in general surgical and urological practice. The experience of using intraoperative near-infrared fluorescence visualization of anatomical structures in general surgical and urological practice is analyzed. The priority areas of the method application are defined, the recent clinical studies in various fields of surgery and urology are reviewed. Conclusions. The method of intraoperative near-infrared fluorescence imaging of anatomical structures with abundant vascularization and for assessing oncological prognosis is the most promising

    Atomic and electronic structure of nanostructured few-layer graphene with self-aligned boundaries synthesized on SiC/Si(001) wafers

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    This work was partially supported by the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant № 17-02-01139, 17-02-01291), Beijing Institute of Technology Research Fund Program for Young Scholars, and Science Foundation Ireland

    Application of methods of biological feedback in diagnostics and conservative treatment of female urinary incontinence

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    Изучены особенности биоэлектрической активности мышц тазового дна, эффективность метода биологической обратной связи (БОС) в сочетании с электромиографической триггерной электростимуляцией мышц тазового дна у больных с различными формами недержания мочи. Установлено, что у большинства больных стрессовой или смешанной формами недержания мочи наблюдается выраженное снижение активности показателей электромиограммы и мышечного тонуса тазовых сфинктеров с компенсаторним напряжением мышц промежности, трудностями в мышечном контроле сфинктерного аппарата уретры. Использование метода БОС в сочетании с триггерной электростимуляцией мышц сфинктерного аппарата тазовых органов и мышц промежности позволяет уменьшить проявления нарушений резервуарно-эвакуаторной функции мочевого пузыря у 85 % пациенток с недержанием мочи.The aim of the study was to examine the features of the bioelectrical activity of the muscles of the pelvic floor, study the effectiveness of biofeedback in conjunction with electromyographic electrical trigger stimulation) of the pelvic floor in patients with various forms of urinary incontinence. It was found that most patients with stress or mixed incontinence forms observed marked reduction in activity indicators EMG and muscle tone of the pelvic sphincters with compensatory voltage perineal muscles, difficulty in muscle control in urethral sphincter system, as evidenced by the Rest Average rate increase and decrease Work Average with increase of corresponding indices of Work Deviation (by 38%) and Rest Deviation (by 53%). The use of biofeedback in conjunction with ETS muscle sphincter apparatus of the pelvic organs and muscles of the perineum to reduce manifestations of violations of reservoir — the evacuation of the bladder in 85% of patients with urinary incontinence. The results of this study confirm the need for the widespread introduction of information, method of affordable biofeedback combined with ETS pelvic floor muscles. Indicators of bioelectrical activity of the pelvic floor muscle, skin impedance and peripheral resistance indexes allow for dynamic control of the efficiency of treatment of the disease

    Morphological characterization of biominerals from five multicellular marine algae species

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    Silica biominerals are deposited as amorphous solid structures in plant cells and tissues, providing rigidity to different plant parts and assisting in defence. The shape and size of phytoliths are well established and serve as a useful tool in taxonomic analyses. For the first time we extracted and studied silica biominerals of five marine macroalgae, which we observed by light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD). More than nine different morphotypes of phytoliths ranging from ≥ 10 to ≥ 350 μm in size were found. Some of them were phytoliths made of silica while others showed characteristics of different minerals of calcium. In our study, the “honeycomb” formations were only recorded in Laurencia tropica Yamada and pyramid tabular ones were found only in Tichocarpus crinitus (S.G. Gmelin) Ruprecht. The XRD analysis showed that they consisted of virgilite and gypsum substance, respectively. Silica phytoliths are intrinsic parts of the algae and their morphological characterization can provide the basis for palaeo-reconstruction and taxonomic investigation of brown and red algae in palaeontological studies of fossils where all organic matter has decayed

    SIRT1-NOX4 Signaling Axis Regulates Cancer Cachexia

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    Approximately one third of cancer patients die due to complexities related to cachexia. However, the mechanisms of cachexia and the potential therapeutic interventions remain poorly studied. We observed a significant positive correlation between SIRT1 expression and muscle fiber cross-sectional area in pancreatic cancer patients. Rescuing Sirt1 expression by exogenous expression or pharmacological agents reverted cancer cell-induced myotube wasting in culture conditions and mouse models. RNA-seq and follow-up analyses showed cancer cell-mediated SIRT1 loss induced NF-κB signaling in cachectic muscles that enhanced the expression of FOXO transcription factors and NADPH oxidase 4 (Nox4), a key regulator of reactive oxygen species production. Additionally, we observed a negative correlation between NOX4 expression and skeletal muscle fiber cross-sectional area in pancreatic cancer patients. Knocking out Nox4 in skeletal muscles or pharmacological blockade of Nox4 activity abrogated tumor-induced cachexia in mice. Thus, we conclude that targeting the Sirt1-Nox4 axis in muscles is an effective therapeutic intervention for mitigating pancreatic cancer-induced cachexia

    Na mira do sucesso : estratégias de combate ao insucesso escolar de alunos estrangeiros

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    Trabalho de projeto de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Área de especialização Formação de Adultos), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2017Considerando a importância da integração no contexto escolar e consequentemente no sucesso educativo, o presente trabalho projeto, desenvolvido no âmbito do Mestrado em Ciências da Educação, área de especialidade em Formação de Adultos, centra-se na integração de alunos estrangeiros no ensino português, assim como na dinamização de atividades de promoção do seu sucesso escolar. Deste modo, o relatório apresenta como principais temáticas a integração de estrangeiros em Portugal, o insucesso escolar dos alunos estrangeiros e as políticas educativas de combate a este fenómeno, culminando na definição e desenvolvimento de um projeto de combate ao insucesso escolar destinado a este público. O trabalho desenvolvido junto destes jovens nos últimos nove anos e o diagnóstico elaborado no Agrupamento de Escolas João de Barros permitiu compreender a importância de intervir junto da população estrangeira, fomentando o sucesso educativo e a integração no país de acolhimento, uma vez que a taxa de retenção destes jovens está muito acima dos seus colegas autóctones.Considering the importance of integration in the school context, and consequently in educational success, this project, developed in the scope of the master’s degree in Educational Sciences, specialization in Adult Education, focuses on foreign students’ integration at the Portuguese educational system and activities that could be developed to promote their school success. Therefore, the main themes of the report are the integration of foreigners in Portugal, the lack of academic experience from foreign students and educational policies to reduce this barrier, in order to define and develop a project to combat school failure among this cases. The work developed for the last nine years with this students, the diagnostic elaborated in João de Barros Group of Schools, allowed me to understand the importance of an intervention among foreign students, to foment educational success and integration in the host country, bearing in mind that the retention rate in those cases is far above the native students’ average