785 research outputs found

    Horizon Formation in High-Energy Particles Collision

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    We investigate a classical formation of a trapped surface in 4-dimensional flat space-time in a process of a non-head-on collision of two high-energy particles which are treated as Aichelburg-Sexl shock waves. From the condition of the horizon volume local maximality an equation for the trapped surface is deduced. Using a known solution on the shocks we find a time-dependent solution describing the trapped surface between the shocks. We analyze the horizon appearance and evolution. Obtained results may describe qualitatively the horizon formation in higher dimensional space-time.Comment: Latex2e, 8 pages, 6 figures, references adde

    Господарсько - правове "руйнування" технологічних парків в констекті незабезпечення іноваційного законодавства України.

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    Василенко М.Д. Господарсько - правове "руйнування" технологічних парків в констекті незабезпечення іноваційного законодавства України. / М.Д. Василенко //Актуальні проблеми політики : зб. наук. пр. / гол. ред. С. В. Ківалов ; відп. за вип. Л. І. Кормич. – Одеса : Національний університет "Одеська юридична академія" : Південноукраїнський центр гендерних проблем, 2012. – Вип. 44. – C. 315 - 327.In this work the analysis of economic and legal activities for Ukrainian technological parks in a special regime of doing business development, but the real decrease of innovations is given. It is proved that there is strong necessity of Ukrainian legislation’s for renovation in the part of innovative activity primarily concerning the regime of technological parks. There are considered necessary legislative changes for improvement of situation

    On the sources to study the Holocaust (on the example of Belgorodia)

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    The objective of the paper is to consider some of the problems with the source base available in Russia in the study of the Holocaust on the example of Belgorodia. The primary sources include published documents, archival materials from the State Archive of the Belgorod Region (GABO), as well as reminiscence

    Compound Feed Technology in Sturgeon Fish Aquiculture

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    The modern fish processing industry of the Russian Federation sets the task of increasing the efficiency of the use and development of the resource potential of the fishery complex by means of aquaculture and mariculture development, including sturgeon fish breeding. In this case, complex processing through the rational use of by-products of fish and hydrobiont. In Russia, China, the EU and other countries, most fish processing enterprises do not rationally use by-products of fish cutting, which leads to violation of environmental safety (waste deposits are littered with waste from the fishing industry). The article discusses the prospects of using alternative plant materials in the diet of sturgeon fish, presents the recipes for full extruded compound feed for this group of organisms, the quality indicators of compound feed for sturgeon. A comprehensive assessment of the quality of compound feed products was obtained according to the physicochemical and structural indicators of compound feed. The optimal terms and conditions of storage of the obtained feed were found. Based on the performed tests, it was concluded that it is advisable to use raw materials of plant origin in the composition of compound feed, which contributes to the growth of the live weight of fish, leads to the replacement of the costly components of the compound feed with cheaper raw materials of plant origin, provided that the nutritional value is not reduced, and the period and conditions of storage meet the existing requirements

    Features of Muscle Tissue Microstructure of Cattle in Industrial Agglomerations under the Environmental Pressure Conditions

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    The intensive development of the industrial sector, intensification of the agro-industrial complex, associated with the use of various fertilizers, active use of modern household chemicals lead to the constant increase in xenobiotics in the environment in both rural and urban agglomerations. There are settlements and farms within the industrial areas, therefore, the issue of accumulation of ecotoxicants in the organs and tissues of an animal, as well as the impact on the state of its health, is of particular importance. In the regions with tough environmental situation associated with anthropogenic contamination, xenobiotics of anthropogenic origin can directly or indirectly modify the activity of various body systems. The integral characteristic that reflects adaptive modifications of biota is the morphological and functional status of organs and tissues of an animal, including the state of muscle tissue. An analysis of the regenerative plastic potential of muscle tissue allows finding innovative approaches to assessing the effects of environmental impacts on animals. Up to the present day, the morphological and functional characteristics of muscle tissue in young animals and adult cattle have not been sufficiently studied in the conditions of the tough environmental situation of the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation. The issue of ecological pathologies of organs in productive animals is quite urgent for the territory of the Central Federal District with its developed agro-industrial complex and industry. The study of animals from the agglomeration of the large chemical plant showed that cattle react differently to pollutants. The animals demonstrated changes not only in hematological and biochemical parameters, but also in the morphological and functional status of muscle tissue

    Three-dimensional distribution of the magnetic field and the flux in locally magnetized two-layer ferromagnetic objects

