74 research outputs found

    Identifying sources of resistance to late blight and black scurf, and other economically useful traits among interspecific potato hybrids

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    Background. This publication presents the results of a four-year (2016–2019) study undertaken to assess potato hybrids from the nurseries of preliminary tests and the nursery of the second tuber generation for their resistance to Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary and Rhizoctonia solani J.G. Kühn in the environments of Leningrad Province. Potato forms with a set of economically useful traits were identified as promising source material for further breeding.Materials and methods. The study covered the interspecific hybrids developed on the basis of the following species: Solanum vernei Bitt. et Wittm., S. megistacrolobum Bitt., S. chacoense Bitt., S. demissum Lindl., S. verrucosum Schelechtd., S. stoloniferum Schlechtd., S. polytrichon Rydb., S. andigenum Yuz. et Buk., S. rybinii Yuz. et Buk., and S. tuberosum Lindl. Late blight and black scurf resistance tests were performed using the methods approved for the potato selection technology.Results and conclusions. The possibility to select potato genotypes with high and medium resistance of their tops and tubers was ascertained under severe natural infection with P. infestans and R. solani. In the preliminary test nursery, from 4.0 to 62.0% of the tested accessions demonstrated high plant top resistance to late blight, and from 21.6 to 58.0% possessed tuber resistance. The analysis of resistance to black scurf showed that the average score for several years in the preliminary test nursery ranged from 6.3 to 7.6 points (the scale from 9 down to 1), while the percentage of highly resistant accessions was in the range of 25.9–70.7%. In the nursery of the second tuber generation, the average resistance across the years of study varied from 6.3 to 7.8 points, with the percentage of highly resistant hybrids ranging from 27.0 to 87.1%. The selected hybrids were distinguished by their increased productivity (31.4–42.9 t/ha), high marketability of tubers (89–98%), and dry matter content (16.6–19.5%). Source material with a set of economically useful features promising for breeding was identified


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    Interspecific potato hybrids of various origins were analysed in the field under a strong Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary invasion  in the epidemic 2016 and 2017 seasons for foliar and tuber  resistance to late blight. Clones of the second generation were  assessed for their productivity and tuber quality. Genotypes with the  highest resistance to late blight were selected within the populations derived from the following cross combinations: 'Svitanok  Kievsky' x 96133/16, 9451/9 x 94110/8, 943/6 x 'Gitte',  9685/1 x 943/9, 'Sudarynya' x 9674/38, 'Charodey' x 943/9, 'Skarb'  x 94155/1, 'Charodey' x 91102/12 as well as in the progeny  obtained after self-pollination of the varieties: 'Udacha', 'Charodey',  'Bravo', 'Amur', 'Vektar', 'Cortney', 'Yanka', 'Zhuravinka', 'Frittella', 'Real', 'Matushka', 'Irbitsky', and accessions K-22890, 28- 06 and 85-06. Analysis of late blight resistance at early stages of the breeding process increases informativity and helps to identify  promising accessions with different field resistance levels and a set  of economically valuable traits. As a result of this research, genotypes with increased productivity and good table  quality of tubers were selected among the material possessing high  and medium resistance to the pathogen. Original hybrids will be  used as source material in the breeding programs targeted at the  development of cultivars with field resistance to late blight. There  are plans to continue and improve breeding work with such  accessions in the context of their resistance to other diseases and  environmental stress factors

    Training the personnel for the police – is the necessity for change in conditions of reforms

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    Калашник М.В. Підготовка кадрів для ОВС- необхідність змін у світлі реформ / М.В. Калашник // Науковий вісник Ужгородського національного університету. Серія: Право. - 2012. - Вип. 19, т. 3. - С. 126-128.У статті розглянуто проблеми вдосконалення системи підготовки кадрів міліції, в якій відомча освіта посідає чільне місце, та аспекти реформуванням системи відомчої освіти Міністерства внутрішніх справ України в сучасних умовах.In this article the problems of the system police training improving in which the departmental education occupies a prominent place and aspects of education department reforming of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in modern terms.В статье рассмотрены проблемы усовершенствования системы подготовки кадров милиции, в которой ведомственное образование занимает главенствующее место, и аспекты реформирования системы ведомственного образования Министерства внутренних дел Украины в современных условиях

