166 research outputs found

    Model for quantitative tip-enhanced spectroscopy and the extraction of nanoscale-resolved optical constants

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    Near-field infrared spectroscopy by elastic scattering of light from a probe tip resolves optical contrasts in materials at dramatically sub-wavelength scales across a broad energy range, with the demonstrated capacity for chemical identification at the nanoscale. However, current models of probe-sample near-field interactions still cannot provide a sufficiently quantitatively interpretation of measured near-field contrasts, especially in the case of materials supporting strong surface phonons. We present a model of near-field spectroscopy derived from basic principles and verified by finite-element simulations, demonstrating superb predictive agreement both with tunable quantum cascade laser near-field spectroscopy of SiO2_2 thin films and with newly presented nanoscale Fourier transform infrared (nanoFTIR) spectroscopy of crystalline SiC. We discuss the role of probe geometry, field retardation, and surface mode dispersion in shaping the measured near-field response. This treatment enables a route to quantitatively determine nano-resolved optical constants, as we demonstrate by inverting newly presented nanoFTIR spectra of an SiO2_2 thin film into the frequency dependent dielectric function of its mid-infrared optical phonon. Our formalism further enables tip-enhanced spectroscopy as a potent diagnostic tool for quantitative nano-scale spectroscopy.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figure

    Impact of Preindustrial Biomass-Burning Emissions on the Oxidation Pathways of Tropospheric Sulfur and Nitrogen

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    Ice core measurements (H2O2 and CH4/HCHO) and modeling studies indicate a change in the oxidation capacity of the atmosphere since the onset of the Industrial Revolution due to increases in fossil fuel burning emissions [e. g., Lelieveld et al., 2002; Hauglustaine and Brasseur, 2001; Wang and Jacob, 1998; Staffelbach et al., 1991]. The mass-independent fractionation (MIF) in the oxygen isotopes of sulfate and nitrate from a Greenland ice core reveal that biomass-burning events in North America just prior to the Industrial Revolution significantly impacted the oxidation pathways of sulfur and nitrogen species deposited in Greenland ice. This finding highlights the importance of biomass-burning emissions for atmospheric chemistry in preindustrial North America and warrants the inclusion of this impact in modeling studies estimating changes in atmospheric oxidant chemistry since the Industrial Revolution, particularly when using paleo-oxidant data as a reference for model evaluation

    Nitrogen and oxygen isotope constraints on the origin of atmospheric nitrate in coastal Antarctica

