4,145 research outputs found

    Gelatin Properties of Goat Skin Produced by Calcium Hydroxide as Curing Material

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    Application of strong bases as curing materials has been widely applied in commercial gelatin industries, but the application of weak bases has not been much done. Application of strong bases as a treatment was not economical and assumed to affect human health. Studies were conducted on the properties of goat skin gelatin manufactured using weak base types of Ca(OH)2 and then compared with properties of commercial gelatin. Skins from Bligon goats of 1.5 to 2.5 years old was used as the raw materials and Ca(OH)2 100 g/l as curing materials. The 2x3 factorial completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications was used as a design study. Two curing times (2 and 4 days) and three concentrations (3, 6, 9% v/v) were used as treatments, and commercial gelatin (pure (P) by Merck, food grade (Fg) and pharmacy standards (Ps)) were used as control. Gelatin produced from goat skins using Ca(OH)2 had properties similar to that of commercial gelatin. The heavy metals (Pb, Cu and Zn) contained in goat skin gelatin still meet the INS standards. The optimum production of gelatin has been generated through the application of 4-day curing time at a concentration of 9% (v/v)

    Farmer\u27s Response to Rumen Fill Transfer Technique

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    ABSTRACT: Under controlled cavironment, rumen fill transfer shows to improve miner fermentation. survival rate and daily liveweight gain of ruminants fed low quality diets but tins should be tested under rural condition. Four villages were selected in Lombok. Each village was represented by 15 mature Bali cows or the total of 60 cows belonged to 45 farmers. Appropriate combination of rumen fill suitable for rumen condition of Bali cows was selected by using the Balitnak Method developed by Winugroho et al (1993) The rumen fill %%us then sun-dried at 08 00 am to 14_00 pm for 4 days prior to be ground through aproximately 1 nun diameter screen. Approximately, 100 g dried and ground selected rumen fill was given to individual cows in the middle of dry season (November 1993). In order to rejection, the nimcn fill was mixed with fresh cassava tubers or banana trunks prior to offering Although, some tree legumes and eon] stovers were supplemented but the diet was still rich in fibre content ie. typical feed during dry season Fanner\u27s response was taken in at the end of dry season or after about 3 months study period. Data were presented in form of percentages. Fresh buffalo rumen fill from Bogor was best combined for rumen environment of Bali cows_ The dried rumen fill was 3 weeks old kept in aerobic under room temperature before being brought to Lombok and given to the animals. According to the fanners, 75% of the transferred cows showed improved cow appetite, 6U% of them had better body condition, 90% of the cows had smoother faeeal output. Thirty percent of the farmers suggest that the smell of the dried fill should be overconied. However. all farrilerS were willing to feed dried ruiner fill for the next dry season Key Words: Farmer\u27s Response, Rumen Fill Transfer, Bali Cow

    The Effect of Curing Process in Acetic Acid on the Gelatin Properties of Blingon Goat Skin

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    Bligon goat is a cross between Kacang with Ettawah goat. The skin of Bligon goat contains collagen protein compounds that have the potential to be processed into gelatin. Curing process is necessary to improve the properties of gelatin both quantitative and qualitative. The purpose of this study was to identification of the best process time and level of acetat acid as curing materials of Blingon goat skin. The skin of male Bligon goat age ±1.5-2.5 years of old and acetic acid (CH3COOH 0.5 M) were used as material. The experiment was run according to completely randomized design (CRD) with factorial pattern of 2x3 and three replications for each treatment. Two processing time (48 and 96 hours) as first factor and three concentrations levels of acetic acid (3, 6 and 9%, v/v) as the second factor. The data were analyzed by analysis of variance. Yields, gel strength and viscosity were used as parameters. The results of this study showed that the processing time up to 96 hours and level of concentration up to 9% significantly affected (P<0.01 ) gel strength, but no significantly on the yields and viscosity. The combination of processing time of 96 hours with concentration level of 3% gave the best results compared to others

    Gelatin Properties of Goat Skin Produced by Calcium Hydroxide as Curing Material

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    Application of strong bases as curing materials has been widely applied in commercial gelatin industries, but the application of weak bases has not been much done. Application of strong bases as a treatment was not economical and assumed to affect human health. Studies were conducted on the properties of goat skin gelatin manufactured using weak base types of Ca(OH)2 and then compared with properties of commercial gelatin. Skins from Bligon goats of 1.5 to 2.5 years old was used as the raw materials and Ca(OH)2 100 g/l as curing materials. The 2x3 factorial completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications was used as a design study. Two curing times (2 and 4 days) and three concentrations (3, 6, 9% v/v) were used as treatments, and commercial gelatin (pure (P) by Merck, food grade (Fg) and pharmacy standards (Ps)) were used as control. Gelatin produced from goat skins using Ca(OH)2 had properties similar to that of commercial gelatin. The heavy metals (Pb, Cu and Zn) contained in goat skin gelatin still meet the INS standards. The optimum production of gelatin has been generated through the application of 4-day curing time at a concentration of 9% (v/v)

    Cambios en el flavor debidos al efecto de diferentes materiales de envases en almacenamiento de aceite de semilla de algodón, aceite hidrogenado y margarina.