    Scientific selective as a type of creative activity in spiritual and intellectual education and training of students

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    Topicality of the issues of education of foreign students in the higher medical educational institutions of Ukraine is growing, which is associated with the desire and ability of medical universities to strengthen and develop their economic basis.The article presents the main forms of research work conducted by students within the research groups of the departments of Ukrainian Language Studies, Latin and Medical Terminology, for their experience provides an opportunity to form stable skills of independent research work, as well as to improve the quality of mastering internal medicine, and to develop creative and analytical thinking. This helps students to expand their worldview, develop the ability to apply theoretical knowledge and modern research methods in practice, which is of great importance for career guidance and for their further research work after graduation. Attention is paid to the relationships and mutual influences (psychotherapy) of culture and art, religion and science. One of the means of supporting the student in his/her spiritual orientation development is participation in amateur art contests, brain-rings, as well as conducting country studies, preparing speeches with interdisciplinary links, creating poster-based presentations for the day of embroidery, analyzing symbols of Ukraine, its holidays and traditions, etc. Reading the "Canon of Medical Science" by Abu Ibn Sina, we prove that it is necessary to be interested in the life, culture and science of the people who study in higher education, thus stimulating knowledge not only in medicine but also developing intellectual and creative skills of the future specialist.The article analyzes the results of Ukrainian Internal Medicine competitions for medical students. It has been proved that the competition contributes to the development of creative clinical thinking of students and involves not only the traditional theoretical knowledge and practical skills, but also the use of novel interactive computer technologies and visualizing techniques (photos and / or video protocols, video imaging, etc.)

    The First Year of the Priority 2030 Program Implementation: Positive Results and Problem Areas of Research Track Universities

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    The article considers the results of the main activities of universities – participants’ groups of the Priority 2030 program of the «Leadership in Research» track (hereinafter referred to as the research track) at the initial stage of its implementation. An analysis of performance indicators’ dynamics for groups of universities in the period preceding the implementation of the program (2017–2020) and the first year of its implementation (2021) was carried out. Special attention is given to the analysis of the activities of universities that are leaders in the research track. As part of the comprehensive analysis, positive results were identified, as well as some problem areas in the activities of universities. An analysis of the basic indicators shows that the researched groups of universities in a number of indicators have a relatively small difference in the achieved values, while the indicators of the special part revealed an unconditional group of leaders

    Research Leadership of the “Priority 2030” Program: Success Factors

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    The article presents the results of comparative analysis of universities’ activities over the past five years, which won the special grant in the “Research Leadership” track of the “Priority 2030” program. The comparison is carried out between the following groups of universities: 1) all universities of the “Research Leadership” track, 2) the first, second and third groups, selected according to the results of the competition, and 3) group of Project 5-100 participants. The state strategic initiatives in the field of the higher education system over the past 15 years were considered to determine their impact on the development of the considered groups of universities; the indicators that make significant contribution to the results of educational, research, international and financial activities of universities were selected. The aggregation of indicators for university groups has been carried out using the Displaced Ideal method and the comparative analysis for 2016 – 2020. The significant indicators of scientific and research activities of analyzed groups of universities for 2018 – 2020 were considered. Based on the analysis, the most significant factors of success have been identified that ensured the victory of the considered universities in the Priority 2030 competition on the “Research Leadership” track

    First Successes and Failures of Universities Participating in “Leadership in the Region and/or Industry” Track of the “Priority 2030” Program