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    Numerical simulation of the spatial distribution of the magnetic field and the flux in two-layer objects is executed. The possibility of measuring the depth of a highly coercive layer on a soft magnetic core by the magnetic field measured on the surface of the object in the interpolar space of a U-shaped electromagnet is theoretically and experimentally shown. © 2016 Author(s)

    The balance of «soul» and «body» categories in human consciousness as a catalyzer of social transformations (in the context of antique philosophical theories)

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    У статті розглянуто погляди філософів часів античності на такі категорії як «душа», «тіло» та «калокагатія» (як синтезуюче поняття гармонії протилежних філософських таборів). Шляхом аналізу авторами виявлено пряму залежність суспільних трансформацій від суб’єктивного сприйняття вищезазначених категорій та вирішення основного питання філософії. Встановлено, що дуалістична природа людини диктує чіткі правила, згідно яких суспільна свідомість, а разом із нею її розвиток, ґрунтуються на особистому рішенні стосовно балансу душевного та тілесного. Фундаментально протилежні феномени та точки зору поєднуються у синтезуючому понятті, яке зберігає конструктив кожного з вихідних понять та дає поштовх до подальшого розвитку думки; у даному випадку таким синтезуючим поняттям є гармонія. Калокагатія античного суспільства з точки зору сучасності залишається однією із основних причин невщухаючого інтересу до того часу, адже не тільки споконвічна недосяжність ідеалів, проте й постійні суспільні трансформації (серед яких – зміни в царині людських душі та тіла) спонукають людину до пошуку ідеальних форм та істинної гармонії.The article discusses the views of ancient philosophers on such categories as «soul», «body» and «kalokagathia» as a synthesizing concept of harmony of opposing philosophical camps. By the analysis authors discovered a direct correlation of social transformations from the subjective perception of the mentioned categories and the solution of the basic question of philosophy. It is established that the dualistic human nature dictates the precise rules by which the public consciousness and its development with it is based on the personal decision regarding the balance of mental and physical. The opposite phenomena and points of view are combined fundamentally in a synthesizing concept which saves that positive, that is in each of initial concepts and gives a shove to subsequent development of idea; in this case such synthesizing concept is harmony. Kalokagathia of ancient society from point of contemporaneity it remains one of principal reasons of interest to this period, in fact not only eternal inaccessibility of ideals but also permanent public transformations (among which – change in the spheres of the human soul and body) induce a man to the search of ideal forms and veritable harmony

    The formation of colostral immunity and its duration in calves during the first months of life

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    The paper presents the results of a study on the formation of colostral immunity and the determination of its duration during the first months of life of calves according to the indications of the level of total IgG and antigen-specific antibodies to pathogens of рarainfluenza 3, respiratory syncytial infection and viral diarrhea of cattle. It has been established that blood serum of newborn calves does not contain antigen-specific immunoglobulins of class G to pathogens of viral diarrhea, respiratory syncytial infection and parainfluenza-3, and the level of total IgG is 2.2 ± 0.61 g/dm3. The concentration of total IgG is increased to 50.50 ± 6.33 g/dm3, and decreases to 27.25 ± 5.82 g/dm3 for 28 days, which contributes to the formation of the immunosuppressive state at the 7th day of a calf life. Starting from 35th day, there is an increase in the concentration of total IgG due to seroconverting of its own antibodies by the body of calves. Immunization of cows-mothers against viral diarrhea, respiratory syncytial infection and parainfluenza-3 contributes to the formation of antigen-specific colostral immunity in calves in the first days of life, which is preserved in diagnostic titers during 63 days after birth

    Биохимические основы генезиса минеральних вод

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    This work directs data about mineral water genesis. The accent on balneological sense is done. We suggest the criteria of biochemical processes estimation which take part in mineral water compounds creation. These criteria can be used for illustration of dependence between waters medical properties and biochemical processes of their genesis.Приведені дані щодо генезису мінеральних вод, надано акцент бальнеологічному значенню вод. Запропоновані критерії оцінки біохімічних процесів, що протікають при формуванні складу мінеральних вод. Вказані критерії можуть бути використані для відображення залежності між лікувальними властивостями вод та біохімією процесів їх генезису.Приведені дані щодо генезису мінеральних вод, надано акцент бальнеологічному значенню вод. Запропоновані критерії оцінки біохімічних процесів, що протікають при формуванні складу мінеральних вод. Вказані критерії можуть бути використані для відображення залежності між лікувальними властивостями вод та біохімією процесів їх генезису