406 research outputs found

    Computation of high Reynolds number internal/external flows

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    A general, user oriented computer program, called VNAF2, developed to calculate high Reynolds number internal/external flows is described. The program solves the two dimensional, time dependent Navier-Stokes equations. Turbulence is modeled with either a mixing length, a one transport equation, or a two transport equation model. Interior grid points are computed using the explicit MacCormack scheme with special procedures to speed up the calculation in the fine grid. All boundary conditions are calculated using a reference plane characteristic scheme with the viscous terms treated as source terms. Several internal, external, and internal/external flow calculations are presented

    What Do You Want to Accomplish in the Next 10 Years? The Goals of Emerging Adults

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    Emerging adulthood is a period characterized by transition. Individuals in this stage of development find themselves in between adolescence and young adulthood, faced with consequential decisions related to their educational attainment, career trajectory, and the overall direction of their life course. This study focused on the goal-setting behavior of emerging adults. Data were collected through interviews with individuals between the ages of 18 and 25 (N = 91). It was expected that the goals of this group would be oriented toward more individualistic pursuits, with less emphasis placed on more collectivistic goals. It also was anticipated that interviewees would have wide-ranging and multiple goals, which is reflective of the exploratory nature of emerging adulthood. Results show partial support for these hypotheses as interviewees listed more collectivistic goals than anticipated, but also were likely to list multiple and wideranging goals

    The Influence of Military Service Experiences on Current and Daily Drinking

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    Traumatic military service experience can lead to increased alcohol consumption among veterans, who may use alcohol as a form of self-medication. Veterans with a psychiatric disorder or traumatic brain injury are more likely than nonveterans to be daily drinkers. Non-combat and combat veterans without a PD or TBI are less likely than nonveterans to be daily drinkers

    Direct Monte Carlo Simulations of Hypersonic Low-Density Flows about an ASTV Including Wake Structure

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    Results of a numerical study concerning flow past a 70-deg blunted cone in hypersonic low-density flow environments are presented using the direct simulation Monte-Carlo method. The flow conditions simulated are those that can be obtained in existing low-density hypersonic wind tunnels. Results indicate that a stable vortex forms in the near wake at and below a freestream Knudsen number (based on cone diameter) of 0.01 and the size of the vortex increases with decreasing Knudsen number. The base region of the flow remains in thermal nonequilibrium for all cases considered herein

    Resilience is Low among Both Military and Non-Military Populations with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

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    Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects the lives of 12 million people in the United States. While commonly thought of in relation to military personnel and veterans, PTSD is also common among the general public. Resilience - the ability to cope with stressful events - is essential for recovering from PTSD. This data slice uses data from the National Wellbeing Survey to examine resilience among U.S. working-age adults with and without PTSD by their relationship to the military. Results show that those with PTSD have less resilience than those who have not experienced PTSD. In addition, those with military experience are more resilient than those without military experience

    Uma sondagem via internet projetada para avaliar a vida diária dos idosos

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    O declínio da saúde física e do funcionamento cognitivo, em decorrência da idade, pode ter efeitos profundos na vida diária dos idosos, inclusive no desempenho de tarefas de autocuidado e na participação em atividades sociais. No entanto, pouco ainda se sabe sobre essa relação, devido à falta de medidas adequadas para uma avaliação diária dessa população. Este artigo apresenta um projeto piloto interdisciplinar que desenvolveu medidas diárias de saúde, funcionamento físico, atividades de autocuidado e atividades sociais entre  idosos. No estudo, 182 idosos (com idades entre 60 e 90 anos) participaram, através da internet, de uma breve (~15 minutos) pesquisa de base, e de avaliações diárias, durante sete dias consecutivos. As medidas incluídas nesse estudo, e suas estatísticas descritivas, são apresentadas neste trabalho. Na conclusão são discutidas suas implicações para pesquisas futuras, incluindo os desafios envolvidos no uso da internet para a coleta de dados de idosos

    Development of transparent microwell arrays for optical monitoring and dissection of microbial communities

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    Citation: Halsted, M., Wilmoth, J. L., Briggs, P. A., Hansen, R. R., Briggs, D. P., Timm, A. C., & Retterer, S. T. (2016). Development of transparent microwell arrays for optical monitoring and dissection of microbial communities. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 34(6), 5. doi:10.1116/1.4962739Microbial communities are incredibly complex systems that dramatically and ubiquitously influence our lives. They help to shape our climate and environment, impact agriculture, drive business, and have a tremendous bearing on healthcare and physical security. Spatial confinement, as well as local variations in physical and chemical properties, affects development and interactions within microbial communities that occupy critical niches in the environment. Recent work has demonstrated the use of silicon based microwell arrays, combined with parylene lift-off techniques, to perform both deterministic and stochastic assembly of microbial communities en masse, enabling the high-throughput screening of microbial communities for their response to growth in confined environments under different conditions. The implementation of a transparent microwell array platform can expand and improve the imaging modalities that can be used to characterize these assembled communities. Here, the fabrication and characterization of a next generation transparent microwell array is described. The transparent arrays, comprised of SU-8 patterned on a glass coverslip, retain the ability to use parylene lift-off by integrating a low temperature atomic layer deposition of silicon dioxide into the fabrication process. This silicon dioxide layer prevents adhesion of the parylene material to the patterned SU-8, facilitating dry lift-off, and maintaining the ability to easily assemble microbial communities within the microwells. These transparent microwell arrays can screen numerous community compositions using continuous, high resolution, imaging. The utility of the design was successfully demonstrated through the stochastic seeding and imaging of green fluorescent protein expressing Escherichia coli using both fluorescence and brightfield microscopies. (C) 2016 American Vacuum Society