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    The article presents the results of quantitative indicators analysis of the main activities of three groups of universities participating in the “Priority 2030” program of the “Leadership in the region and/or industry” track (hereinafter referred to as the territorial and industrial track) during the first year of their development programs implementation. The Displaced Ideal Method was used in the research. Dynamics of indicators series of special and basic parts has being analyzed for universities groups in 2017-2021. The strengths and weaknesses of the universities groups of the territorial and industrial track are revealed. It was established that the special indicators values achieved by universities during the first year had a significant impact on the assessment of the Council for universities development programs support in frame of Priority-2030 Project, which taking into account the performances of the universities teams led to significant changes in the groups composition of the studied track – more than half of universities changed their positions. A number of reasons were considered that led to a change in universities’ positions in the groups of the researched track

    Analysis of Performance of University Groups Belonging to “Leadership in the Region and/or Industry” Track of “Priority 2030” Program

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    This article presents the comprehensive study results of the performance of universities which are the winners of the “Leadership in the region and/or industry” track of the “Priority 2030” program. The research included a comparison of the results of 3 groups of universities of this track, determined by the results of the competition. The participation of these groups of universities in the main strategic initiatives in the field of the higher education system development in 2006–2020 is considered; indicators for the main areas of university activities were selected and grouped, namely, educational, scientific and innovation, international and financial. The comparative analysis of aggregate indicators of recent years is based on the Displaced Ideal Method. This made it possible not only to determine the current positions of universities belonging to the examined track, but also to identify a number of problems in their activities that need to be solved in the coming years to strengthen their contribution to the socio-economic development of the regions. The results of the comprehensive analysis can be used not only by the current participants of the “Leadership in the region and/or industry” track of the “Priority 2030” program, but also by universities that only plan to take part in this program in the near future and the expert community engaged in research in the field of higher education development in Russia

    Problems of Russia’s Integration into the Legal Framework of Europe

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    In the article the authors examine the issues of legal interaction between Russia and the European Court of Human Rights on the basis of generalization of empirical results obtained during the sociological survey of groups of respondents of different professional backgrounds. The blocks of legislative and law enforcement problems that need to be resolved are highlighted. The conclusion is made about the need to transform and unify the existing Russian legislation and law enforcement practices, relying on the practice of the European Court of Human Rights and the practice of national courts. Legislative proposals and law enforcement recommendations are formulated based on the results of the study. In the article, on the basis of generalization of empirical results obtained during the sociological survey of groups of respondents with different professional backgrounds, the authors examine the issues of Russia’s interaction with the European Court of Human Rights. The blocks of legislative and law enforcement problems that need to be resolved are highlighted. Drawing on the practice of the European Court of Human Rights and the practice of national courts, it is concluded that it is necessary to transform and unify the existing Russian legislation and law enforcement practice. The results of the study formulate legislative proposals and enforcement recommendations.     Keywords: justice, civil proceedings, Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, European Court of Human Rights, law enforcement, case la

    Formation of professional ethics of future physicians-surgeons, using a “case-study” technology

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    Objective. To substantiate the prerequisites of moral behavior and to demonstrate the application procedures for a “case-study” technology while formation of professional ethics in the future physicians-surgeons. Materials and methods. The education-professional program for the specialists training in accordance to the 222 «Medicine» specialty, the education plans and programs of primary specialization for physician while internship in surgical specialties, and the situation exercises were analyzed. In the experiment 418 persons took part, who studied up, and 24 teachers of high medical schools. The investigation was conducted, using theoretical (bibliographic analysis), empyrical (observation, talks, questioning, expert opinions, testings, rangings) methods and procedures of mathematical statistics. Results. The indices of the ethics knowledge and capacities formed in the experimental group, the participants of which were studied in accordance to the “case-study” technology, have grown up, comparing with the paired indices of a control group. Conclusion. The «case-study” technology application consists of involvement of future physicians-surgeons in active analysis of various professional situations, gaining by them a certain experience of professional interrelations with colleagues, patients and their relatives,  subjects of interrelationship