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    Throughout the year 2001, aerosol samples were collected continuously for 10 to 15 days at the French Antarctic Station Dumont d&apos;Urville (DDU) (66&deg;40&apos; S, l40&deg;0&apos; E, 40 m above mean sea level). The nitrogen and oxygen isotopic ratios of particulate nitrate at DDU exhibit seasonal variations that are among the most extreme observed for nitrate on Earth. In association with concentration measurements, the isotope ratios delineate four distinct periods, broadly consistent with previous studies on Antarctic coastal areas. During austral autumn and early winter (March to mid-July), nitrate concentrations attain a minimum between 10 and 30 ng m<sup>&minus;3</sup> (referred to as Period 2). Two local maxima in August (55 ng m<sup>&minus;3</sup>) and November/December (165 ng m<sup>&minus;3</sup>) are used to assign Period 3 (mid-July to September) and Period 4 (October to December). Period 1 (January to March) is a transition period between the maximum concentration of Period 4 and the background concentration of Period 2. These seasonal changes are reflected in changes of the nitrogen and oxygen isotope ratios. During Period 2, which is characterized by background concentrations, the isotope ratios are in the range of previous measurements at mid-latitudes: &delta;<sup>18</sup>O<sub>vsmow</sub>=(77.2&plusmn;8.6)&permil;; &Delta;<sup>17</sup>O=(29.8&plusmn;4.4)&permil;; &delta;<sup>15</sup>N<sub>air</sub>=(&minus;4.4&plusmn;5.4)&permil; (mean &plusmn; one standard deviation). Period 3 is accompanied by a significant increase of the oxygen isotope ratios and a small increase of the nitrogen isotope ratio to &delta;<sup>18</sup>O<sub>vsmow</sub>=(98.8&plusmn;13.9)&permil;; &Delta;<sup>17</sup>O=(38.8&plusmn;4.7)&permil; and &delta;<sup>15</sup>N<sub>air</sub>=(4.3&plusmn;8.20&permil;). Period 4 is characterized by a minimum <sup>15</sup>N/<sup>14</sup>N ratio, only matched by one prior study of Antarctic aerosols, and oxygen isotope ratios similar to Period 2: &delta;<sup>18</sup>O<sub>vsmow</sub>=(77.2&plusmn;7.7)&permil;; &Delta;<sup>17</sup>O=(31.1&plusmn;3.2)&permil;; &delta;<sup>15</sup>N<sub>air</sub>=(&minus;32.7&plusmn;8.4)&permil;. Finally, during Period 1, isotope ratios reach minimum values for oxygen and intermediate values for nitrogen: &delta;<sup>18</sup>O<sub>vsmow</sub>=63.2&plusmn;2.5&permil;; &Delta;<sup>17</sup>O=24.0&plusmn;1.1&permil;; &delta;<sup>15</sup>N<sub>air</sub>=&minus;17.9&plusmn;4.0&permil;). Based on the measured isotopic composition, known atmospheric transport patterns and the current understanding of kinetics and isotope effects of relevant atmospheric chemical processes, we suggest that elevated tropospheric nitrate levels during Period 3 are most likely the result of nitrate sedimentation from polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs), whereas elevated nitrate levels during Period 4 are likely to result from snow re-emission of nitrogen oxide species. We are unable to attribute the source of the nitrate during periods 1 and 2 to local production or long-range transport, but note that the oxygen isotopic composition is in agreement with day and night time nitrate chemistry driven by the diurnal solar cycle. A precise quantification is difficult, due to our insufficient knowledge of isotope fractionation during the reactions leading to nitrate formation, among other reasons

    Subdiffractional focusing and guiding of polaritonic rays in a natural hyperbolic material

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    Uniaxial materials whose axial and tangential permittivities have opposite signs are referred to as indefinite or hyperbolic media. In such materials light propagation is unusual, leading to novel and often non-intuitive optical phenomena. Here we report infrared nano-imaging experiments demonstrating that crystals of hexagonal boron nitride (hBN), a natural mid-infrared hyperbolic material, can act as a "hyper-focusing lens" and as a multi-mode waveguide. The lensing is manifested by subdiffractional focusing of phonon-polaritons launched by metallic disks underneath the hBN crystal. The waveguiding is revealed through the modal analysis of the periodic patterns observed around such launchers and near the sample edges. Our work opens new opportunities for anisotropic layered insulators in infrared nanophotonics complementing and potentially surpassing concurrent artificial hyperbolic materials with lower losses and higher optical localization.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figure

    Regional manifestation of the widespread disruption of soil-landscapes by the 4kyr BP impact-linked dust event using pedo-sedimentary micro-fabrics

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    The co-occurrence of a sharp dust peak, low lake levels, forest reduction, and ice retreat at ca. 4-kyr BP throughout tropical Africa and West Asia have been widely explained as the effect of an abrupt climate change. The detailed study of soils and archaeological records provided evidence to re-interpret the 4 kyr BP dust event linked rather to the fallback of an impact-ejecta, but not climate change. Here we aim to further investigate the exceptional perturbation of the soil-landscapes widely initiated by the 4 kyr BP dust event. Results are based on soil data from the eastern Khabur basin (North-East Syria), the Vera Basin (Spain), and the lower Moche Valley (West Peru) compared with a new study at the reference site of Ebeon (West France). The quality of the 4 kyr BP dust signal and the related environmental records are investigated through a micromorphological study of pedo-sedimentary micro-fabrics combined with SEM-microprobe, mineralogical, and geochemical analyses.In the four regions studied, the intact 4 kyr BP signal is identifi ed as a discontinuous burnt soil surface with an exotic dust assemblage assigned to the distal fallout of an impact-ejecta. Its unusual two-fold micro-facies is interpreted as (1) flash heating due to pulverization of the hot ejecta cloud at the soil surface, and (2) high energy deflation caused by the impact-related air blast. Disruption of the soil surface is shown to have been rapidly followed by a major de-stabilisation of the soil cover. Local factors and regional settings have exerted a major control on the timing, duration, and magnitude of landscape disturbances. Studies showed how a high quality signal allows to discriminate the short-term severe landscape disturbances linked to the exceptional 4 kyr BP dust event from more gradual environmental changes triggered by climate shift at the same time

    First observation of a mass independent isotopic fractionation in a condensation reaction

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    Thiemens and Heidenreich (1983) first demonstrated that a chemically produced mass independent isotopic fractionation process could produce an isotopic composition which is identical to that observed in Allende inclusions. This raised the possibility that the meteoritic components could be produced by chemical, rather than nuclear processes. In order to develop a mechanistic model of the early solar system, it is important that relevant reactions be studied, particularly, those which may occur in the earliest condensation reactions. The isotopic results for isotopic fractionations associated with condensation processes are reported. A large mass independent isotopic fractionation is observed in one of the experiments

    Near-field spectroscopy of silicon dioxide thin films

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    We analyze the results of scanning near-field infrared spectroscopy performed on thin films of a-SiO2 on Si substrate. The measured near-field signal exhibits surface-phonon resonances whose strength has a strong thickness dependence in the range from 2 to 300 {nm}. These observations are compared with calculations in which the tip of the near-field infrared spectrometer is modeled either as a point dipole or an elongated spheroid. The latter model accounts for the antenna effect of the tip and gives a better agreement with the experiment. Possible applications of the near-field technique for depth profiling of layered nanostructures are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Oxygen isotopic fractionation in the photochemistry of nitrate in water and ice

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    We recently reported the first multiple oxygen isotope composition of nitrate (NO_3^−) in ice cores (Alexander et al., 2004). Postdepositional photolysis and volatilization may alter the isotopic signatures of snowpack nitrate. Therefore the precise assessment of the geochemical/atmospheric significance of O-isotopic signatures requires information on the relative rates of photolysis (λ > 300 nm) of N^(16)O_3^−, N^(16)O_2^(17)O^−, and N^(16)O_2^(18)O^− in ice. Here we report on ^(17)O^- and ^(18)O^-fractionation in the 313-nm photolysis of 10-mM aqueous solutions of normal Fisher KNO3 (i.e., Δ17O = −0.2 ± 0.2‰) and 17O-enriched USGS-35 NaNO_3 (Δ^(17)O = 21.0 ± 0.4‰) between −30° and 25°C. We found that Fisher KNO_3 undergoes mass-dependent O-fractionation, i.e., a process that preserves Δ^(17)O = 0. In contrast, Δ^(17)O in USGS-35 NaNO_3 decreased by 1.6 ± 0.4‰ and 2.0 ± 0.4‰ at 25°C, 1.2 ± 0.4‰ and 1.3 ± 0.4‰ at −5°C, and 0.2 ± 0.4‰ and 1.1 ± 0.4‰ at −30°C, after 12 and 24 hours, respectively. Since the small quantum yield (∼0.2%) of NO_3^− photodecomposition into (NO_2 + OH) is due to extensive cage recombination of the primary photofragments rather than to intramolecular processes, the observed Δ^(17)O decreases likely reflect competitive O-isotope exchange of geminate OH-radicals with H_2O (Δ^(17)O = 0) and escape from the solvent cage, in addition to residual O-isotope mixing of the final photoproducts NO, NO_2, NO_2^−, with H_2O. At the prevailing low temperatures, photochemical processing will not impair the diagnostic value of O-isotopic signatures in tracing the chemical ancestry of nitrate in polar ice