554 research outputs found

    The interpretability logic ILF

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    In this paper we determine a characteristic class of IL_{set} frames for the principle F. Then we prove that the principle P is not provable in the system ILF. We use a generalized Veltman model

    Generalized Veltman models with a root

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    Provability logic is a nonstandard modal logic. Interpretability logic is an extension of provability logic. Generalized Veltman models are Kripke like semantics for interpretability logic. We consider generalized Veltman models with a root, i.e. r-validity, r-satisfiability and a consequence relation. We modify Fine\u27s and Rautenberg\u27s proof and prove non-compactness of interpretability logic

    Chronopotentiometric Studies of a Preceding chemical Reaction of Second Order: Ti(IV) in SCN- Solution

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    The case of a preceding chemical reaction in a chronopotentiometric experimentunder second order conditions was studied by digital simulation and experimental verification. Chronopotentiometry is sensitive enough to distinguish second from pseudo-first order preceding chemical reaction, only when the ligand ion concentration . is less than five times higher than the electroactive metal ion concentration. These findings are based on experiments of reduction of Ti(IV) in thiocyanate solutions

    »Natura Croatica« – Bibliografija 1992–2001

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    Contents of volumes 1 - 10 Author\u27s index Key wordsSadržaji volumena 1 - 10 Indeks autora Predmetno kazal

    On Some Multidimensional Hilbert-Type Inequalities in the Discrete Case

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    Motivated by the results of Huang, we deduce a pair of discrete multidimensional Hilbert-type inequalities involving a homogeneous kernel of negative degree. We also establish conditions under which the constant factors involved in the established inequalities are the best possible. Finally, we consider some particular settings with homogeneous kernels and weight functions. In this way, we obtain generalizations of some results known from the literature.З метою узагальнення результат Хуанга отримано дві дискретні багатовимiрнi нєрівності гільбертового типу з однорідним ядром від'ємного степеня. Також встановлено умови, за яких сталі множники, що входять до отриманих нерівностей, є найкращими з можливих. Розглянуто деякі конкретні випадки однорідних ядер та вагових функцій. Це дає змогу узагальнити деякі відомі результати

    Prilog poznavanju danjih leptira (Hesperioidea & Papilionoidea) Velebita, Hrvatska

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    During the years 2005 and 2006, 106 butterfly species were identified on Mt. Velebit. The estimated distribution, diversity and biogeographical characteristics of each species are presented in this paper as well as a comparison between recently estimated butterfly fauna and that identified in the past century. Current check-list of 137 butterflies from Mt. Velebit is contained in the Appendix.U dvogodišnjem razdoblju (2005. i 2006.) na prostoru Velebita zabilježeno je 106 vrsta danjih leptira. U radu se navodi njihovo rasprostranjenje, raznolikost kao i biogeografska karakteristika za svaku utvrđenu vrstu. Isto tako uspoređuje se fauna danjih leptira toga prostora utvrđena u prošlom stoljeću s recentnim podacima, te se na temelju toga daje popis 137 vrsta danjih leptira Velebita

    Oblique surface waves at an interface of metal-dielectric superlattice and isotropic dielectric

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    We investigate the existence and the dispersion characteristics of surface waves that propagate at an interface between metal-dielectric superlattice and isotropic dielectric. Within the long wavelength limit, when the effective-medium approximation is valid, the superlattice behaves like a uniaxial plasmonic crystal with the main optical axes perpendicular to the metal-dielectric interfaces. We demonstrate that if such a semi-infinite plasmonic crystal is cut normally to the layer interfaces and brought into the contact with semi-infinite dielectric, a new type of surface modes can appear. The propagation of such modes obliquely to the optical axes occurs under favorable conditions that regard thicknesses of the layers, as well as the proper choice of dielectric permittivity of the constituent materials. We show that losses within the metallic layers can be substantially reduced by making the layers sufficiently thin. At the same time, a dramatic enlargement of the range of angles for oblique propagation of the new surface modes is observed. This can lead, however, to the field non-locality and consequently to the failure of the effective-medium approximation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Model upravljanja kompetencijama vodstva u metalurškim tvrtkama

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    The purpose of presented research was to develop feasible model for leadership competence management in metallurgical companies. Results of the research are presented in the form of a structured procedure for leadership competence development and performance review. Analysis of entry requirements for employment in metallurgical companies synthesized presented set of leadership competences and matrix for calculation of leadership success was developed. With usage of these two tools it is possible to quantify the leadership performance which represents great advantage in leadership benchmarking process. During the research additional set of problems was defined. These problems were addressed heuristically in the framework of this research.Svrha predstavljenog istraživanja bila je razvoj ostvarivog modela upravljanja kompetencijama vodstva u metalurškim tvrtkama. Rezultati istraživanja predstavljeni su u obliku strukturirane procedure razvoja kompetencija vodstva i prosudbe izvršenja. Analiza ulaznih zahtjeva pri zapošljavanju u metalurškim kompanijama sintetizirala je predstavljeni set kompetencija vodstva te je razvijene matrica izračuna uspjeha vodstva. Korištenjem navedenih alata moguće je kvantificirati prosudbu izvršenja što predstavlja veliku prednost u procesu usporedbe vodstva s najboljima. Tijekom istraživanja definiran je dodatni set problema. Predloženo je heurističko rješenje tih problem u okviru ovog istraživanja