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    Bleached cottonseed oil, partially hydrogenated palm oil and margarine were packed in metal cans and white plastic bottles and stored for seven months at room temperature on side bench. Assessment of the stability of the oils towards flavour deterioration was reported. The deterioration of flavour developed from bleached cottonseed oil, partially hydrogenated palm oil and margarine was observed due to increase amount of aldehydes and ketones which play an important role in deterioration of the oils. From the results we found metal can offered suitable and better protection against deterioration than plastic package for cottonseed oil, partially hydrogenated palm oil. While plastic container was better for storing margarine and this is due to the presence of water and salt in margarine where they compose about 16% and 2% respectively.Aceite de semilla de algodón decolorado, aceite de palma parcialmente hidrogenado y margarina fueron envasados en latas metálicas y botellas de plástico blancas y almacenados durante siete meses a temperatura ambiente en estantes. Se relacionó la evaluación de la estabilidad de los aceites con la deterioración del flavor. La deterioración del flavor producida en aceite de semilla de algodón decolorado, aceite de palma parcialmente hidrogenado y margarina fue observada debido al aumento en la cantidad de aldehídos y cotonas que juegan un importante papel en la deterioración de los aceites. A partir de los resultados obtenidos se encontró que las latas metálicas ofrecieron una adecuada y mejor protección frente a la deterioración que los envases de plásticos para aceite de semilla de algodón y aceite de palma parcialmente hidrogenado. Por otra parte, los recipientes de plástico fueron mejores para el almacenamiento de margarina y esto es debido a la presencia de agua y sales en ella en una proporción del 16% y 2% respectivamente

    Implementasi Pembelajaran Hands on Activities Untuk Meningkatkan Sikap Terhadap Sains Pada Siswa SMP

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    Abstrack : This research aims to determine the increase attitudes toward science of students in physic learning by the implementation of hands on activities in class VIII SMPN 20 Pekanbaru. The subjects are students of class VIII3. This class has fewer than 39 students. The data collection instrument in this study is questionnaire of attitudes towards science which consists of 37 statements. Analysis of the data in this study is a descriptive analysis using the gain (increase). If G > 0.3, so the attitude towards science of student is increase by the implementation of hands on activities. The results of all indicators showed: Gain student's attitudes toward science for indicator fun science is 0.09 with a low category, classroom or teacher is 0.08 with a lower category, self directed efforts is 0.14 with a low category, anxiety toward science is 0.16 with a lower category, family model is 0.15 with a low category. So that the average gain attitudes toward science of students in the amount is 0.12 to a low category. Application of hands on activities of material pressure have a low gain to improve attitude science of students in class VIII3 SMPN 20 Pekanbaru

    Land Use Planning for Resilient Pastoral Rangelands: Greater Serengeti Mara Ecosystem

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    Greater Serengeti Mara Ecosystem (GSME) encompasses large protected areas of savanna with iconic wildlife surrounded by pastoralists and farms. GSME is facing severe pressure from human-induced changes due to rapid increase in population and climate variability. We undertook surveys with local communities to understand the potential impacts of these changes on wildlife and livelihoods of communities. We visited eight villages in Kenya and Tanzania and discussed with local communities and leaders, park management on drivers of change, and wishes for future development. To facilitate the conversation, we developed posters with four scenarios as a basis for discussions and a board game for simulation of everyday life for people living close to the protected park areas. The board game served both as a platform for discussing livelihood strategies and evaluating consequences of choices for the players and as a tool for us to record the players\u27 behavior. The game was played with a group of four men and a group of four women in each village and with one group of four policy-makers and one group of park managers from both countries. In general, women were more successful in the game by being more strategic and collaborative than the 8 groups of men and thereby obtaining better scores. The poorest group of players were the policy-makers from both Tanzania and Kenya. The poster and board game results were used to build future scenarios based on Bayesian Belief Network

    Charge excitations associated with charge stripe order in the 214-type nickelate and superconducting cuprate

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    Charge excitations were studied for stipe-ordered 214 compounds, La5/3_{5/3}Sr1/3_{1/3}NiO4_{4} and 1/8-doped La2_{2}(Ba, Sr)x_{x}CuO4_{4} using resonant inelastic x-ray scattering in hard x-ray regime. We have observed charge excitations at the energy transfer of 1 eV with the momentum transfer corresponding to the charge stripe spatial period both for the diagonal (nikelate) and parallel (cuprates) stripes. These new excitations can be interpreted as a collective stripe excitation or charge excitonic mode to a stripe-related in-gap state.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure