638 research outputs found

    Problems and prospects of development of ecological tourism in Ireland

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    The paper presents the research on the development of ecological tourism in Ireland. The basic directions and problems of development of ecotourism. Income from ecotourism in the country was analyzed in the article, as well as the model for the attraction of tourists to Irelan

    Fast electrochemical membrane actuator:Design, fabrication and preliminary testing

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    An actuator based on water electrolysis with a fast change of voltage polarity is presented. It demonstrates a new actuation principle allowing significant increase the operation frequency of the device due to fast termination of the produced gas. The actuator consists of a working chamber with metallic electrodes and supplying channels filled with an electrolyte. The chamber is formed in a layer of SU-8 and covered by a flexible polydimethylsiloxane membrane, which deforms as the pressure in the chamber increases. Design, fabrication procedure, and first tests of the actuator are described

    Фармакоэпидемиологическая и клинико-лабораторная характеристика лекарственно-индуцированного поражения печени при туберкулезе

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    Objective: improving the efficiency of pharmacotherapy of drug-induced liver injury in tuberculosis by clarifying pharmaco-epidemiological, clinical and laboratory features.Materials and Methods: A retrospective analysis of primary medical records of 250 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, patients «Volgograd Regional Clinical TB Dispensary № 1». We evaluated the dynamics of biochemical parameters characterizing the development of hepatic cytolytic syndrome, examined the impact of gender and age on the incidence of liver damage, we investigated the relationship of clinical tuberculosis and chemotherapy regimen with the incidence of drug-induced liver injury, examined the clinical manifestations of liver disease.Results: Drug-induced liver injury as a complication of a specific anti-TB treatment was diagnosed in 67 patients (26,8%). In 170 patients (68,0%) showed increase in alanine aminotransferase and asparaginaminotrasferazy. Hepatotoxicity significantly more common in patients with disseminated tuberculosis with the collapse of the lung tissue, smear, and a high degree of disease severity. Risk factors for drug liver damage were female gender and age older than 50 years. Women develop liver disease at an earlier date, and displays it harder than men. The earliest and most informative routine biochemical tests, reflecting the state of the liver in the dynamics are ALT and AST. It was found that the mode of the standard anti-TB treatment determines the type of liver injury: the first, 2a and 3rd modes prevails cytolytic hepatocellular type, with 2b mode – combined (mixed) type 4th – type of cholestatic liver damage. It was found that repeated, after the development of hepatotoxic reactions, the appointment of anti-TB drugs without gepatoprotektsii in 94% of patients leads to repeated drug-induced liver damage. Cancel specific therapy against the background of cytolytic syndrome promotes the formation of drug-resistant forms of mycobacteria, and reduces the effectiveness of treatment for tuberculosis.Цель исследования: повышение эффективности фармакотерапии лекарственно-индуцированного поражения печени у больных, получающих специфическую противотуберкулезную химиотерапию, за счет уточнения фармакоэпидемиологических и клинико-лабораторных особенностей заболевания.Материалы и методы: проведен ретроспективный анализ первичной медицинской документации 250 больных туберкулёзом лёгких, пациентов ГКУЗ «Волгоградский областной клинический противотуберкулезный диспансер №1». Дана оценка динамики биохимических показателей, характеризующих развитие печеночного цитолитического синдрома, проведена оценка влияния пола и возраста на частоту повреждения печени, изучена взаимосвязь клинических форм туберкулеза и режима химиотерапии с частотой развития лекарственно-индуцированного поражения печени, изучены клинические проявления поражения печени.Результаты: лекарственно-индуцированное поражение печени как осложнение специфической противотуберкулезной терапии диагностировано у 67 пациентов (26,8%), у 170 больных (68,0%) выявлено повышение уровня аланинаминотрансферазы и аспарагинамино-трасферазы. Гепатотоксические реакции статистически значимо чаще наблюдались у больных с диссеминированной формой туберкулеза с распадом легочной ткани, бактериовыделением и высокой степенью тяжести заболевания. Факторами риска лекарственного поражения печени являлись женский пол и возраст старше 50 лет. У женщин поражение печени развивается в более ранние сроки, и проявления его интенсивнее, чем у мужчин. Самыми ранними и наиболее информативными рутинными биохимическими тестами, отражающими состояние печени в динамике, являются АлАТ и АсАТ. Выявлено, что режим стандартной противотуберкулезной химиотерапии определяет тип поражения печени: при 1, 2а и 3 режимах преобладает цитолитический гепатоцеллюлярный тип, при 2б режиме – комбинированный (смешанный) тип, при 4 режиме – холестатический тип повреждения печени. Выявлено, что повторное, после развития гепатотоксических реакций, назначение противотуберкулезных препаратов без гепатопротекции у 94% пациентов приводит к повторному лекарственно-индуцированному поражению печени. Отмена специфической терапии на фоне цитолитического синдрома способствует формированию лекарственно-устойчивых форм микобактерий и снижает эффективность лечения туберкулеза

    Investigation of the structure and microhardness of Mo-Fe-C coatings obtained by the electron beam injected in the atmosphere

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    In this work 'Mo-Fe-C' coatings fabricated on medium carbon steel by non-vacuum electron beam cladding were investigated. The structure of coatings and transition zones were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It was shown that an increase of Fe percentage in the cladding mixture led to a decrease of the eutectic volume fraction in the coating and was accompanied by the formation of the gradient structure between the coating and a substrate material. Measurements of microhardness in the cross section of samples revealed that the cladding of a 'Mo-C powder mixture contributed to a 4.5-fold increase of microhardness

    Gradients of Taxonomic Diversity among Local Floras in the Russian Arctic

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    Latitudinal and longitudinal changes in taxonomic variables were analyzed in 319 local floras in the Russian Arctic. Within the studied segment of latitudinal gradient, most changes can be described in terms of linear regression with negative coefficients (a number of species, genera and families), or positive coefficients (a proportion of the leading families and genera). However, the mean number of species in a family or genus almost does not change with increasing latitude, although it slightly increases as one moves eastward. The proportion of monocots does not correlate with latitude, but slightly decreases as one moves eastward. Proportions of various families change asynchronously. Although correlation with longitude was less pronounced, mean species richness was specific to many subprovinces, even within a certain subzone. These differences reflect both the diversity of landscapes and the history of flora formation. Keywords: the Arctic, local floras, latitudinal and longitudinal gradient, floristic subprovince